... Perpetual Grief... Lilith:: Thou Once Bright in Purity But Thou Killedest Out of Love Now Thou Impure in Original Sin

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...Perpetual grief...


-         To thee the grief is perpetual because thou art a vampire, the evil depends
on thee, but thou shalt always live from shadows and in shadows.

-         Thy devilish wings never will take thee to the everlasting rest in paradise,
to the everlasting bright in heaven.

-         -Lost paradise-

The tears of thine fall to the dust

Crying for thy sinful pain

Thy punishment eternal solitude

Thou once bright in purity

But thou killedest out of love

Now thou impure in original sin

Thou sacrifiedest thy kinsman

To embrace a love out of love

But it was thy mistake made

Thine tears fall to the dust

Crying for thy sinful pain

Thy punishment, eternal solitude

Banished by thine lord of hope

Thou hast to wander in the lands beyond

In the land of eternal shadows and fog

-The land of NOD-

Thou cryest in silence

Thou screamest in silence

And I came to comfort thy suffering

-Matter tenebra-

I am the daughter of the night

Bride of the infinite darkness

Perpetual mother of the vampires

-I am Lilith-

I flied free through the night

I run to the land of forgetfulness

I escaped from the web of the lord

I grew in darkness alone

I fed my withered soul with ashes

I rose my power from dust and grief

-I am matter tenebra-

I shall embrace a being as cursed as thou

To be one of my children, son of blood

I shall give to thee my power and dusk

But to thee the grief is perpetual

Because thou art reborn as a vampire

And thy power and life depend on life

And thy devilish wings will never take thee

Back to the everlasting rest in paradise

Back to the everlasting glare of thine paradise lost

-Thou my king of Nod-



“in the beginning there was only Caine, Caine who sacrificed his brother out of
love, Caine who was cast out, Caine who was cursed forever with immortality,
Caine who was cursed with the lust for blood, it is Caine from whom we all
come, our sire’s sire, for the passing of an age, he lived in the land of Nod, in
loneliness and suffering, for an aeon he remanded alone. But the passing of a
memory drowned his sorrow”


I am the first born son of the first ones

Who grew in the flourishing world of mortals

Protector of the fruits of the mother earth

I am the first born son of the one above

As beauteous as the bloody roses

As pale as the shining moon

I am Caine of Nod first born of Adam

Who caresses the darkness and the gloom

The melancholy of the roses is my own

But a dark fate born by my desire

The black clouds filed the sky

In the shiniest day of the primal ones

Oh¡ great lord almighty above

Who banished us from thine garden

Look down upon and accept my beloved one

This is my sacrifice prize to thee

Abel’s heart lifeless in the scorching blaze

Of the stone altar of holy blood

I’ve killed my own out of absolute love

The Abel’s blood was the seal of my heart

Oh¡ please brother forgive me for what I’ve done

My sacrificial prize to the one almighty

Met not the approval of him above

Forever I was cursed to wander beyond alone

From that day forth I was cursed

By my father and his father above

To repent for the prize I have given

But why have I been cursed so?

If have I not done what he asked for?

The sacrificial prize of holy blood?

Exiled to wander in ashes and dust

To be in the welcoming arms of the Cimmerian dusk

In the lands beyond of perpetual darkness

Cursed forever with immortality

Cursed forever with lust for blood

Cursed in loneliness

Cursed forever to not beget progeny

Cursed will be my off springs

Cursed by the words of damnation




“ I was cold and thou clothed me

  I starved and thou fed me

I was mournful yet thou loved me

I shed bloody tears and thou made them disappear

Thou kissed away my fears, thy powers I could see would forever set me free...”

Exiled was I by the mercy of god

To find ways to repent my sin

Exiled was I to be gone in Nod

I grew alone in darkness and sin

I cried for the crime I have done

My kin offered to the unmerciful deity

Alone in darkness I just found dusk

But in the thick fog thy brilliant eyes

Pierced the blackness of my solitude

It was thou, my father’s first bride

I could hear thy sweet voice uttering

Words of surcease and rejoicing

Like me thou were cursed to dwell

In solitude and shadows of night

Like me thou lived alone in nod.

How could thou survive in the

Deepest forlorn darkness of the night

Without companions or friends in solety?

Oh¡ sweetest lady of the beast

Please teach me the secrets of thy kingdom

Teach me how to live in this forgotten land


The secret of my kingdom, the blood

The fount of my power, the dusk

I grew through the magic of my own

If thou indeed wantest to know my world

So thou hast to drink from the fount of my veins

My sweet blood, magic life of the life


I did wanted thy blood as sweet as wine

I took the power of eternal life

And so the abyss opened its arms

Into darkness I fell and fell

Into the deepest abyss I tumbled down

That was the prize of thy magic gift

I drank and sucked whole thine blood

And out from the thin obscurity

I was reborn as a vampire, the first one

It was the prize of my being banished

It was the power of immortality

It was the vampiric gift of the blood.


What if in the silence we walk together towards the immensity of the
mother darkness? What about if we take our hands and fly to the dark sky
of this midwinter night? Tell me, can we flee this reality of ambition and
dust? Tell me, dost thou love me? Or it is simple illusions of my broken
heart? Tell me.

Give me the answer to these questions, but give them to me now, I do not
want to wait any more, tell me thy secrets, tell me thy senses, tell me if
thou love’st me in shadows and silence, tell me my son.

What about if in the path of bloody roses we walk together towards the
Cimmerian darkness? What about if we take our souls and fly free from
this world that persecute us? What about if thou love’st me in silence and

I cannot tell thee what I feel, in silence I get to suffer by thine absence, in
my own shadows I get to imagine the day when we will be together again
as in my lost dreams, in silence I get to suffer by thine despite, in my dark
room I cry in eternal laments for thy absence.

Cometh son mine, cometh my pallid son, child of curiosity, child of endless
beauty, return to my arms, I want to love thee again as in the past days I

I ask thee again my son, What about if in the cimmeries we walk to find the
lost hope, the lost dreams of ours? Tell me, dost thou remember when I kiss
thee for once? Dost thou remember when I embrace thee in the veil of the
shadows? Dost not thou know me?

Tell me because in the silence and blindness I cannot find the trail of thy
withered love to me, in the silence I cannot hear thy whispering voice
saying “I love thee” the ravens’ cry silent thy voice, come forward let me
see thy face in the dimness, let me see the thine in light, let me see again
such beauty.

I pray at thee my son, my, o’er, my whole and my hole. But why there is no
answer? Perhaps art thou absent? Or thou dost not hear my calling perhaps
the dungeon of envy and vanity doth not let thee hear my chant, perhaps
thou art in jail in the dungeon of insanity, where only what is visible, is thy
selfishness, perhaps because thou hast not senses and thou were corrupted
by sadness.

A dungeon horrible all round, and thou alone blind, in the flame of the
purification, repenting thy sins, repenting of having left me in solitude,
perhaps those are the reasons why thou art not giving answers to my
questions, I think in motionless, I gave thee every single thing thou art so
far, I gave thee the immortality, and maybe that was my mistake done, I
was wrong, I made a mistake when I embrace thee, perhaps because I
embrace thee in love, and as thou know’st if there is love in the embrace
the love will wither, decay and finally die, that was my error and in the
echoes of the night it was whispered, thou art alone in suffering and

No senses at all thou did what thou wanted to, and thou will’st always be
rebellious, but till that thou were locked away in the heart of the ground,
thy proud will not die, so thou art dipped, buried, for thy madness, thy
vanity, and thy own.

I know thou art scare of me, so I will hide my powers, and my fears, dost
not thou remember? The night used to belong to us, my dear prince of
placid death, we had a destiny together, but thou in anger of hatred caress
the light of the mortals, a deadly kiss under the moonlight sky was given
and the victim with hollow eyes stared at thee in his last breath.

That was thy punishment, that was thy crime, the revenge against me, try to
love a mortal against me and against the law of the clan, thou took thy
victim where the cold of silence dwelled, thou unconscious son, till thou
saw the demise of thy supposed lover, thou kill’d under the protection of
the night, against my law.

Now cry my son, now repent my son, now I beg the great mother for thy
soul, my lover, repent thy sin, leave apart thy proud and repent, incline
thine head to the vampiric law, and accept thy sin, I already forgave thee,
repent now or before is too late. Down thy head to the majestic supremacy
of the elder, hear my silent words my son, and I hope thou listen’st and
applyest these.

Again my son, what if in silence we walk towards the lady of eternal

lament? Thou were born at my grace to serve only me now hear my silent
voice and hush thy sinful words. The blood painted thy hands; the blood of
an innocent mortal stained thy hands and thy devilish wing my son. Thy
tears darkened thy soul and; in thy own lies thou art tumble down, and in
cryptical depths of thy abyss thou shalt fall.

Thou succumb’d to temptation and in demonic devastation thou shalt suffer

everlasting oblivion and hungry. But thou weak devil askest for being set
free, pour son, repent now, this is my petition, as I love thee I can hate thee
but my love is stronger than my hate to thee. I love thee I want to listen
from thee. But thou art silent.

What if in the silence we walk together towards the immensity of the

mother darkness? What about if we take our hands and fly to the dark sky
of this midwinter night? Tell me, can we flee from this reality of ambition
and dust? Tell me, dost thou love me? Or it is simple illusions of my
broken heart? Tell me; or dost thou prefer the punishment or my hand to

Give me the answer to these questions, but give them to me now, I do not
want to wait any more, tell me thy secrets, tell me thy senses, tell me if
thou love’st me in shadows and silence, tell me my son. Tell me if thou still
love’st me.

Don’t call me animal, I am not a beast, I am one of the elders of the clan, I
am not thy enemy thy motionless words kill me as dagger deep in my heart.
Thy icy look is killing my blaspheme illusions, tell me, I thou can’st hear
me. Thou can’st return to me as once, to be thy moon in which thou can’st
round around in orbit, I can be again thy shelter from thy inner fears, return
to me and repent now.

Come forth my temple of forgetfulness and find me lying in fears and

black tears, I am scare too, as thou, but thou hast not to be so, because I
am hither to accompany thee come and I will embrace thee again as



“Cursed son of Adam, indeed the god’s Mercy is great, inclinate thy head to
him, And repent the sin of thine now, for before it’s too late”


“Not by his grace but by my own, I choose to live with pride in darkness, your
“merciful” deity disgusts me, his kingdom infested my life with lies”


“Thou sad and irreverent fool, have thee no shame? Thou shalt forever fear the
light of the living flame, thou shalt forever eat ashes and drink blood”

Now I am free to fly through night

With my devilish wings of dark fate

My crime, the prize of immortality

But cursed at thrice by his archangels

My night will be endless forever

The shelter from the sun the shadows of night

After Raphael, silvering winged angel

Came the reaper of black wings Uriel

And thence my blood forever cursed will be

I cried crimson tears of anguish

My dismal night forever will be

The moon the merciful one to me

The blood of my blood, childer of my own

Never in light could habit again

The path of Golconda our redemption will be

The bright eyed demoness Lilith

Showed me how to hide from

The eyes of the who dare hunt us

The bright eyed dark goddess

Showed me how to command obedience

And the demon respect

The crimson blood of my lady Lilith

Gave to me greater powers of dusk

Control of all beast and perceiver beyond sight

I could alter forms and flow through the night

The supremacy of vampiric powers

Awaken me to the night at last

-The prize of my damnation-

Eventually I had to run away from Nod

I had to abandon my lady Lilith

To set me free in the land of life

I had to flee from my land of sorrow

I had to get back to the land of my brother

To drown the pain and grief of my soul

Therefore I returned to the world of mortals

To the world of perpetual light

To the world of my brother and his childer

And so I returned to the world of mortals

To the empire that the third born, Seth

And his second and third generation had created.



“The second and the third generation though he became ruler of a mighty
nation, he was still alone, for none was as he. His sorrow grew once again.
Then he committed another great sin, for he beget more progeny of whom
there were only three, but from them came more progeny, Caine’s
grandchilder, and then Caine said: “ and end to this crime there shall be no
more”. And as Caine’s word was the law, his brood obeyed him, but the city
stood for many ages, and became the centre of a mighty empire”

Standing at the gates of my brother’s world

Standing at the gates of Seth’s city

Standing at the gates of a New World

I came to drown my dismal sorrow

I came to hide my mark of damnation

I came to be the ruler of a mighty nation

Yet I became the great king of blood

Ruler of the biggest empire of silence

My sorrow grew again by my sin

I beget progeny to habit my kingdom

I beget three progenies of my own

I committed another great sin


And so my off springs grew in number

The sons of my sons, my grandchilder

And my brood was born by my sin

Therefore my world became the true law

My crime will have an end

And there shall be no more of my brood

However my great empire of Cimmeries

Stood for many ages for an aeon long

My empire center of the great nation

But the anger of the lord above

Made a deluge fall down to earth

And the flood washed over the world

My great empire of Cimmerian power

Was flooded and destroyed

And all its people along with it

I fell again into a gloomy sorrow

I fell again into my loneliness

I fell again into emptiness

I had to leave my progeny to their end

I had to abandon them to their own end

Because I become as a dog seeking wastes

But my kindred, my brood of blood

Came to me and begged me to return

To rebuilt the mighty city as once was

So I did not come back with them

Because the deluge was sent as a punishment

For my return to the world of life.





“of all my childer, none so beloved

My sweet Zillah, none so desired

Her tender skin, her blood so sweet

I was mesmerised by her enchanting eyes.

But she would turn from me; she had no love tome

Nothing I’ve provide could keep her satisfied so I took to room the wilderness

My childer had to learn caution

My childer were killed by the wave of war

My childer could not speak of themselves any longer

Waves of mortal flesh were sent across

Of all around the continents of the primal earth

Sent to burn and destroy the city of the vampires

But only the fool mortal flesh

Thought my childer were fighting their war

Thought my childer will kill each other

But is for us they split their blood

They fought against each other

And at last the war was over again

All my cainites, hid from one another

And from the humans around them

They hid their power and their mark

In the dimness of the hiding

My children still remain tonight

The law of theJyhad still stands

But one of my childer my beloved Zillah

Came to the lands beyond darkness

To embrace my lonely soul in refusing silence

However amid the whispering trees, a crone I saw

Her spell could make me win Zillah’s heart

I should drink her blood and Zillah will be mine

Her bitter blood I drank for many nights

The spell under the moon will start

And Zillah indeed become my own

The elixir of the wrinkled crone

Hath bound the Zillah’s heart

So I will be her serving thrall forever

But after a year and a day, my dear one

Zillah and her grasp on me had gone

Then with a stake through her heart, I left her

-I left her to the dawn-

Again my curse of damnation over me

The agony of my eternal loneliness came to me

I fell again into the wilderness of my own

My beloved Zillah I could not love

The spell of bitter blood, the seal of my own was

The sings of Gehenna the end of my brood shall be.




“Quiet¡ hear the raven’s cry¡ the stillness of the wind, rising hot on the street, the
towers hide the darkness of the day.

When lasombra’s dreams come true on the day when the moon runs as blood and
the sun rises black in the sky that is the day of the damned when Caine’s children
will rise again”

On the first day of Gehenna the Caine’s

Children will rise from their lethargy

And the day of the damned will come.

When the black sun hangs from sky

The world will turn cold and unclean

Filthy things will boil up from the ground

The storms will roll lightening with light fires

The animals will fester and twisted will fall

So, too, our grandsires will rise from the ground

When the antediluvians awake of their slumber

The stronger of us shall fall prey to their hunger

The storms shall awake the earth to the ray cold

They will break their eternal fast

With the sweet blood of them, the mortals

They shall consume them whole

On the second day of Gehenna, I will return

I will call my children to the meeting on the first city

I shall beckon them, sitting on my ebon throne

I shall beckon the vile culprits of daiblure

To meet their deserved fate of punishment

They will drink my scarlet tainted blood

And I will call aloud the names of those

To be destroyed for their great crimes

And all, those who have consumed the heart’s blood of their sire

I will bring them before my black throne

And I will make them drink my tainted blood

So, then my blood will eat their blood

I n the great valley of Enoch

The dark mother will be brought forth there

A duel of dark father and dark mother

Queen Lilith and bastards

Frendlish legions will ascend from the ground

And there shall not know the things which will happen

So the sky will tear apart and the earth below

And the forces of hell will pour up

Out of the filthy cold ground

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