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Research Article

Eur Neurol 2018;80:73–77 Received: July 7, 2018

Accepted: September 5, 2018
DOI: 10.1159/000493531 Published online: October 4, 2018

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: From Chronic

Fatigue to More Specific Syndromes
Svetlana Blitshteyn a Pradeep Chopra b

a Department
of Neurology, University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Buffalo, NY, USA;
b Department
of Medicine, Brown Medical School, Providence, RI, USA

Keywords pain, it may be more beneficial and therapeutically effective

Chronic fatigue syndrome · Fibromyalgia · Chronic to stratify these patients into more specific diagnoses in the
pain · Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome · CDAF group. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel
Neurocardiogenic syncope · Small fiber neuropathy ·
Undifferentiated connective tissue disease · Mast cell
activation syndrome · Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Abstract In the last decade, much has been written in the scien-
In the last decade, a group of chronic disorders associated tific literature about a group of chronic disorders associ-
with fatigue (CDAF) emerged as the leading cause of chron- ated with fatigue (CDAF) originating from various eti-
ic fatigue, chronic pain, and functional impairment, all of ologies, which causes a wide variety of multi-systemic
which have been often labeled in clinical practice as chron- symptoms, and ultimately results in chronic fatigue,
ic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or fibromyalgia. While these chronic pain, and impaired functional level. Patients with
chronic disorders arise from various pathophysiologic CDAF are commonly labeled with chronic fatigue syn-
mechanisms, a shared autoimmune or immune-mediated drome (CFS) and/or fibromyalgia, since the diagnostic
etiology could shift the focus from symptomatic treatment criteria can be easily applied to most patients with CDAF.
of fatigue and pain to targeted immunomodulatory and bi- Although CDAF encompasses a number of diagnostic en-
ological therapy. A clinical paradigm shift is necessary to re- tities, each with specific physiologic basis, all disorders in
evaluate CFS and fibromyalgia diagnoses and its relation- the CDAF group could also fit under the diagnostic crite-
ship to the CDAF entities, which would ultimately lead to a ria of CFS due to the presence of the following key fea-
change in diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for patients tures: chronic fatigue, chronic pain including headaches,
with chronic fatigue and chronic pain. Rather than uniform- sleep disturbance, mood disorder, cognitive complaints,
ly apply the diagnoses of CFS or fibromyalgia to any patient post-exertional malaise, exercise intolerance, and inabil-
presenting with unexplained chronic fatigue or chronic ity to maintain a pre-illness level of functioning [1]. - 10/5/2018 11:32:03 AM

© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel Svetlana Blitshteyn, MD

Director of Dysautonomia Clinic, Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology
State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
King's College London

100 High Street, Buffalo, NY 14203 (USA)
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E-Mail sb25 @

Clinical Features ing of these antibodies has not been made available in
the United States.
Like CFS, CDAF typically begins after a precipitating Objective diagnostic findings include evidence of the
event, such as a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection, a orthostatic intolerance on a tilt table test, autonomic dys-
major or minor surgery or surgical procedure, a motor function and small fiber neuropathy on the autonomic
vehicle accident, concussion, pregnancy, immuniza- function tests, hypovolemia on blood volume testing, and
tion, or after a period of severe physical or mental stress. abnormalities on the functional MRI, SPECT, or PET
In some cases, no precipitating factor can be identified, scan of the brain (conventional MRI of the brain is typi-
but there may be a family history of similar symptoms cally unremarkable or demonstrates non-specific or inci-
and syndromes in the first-degree family members, sug- dental findings). While the underlying etiology of these
gesting a genetic component. At the onset of illness, pa- disorders is not based on the psychological or psychiatric
tients with CDAF are typically diagnosed with “CFS,” or causes, many patients can develop comorbid anxiety and
“fibromyalgia” by their primary care physician. Eventu- depression that may be secondary to chronic illness or as
ally and often after years of seeking answers and better part of the key features of the underlying pathophysiol-
treatment, the patients are referred to other specialties ogy.
for evaluation of various multi-systemic symptoms. In
fact, studies have shown that almost 50% of patients
with the original diagnosis of CFS are actually misdiag- Therapeutic Approach
nosed when they are reevaluated by specialists in CFS
clinics [2]. At this time, a diagnosis of CFS may be re- Typically, patients are evaluated by numerous clini-
placed with one of the diagnoses in the CDAF group. cians from various specialties, including neurology,
These diagnoses may include one or more of the follow- cardiology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, allergy
ing entities: and immunology, otolaryngology, sleep medicine, psy-
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome chiatry, and psychology. Often patients are treated with
Neurocardiogenic syncope symptom-based approach after common diseases in
Small fiber neuropathy each specialty are excluded from the differential diag-
Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease nosis. Patients with CDAF usually undergo extensive
ASIA syndrome diagnostic workup that is either unremarkable or shows
Post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (aka “chronic mild abnormalities that do not fit into a specific diag-
Lyme disease”) nostic entity. Physical therapy, occupational therapy,
Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome psychotherapy, cardiac rehabilitation program, and
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome chronic pain rehabilitation programs are often em-
Seronegative anti-phospholipid syndrome ployed with a variable degree of success. Alternative
therapies in the form of chiropractic care, acupuncture,
massage therapy, acupressure, and reflexology are com-
Diagnosis monly implemented by the patients in order to obtain
relief from various chronic symptoms that interfere
Each of these diagnostic entities is characterized by with their daily life. Naturopathic and integrative med-
manifestations specific to the entity in addition to the icine with a variety of treatment protocols consisting of
original key features of the CFS criteria (Table 1) [3– vitamins, mineral, supplements, and herbs have be-
11]. come popular in the patient community, but less con-
Similar to CFS, these disorders can be vastly misdi- ventional therapies, such as hyperbaric oxygen and in-
agnosed with psychiatric illness, despite the presence of travenous hydrogen peroxide, are also gaining momen-
clinical features pointing toward a physiologic cause tum despite a lack of evidence-based studies on the
[3–11]. A significant number of patients with both efficacy of such therapies. Some of the alternative ther-
CDAF and CFS have abnormal markers of autoimmu- apies may be actually harmful due to possible allergic
nity, inflammation, or immunologic function [3–15]. reactions or other adverse effects, and physicians from
Current studies are focusing on beta adrenergic and various specialties need to be prepared to discuss the
muscarinic antibodies as potential targets in the diag- risks and benefits of nonconventional therapies with
nosis and treatment of CFS [12], but commercial test- their patients. - 10/5/2018 11:32:03 AM

74 Eur Neurol 2018;80:73–77 Blitshteyn/Chopra

DOI: 10.1159/000493531
King's College London
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Table 1. Chronic disorders associated with fatigue: clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment

Chronic Clinical features Diagnostic criteria Diagnostic tests Common treatment


POTS Orthostatic intolerance, postural tachycardia, fatigue, Greater than 30 bpm TTT Beta blockers, fludrocortisone

Specific Syndromes
­dizziness, headaches, nausea, muscle pain (or 40 bpm in teens) increase Supine and standing BP/HR midodrine, high fluid/sodium
in HR on TTT without OH Autonomic function tests intake
NCS Fainting LOC on TTT associated with TTT Fludrocortisone
Orthostatic intolerance abrupt drop in BP on TTT Autonomic Function tests Midodrine
Beta blockers
High fluid/sodium

CFS: From Chronic Fatigue to More

SFN Neuropathic pain, Reduced ENFD/SGNFD on QSART/TST/skin biopsy Gabapentin
Numbness/tingling/burning/itching skin biopsy Pregabalin
Allodynia/dysesthesia Decreased sweat output on Amitriptyline
QSART Duloxetine
Topical lidocaine
UCTD Joint pain, muscle pain Clinical symptoms, abnormal ANA, RF, CRP, ESR, other Corticosteroids,
Fatigue, headache markers of autoimmunity, not positive antibodies hydroxychloroquine, NSAIDs
sufficient for a diagnosis of
defined CTD
ASIA Myalgia, myositis, arthritis, arthralgia, chronic Exposure to external stimuli ANA, ESR, CRP, RF. Other Removal of inciting stimuli if
syndrome fatigue, cognitive impairment (infection, vaccine, silicone) positive antibodies, HLA typing possible
PTLDS Chronic fatigue, joint pain, cognitive disturbance Persistent symptoms after a None specific to PTLDS; lyme Long-term antibiotics do not
Lyme infection despite antibodies may be positive appear to be beneficial
treatment with antibiotics
hEDS Joint hypermobility, joint pain, fatigue, headaches, 2017 diagnostic criteria for Beighton score Physical therapy, orthotics
easy bruising, sleep disturbance HEDS

DOI: 10.1159/000493531
Eur Neurol 2018;80:73–77
MCAS Flushing, itching, hives, fatigue, fainting, headaches, Episodic symptoms consistent Serum tryptase, H1/H2 blockers, mast cell
diarrhea, constipation, nausea, bone pain, with mast cell mediators 24-h urine N-methylhistamine, ­stabilizers
tachycardia, insomnia release, improvement with 24-h urine PGD-2, elevation of
anti-mediator therapy mediators during symptoms
Seronegative Miscarriages, headaches, memory loss, balance Same as seropositive APS, but Anti-cardiolipin antibodies, Aspirin, clopidogrel,
APS difficulty, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, livedo with negative laboratory tests beta 2 glycoprotein antibodies warfarin, heparin
reticularis, arterial or venous thrombotic events

POTS, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; TTT, tilt table test; OH, orthostatic hypotension; BP, blood pressure; HR, heart rate; NCS, neurocardiogenic syn-
cope; LOC, loss of consciousness; SFN, small fiber neuropathy; ENFD, epidermal nerve fiber density; SGNFD, sweat gland nerve fiber density; QSART, quantitative
sudomotor axon reflex test; TST, thermoregulatory sweat test; UCTD, undifferentiated connective tissue disease; ANA, anti-nuclear antibodies; RF, rheumatoid factor;
CRP, c-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; ASIA syndrome, autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome
induced by adjuvants; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; PTLDS, post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome; hEDS, hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; MCAS, mast
cell activation syndrome; PGD-2, prostaglandin 2; H1/H2, histamine 1/histamine 2; APS, antiphospholipid syndrome.

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King's College London - 10/5/2018 11:32:03 AM
Prognosis of CDAF appears to be chronic and variable, Paradigm Shift
given that misdiagnosis and delay in diagnosis are com-
mon [2]. Additionally, prognosis of each disorder has not With that in mind, a clinical paradigm shift is necessary
been well studied in the scientific literature, considering in patient care to view CDAF entities and its relationship
that the etiology is multifactorial and response to therapy to CFS and fibromyalgia. Ultimately, a change in paradigm
is diverse, since many patients have medication sensitivi- would lead to a change in algorithm in how patients with
ties and allergies and are generally prone to medication chronic fatigue are evaluated, diagnosed, and treated.
adverse effects. Psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral Rather than uniformly apply the diagnosis of CFS or fibro-
therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy can myalgia to any patient with chronic fatigue or chronic
be beneficial in improving the functional status and re- pain, it is more effective to stratify the patients into more
ducing the suffering of patients with CDAF. However, specific diagnoses in the CDAF group. The obvious ben-
there is generally limited access, resources, and local in- efit is that a more specific diagnosis yields better treatment
frastructure that is available to patients with CDAF to uti- options than what is usually employed in patients with
lize these therapies. Thus, much like pharmacotherapy, CFS or fibromyalgia. The benefit does not only come from
nonpharmacologic treatment options for CDAF have not more specific treatment options; it also comes from the
been well studied, are typically fragmented, expensive, prospects of better health insurance coverage under differ-
and are not always covered by the patients’ health insur- ent diagnostic codes as well as well as a possibility to par-
ance plans. ticipate in clinical trials available for a specific disorder.

Pharmacotherapy Future Direction

Pharmacotherapy for CDAF is diverse and consists of Over the last few decades, an alarming rise in the num-
medications from various classes (Table 1) [3–11]. At ber of patients presenting with chronic pain or chronic
the onset of CDAF, antidepressants and antianxiety fatigue has been observed in clinical practice [16, 17]. In
medications are often prescribed, given that a misdiag- addition to markers of genetic predisposition, research
nosis with major depression, generalized anxiety disor- into the etiology of CDAF may need to include the impact
der, or panic disorder is common in this patient popula- of the environmental factors, such as atmospheric pollut-
tion. When these medications fail to result in improve- ants, food preservatives, hormonal disruptors, agricultur-
ment or cause significant side effects that are quite al pesticides, pharmaceutical excipients, and possible vac-
prevalent in patients with CDAF, medications for head- cine adjuvants, as potential activators of the immune sys-
ache, neuropathic pain, muscle tension, gastrointestinal tem. Since autoimmunity and immune-mediated etiology
symptoms and sleep disturbance are often prescribed. is presumed to be the basis for most of the subgroups of
Once patients are referred to specialists, a more tailored CDAF and likely for CFS in general, future research
pharmacotherapy can be employed. For example, in pa- should focus on identifying targeted therapies, specifical-
tients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, ly immunomodulatory and biological therapy for CDAF
medications that reduce heart rate (e.g., beta blockers), and CFS. Currently, small therapeutic trials of rituximab
enhance vasoconstriction (midodrine), or expand plas- and immunoadsoprtion demonstrated efficacy in pa-
ma volume (fludrocortisone) are used. In Mast Cell Ac- tients with CFS [13–15], suggesting that a more robust
tivation Syndrome, antihistamines (e.g., loratidine and therapy than simply symptomatic management is a dis-
ranitidine) are commonly employed, and in Undifferen- tinct possibility in the future treatment of patients with
tiated Connective Tissue Disease, anti-inflammatory CFS.
medications (ibuprofen, celecoxib), immunomodulat- The role of the rheumatologists, immunologists, neu-
ing therapy (hydroxychloroquine, intravenous immu- rologists, and pain management specialists is critical in the
noglobulin), and steroids are utilized to treat joint pain evaluation, diagnosis, and management of CDAF and its
and fatigue. A more tailored treatment approach is typ- subsets. Rather than apply a broad umbrella term of CFS
ically more efficacious than the general approach to CFS or fibromyalgia to a diverse patient population with
or fibromyalgia and may result in significant improve- chronic fatigue or chronic pain, clinicians should attempt
ment in the patient’s symptoms, quality of life, and func- to stratify the patients into one of the disorders of CDAF.
tional status. When every disorder in the CDAF group is ruled out, then - 10/5/2018 11:32:03 AM

76 Eur Neurol 2018;80:73–77 Blitshteyn/Chopra

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King's College London
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the default diagnosis can be CFS and/or fibromyalgia. Disclosure Statement
This approach may lead to a change in case definition and
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest to
prevalence of CFS and fibromyalgia, and would also result disclose.
in improved diagnosis and treatment of patients with
chronic and disabling disorders associated with fatigue.

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Specific Syndromes DOI: 10.1159/000493531
King's College London
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