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Student´s name: …………………………………


1 Nouns (countable and uncountable; plural nouns)
2 Articles (a/an /the/zero article)
3 Quantifiers (some, any, no, much, many, a few, a little)
4 Possessive Adjectives (my, your, her, his, its, our, their)
5 Pronouns
[Possessive Pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, its, our, their)]
[Reflexive pronouns (myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves,

1 Nouns

Nouns are naming words. It´s a person, animal or thing.

There are several types of nouns.

There are common nouns. knife
There are proper nouns. Australia
There are collective nouns. a box of cereal
There are compound nouns. toothbrush
Abstract nouns are the names of things you can´t touch taste, smell or hear.
Qualities honesty patience kindness
Feelings anxiety fear friendship
Examples of Collective nouns
people places animals things

A museum of arts A flock of birds/sheep A carton of milk
A team of players
A range of mountains A can of soda
A choir of singers
A cup of tea
A pride of lions
A bowl of rice
A herd of
A cluster of islands
elephants/goats/ cattle A bottle of water
A class of students
A swarm of bees/flies A loaf of bread
A band of men
A kilo of rice
A panel of experts
A basket of fruit
A tribe of natives
A clutch of eggs
A crowd of people An army of ants

A gang of robbers/ A kennel of dogs

A pack of wolves

A shoal of fish
Examples of Compound Nouns
moonlight goldfish newspaper sunrise

classmate cupboard boyfriend grandmother

grandfather grasshopper nobody friendship

seahorse seafood anybody somebody

nowhere everywhere bedroom bathroom

ice cream swimming pool self-confidence dry-cleaning

merry-go-round mother-in-law fireman football

Singular nouns are made plural in defferent ways.

Noun Singular Plural
For most nouns, add an s bin bins
For nouns ending in s, sh, ch, and x add es class classes
watch watches
bush bushes
box boxes
For nouns ending in f and fe, change the f or fe to shelf shelves
v and andd es knife knives
For nouns ending in consonant + y, take off the y family families
and add ies library libraries
For nouns ending in vowel + y, just add s boy boys
Some nouns end in the vowel o, usually we have potato potatoes
to add es
Plural nouns
Some nouns are usually plural.
glasses, trousers, jeans, shorts, pyjamas, scissors, clothes, stairs, etc
Irregular plural nouns
They can change in different ways in plurals. Some irregular nouns don´t change in the
man – men tooth - teeth
fish – fish deer - deer

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable nouns can be singular or Uncountable nouns have no plural
plural. We can count them. form. We can´t count them.
One desk water bread
Two children cheese homework
Three magazines gold honey
Ten friends sugar money

We can make countable nouns by using the container or the quantity.
Examples: a bottle of water, a can of cola, a carton of milk, a glass of water, a loaf
of bread, a slice of pizza, a kilo of sugar, 400 grams of flour, a piece of paper, a
litre of water, a pot of yoghurt, etc.


When we talk about a thing or a person but To talk about people´s job
we don´t say exactly which one:
Nathy´s father is a doctor.eo
Yesterday I read a book.

A – AN
With singular countable nouns
When we talk about something for the first
Before adjectives, to describe people or time, or something that is part of a group or
things type.
I have a cute baby. I bought a car. The car is fantastic!
Do you want a drink?

ARTICLE -THE: With singular, plural and uncountable nouns.

With the names of some countries The USA/ The UK
The Czech Republic, the Netherlands

When it´s clear which person or thing we The book over there is mine
When there is only one The Earth is our home.

With names of oceans, seas, rivers, The Atlantic Ocean, The Red Sea
mountain ranges, and deserts. The Machangara River, The Himalayas,
The Alps, The Rocky Mountains, The
Sahara Desert
With the names of cinemas, theatres, (The Supercines), (The Bolívar theatre),
museums and hotels (The Wax museum)
(The Transilvania Hotel)
With musical instruments. Matías plays the guitar.
With newspapers The New York Times wrote about the
In some expressions: In the morning/afternoon/
evening/at the weekend
With surnames, to talk about families Have you seen the Smiths?

With names of people In these

(Samy), continents (Europe), most expressions:
countries (Ecuador), cities (Quito), At home, at school,
streets (Patria Street), lakes in bed,
(Papallacta) and mountains (Mount
Sangay) Is Samy in bed?

With sports (basketball)

Before plural and
uncountable nouns, when Games (hide and seek)
we talk about things, people School subjects (Science
or animals in general. Computer)
Dolphins are intelligent ZERO Meals (dinner)
ARTICLE Languages (Spanish)
Don´t use a/an
or the

3 Quantifiers
(some, any, no, much, many, a few, a little)

1 2

Some – any
Plural countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Positive She has got some burgers. I have got some salad.
Negative They haven´t got any presents. They haven´t got any money.
Questions Have you got any biscuits? Have you got any juice?

No means “not one” or “not any”.
we use it with positive verbs.

There is no money left. a lot of
There are no magazines to read. We use a lot of with countable and
uncountable nouns.

a little - a few
How much – How many  a little meansa “some”,
Mikel spends lot of money onmuch.
but not video
We use how much and how many in games.
We use it with uncountable nouns.
4 Possessive Adjectives
questions and to ask about quantities.
I havehas
gotaalot of friends
in her
 a few means “some”, but not many.
How much money do we have in the We use it with plural countable
bank? nouns.
How many brothers do you have? Example: We have got a few apples. Let´s
make an apple pie.

I I have a baby. My My baby is cute.
You You have a bike. Your Your bike is green.
He He has an ice-cream. His His ice-cream is delicious.
She She has a brother. Her Her brother is tall.
It It has a bone. Its Its bone is big.
We We have a teacher. Our Our teacher is intelligent.
You You have a cat. Your Your cat is soft.
They They have a car. Their Their car is new.

A possessive pronoun replaces a possessive adjective + noun to avoid repeating
My My purse is black. Mine The purse is mine.
Your Your book is fantastic. Yours The book is yours.
His His desk is hard. His The desk is his.
Her Her jeans are blue. Hers The jeans are hers.
Its Its tail is large. Its The cat is sitting on its treehouse
Our Our house is small. Ours The house is ours.
Your Your umbrella is old. Yours The umbrella is yours.
Their Their bird is noisy. Theirs The bird is theirs.
Note: “its” is not very used as possessive pronoun.

 Reflexive pronouns refer to the subject of the sentence.
 With the verbs: enjoy, behave, help
 With the word by
I cut my finger by myself.
Can I have more juice. of course. Help yourself.
He made dinner by himself

Student´s name: …Valentina…Moya……….. 6th _C__

Date: Friday, September 25, 2020…. Miss Lily

1. Add the suffix tion or sion to make these verbs into abstract nouns
admit …admitsion……….. educate ………education…
inform ……information…….. decide …decidesion……

2. Form compound nouns


Make sentence using a

compound noun.
My brother is a

3. Complete the table. Write the plural form of these words in the correct

flower copy beach child dictionary fish

fox knife lady tomato loaf monkey
party person woman radio pencil shelf
-s -es -ies - ves Irregular
Radios foxes parties shelves children
monkeys tomatoes copies. loaves women
pencils beaches. Ladies knives people
flowers dictionaries …………….. fish

4. Write these sentences in the plural.

a) There is a book on the shelf.

_there are books on the shelves__________________
b) This boy is wearing blue jeans, an orange sweater, and a cap.
_this boys are wearing blue jeans orange sweater and a cap
c) That man is catching a fish.
___those men are catching fish________________________
d) I can see a wolf, a fox and a giraffe.
__i can see wolves foxes and giraffes___________________


5) Read the word and match

oil family
shirt sand
photo countable child
love star
milk uncountable computer
music air
mountain bread

6) Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences. there is an extra one.

a can of a bottle of a cup of a carton of a bag of

My dad have a I drik a cup of Coffe

bottle of water

my dad buy a bag of

My sister drink a
can of soda
Student´s name: ……Valentina Moya…………….. 6th _C_

Date: …Monday, September 28, 2020……….. Miss Lily
1. Complete the sentences with a /an
a) Do you want ___a___ sandwich? I've got some cheese and bread in the shopping bag.
b) She wants to be ___a___ ambulance driver in 1o years.
c) I saw __a__ incredible film yesterday.
d) Do you want __a__ can of soda?
2. Unscramble the letters to discover the noun and write a/ an in the box.

a) g i u a a n

an Iguana
e) f c r s a s c a ra f

f) c e i – r e c a m ice cream

g) e l e o p n v e _e_ _n_ _v_ _e_ _l_ _o_ _p_ _e_

h) a s o p soap

3) Type a, an, the, - in the following sentences.

a. They delivered the_a_ new flat screen TV I ordered last week.

b. We arrived in _____ United States last Friday.
c. Galapagos is my favourite __the__island.
d. I'm looking for _a___ new job.
e. She is __a__ actress and ___an_ singer.
f. __a__ sun is also _a__ star.
g. Miss Lily likes to do exercises in ____ morning.
h. His favorite newspaper is _the____ New York Times.
i. ___ Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
j. Have you visit ____ Wax museum in Quito?
Student´s name: ……………………………………….. 6th ___
Date: ……………………………………..…………….. Miss Lily
1) Complete with some, any or no

a) I would like to prepare a cake. I need ………………. eggs.

b) Oh no! There aren´t …………. bananas.
c) We need to buy …………. milk.
d) Also, there is ………….. sugar in the cupboard.
e) Would you like ……………… coffee?

2) Write your own sentences using some/any/no

a) ………………………………………………………………………………
b) ………………………………………………………………………………
c) ………………………………………………………………………………

3) Complete with How much / How many. Then answer.

a) …………………….. coffee did you drink this morning?

Possible answers: Not much. / A lot! / One cup.

b) ……………………. people are there in your house?


c) ……………………... money did you spend in the party?


d) ………………………... books have you read?


Student´s name: ……………………………………….. 6th ___
Date: ……………………………………..…………….. Miss Lily
1) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive adjective.

my your his her it our their

a) Where is ……………. classroom? We can´t find it.

b) What is ………….. name? My name is Lily.
c) I think this is ………. book. She dropped it on the floor.
d) ……………. are Sophy and Mercedes. They are my friends.

e) Marco forgot to write…….. on the test.
f) Did the horse eat all …………… food?
g) The baby is crying because he can´t find ………… toys.
h) Ecuador is located in South America. …….. capital city is Quito.
i) Oh no! I can´t find ……. glasses.
j) Where is ……………. mom? She is in her job.
2) Follow the model. Use possessive adjectives

Model: Jane´s sister = Her sister

a) Peter´s computer = ……………………………………..

b) Mom and dad´s car = …………………………………..

c) Mary´s doll = ………………………………………………

d) The cat´s tail = …………………………………………..

e) Darla and Cami´s pens = …………………………….

f) The dog´s bone = ………………………………………..

Student´s name: ……………………………………….. 6th ___
Date: ……………………………………..…………….. Miss Lily
1) Complete the table

Subject Pronoun Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun

I My
You Your
He His
She Her
It Its
We Our
They their
2) When do we use possessive pronouns?
1) Choose and color the correct possessive pronoun.
a) My sister bought a new car the last month. The car is ……

her hers she

b) Not that is not …….. That pen is blue. My pen is black.

mine my I

c) It´s not theirs. It´s …………………. We bought it yesterday.

we ours your
d) I don´t think this sandwich is mine. I think is ……………..

your you yours

e) Jose built the model. It ´s …………..

mine he his
Student´s name: ……………………………………….. 6th ___
Date: ……………………………………..…………….. Miss Lily

1) Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns

myself yourself himself herself

itself ourselves themselves

a) Mikel likes to practice English by talking to ………………..

b) Jane wasn’t careful and she cut her finger by …………………

c) The repair shop was closed so, I repair the car by ……………………..

d) Did you enjoy ………………… the game last night?

e) My little baby dressed up by ………………….. He didn´t need any help.

f) Why is the dog scratching…………….. Does he have fleas?

g) I introduce ……………………….. in the first day of the class.

h) Mary and Danna behave well by ………………… in class

i) We prepared dinner alone. We did it by …………………………

j) Look at the kitten. it´s washing by ……………………………

2) Is this statement true or false?

We use reflexive pronouns to refer to the subject of the sentence. Reflexive

pronoun ends in “self” (singular) “selves” (plural)
true false


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