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Documento descargado de el 07/02/2017.

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Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2017;xxx(xx):xxx---xxx


Response to: Is the Nasal Airway through the nostrils and nasal valve at 12---18 m/s, the air
flow reaches the cavum at a velocity of 3---4 m/s. In other
the Main Mode of Transmission words, when it reaches the wider rhinopharyngeal region,
for Pharyngeal Tuberculosis?夽 air flow slows down and is no longer laminar.
These circumstances facilitate more contact between
Respuesta a: ¿Es la vía aérea nasal el principal the air and the mucosa, which is rich in lymphoid tissues,
medio de transmisión para la tuberculosis enabling effective exchange between them both.3 Hence
faríngea? the strength of the affirmative answer to the initial ques-
tion ‘‘is the nasal airway the main means of transmission
Dear Editor, for primitive cavum tuberculosis?’’

On receiving the letter to the Editor, the first response to

the question ‘‘Is the nasal airway the main mode of trans-
mission for primitive cavum tuberculosis?’’ would, of course,
1. Centers of disease control and prevention. Transmission and
be yes. However, several questions then arise such as ‘‘by
pathogenesis of tuberculosis. In: Core curriculum on tuber-
what mechanism?’’, or ‘‘what is the pathophysiology caus-
culosis: what the clinician should know. sixth ed; 2013. p.
ing the nasal airway to be the main route of transmission or 19---43 [chapter 2]. Available from:
contagion of primitive cavum tuberculosis?’’. education/corecurr/pdf/chapter2.pdf [accessed June 2016].
When a contaminated person coughs, sneezes, shouts or 2. Sequeira de Latini MD, Barrera L. Manual para el diagnóstico
sings, they can expel droplet nuclei that contain Mycobac- bacteriológico de la tuberculosis. Santa Fé, Argentina: Pan Amer-
terium tuberculosis.1 These airborne nanoparticles measure ican Health Org; 2014, 66 pp. Available from:
between 1 and 5 ␮m, and can remain infectious in air for tuberculosis/files/2009/12/tb-labs-baciloscopia1.pdf
sometime and can be inhaled by other people.2 3. Martínez Ruiz-Coello A, Ibáñez Mayayo A, Pinilla Urraca
The nasal vestibule vibrissae filter the inhaled air and MT. Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Patología
Cérvico-Facial. Libro virtual de formación en ORL 1 II. Nariz
trap macroscopic particles, while smaller particles will be
y senos paranasales. Capítulo 42. Fisiología de la nariz y
deposited in the posterior segments.3
de los senos paranasales. Mecanismos de la olfacción. pp.
This might be explained by a review of the respiratory 1---15. Available from:
cycle mechanisms of the upper airways, since there are vari- 20senos%20paranasales/042%20%20FISIOLOG%C3%8DA%20DE%
ations in air flow. Respiratory air flow can be laminar or 20LA%20NARIZ%20Y%20DE%20LOS%20SENOS%20PARANASALES.%
turbulent, depending on the area or the phase of respiration 20MECANISMOS%20DE%20LA%20OLFACCI%C3%93N.pdf [accessed
in question.3 12.03.16].
Bernouilli’s principle, the Venturi effect, states that air
flow velocities are affected by the diameter of a tube. A Hind Temsamani
narrowed area causes an increase in velocity while pressure
reduces and conversely, when the air flow passes through a Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía Cervicofacial, Cabinet Dr.
widened area, velocity decreases and the flow becomes tur- Temsamani, Rabat, Morocco
bulent. If this is applied to the upper airways, after passing E-mail address:

DOI of original article:
夽 Please cite this article as: Temsamani H. Respuesta a:

¿Es la vía aérea nasal el principal medio de transmisión

para la tuberculosis faríngea? Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2017.

2173-5735/© 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringologı́a y Cirugı́a de Cabeza y Cuello. All rights reserved.

OTOENG-746; No. of Pages 1

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