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Commissioner Inspector General

Andrew M. Saul Gail S. Ennis
Executive Secretary, Deputy Commissioner Deputy Inspector General
Office of Executive David F. Black Benjamin S. Alpert
Operations September 27, 2020
(Vacant) Senior Advisor to the Commissioner Chief of Staff
Nancy A. Berryhill B. Chad Bungard
Counselor to the
Commissioner Chief of Staff
(Vacant) Stephanie J. Hall

Deputy Chief of Staff Counsel,

Asst Insp ector General, Asst Insp ector General, Counsel, Asst Insp ector General,
(Vacant) Office of the Counsel to Office of Resource Office of Counsel for
Office of In vestigation s Office of Audit
Jennifer L. Walker Michelle L. Anderson the Inspector Gener al Management Investigations and
Director, Equal Employment Opportunity Michelle M. Murr ay* (Vacan t) Enfo rcement
Claudia J. Postell (Vacant)

Deputy Deputy General Deputy Deputy

Chief Deputy Deputy Deputy
Commissioner, Commissioner, Counsel Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner/Chief Information Officer, Commissioner,
Actuary Deputy Commissioner, Commissioner, Commissioner,
Budget, Finance, Communications Commissioner,
Royce B. Min
Human Legislation and Retirement and Systems Analytics,
Stephen C. Goss Operations
and Management Michel N. Korbey Hearings Resources Congressional Disability Policy Rajive K. Mathur Review, and
Deputy Affairs
Grace M. Kim
Michelle A. King Operations Alan S. Frank Mark J. Warshawsky
Assistant DC General Eric R. Skidmore Assistant DC/Deputy Chief Information Officer Marianna LaCanfora
Theresa L. Gruber
Counsel Assistant DC
Deputy Chief Actuary
Assistant DC Darlynda K. Bogle Assistant DC Assistant DC James C. Borland
Erik N. D. Jones
Karen P. Glen n Daniel F. Callahan Assistant DC
John J. Lee
Bonnie L. Doyle Assistant DC Stephen G. Assistant DC
Frederick M. Maurin
Seth P. Binstock Elaine Garrison-
Eric P. Kressman Dennis R. Foley Evangelista Assistant DC/Deputy Chief Information Officer (IT (Vacant)
Assoc Com msnr, Daniels Modernization)
Office of Str ategic and Sean P. Brune
Digital Comm unications
(Vacant) Assoc Gen eral Counsel,
Assoc Com msnr,
Assoc Com msnr, Office of General L aw Assoc Com msnr, Assoc Com msnr,
Jeffrey M. Buckner Office of Per sonnel Assoc Com msnr,
Office of Financial
Chief ALJ,
Mitch R. Chitwood
Lydia C. Marsh all
Office of Legislative Regional
Office of In com e
Chief Architect Office of Analytics and
Policy an d Op erations Developm en t and Com missioners Im provem en ts
Assoc Com msnr, Office of the Chief Security Programs (Vacant)
Joann e Gasparini Op erations (Vacan t)
Office of Public Inquir ies Adm inistrative Boston, Dawn S. Wiggins
Assoc Gen eral Counsel, Erik T. Hansen
and Com munications Law Judge
Office of Program Law Lind a M. Dorn Chief Technology Officer
Support Patrick R. Nagle Assoc Com msnr,
Jeffrey C. Blair New York, (Vacant)
Assoc Com msnr, Steven L. Patrick Office of Labor- Assoc Com msnr,
Raym ond S. Egan Assoc Com msnr,
Office of Budget Management and Assoc Com msnr, Office of Anti-Fraud
Philadelphia, Office of Research,
Chad M. Poist Employee Relation s Office of Congr essional Terry M. Str adtman Evaluation and
Deputy Chief Technology Officer Programs
Regional Chief Jam es R. Julian
Adm inistrative Law Regional Chief Counsels Affairs Atlanta, Statistics Nadine N. Tracht Mark A. Majestic
Judges Joel F. Najar Rose Mar y C. Buehler Dr. Kath erine N. Bent*
Assoc Com msnr, Boston, Chicago, Executive Director
Assoc Com msnr,
Office of Acquisition Boston, Michael J. Pelgro
Office of Str ategy,
Phyllis M. Smith Assoc Com msnr, Office of Health Information Technology Execu tive Director,
and Gran ts Aaron M. Morgan New York, Dallas, Office of Data Exchange, Office of Appellate
Lear ning, and Workforce Janet Walker
Jude R. Soundar
Christian M. Hellie New York, Ellen E. Sovern Policy Pu blications and Op erations
Aaron M. Morgan Philadelphia, Developm en t Kansas City, Jebby F. Rasputnis
Philadelphia, Brian O’Donnell* Kristen Medley-Proctor Lind a Kerr-Davis Negotiations Executive Director
Tamara Turner-Jones Atlanta, Denver, John C. Morenz Enterprise Services
Assoc Com msnr, Atlanta, Christopher G. Harris Mary Lisa Lewandowski Sylviane D. Haldiman
San Francisco, Assoc Com msnr,
Office of Facilities and Sheila C. Lowth er Chicago,
Stephen J. Breen Assoc Com msnr, Office of Quality
Logistics Man agement Chicago, Kath ryn A. Caldwell
Seattle, Office of Disability Review
Marc A. Mason John J. Rabaut* Dallas,
Mary Lisa Lewandowski Policy Jonathan L. Lasher
Dallas, Benjamin J. Harrison
Sher ry D. Thom pson Kansas City, Gina P. Clemon s
Kansas City, Lisa A. Thom as Assoc Com msnr, Assoc Com msnr,
Assoc Com msnr, Sher ian ne Laba Denver, Office of Enterp rise Office of IT Financial Field Site Operations
Office of Security Assoc Com msnr, Management and
Denver, Mona B. Ahm ed Assoc Com msnr, Infor mation System s
and Emergency Office of Research, Support
Michael J. Kidd San Francisco, Office of Public Service Ann T. Amr hein Dir ectors
Prep aredness Demonstration and Lester P. Diamon d
San Francisco, Deborah L. Stachel and Oper ations Suppor t
Joseph D. Sliwka Employm ent Support
Jennifer M. Horne Seattle, Michelle Sand ers Sparks Baltimo re,
Susan B. Wilschke*
Seattle, Mathew W. Pile (Vacan t)
Michael J. Kidd Assoc Com msnr, Boston,
Assoc Com msnr,
Office of System s Office of System s Michael J. Scott
Assoc Com msnr,
Architecture Op erations and New York,
Office of Customer
Execu tive Director, Dan C. Parr y Hardware Engineering Darryl A. Donaldson
Assoc Com msnr, Office of Privacy David E. Thom as Philadelphia,
Cynthia R. Bennett
Office of Executive and Disclosure (Vacan t)
Op erations and Hu man Matthew D. Ramsey Atlanta,
Resour ces Assoc Com msnr, Assoc Com msnr, Gavin J. Lane
Joseph M. Lytle Assoc Com msnr, Office of Benefit Office of In for mation Chicago,
Office of Central Infor mation System s Security Gr ace R. Gr aney*
Op erations Wayne F. Lemon Robert D. Collins Dallas,
Assoc Com msnr,
V. Patrice Stewart Sheena M. Hayes
Office of Budget,
Kansas City,
Facilities and Security *Acting Carrie A. Taber
Dean S. Landis Assoc Com msnr,
Assoc Com msnr, Assoc Com msnr, Denver,
Office of Electronic Cath y B. Horiuchi
Office of Disability Office of Dig ital
Services and San Francisco,
Assoc Com msnr, Infor mation System s Transfo rmation
Techn ology Audrey L. Brooks*
Office of Electronic William M . Martinez (Vacan t)
Kishayr a J. Lambert Darryl R. Moore
Services and Systems
Integration Seattle,
Joe L. Lopez Assoc Com msnr, (Vacan t)
Office of Disability
Determ inations
John E. Owen

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