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GE Power Systems University

Mark VI Turbine Controls


NOTE: These instructions assume that the computer that these modifications are being done on the HMI that has the
SDB (Signal Data Base). If it is

1) Make sure the point is defined in the Function level of Toolbox.

2) Go to Hardware and I/O Definitions and under the EGD network there should be some EGD Network pages,
i.e. EXCH1. Note that there are two types… for Analog points and one for Logic’s.
3) Go to the end of the Exchange page and right click to insert next. Browse for the point and select the one to be
added. The data Type will be either Real or Bool. Note that these can not be mixed in a given page. I.e. there
will be pages for Booleans and other pages for Reals. It will be a WRITE as the controller is writing to
Cimplicity. For Reals be sure to enable Scaling. Click OK
4) Now do a Device and Put to Database Full and Get Full. This gets the new point into the SDB.
6) Under Tools\Import\Points\SDB All. Select the EGD Network. This will get the points into the Cimplicity
Database. There will be a Log at the bottom of the screen telling you what is being done.
7) In Toolbox and in View\SDB Browser: Click on the Signal Tab and Query. In the column labeled
SIG_NAME and the row labeled Criteria type a ‘*’ (wild card) and click on OK. It should then display the
points including the new ones added to the SDB. Under Cimplicity Workbench\Points you should be able to
view the points in the Cimplicity database.

For SRTP points it works basically the same way as follows:

1) Make sure the point is defined in the Function level of Toolbox.

2) Go to Hardware and I/O Definitions and under the SRTP network there should be some pages, I.E. Pg1. Note
that there are two types… for Setpoints %R and one for Logic’s, %M. Again the two different data types
need to be on different pages, they can not be mixed on the same page.
3) Go to the end of the Page and right click to insert next. Browse for the point and select the one to be added.
The data Type will be Long for %R and for the commands will be set for you. It will be a READ as the
controller is reading from Cimplicity. Click OK
4) Now do a Device and Put to Database Full and Get Full. This gets the new point into the SDB.
6) Under Tools\Import\Points\SDB All. Select the SRTP Network. This will get the points into the Cimplicity
Database. There will be a Log at the bottom of the screen telling you what is being done.
8) In Toolbox and in View\SDB Browser: Click on the Signal Tab and Query. In the column labeled
SIG_NAME and the row labeled Criteria type a ‘*’ (wild card) and click on OK. It should then display the
points including the new ones added to the SDB. Under Cimplicity Workbench\Points you should be able to
view the points in the Cimplicity database.

At this point you will need go into the Cimplicity project (i.e. Duke.gef) and stop and start the project to update the
Runtime to the Master. Now edit the Cimplicity screen to include the points.

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