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Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food.

 Humans have hunted and killed animals for meat since

prehistoric times. The advent of civilization allowed the domestication of animals such as
chickens, sheep, rabbits, pigs and cattle. This eventually led to their use in meat production on an
industrial scale with the aid of slaughterhouses.

Meat is mainly composed of water, protein, and fat. It is edible raw, but is normally eaten after it
has been cooked and seasoned or processed in a variety of ways. Unprocessed meat will spoil or
rot within hours or days as a result of infection with and decomposition by bacteria and fungi.

The most common sources of meat are domesticated animal species such as cattle, pigs and
poultry and to a lesser extent buffaloes, sheep and goats. In some regions other animal species
such as camels, yaks, horses, ostriches and game animals are also eaten as meat. To a limited
extent, meat is also derived from exotic animals such as crocodiles, snakes and lizards.
For thousands of years, poultry supplied meat and eggs, cattle, sheep and goats provided meat
and milk, and pigs provided a source of meat. These species are the main sources of animal
protein for humans. The meat derived from cattle is known as beef, meat derived from pigs as
pork and from chickens as poultry. Pork is the most widely eaten meat in the world accounting
for over 36% of the world meat intake. It is followed by poultry and beef with about 35% and
22% respectively.
Furthermore, there are many different types of meat, and all have been part of the human diet for
thousands of years. The first type to be discussed is pork which is one of the most popular forms
of meat in the world. Regardless of some confusion on the issue, pork is classed as red meat.
This is because it contains a large amount of myoglobin, a protein responsible for the red color of
meat. Actually, there are so many different cuts of pork, and a variety of meat products use it
such as; bacon, ham, hot dogs, jamon, prosciutto, salami, sausages. However, pork is more
susceptible to bacterial contamination and food-borne illnesses than other meat; ensuring pork is
thoroughly cooked is essential.
The second type of red meat is lamb and mutton these are very similar types of meat, with one
fundamental difference; lamb is meat from a sheep less than one-year-old, while mutton is the
meat of an adult sheep. Just like beef and pork, there are a variety of popular lamb cuts perhaps
lamb chops are the most popular. Generally speaking both lamb and mutton are nutritious meat
options due to the fact that lamb contains a broad range of health-protective nutrients, especially
zinc, selenium and B vitamins. However, lamb is very expensive in comparison to other kinds of

Furthermore, chicken is also another type of meat which is white meat. Other than beef and pork,
chicken is one of the big three popularity-wise. However, chicken is a different classification of
meat and comes under the poultry category. People commonly refer to poultry as white meat as
one of the most popular foods in the world, there are all sorts of chicken-based foods. These
range from fried and roasted chicken to chicken soup and even chicken popcorn. Moreover,
chicken is very cheap and affordable. Unfortunately, bacterial contamination with strains such as
coli and salmonella isn’t rare with chicken. As a result, strict hygiene procedures are necessary
when handling raw meat for chicken.

Besides turkey is another type of white meat, probably best known for its appearance at the
Christmas table. It has both a deeper yet drier taste than chicken and is a less prevalent form of
poultry. As mentioned above, the most popular kind is probably roast turkey. Though, turkey is
among the most protein dense of all meats, offering 17.5 grams of protein for only 149 calories.
Similar to chicken, turkey also provides a significant amount of B vitamins, potassium, selenium
and phosphorus. Turkey provides an inexpensive source of high-quality protein. Comparable to
other forms of poultry, turkey is more likely to harbor foodborne bacteria than red mea

The firth type of meat is venison which refers to the flesh of a deer, and it is a traditionally rarer
type of meat. However, in recent years, sales of venison have been increasing as a result of its
perceived healthy reputation among consumers. Despite being a red meat, venison is very lean in
terms of nutrition; it looks more like white meat. One obstacle could be the price; venison costs a
lot. A human being should expect to pay around $30 for one pound of venison steak. Source is
extremely important. Though, in some areas, deer can be infected with chronic wasting disease

Also duck is among the type of meat however, it is one of the less popular types of meat. Yet, it
has immense popularity in Chinese populations, where Peking ducks is a showpiece dish. Like
chicken and turkey, duck is also considered as a kind of white meat. Even though, making duck
at home or maybe having a roast duck is perfectly healthy. However, be aware that in Chinese
cuisine, duck often comes in sauces made from a variety of additives including sugars and oils.

Beef is also another type of red meat. Beef is the culinary name for meat from cattle, mainly
skeletal muscle. Humans have been eating beef since prehistoric times. Likewise beef is a source
of high-quality protein and nutrients. Most beef skeletal muscle meat can be used as is by merely
cutting into certain parts, such as roasts , short ribs or steak (filet mignon, sirloin steak, rump
steak, rib steak , rib eye steak, hanger steak , etc.), while other cuts are processed (corned beef or
beef jerky). Trimmings, on the other hand, are usually mixed with meat from older, leaner
(therefore tougher) cattle, are ground, minced or used in sausages. The blood is used in some
varieties called blood sausage. Other parts that are eaten include other muscles and offal, such as
the oxtail, liver, tongue, tripe from the reticulum or rumen, glands (particularly the pancreas and
thymus, referred to as sweetbread), the heart, the brain although forbidden where there is a
danger of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE, commonly referred to as mad cow disease,
the kidneys, and the tender testicles of the bull (known in the United States as calf fries, prairie
oysters, or Rocky Mountain oysters). Some intestines are cooked and eaten as is, but are more
often cleaned and used as natural sausage casings. The bones are used for making beef stock.
Hence, meat from younger cows (calves) is called veal.

Furthermore, meat animals are generally broken down from large carcasses into primal and sub-
primal cuts. These are large parts of the animal that are then further broken down into retail or
restaurant cuts. In some cases, primal and sub-primal are cooked whole, but for the most part
they are broken down into a number of different types of smaller portion cuts or fabricated cuts.
These include: Roasts boneless or bone-in large cuts that are meant to be cooked whole and then
sliced after cooking into portions. The racks this is most common with lamb and pork, these kind
of cuts are a special type of roast that contains the rib bones and has been trimmed to show the
white portion of the bone. Bones which have been trimmed using this process are
called frenched. Furthermore, the steaks and chops boneless and bone-in individual portion cuts
that are cooked and generally served whole or sliced. Chops always have a bone, while steaks
can be bone-in such as a beef T-bone or pork shoulder blade steak or boneless such as a
tenderloin or sirloin.
Beside, cutlets these are thin slices of boneless meat, usually from the leg, which can be
mechanically tenderized or pounded. Small round cutlets from the loin or tenderloin are also
called medallions or noisettes. Not only that stews or cubed meat cubes of meat used for stews
and other similar dishes. Cured and smoked this is most common with pork, meat cuts that are
cured using a dry or wet cure (brine) and then may be smoked. Also the boneless rump roast, this
is when the rump is removed, boned, rolled and tied, a retail cut called the Beef Round Rump
roast is made. This represents a cut only moderately tender, moist heat is often used. However
with a cut from choice and prime cattle, it is often cooked with dry heat.

Furthermore, the top round steak cut is the tenders of the various round steaks. It consists of a
large muscle called the top or inside round as it is a boneless steak. Hence the bottom Round
Steak this contains muscles which are less tender than the top round muscle. The two muscles of
this steak are the eye of the round on the left and the bottom round on the right. Heel of round
represents a cut from the beef round immediately above the hock. This roast is composed of
many small muscle collections; it consumes a lot of seam fat, and is one of the least tender cuts
of beef.
Top Loin Steak is the first type of steak cut from the beef loin. It is cut from the end of the beef
loin which covers the last or 13th rib. This steak is identified by the large eye muscle, the rib
bone, and part of the backbone. Furthermore, T-bone steak this steak has the characteristic T
shaped vertebrae and the large eye muscle. The smaller muscle located below the T-bone is the
There are several uses of meat. To start with some different forms of meat have a high amount of
zinc content, which helps to boost immunity due to its antioxidant properties zinc is responsible
for creating antibodies to fight free radicals that put us at a higher risk for chronic diseases.
Protein, also sourced from meat, helps in the production of these antibodies to protect the body
from infections. The omega-3 fatty acids from seafood are good for boosting immunity as well.
Another mineral found in seafood is selenium, which is also known for enhancing the immune

Furthermore, meat promotes muscle growth the protein in meat helps in building and repairing
body tissues and improving muscle activity. Tissues and muscles are made of protein which is
why the individuals who are building muscle strength increase their protein intake significantly.
Not only that meat is used to regulate digestion laterally with proteins, meat also provides
essential amino acids that help in digestion. Since the body cannot produce these by itself, they
must be acquired from food. There are nine essential amino acids acquired from meat namely
histidine, leucine, lycine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine,
this is the reason why meat is called a complete protein. Vitamin D also aids in strong bones and
is vital for calcium absorption and metabolism.

Finally meat improves blood circulation because of iron found in it as iron is one of the key
minerals that aids in ensuring proper blood circulation and transport of oxygen to all cells.
Therefore, different types of meat are a good source of iron.

Away from that meat is a very nutritious food and the nutritional value of it is as follow. Meat
consists of proteins which are the fundamental structural and functional element within every
cell, and is made up of 20 common amino acids. There are eight amino acids which are not
produced in the body and must be supplied by food. These are classified as essential amino acids.
However, protein from meats, fish and poultry are more easily digested than protein from beans
and whole wheat.

Secondly meat contains fat that is distributed throughout meat. The fat content of meat varies
depending on animal breed, age, amount of exercise and diet. Lean red meat provides 2-5g of fat
per 100g of dietary fat. It has almost equal amounts of saturated and monounsaturated fats, and a
small amount of polyunsaturated fat. Moreover, skinless chicken have the same fat content as
lean red meat. There is more monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat in skinless chicken
compared to other meats.

Thirdly iron which is a common deficiency in Australia. Pregnant women, or those of

childbearing age, require more iron than other people. The human body can absorb about 15% of
iron from plants (non-haem iron), and about 25% of iron from meat (haem iron). Eating meat in
a mixed meal can cause a two-fold increase in the absorption of non-haem iron. Therefore, red
meat for instance beef and lamb is the best source of iron. Chicken contains moderate amounts of
iron, while fish has the least amount.

Zinc is the fourth nutrient found in meat it is a trace mineral that can be found in almost every
cell in the body. Zinc is essential to the human body because it stimulates enzyme activities,
provides a healthy immune system, is used for wound healing, sustains senses of smell and taste,
and is used for DNA synthesis. Zinc is also important for normal growth and development during
pregnancy, childhood and adolescence. Meat is a major source of readily available zinc. The
liver and kidney are richer sources than muscle meat, and pig liver is richer in zinc than sheep or
beef liver.

Furthermore, vitamin B1 (thiamin) occurs naturally in duck, oyster, and other meats. Offal is the
best source of vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Vitamin B3 (niacin) is found in foods that are high in
protein (e.g. liver, kidney, poultry and fish). Vitamin B3 helps to remove toxic and harmful
chemicals from the body. It helps produce various sex and stress-related hormones in the body.
Vitamin B3 helps improve circulation and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Additionally vitamin
B12 (Cobalamin) is necessary for cell division and blood formation.Vitamin B12 is synthesised
by microorganisms and is found in bacterially fermented foods, meat, and offal from ruminant
animals.Offal, particularly liver, contains more vitamin B12 as this is where the vitamin is

Around the world, a huge variety of semi-processed and processed meat products with different
taste characteristics have evolved over time. In some regions hundreds of different meat products
exist with individual names and taste characteristics. Many of these products use similar
processing technologies despite different tastes and shapes. Therefore these products can be
categorized as follows:

Fresh processed meat products these products consist of raw meat and fatty tissue. Spices,
common salt and sometimes also binders are added. In low-cost versions extenders or fillers are
added for volume extension. Products are marketed raw, but fried or cooked prior to
consumption to make the products palatable. If the fresh meat mixes are filled in casings, they
are defined as sausages. If other portioning is customary, the products are known as patties or
kebabs. Typical fresh products are merguez, longganisa, bratwurst, breakfast sausage, burger or

Furthermore are the cured meat cuts meat products these are made from muscle pieces which can
be subdivided into cured-raw meats and cured-cooked meats. The curing process is similar for
both groups. The meat is treated with small amounts of curing salt, either by simple dry-salting
or by injecting and/or submerging in a curing salt solution. Cured-raw meats are not heat-treated
and only subjected to curing, drying, fermentation and ripening. They are usually consumed raw.
Typical products are Parma and Serrano ham. Cured-cooked meats always undergo heat
treatment after a short curing process to achieve the desired palatability. Some examples of
products are Virginia and sandwich ham.

Moreover, raw-cooked meat product in this product collection, the muscle meat, fat and non-
meat ingredients are first processed raw by grinding, chopping and mixing. The resulting viscous
batter is portioned in sausages or loaves and then subjected to heat treatment, which causes
protein coagulation, a firm-elastic texture, palatability and some degree of bacterial stability.
Sausages are usually cooked or steamed and, when stuffed in permeable casings, also hot-
smoked. The loaves are usually baked. Products made from this group are mortadella, hotdogs,
frankfurters, viennas and meat loaf.

Also the precooked-cooked meat products, such products can contain mixes of lower-grade
muscle trimmings, fatty tissues, head meat, animal skin, blood, liver and other edible parts. In
general, two phases of heat treatment are involved in the manufacturing process. The first phase
is the precooking of raw meat materials and the second phase the cooking of the final product
mix. Some typical examples of products are liver pates, blood sausages and corned beef.

Lastly is raw-fermented sausages consist of coarse mixtures of lean meats and fatty tissues
combined with curing salt, sugars, spices and other non-meat ingredients and are usually stuffed
into casings. They get their characteristic flavour, texture and colour through fermentation in
combination with moisture reduction. The final products are not subjected to heat treatment and
distributed and consumed raw. Typical products are chorizo and salami type summer sausages.

In conclusion, meat is important in economy and culture, even though its mass production and
consumption has been determined to pose risks for human health and the environment. Many
religions have rules about which meat may or may not be eaten. Vegetarians and vegans may
abstain from eating meat because of concerns about the ethics of eating meat, environmental
effects of meat production or nutritional effects of consumption.

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