Personal Philosophy

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Shalee Thomas

April 29, 2019

EDUC 204 C20W


Personal Philosophy

My personal philosophy relates back to my core beliefs. My beliefs are important because

they are my guide through every decision, choice and action. My morals come from a higher

being that sets guidelines to abide by. My political party comes from the way I was raised, and

my view of the world comes from experiences. Every day I wake up wanting to accomplish

something whether that’s succeeding in an assignment, supporting my family members and

giving to others need. When giving to others in need its fulfilling and the reward is eternal. Being

my family’s biggest cheerleader is an accomplishment because in the end they are all you really

have. Succeeding in school to make more money, receive knowledge, and to have a better

understanding as why things are, the way they are. Those are all accomplishments I hope to

accomplish every day. I am passionate about helping others succeed, reach goals and achieve

their daily task. I believe that love can conquer all, children are the future, and money can buy

happiness. Money may not be everything but today money is the key factor into help fulfilling

happiness. Today in society college students are paying to receive a higher education to receive

more money so they can be happy. When having money, it helps you buy the objects, looks, and

experiences to fulfill being “happy”. When you see families going through financial struggles,

you see the decline in their happiness. Families separate, experiences are left to be uncreated and

dreams are left to be unachieved. My passion is to teach, grow and create relationships with my

students that may cross my path. I have not experienced the unconditional love for your child

you conceived, but my love for children is unconditional and shines through me. The feeling of

making a small change whether that’s within the community and in the classroom is self-evident.

As I continue to grow and experience life my beliefs change but my belief for helping teach the

future will never change.

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