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Evaluation of the success rate of indirect pulp capping using different

materials: a clinical study

Naeima Betamar, Esra Burgeia, AbdulGafar Fareg

Aim Indirect pulp capping (IPC) is a conservative and minimally invasive procedure used for
treatment of teeth with deep caries lesion to preserves pulp vitality. Several materials have been
used for this procedure. The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the success rate of
indirect pulp capping (IPC) treatment with Dycal, Biner LC and TheraCal LC in permanent
premolars and molars teeth.
Materials and methods A total of 200 premolar and molar teeth with deep carious lesions
without the history of spontaneous pain indicated for IPC treatment from 130 patients aged
between 18–55 years were included in this study. Teeth were divided into three investigating
groups according to the material used for pulp capping. IPC treatment was performed using
Dycal for 67 teeth, Biner LC for 68 teeth and TheraCal LC for 65 teeth. Teeth were then
restored with nanohybrid resin composite restorations. The observation period was one year
however, patients were clinically evaluated at 8 weeks, 6 months and one year follow up period
for success of IPC treatment. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS Statistics to
evaluate the data.
Results: A high success rate of IPC treatment was observed with the three pulp capping
materials and that there was no statistically significant difference between the three investigated
groups (P˃0.05). At one year follow up period, the success rates of Dycal, Biner LC and
TheraCal LC, were 98%, 98%, and 99% respectively.
Conclusions: the three materials were exhibited a high success rate and found to be very
successful as IPC agents; however, TheraCal LC showed the best results up to one year follow
up period. I PC treatment maintained the pulp vitality and function of the restored permanent
teeth, and that the success of IPC treatment is independent from the pulp capping material.

Keywords: Deep caries, Indirect pulp capping, Dycal, Calcium hydroxide, Biner LC, TheraCal LC.

At 8 weeks follow up interval, the success rates of Dycal, Biner LC and TheraCal LC , were
97.1%, 89.5%, and 100% respectively. The Success rate at 6 months were; 100% for Dycal and
Biner LC, and 98.5% for TheraCal LC. At one year interval 100% was the success rate of dycal
and TheraCal LC and 98.5% for Biner LC.

Corresponding author: Naeima M. Betamar, Associate Professor, Department of conservative

.dentistry and endodontics. Faculty of dentistry, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya

1. Introduction

The main objectives of the modern approach of restorative dentistry is to preserve pulp health
of caries teeth, thus reducing the need for root canal treatment and preserve the teeth on the
dental arch long-term.1 Treatment of deep carious lesions is challenging and varied among
dental practitioners, and the successful treatment is rather a major problem for many of them,
owing to complex etiology and pathology of dental caries. Nowadays, based on biological
concept of treatment strategies along with the recent development of bioactive dental materials;
deep caries lesions treated with conservative and minimally invasive approach, with selective
caries removal techniques which is recommended by recent (2019) European Society of
Endodontology (ESE)-approved definitions and terminology report that stated that the complete
or nonselective carious removal is considered aggressive and overtreatment. 2-4 Indirect pulp
capping (IPC) treatment is a procedure generally used in deep cavity preparation, involves the
removal of all soft, demineralized infected dentine with or without leaving behind a layer of
caries-affected dentine remains in close proximity to the vital pulp, followed by application of
pulp capping material, and then restoration.5, 6 It is a therapeutic intervention in the treatment of
vital teeth with deep carious lesions approximating the pulp with no signs of pulp degeneration
in order to avoid pulp exposure and therefore, protect and preserve pulp vitality. 1, 6-8
The idea
behind using this technique based on the ability of the dental pulp to develop inorganic
mineralized dentine-like matrix as a part of the repair mechanism in the dentine pulp complex. 8-
i.e. preserving the pulp biologic function to stimulates and induce odontoblasts to produce
tertiary dentine.10 The objective of IPC treatment is to discontinue demineralization of carious
dentine and thus arresting the carious progression by promoting remineralization and
stimulating reparative dentine formation.11
Several materials have been used and tested as pulp capping agents.10-17 Important properties for
these materials are biocompatibility and preserve pulp vitality, antibacterial property, i.e.
destroy and eradicate the remaining microorganisms present in the vicinity of the pulp, thus
prevent bacterial growth under restorations, in addition to neutralize acidic tissue resulting from
the microorganisms byproducts in carious defect.18 Able to promote tissue repair and healing,
adhere to dentine and restorative material as well as sealing capabilities. 10, 19
Among those
materials calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 which is introduced by Hermann in 1921 has been
considered the "gold standard" of direct and indirect pulp capping for several decades. 18, 20 It is
available in several forms such as aqueous suspensions, cements, liners, or filled resins as

visible light-cured liner containing calcium hydroxide.18 For instance (Dycal) is a Ca(OH)2 liner
(Dentsply, Milford, DE, USA), self-cure radiopaque material with an alkaline pH (pH 9–11) .21
In clinical practice, it is the first material applied as a liner in patients with deep cavities and
remains the most popular material among dentists.21, 22
Ca(OH)2-based materials are reported to display excellent antibacterial properties and induce
mineralization and reparative dentine formation because of their chemical irritation nature. 23, 24
However, the conventional two-paste chemical-cure formulation of Ca(OH)2 cement has
several disadvantages that may resulted in failure of the treatment such as; it is highly soluble
in oral fluids that lead to dissolution over time, lack of adhesion to dentine as well as to resin-
based restorative materials, poor sealing ability, internal resorption, extensive dentine
formation obliterating the pulp chamber, low elastic modulus and low compressive strength, 5, 18,
21, 25
degradation after acid etching and presence of tunnel defects through reparative dentine
bridge.5, 20, 21 Due to these drawbacks of chemical cure Ca(OH)2; a light-cured, single component
liner contains calcium hydroxide and is polymerized by visible light was introduced in 1988 to
overcome the limitations of the chemical cure Ca(OH)2, with improved strength, no solubility
in acid, and minimal solubility in water.26
Various other materials have been introduced into dental practice and used as pulp capping
agent such as glass ionomer/resin modified glass ionomer cements and adhesives, and calcium-
silicate materials (CSMs).2, 20 CSMs are recent bioactive materials have the ability to induce
regenerative responses in human body and form hard tissue dentine bridge, superior in
biocompatibility, and sealing of the pulp capped site, and result in more predictable clinical
outcomes.14, 15, 20 An example of these materials is mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), 20 that has
gained excellent reputation and commonly recommended and preferred by dentists. 27, 28
second generation of these CSMs are; Biodentine and TheraCal LC.1, 2
Biodentine is new
bioactive tricalcium silicate-based cement, designed to be used as a permanent, biocompatible
dentine substitute and stimulates pulp cells to form tertiary dentine. 2 TheraCal LC is a light-
cured flowable resin-modified calcium silicate material introduced by Bisco Inc. Schamburg,
IL. USA in 2011, designed to overcome the weaknesses of the previous generation such as poor
bonding of CSMs to resins restorations. It is used as direct and indirect pulp capping material
that enables the immediate application of final restoration.1, 2
TheraCal bond to deep moist
dentine and performs as barrier and protectant material of the pulp-dentine complex underneath
composite, amalgam, and cements.29 Hence, it acts as a suitable replacement for Ca(OH)2, and
many other pulp capping materials.20 TheraCal displayed strong physical properties, high

radiopacity and lower solubility than either ProRoot MTA or Dycal.1, 30 Yet, authors reported
that the success of the pulp capping treatment greatly depends upon the circumstances under
which it is performed; starting with the health and vitality of the pulp complex along with the
correct pulpal diagnosis, control of caries activity, appropriate medication and placement of
well-sealed restoration, patient motivation and good oral hygiene, as well as effective caries
removal.5, 31-34 The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the success rate of IPC treatment
using three materials namely; Dycal (chemical-cure Ca(OH)2), Biner LC (Light-cure liner
contains Ca(OH)2), and TheraCal LC (light-cure resin-modified calcium silicate) in permanent
posterior teeth with deep carious lesions.

Materials and Methods .2

.Detailed descriptions and composition of materials used in the study are listed in Table 1

Table 1: Description and composition of the materials used in the study

Material *Components Manufacturer
Dycal ® Ivory Base: disalicylate ester of 1, 3, butylene glycol; calcium Dentsply
phosphate; calcium tungstate; zinc oxide; iron oxide. Catalyst:
calcium hydroxide; ethylene toluenesulfonamide; zinc sterate;
titanium dioxide; zinc oxide; iron oxide.

Binar LC UDMA resin, calcium dihydroxide, dimethylaminoethyl- Voco GmbH,

methacrylate, barium aluminium silicate, TEGDMA. Cuxhaven,
photoinitiator. Germany
TheraCal LC CaO, calcium silicate particles (Portland cement type III), Sr Bisco Inc.,
glass, fumed silica, barium sulphate, barium zirconate, and Bis- Schamburg, IL,
FiltekTM Z250 XT Zirconia/silica 20 nm, fillers loading 82% by weight. Bis-GMA, 3M ESPE
Adper™ Single Bond 2 10% by weight 5nm colloidal silica nanofiller. Bis-GMA, 3M ESPE
ethanol, water, photoinitiator, polyacrylic and polyitaconic
acids, HEMA.
*According to manufacturers’ technique profiles: Bis-GMA: Bisphenol-A-glycidyldimethacrylate; UDMA: Urethane
dimethacrylate; Bis-EMA: Bisphenol A ethoxylate dimethacrylate; TEGDMA: Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate;
PEGDMA: Polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate; HEMA; 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. CaO: calcium oxide

:Study design

A randomized clinical trial was conducted at Al-Raja Dental Clinic in Benghazi City. A total
number of 200 posterior permanent teeth with deep carious lesion indicated for indirect pulp
capping treatment from 130 adult patients were contributed in this study. Ppermissions from the
patients were obtained after giving a brief explanation on the kind of investigation and the

clinical procedure that was to be conducted. Inclusion criteria included male and female
patients ranging in age from 18 to 55 years old having premolars or molars teeth with deep
carious lesion on the occlusal or occluso-proximal surface (Class I and II cavity) without any
pain or with very mild sensitivity on cold or discomfort on chewing due to the presence of a
carious hole. Preoperative radiograph shows deep carious lesion extending into the inner
dentine as greater than two-third of dentine thickness approaching pulp,12 but with a definite
radiodense region between the deepest part of carious lesion and the pulp.33 Teeth with clinical
symptoms of irreversible pulpitis, a history of prolonged intolerable spontaneous pulpal pain,
and/or pain disturbing night sleep, pulp necrosis or with negative response to pulp tests,
mobility, tender on percussion, presence of swelling or fistula as well as absence of clinical
diagnosis of pulp exposure were excluded from the study. In addition, radiographically; if teeth
show presence of periapical or furcation area radiolucency, 12 periapical pathology, internal or
external root resorption, absence of normal appearance of periodontal ligament, were also
excluded from the study.

Clinical procedures:

Thermal vitality test was done to testify tooth sensitivity; after removal of the stimulus the
response rapidly disappeared. Preoperative periapical radiograph was taken for each patient to
assess penetration depth and the extent of the caries lesion, as well as the thickness of the
remaining dentine overlying the pulp chamber. All the clinical procedures were performed by
the standard method of IPC treatment under rubber dam isolation. After clinical examination
and radiographic assessment of the tooth and carious lesion, local anaesthesia was
administrated. A sterile diamond bur suitable to the cavity's size in a high speed handpiece was
used to initiate cavity preparation and access carious lesion and remove the undermined
decayed enamel reaching caries dentine under constant water-cooling to avoid heat generation.
Caries tissue was removed completely from the lateral walls and cavosurface margins of the
cavity preparation. Excavation of carious infected dentine included complete removal of all
active, wet, soft, necrotic and demineralized carious tissue from the peripheral sites of the
lesion to the center or the deepest part of the lesion which is usually at the pulpal floor of the
cavity, or at the axial wall in case of class II cavity. At this moment selective excavation of the
caries was done included thoughtful excavation of the soft disorganized, demineralized dentine
approaching a non-soft, relatively firm, usually discolored dentine with careful visual
inspection along with tactile sensation to avoid pulp exposure. Hand instrument spoon

excavator was used to remove necrotic fragments of caries infected dentine followed by a
round bur at low speed handpiece under water coolant. A new sterile bur is replaced in the
handpiece when approaching the deeper area of the caries lesion to reduce the number of
microorganisms in the cavity and close to the pulp and to avoid introduction of infected dentine
chips into the pulp during caries excavation, which might lead to irreversible inflammation and
treatment failure.35, 36
The cavity was then washed with normal saline and gently air-dried.
Teeth were then randomly assigned into three groups; Gp: 1, Gp: 2, and Gp: 3 according to the
material used for pulp capping. Gp1 consists of 67 teeth allocated to receive treatment with
Dycal (chemical-cured radiopaque Ca(OH)2) pulp capping material. Dycal is available as two-
paste system; a catalyst paste and a base paste. It was mixed with equal quantities of both the
catalyst and the base to a homogenous paste and applied with dycal applicator directly over the
deepest spots of the dentine on the pulpal floor of the cavity. Excess of Dycal dressing material
was removed from the surrounding cavity walls and enamel margins. Gp 2 consists of 68 teeth
and treated with Biner LC (Light-curing radiopaque one-component cavity liner containing
Ca(OH)2). It was applied into the deepest spots of the pulpal floor of the cavity preparation and
then light cured according to manufacturer instructions. TheraCal LC (Light-curing, resin-
modified calcium silicate filled liner) was applied in Gp3 that consists of 65 teeth in a similar
way as in Gp2. Biner LC and TheraCal LC materials are supplied by the manufacturer in
syringes and requiring no preparation before use. Each one of these two materials consists of a
single paste and was applied directly from the syringe into the desired deepest spots of cavity
preparation. Excess material was removed while still soft and before light curing the material.
The randomization procedure was performed as follow; a number corresponding to each IPC
treatment group was written on a piece of paper and kept in closed box. A paper was selected
from the box by a person other than the operator, and the treatment indicated was carried out. 37
The bonding and restorative procedures were performed for the three investigating groups
similarly as followed; The cavity walls and margins were acid etched with 37% phosphoric
acid semi gel (Meta Biomed Co Ltd., Korea) for 30 seconds, then thoroughly rinsed off with
water and gently air-dried using compressed air to remove excess water without desiccation.
Bonding agent Adper™ Single Bond 2 Adhesive (3M ESPE) was applied with a microbrush in
two consecutive layers and then gently air dries to allow evaporation of the solvent then light-
cured for 10 seconds with LED light curing unit (Mini LED, Satelec, France). For class II
cavity preparation, a Tofflimire retainer with a matrix band was placed before acid etching and
bonding procedures. Nanohybrid resin composite restorative material Filtek TM Z250 XT (3M
ESPE) was incrementally packed in the cavity preparation. Each increment was polymerized

for 20s using LED light curing unit (Mini LED, Satelec, France). After completing the
restoration, occlusal adjustment was done in maximum intercuspation and eccentric
movements. The identified high spots were carefully removed using extra fine grit diamond
burs EX-17EF, FO-23EF (Toboom Shanghai Precise Abrasive Tool Co., Ltd) under water
coolant, and then polished with polishing tips to eliminate any surfaces scratches (Enhance
Dentsply Caulk). After completing the treatment, patient was instructed about preventive
measures and maintenance of oral hygiene.
At follow-up inspection, detailed clinical examination was performed for every patient, at 8
weeks, 6 months, and 1 year interval. Periapical radiographs were taken for every patient at the
end of the clinical trial. In addition, patient who attend dental clinic with pain or any sign of
treatment failure, a periapical radiograph was taken for him/her to evaluate the restoration and
periapical region that could be attributed to failure of the treatment.22
Clinical success of the treatment was defined as healthy pulp and basically assessing pulp
vitality of the treated tooth and evaluated by the following criteria: intact restoration, positive
(normal) response to cold pulp test, absence of prolong intolerable spontaneous pain, no
tenderness on percussion or palpation, no tooth mobility, abscess or swelling of periodontal
tissues of the treated tooth.16, 37, 38
On radiographic examination; success of the treatment
included intact lamina dura, no periapical radiolucency, no internal or external root
resorption.16, 38, 22, 37 Any tooth that presented with signs or symptoms of irreversible pulpitis or
presented with any one of the above mentioned criteria at clinical evaluation return visits was
recorded as treatment failure and was root canal treated, or replacement of the restoration in
case of restoration fracture. One tooth was restored at each clinical visit. Restorative treatments,
clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed by the same operator. 16 The data of the
recorded findings were tabulated using Microsoft word excel sheet and subjected to statistical
analysis using the SPSS software (version 16, SPSS Inc. IBM Corp. Chicago, USA). Data were
analyzed using Chi-Square, and the level of significance was set as P<0.05.

3. Results
At starting time of the study, 213 teeth treated with IPC treatment, and by the end of the one
year evaluation period, 13 patients lost to follow up. Hence a total of 200 experimental teeth
received IPC treatment with three different pulp capping materials and direct composite
restorations were evaluated. The mean age was 30.7 ±8.4 yrs. (median, 29 yrs.; minimum,18
yrs.; maximum, 55 yrs.) years old. Number of female patients was 102 (78.5%) and number of
male patients was 28 (21.5%). From all teeth included in the study, 150 (75%) were molars and

50 (25%) were premolars (Figure 1). Among those, upper right first molar and lower left
second molar received the highest number of restorations; 23 (11.5%) and 22 (11%)
respectively (Figure 2). Among all restored teeth in the study, 70 (35.5%) restorations were
class I and 129 (64.5%) were class II. A total of 67 (33.5%) teeth treated with Dycal; 56 molars
and 11 premolars. 68 (34%) teeth treated with Biner LC; 49 molars and 19 premolars. 65
(32.5%) teeth received TheraCal LC; 45 molars and 20 premolars (Figure 3).
The average treatment success of indirect pulp capping after 12 months was 86.7%. A little
higher rate was observed after use of suspension (90.0%) than hard-setting calcium hydroxide
(84.0%). However, the difference was not statistically significant (Table 2).

Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences between the three investigated groups
using the three pulp capping materials (P˃0.05) (Table 2).
The clinical success rate of indirect pulp capping treatment after one year was ………….… for
Dycal, Biner LC and TheraCal LC respectively.
At 8-weeks follow up period; the three pulp capping materials showed a high success rate, and
there was no significant differences between the three investigated materials; 98.5%, 97.1%,
and 100% of teeth in group 1, 2 and 3 respectively (P˃0.05). Among the Dycal group, only one
tooth showed signs of failure and hence root canal treated. At 6 month follow up period, Gp1
and Gp 2 revealed a 100% success rate and 98.5% for Gp3. There was no significant difference
between the three investigated groups ((P˃0.05) (Table 2). Similarly, a high success rate was
observed at a one-year follow up period; 98% for dycal treated teeth (Gp1), and 100% for Biner
(Gp2) and TheraCal (Gp3) treated teeth.

Using dycal IPC material (Gp1) resulted in 2 teeth failures. One tooth (UR4) presented at the
dental clinic with pain during the 8-weeks evaluation period and went for root canal treatment
(RCT), and the other tooth (UL6) presented in dental clinic at the one year evaluation time with
fractured restoration and part of the tooth structure. Similar results were obtained with Biner
LC; (Gp2) two teeth recorded failure; (UL5) and (LL6) and hence root canal treated. On the
other hand the success rate of TheraCal LC (Gp3) pulp capping material was 98.5 with only
one tooth (UL5) recorded as failure, presented with sharp pain and went for RCT. In general,
all the failed teeth were belong to class II cavity preparations, in which three of them were
premolars and two teeth were molars. Radiographic examination at the end of one year
evaluation period exhibited intact lamina dura, absence of periapical radiolucency, no internal
or external root resorption. This is because the failures occur soon after treatment.

Table 2: Results of the success and failure of the three IPC materials

Year 1 Months 6 Weeks 8

Pulp capping Materials
Succes )Group(
Failure Failure Success Failure Success
1 66 0 67 1 66 Dycal
1.5% 98.5% 0.0% 100% 1.5% 98.5% )Gp1(

0 68 0 68 2 66 Biner LC
0.0% 100% 0.0% 100% 2.9% 97.1% )Gp2(

0 65 1 64 0 65 TheraCal
0.0% 100% 1.5% 98.5% 0.0% 100% )Gp3(

1 199 1 199 3 197

0.5% 99.5% 0.5% 99.5% 1.5% 98.5%

25.00; 25%
Figure 1: Total number and percentage of the
restored molars and premolars teeth.
75.00; 75%

Molars Premolars

Frequency of the Teeth

20 Figure 2: The number
18 and frequency of all
16 restored teeth with the
three pulp capping

Figure 3: Distribution of a number of
Dycal 65 67
restored teeth with regards to pulp capping
Biner LC material; Dycal, Biner LC and TheraCal LC.
LC 68

4. Discussion

Deep caries treatment is an area of continuous amendment and challenging to the dentists, in
terms of which treatment will produce the best outcomes and excellent prognosis which is
maintaining pulp vitality of the tooth with no apical pathology.39 In several occasions dentist
face challenges in evaluating the true clinical status of the pulp tissue under deep caries
lesion, which sometimes makes it hard to reach a precise and an accurate diagnosis of tooth
vitality. Deep caries lesion can be recognized by two layers: infected dentine which is a
superficial soft layer of demineralized destructive dentine tissues infiltrated with large amount
of bacteria and denatured collagen fibrils that cannot be remineralized; and the other layer is
the affected dentine, which is a deeper layer of partially demineralized dentine, with intact
collagen fibrils that can be remineralized.40, 41 It is hard to differentiate exactly these two layers
in the clinical reality, however, using some indicators such as the color and consistency of the
decayed dentine as well as the operator skills and clinical experience to make the good
decision for excavation of infected dentine, leaving only the affected dentine to avoid pulp
exposure.42 Yet, if pulp has become exposed and infected during caries removal, successful
outcome will be reduced.39 Therefore, a conservative procedure has been suggested to avoid
pulp exposure using the indirect pulp capping (IPC) treatment, which can be either a one-step
or two-step clinical procedure.43, 44 literature and operative dentistry textbooks recommended
application of a cavity liner and/or base if caries extends close to the pulpal tissue, 8, 40, 41 i.e.
when the remaining dentine thickness (RDT) is ≤0.5 mm, as a protective layer under the final
restorations, and to coat the innermost layer of caries-infected dentine to induce
remineralization.8, 13, 22 In the present clinical trial for deep carious management a one-step IPC
treatment under controlled isolation was performed, and the choice for IPC was based on a

careful pulp diagnosis, with proper evaluation of the pain history, symptoms, clinical and
radiographic findings.17 In addition, selective carious removal was done with expectations that
reparative dentine would be formed, demineralized dentine would be remineralized, and the
number of viable and sustainable bacteria would be reduced, and therefore, caries lesion is
arrested.3 Evidence has been shown that the two clinical visits IPC treatment in deep caries
management would not be necessary, because through the second visit, the treatment procedure
increased the risks of pulp exposure.45 This would add extra cost, time and discomfort to the
patient, and would thus be detrimental to pulpal health. 45, 46, 47, 48 The IPC treatment for each
patient was firstly evaluated after 8 weeks, based on the fact that the evaluation period of 8- to
12- weeks post-treatment is considered sufficient period to promote remineralization of carious
dentine and pulp recovering.35, 49
Authors found a statistically significant increase in total
mineral content in the testing samples with a qualitative increase in radiopacity of the calcium
A high success rate of IPC treatments was seen in the present study with the three pulp capping
materials at the three clinical follow up periods and that there was no significant difference
between the three investigated groups (P˃0.05). However, most of the treatment failures occur
soon after treatment, i.e. during the 8-weeks follow up period.
The excellent clinical outcomes and the high success rate of IPC treatment seen in this study
among the three experimental groups regardless of the material used, can be principally related
to several factors such as the careful selection of the cases with reasonably healthy pulp and
had the ability for self-repair, proper pulpal diagnosis, adequate and proper excavation of caries
infected dentine, good isolation and prevention of contamination, good choice of IPC
medication as well as the material used for permanent restoration to provide good and effective
marginal sealing allowing normal physiologic responses and healing to occur. 42, 50 The good
quality bond between restorative material and tooth structure which in turn provide effective
seal of the lesion from the oral environment is very important to prevent bacterial substrate
infiltrating into the dentine and to control progression of caries. 5, 50 Studies have demonstrated a
significant decrease in the count of bacterial under sealed restorations. 32, 51 In addition, studies
have reported that; clinical, radiographic and microbiological evaluations have demonstrated
that sealing the cavity properly could lead to arrest the deep active carious lesions, even when
inert materials such as wax or gutta-percha were used as liners. 52, 53 In addition, experimental
studies on animals have shown that good marginal seal of restoration protected pulp integrity
even if the underneath carious lesion was not entirely removed.54, 55

It has been reported that the older Ca(OH)2 formulations do not provide a long-term biological
seal, protection and permanent barrier against bacterial infection and microleakage because
Ca(OH)2 cement dissolve within 1–2 years, and tunnel defects in the majority of the reparative
dentin bridges underneath the capping material.2, 21
Nevertheless, it has been observed that, by
the time the Ca(OH)2 is vanished due to dissolution, dentine bridge has formed. 56 However, up
to one-year follow up period, dycal treated teeth (Gp1) exhibited a high success rate similar to
or even better than that of Biner LC treated teeth.
Dycal Ca(OH)2 has been widely used and commonly preferred in clinical practice as a pulp
capping material with the longest track record of clinical success. 5 The high success rate
observed with dycal treated teeth could be attributed to its effect on pulp repair by one or more
of several mechanism of action. 5 It is high alkaline material, biocompatible, induces
remineralization and reduces the risk of bacterial infection. 2, 51
In addition, the ability of
Ca(OH)2 to release hydroxyl (OH) and calcium (Ca) ions upon its dissociation into the
surrounding environment.18, 57
These ions caused chemical injury that stimulates the pulp to
perform a defense mechanism where the undifferentiated cells within the pulp distinguish into
odontoblasts that form a hard mineralized tissue as a reparative dentine. 23, 58
According to
Murray et al59 Ca(OH)2 liners mediate and maintain the health and vitality of the underlying
odontoblasts survival for the deposition of reparative dentine when the RDT is ≤0.5 mm.
Furthermore, the hydroxyl ions diffuses into the dentine and create an alkaline pH level, which
it is unsuitable environment for remaining bacteria in the cavity, therefore penetration of
bacteria into the pulp is minimized.5, 18, 21 The high pH of Ca(OH)2 destroy the bacterial cell
membrane and protein structure, and thus sufficiently terminate the residual bacteria. 18, 21 This
may explain the high success rate and the few number of failures among this investigating
group, which is in agreement with other studies, 22, 37
who reported a high success rate with
Ca(OH)2 ranging from 70% to 91%.22, 37
According to David et al, a 76% of all deciduous and young permanent teeth with deep carious lesions
were clinically and radiographically sound following application of a calcium hydroxide paste over
residual caries for a six-month follow up period, followed by complete excavation and restoration by
conventional methods [10] .

Biner LC treated teeth (Gp2) also exhibited a high success rate as dycal IPC treated teeth.
There were only 2 teeth reported failures soon after treatment and therefore root canal treated
(RCT). The reasons for the treatment failure could be attributed to a non-diagnostic
inflammation in the pulp that could not be precisely diagnosed before starting the treatment. In
this context, it has been documented that there is no reliable method to determine the degree of

pulp inflammation in deep carious lesions, which is the main reason why successful treatment
of deep caries is still questionable. 60 On the other hand, it has been documented that the correct
and accurate “gold standard” of pulp health status or pulp pathology is the histological analysis,
and cannot be determined by clinical signs, symptoms or radiologic appearance.5 Biner LC is a
visible light-cured (VLC) liner consists of calcium hydroxide and barium sulfate dispersed in a
urethane dimethacrylate resin containing initiators and accelerators activated by visible light.26
Manufacturer claimed that Biner LC exhibited excellent biocompatibility with dentine and
pulp, fluoride releasing, insoluble in water and oral fluids, radiopaque, flow on demand handling
and easy dispensing. REF Authors have suggested to use VLC Ca(OH)2 liner as indirect pulp
capping material underneath the restoration to provide a longer lasting bacterial barrier than
chemical cure Ca(OH)2. The fact that this material is based on polymeric resins allows for
bonding between it and overlaying composite restoration, which is a good advantage of this
material.39,56 it has been advocated that, if subsequent use of a dentine-bonding agent is
preferred, the VLC liner should only be applied on the deepest (<1 mm remaining) dentine,
leaving the rest of the cavity surface free for bonding. Studies
Regarding TheraCal LC treated teeth; only one tooth reported failure which means a high
success rate of the treatment. This material is designed for use in indirect and direct pulp
capping. It is content is similar to that of MTA (type III Portland cement), and has been
reported that it is well tolerated by odontoblasts. 20 The main advantages of calcium silicate
materials is their highly biocompatibility, bioactivity property and intrinsic osteoconductive
activity which is the ability to induce a biological and regenerative response in human body,
resulting in the formation of bond between material and the tissue which is the dentine bridge
of improved quality and superior sealing ability of the pulp capped site. 2 In addition, TheraCal
LC consists of tricalcium silicate particles in a hydrophilic monomer that displayed higher and
significant calcium release and lower solubility than either ProRoot MTA or Dycal making it a
stable and durable material as a liner or base.42, 61
Moreover, calcium release stimulates
hydroxyapatite and secondary dentine bridge formation. Additionally, it has been documented
that TheraCal LC revealed higher bond strength values than Biodentine when covered with
either composite or glassionomer cement.62 And to improve shear bond strength; Each and
Rinse adhesives are recommended when buildup resin composite restoration over TheraCal LC
material.63 These good properties could explain the excellent results obtained with TheraCal
treated teeth in the present study. On the other hand, this material is opaque and “whitish” in

color, thus it should be kept thin so as not to show through composite materials that are very
translucent affecting final restoration shading.20
In the current study, few cases reported failures with pulp capping materials contain resin, i.e.
Biner LC and TheraCal LC. Literature documented that the components of the adhesive resin-
based liners are found to be toxic in cell cultures which may threat the pulp on the short-term, 64
in addition to the temperature rise during photopolymerization of these materials. 65 Authors
reported that presence of resin in the components of pulp capping material which may possibly
remain unpolymerized is often associated with adverse pulpal reactions that lead to pulp
toxicity and inflammation even in the absence of bacteria.64, 66
inflammation is a poor
environment for pulp healing because of the reduction of the pulp’s immune response and
therefore inflamed pulp due to caries will have decreased healing capability.64 Authors
investigate the consequences of adding resins to tricalcium silicates by comparative analysis
showed that TheraCal is toxic to pulp fibroblasts and has a higher inflammatory effect and a
lower bioactive potential than Biodentine.66 Moreover, despite that the photopolymerization
of TheraCal LC is associated with low heat generation, it could still potentially induce adverse
pulpal effect when used in pulp capping procedures. 65 These are the possible explanations for
the failures occurred with the resin-contained pulp capping materials though they were very
few cases.
Finally, it is sensible to consider that pulp capping material individually did not influence the
clinical success of treatment for deep caries lesions of the permanent teeth. It’s a combination
of several factors as mentioned formerly in the discussion section which is in agreement with
other studies.3, 8, 22, 42 In addition to the health status of the pulp should be accurately diagnosed
before starting the treatment.

Within the limitations of this study and based on the clinical and radiographic evaluations, the
following conclusions can be drawn: IPC treatment maintained the pulp vitality and function of
the restored permanent teeth, and that the success of IPC treatment seen in the present study is
independent from the pulp capping material. Proper and careful case selection included healthy
pulp and correct pulpal diagnosis, good isolation and prevents bacterial contamination, good
marginal sealing of the cavity preparation with a suitable restoration are important factors for
successful IPC treatment. All three materials were exhibited a high success rate and found to be
very successful as IPC agents, however, TheraCal LC seems promising material and exhibited

the best results up to a one year follow up period. Additional research including controlled
clinical studies with larger sample size and longer-term follow up evaluation periods is required
to better assess and understand the clinical performance and efficiency of these relatively new
materials in the long run.
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