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2A e Co mplecc rhe d ¡alog ues \Virh this, these, that, or tltose.

Teacher \Vhat's 1. _ _ __
a Co mpl ete \Virh a or alt. Wrire rhe plural.
singular plural Jcnny ¡r's an ¡Podo
ª ph oto ~ Teacher And what are
1 _ _ city 2 , Jenny?
2 em ail Jcnny They're
3 _ _ perso n headphones.
4 box Teacher G ive them ro me,
5 woman picase, Jenny.
b Write sentences \Virh ¡t's or They're (and a or an if necessary).
Boy l \Vho's 3_ _ __
pen man over there?
buses They're buses.
Boy2 He's my father.
1 children A ndate 4_ _ __
2 change purse your dogs?
3 men Boy2 Yes, (hey are.
4 umbrella Boyl Wow!
5 su ngla sses

« p.12 « p.13
28 b Put rhe words in rhe fi ght arder.

a Underline rhe adj ectives in these sentences.

is Ch inese he? ls he Chinese?
1 a day very it 's ho r it's a very hot day
He's a rich mano
2 yOllr Ausrralian is rcachet? Is your teacher Australian?
1 They're Japanese rourises.
3 car fa st isn't rhar very That car ins't very fast
2 It 's an internatio nal schoo l.
4 a id ea bad it 's It's a bad idea
3 That isn't the right answet.
5 a are student you good? Are you a good student?
4 We're good frien d s.
6 easy is English very English is very easy
S Hi, A nna. Nice to meet you.
7 strong my is bro rh er very My brodher is very strong
6 T hose animals are dangerotl s.
8 watch ex pensive is chis an This is an expensive watch
7 T hi s is a big country.
8 My phone is very cheap. « p.14
2C b Complete with Let's and a verb from the listo

a Co mp lete \Vith a verb from t he li st. Use a G or a c:J impe rat ive. clase go open sit down stop turn off

be ga have open park read spea k ta ke turn an worry lt 's hot. L et's opelt the window.
I Comeon. _ _ __
A lt 's hoto B Qpm the window.
2 Lt 's late. ____ the TV and go to bed .
A I'm very sorry B Don't worry . It isn't a problem.
3 ['m tired. ____
1 A 1'111 bored . B ____ the TY.
4 It 's very cold in here . ~_ _ _ the window.
2 A No entiendo. B This is an English class. Please ____ Spanish.
S There's a service statio n. and have
3 A l'm tired . B It's late. to bed.
a co ffee.
4 A l s rhi s book good? B No, ir isn'r. ir.
S A 1'111 hun gry. B a sa ndw ich. « p.17
6 A Look at those animals. B ~___ careful. They're dangerous.
7 A Ir's raining. B an umbrella.
8 A Where is o ur hotel? B It 's over there. ____ here.
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