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Preserving Christian Publications, Inc.


Specializing in Used and Out-of-Print Titles
Catalog 185 November-December 2018

Preserving Christian Publications, Inc. is a tax-exempt not-for-profit corporation devoted to the preservation of our Catholic heritage. All
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abandoning the priestly ministry. This was a blow to the new bishop, who
HOLY COMMUNION was before a diocese that already had very few priests (there had been no
Communion in the Hand: Documents & History priestly ordinations in the previous 18 years, and at that time there was
Some Reflections on Spiritual Communion only one seminarian). However, his courage and his gifts of government
and the State of Grace enabled him to find a way to reverse the situation.
Since the beginning he made his priority the care of vocations: their
By Most Rev. Juan Rodolfo Laise number, and above all their solid formation, creating in 1980 the diocesan
With a Preface by Bishop Athanasius Schneider seminary “St. Michael the Archangel.” Thirty years later, when he turned
75 and had to leave his diocese, there were more than fifty seminarians,
From the Preface of Bishop Athanasius Schneider: “The Church in
and a young and numerous clergy who worked actively in the towns and
our times has the urgent need of courageous voices in defense of her
villages of the province. Similarly, he promoted the installation of
greatest treasure, which is the mystery of the Eucharist. Often today there
various religious congregations. Since the beginning his activity has been
arise voices in defense of the many human and temporal needs, but rare
multiple and incessant: the foundation of religious houses, of schools, of
are the voices that defend the Eucharistic Jesus. With his book
a Catholic University extension, numerous churches and chapels for the
Communion in the Hand His Excellency Most Rev. Juan Rodolfo Laise,
new districts of a province whose population is constantly growing, and
Bishop Emeritus of San Luis (Argentina), has for several years raised his
the organization of congresses and conferences. The apostolic directives
voice in defense of the Eucharistic Lord, showing with convincing
followed one another, in the spirit and decisions of Bishop Laise, at a
argumentation the inconsistency of the modern practice of Communion in
feverish pace. However, as a Capuchin religious he knew well that
the hand from a historical, liturgical and pastoral perspective...I consider
activity, even the most noble one such as that of the apostolate, is not
it an honor and joy to be able to present this book of the most worthy
fruitful if it does not nourish its roots in contemplation. That is why he
Bishop Juan Rodolfo Laise, “decus episcoporum Argentinae”. I hope this
also encouraged the establishment in the diocese of contemplative
prophetic voice of an elderly bishop, who has retained his youth and
purity of faith and reverent love for the Eucharistic mystery, may
But if in anything he has stood out in a special way, it has been in his
enkindle readers with the same faith and the same love and contribute to
Eucharistic piety and devotion, which have been translated in a special
the universal restoration of the more sacred and reverent manner of
way into the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – which by his express
receiving the Lord’s Body.”
will has been exposed throughout the day in the diocesan Cathedral since
Bishop Laise was born on
the ‘80s – and in his care for the organizing of the feast of Corpus Christi,
February 22, 1926 in Buenos Aires.
with a procession of the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of the city,
He entered the Capuchin Order, in
and in his homilies for the occasion.
which he received priestly ordination
For all these reasons it is understandable that when, in 1996, he found
in 1949 when he was only 23 years
himself confronted with a responsibility, that of making a decision about
old. Later he obtained his licentiate
the possibility of resorting to an indult to give Holy Communion in a less
in canon law from the Gregorian
devout manner, which makes less clear the Real Presence and the
University in Rome, and his
Priesthood, and which furthermore was obtained through a frontal
doctorate in civil law from the
disobedience to the Pope, he did not ask to avail himself of this, and, in
national university of Córdoba
the same way, he more recently has reacted to the possibility of giving
(Argentina). In 1969 he was named Provincial Superior of the Capuchins
Communion to someone who is not in the state of grace. After his
of Argentina.
retirement in 2001 he returned to the Franciscan conventual life and he
In 1971 he was appointed by Paul VI coadjutor bishop of the Diocese
chose the Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo (Italy), where is
of San Luis, whose bishop was seriously ill. The clergy of that diocese,
found his venerated tomb. There he spends the mornings hearing the
although scarce, were deeply divided because of liberation theology. Due
confessions of the pilgrims. He often agrees to travel to occasionally
to the strong resistance of the ideological and rebellious sector, it was not
collaborate elsewhere, having performed numerous ordinations for
possible to organize the episcopal consecration in what would be his
various religious congregations, and accompanied pilgrims to Lourdes,
Episcopal see, but 500 miles away, in the chapel of a Capuchin school
Rome, etc., during these nearly two decades. In the photo on this cover he
near Buenos Aires. As soon as he became bishop of San Luis, the
is seen on one of those occasions, celebrating a Pontifical Mass on the
reaction of the group of highly politicized priests did not delay, and they
Altar of the Chair of St. Peter in the Vatican Basilica on October 24,
left the diocese, moving to a neighboring diocese where the environment
2015. 2018 218 pages $18.00 #63233
was more akin to their ideas. Some went even further by directly


back in print: 1962 PARISH RITUAL: Designed to Aid Parish

Priests in the Regular Exercise of the Pastoral Ministry
Edited by Father Frederick R. McManus in association – pages 105-109; Sacrament of Penance – pages 109-120;
with Father Bede Babo, O.S.B. Administration of Holy Communion outside of Mass – pages 121-
[Latin/English] 124; Forty Hours – pages 125-138; Benediction – pages 139-140;
Baptism – pages 1-104; Confirmation of the Sick in Danger of Death Extreme Unction – pages 141-149; Communion of the Sick – pages
150-155; Visitation and Care of the Sick – pages 156-165; Manner Cross, longer Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart – pages 1*-
of Assisting the Dying – pages 166-184; The Funeral Rite – pages 16* reprint of 1962 ed. 314p+16* bonded leather / gilt edges /
185-220; Celebration of Marriage, Silver or Golden Wedding ribbon $76.00 #63239
Anniversary, etc. – pages 221-250; Blessings – pages 251-296;
Litanies – pages 297-308; Prayer for the Church and Civil Available December 2018
Authorities – pages 209-310; Index – pages 311-314; Appendix:
Hymns, Blessing of St. Benedict Medal, Solemn Benediction of the

death, or is it above all an assault of a spiritual nature? If we study

Fatima in relation to the vision of Pope Leo XIII, the logical
THE SAINT MICHAEL PRAYER conclusion is that Fatima represents not merely physical
chastisements, but above all a spiritual crisis resulting from an
AND POPE FRANCIS assault of the devil against all members of the Church, leading all
the way to the Chair of Peter.
Pope Leo XIII and the Prayer to St. Michael For these reasons it is necessary to study the vision of Leo XIII
Second Enlarged Edition and the apparitions of Fatima in relation to one another. Pope
Francis’s call to recite the Prayer to St. Michael, even in the midst of
By Kevin J. Symonds uncertainties about his reasons for making this appeal at the present
Foreword by Bishop Athanasius Schneider time, serves as a reminder to the universal Church of the role of St.
Michael, and ultimately of Our Lady, which is also brought to light
2018 ix + 242p IL $18.00 #55990 in the book by Kevin Symonds.
With this in mind we wish to call the
We are happy to announce the publication of the second attention of our readers to two other titles that we
enlarged edition of Pope Leo XIII and the offer. One is the booklet Mary Crushes the
Prayer to St. Michael by Kevin J. Symonds. Serpent (see page 27 of this catalog), an account
Shortly after this new edition became available, of the experiences of a nineteenth century exorcist
the Vatican announced that the Pope had which is related to the vision of Leo XIII, and
requested that the Prayer to St. Michael be said therefore merited having an entire chapter devoted
after the recitation of the Rosary during the to it in Kevin Symonds’ book. The second is our booklet Fatima
month of October. However, this request from and The Third Secret: A Historical Examination based on a Letter of
the Pope has come in the midst of a Sister Lúcia & the Carmelite Biography (see page 26 of the catalog),
controversy within the hierarchy of the Church,
which defends the Third Secret against speculation about a missing
and the announcement has brought uncertainty
document or “fourth secret,” all of which has distracted many who
to some Catholics.
are devoted to Fatima from considering the Third Secret, and its
The web site LifeSiteNews reported that since the Pope in
supernatural message regarding the present trials facing the Church
recent homilies has spoken of the devil as “the Accuser,” some are
Kevin Symonds, the author of Pope Leo XIII and the Prayer to
therefore wondering if Archbishop Viganò, the author of serious
St. Michael, has come under criticism from Matt Gaspers of Catholic
allegations against fellow members of the hierarchy, is being
Family News for his writings against the theory of the so-called
implicated, harshly accused of being a tool of the devil.
“fourth secret,” the position Kevin Symonds also defended in his
As Catholics strive to understand what is clearly a profound
debate with Christopher Ferrara at the Angelus Press Conference on
crisis within the Church, the story of a vision seen by Pope Leo XIII
October 13, 2017. Mr. Gaspers has recently published two articles
in the late nineteenth century, and known to be about an assault of
criticizing Mr. Symonds (Catholic Family News, September 2018,
the devil against the Church, becomes something of central
pp. 13-14, & October 2018, pp. 20-21).
importance. To understand this vision, however, it is first of all
The central issue in this debate is that Matt Gaspers and other
necessary to know the truth about this event in the life of Pope Leo
defenders of a so-called missing document overlook the spiritual
XIII. The Prayer to St. Michael that is commonly recited is a
symbolism of the Third Secret itself. Sister Lucia had explained the
shortened version of a longer prayer that Leo XIII composed after
Third Secret in her May 12, 1982 letter to Pope John Paul II as a
his vision, and this in turn is related to an Exorcism prayer that the
“symbolic revelation,” and in this context she gave the Pope a
pontiff had also composed and which was published in the Roman general interpretation of the meaning of its symbolism. Matt
Ritual. The original and more complete versions of the Prayer to St. Gaspers, on the other hand, assumes that the Third Secret does not
Michael and this Exorcism prayer contain a passage that describes a contain this symbolic revelation, and therefore he fails to see the
diabolical assault not simply against the Church in general, but also spiritual significance of what he interprets as primarily physical
against the Chair of Peter. death and destruction. The vision of the Third Secret describes, for
Approximately three decades after Pope Leo’s vision, Our Lady example, a “city half in ruins.” Father Nicholas Gruner himself had
appeared in Fatima and showed the three children another vision that acknowledged the spiritual significance of this “city” as representing
has an undeniable similarity to that part of the complete Prayer to St. the Church and Christian Civilization, not merely physical cities
Michael and Pope Leo’s unabridged Exorcism prayer. In the Third with their buildings and monuments. Failing to appreciate the
Secret of Fatima, published by the Vatican on June 26, 2000, we spiritual meaning of the Third Secret is what has led to the endless
read of a “bishop dressed in white” who is assaulted by enemies. search for an alleged missing document.
Not only this apparent representation of a Pope, but also other In this context Kevin Symonds’ book Pope Leo XIII and the
bishops, priests, religious and laity are depicted in the Third Secret. Prayer to St. Michael, a history of this important prayer, now
All members or states of life in the Church are described, and all are
brought to the attention of the Catholic world with the Pope’s recent
overcome in the assault.
request that it be recited, has become more timely than ever. The
It is impossible not to see these parallels between what was
book will help the reader to relate the vision of Pope Leo XIII to the
referred to by Pope Leo XIII, and what Our Lady showed to the
vision of the Third Secret, which Our Lady gave to the children of
children of Fatima in the vision described in the Third Secret. But
Fatima three decades after Leo XIII had seen a vision of a diabolical
what does this assault against the Church and in particular the Pope
assault against the Church
represent? Is it primarily a physical assault, leading to physical

Catalog Table of Contents
Our Lord – p. 4 & Family – p. 11 Fathers & Doctors of the Church – p.
Our Lady– p. 4 Interior Life–Ascetical & Mystical 20
Saints & Blessed – p. 5 Theology – p. 12 Catechetics/Youth/Education/Children’
Catholic Biography – p. 6 Prayer, Meditation, Retreats – p. 13 s Literature – pp. 20-22
Church History/Christian Civilization– Sermons & Conferences – p. 15 Catholic Literature – p. 22
p. 7 Sacred Liturgy / Liturgical Music / Latin Titles – p. 22
Sacred Scripture – p. 8 Liturgical Year – pp. 16-18 French, Italian & Polish Titles – p. 23
Philosophy – p. 9 Papal Teaching & Canon Law – p. 18 Special Authors – p. 23
Apologetics & Converts – p. 10 The Priesthood & Religious Life /
Dogmatic Theology – p. 10 Religious Orders & Congregations – Books in Print – pp. 25-27
Moral & Pastoral Theology / Marriage pp. 19-20

The Catholic Bibliographical Index

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Goodier, Archbp Alban, SJ [1869-1939] 1944  Mater Corredemptrix: seu de Possibili

OUR LORD [1933 1st printing] 425p (G/F) $25 #89921, Illatione a Spirituali Maternitate B. M. Virg. ad
Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 #91513, 1962 [9th printing] Formalem Eius Corredemptionem - Garcia
425p Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 #79408, n.d. 425p / dj Garces, P. Narcissus, CMF 1940 293p rebound
 History of the Development of Devotion some pen notes & underlining Bi(G)Pg(F/P) $19 Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 #93688
to the Holy Name: With a Supplement [a #93895
very scholarly & informative study tracing the  Virgin Mary, The [the human & historical
whole history of this devotion; also considers the  Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of Mary & the Mary of dogma & piety: 1. The
various Holy Name societies that have come God in Meditations, The [draws from the Virgin of history; 2. development of thought
about as well as Holy Name doctrine contained Gospel the solid nutriment of our Lord's concerning Mary; 3. the mystery of Mary; 4. the
in the Sarum rite, i.e. in the breviary & Mass] - teaching, both moral & doctrinal, by means of Blessed Virgin & the present age] - Guitton,
Biasiotto, Peter R., OFM / Dissertation: mental application to the subject matter] [in 2 Jean / A. Gordon Smith, tr. 1952 [trs from 1949
Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum de Urbe vols] - Meschler, Fr Maurice, SJ [1830-1912] / French ed] 190p Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #82289, ink
1943 188p pb some highlighting (F/P) $35 Sr. Mary Margaret, OSB, tr. 1928 [reprint 1909 marks Bi(F)Pg(G/F/F/P) $8 #23046
#93682 1st English printing] taped spine (F) $19 #56984  Meet the Witnesses [extraordinary
 Jesus Crucified: Readings and Meditations  Our Best Friend [a solid dogmatic & testimonies & photos from living eye witnesses
on the Passion and Death of Our Redeemer [53 spiritual basis for the devotion to the Sacred who had experienced the miracle of the sun at
meditations grouped under 7 heads: Agony in Heart, emphasizes its great significance: through Fatima on Oct 13, 1917] - Haffert, John M. / V.
the Garden, Jesus in the Power of the High its practice we become united to Our Lord, Rev Canon Galamba de Oliveira, foreword by
Priests, Jesus Before Pilate, Way of the Cross, proving our love for Him & atoning for the 1961 160p IL dj (G/F) $30 #92534, 1961 160p
Crucifixion, Seven Last Words, Death & Burial] offenses we & others have committed] - Pesch, IL pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93542
- Elliott, Fr. Walter [1842-1928] 1906 374p (F) Christian, SJ / Bernard A. Hausmann, SJ, tr.  Mary, God's Masterpiece [the story of Our
$19 #93826 1953 220p dj (G/F) $21 #91452 Lady in words & 62 full color magnificient
 Jesus Christus: Meditations [13 meditations reproductions of the greatest art pieces in
or sermons on the mystery of Christ's OUR LADY / Her Life / Marian Miracles, history, representing her in the most stirring
Incarnation: His mother, passage, failure, sacred Shrines & Apparitions moments of her life, texts of her life taken from
authority, Christ the healer, Jesus & faith, will of Scripture, Roman Missal & Breviary] - John J.
the Father, Jesus' solitude, nearness of the Crawley & Co., publ 1955 65p IL small format
 Glories and Virtues of Mary [6 glories: (5-1/2"x 8-1/2") Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #90658
Father, time & eternity, etc] - Guardini, Msgr Immaculate Conception, Full of Grace, Mother
Romano / Peter White, tr. 1959 [1957 1st of God, Mediatrix of all Grace, etc; 10 virtues:  Mother of Jesus, The Thirty-One Readings
German] 111p Bi(F)Pg(G) $8 #22696 Her faith, hope, charity, prudence, etc; devotion for the Month of Mary & the Month of the Holy
 Reign of Christ, The: The Immortal King of to Her through the Ave Maria, Salve Regina, Rosary [the striking likeness between Jesus &
Ages [a devout commentary on the letters of litanies & other prayers] - Alberione, Very Rev Mary, between the son & the mother: similar
Pope Pius XI establishing the Feast of Christ the James, SSP / Hilda Calabro, tr 1962 [2nd thoughts, feelings & character – through a series
King] - Husslein, Joseph, SJ 1928 265p IL (F) printing/1958 1st printing] 251p IL (G/F) $17 of family life scenes] - Morice, Chanoine Henri /
$34 #93827 #89301, 1958 251p IL pb (F) $9 #93486 Sr. Clara Meigs Sands, RSCJ, tr. 1940 250p
(G/F) $21 #85702, Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #85743
 Infant Jesus of Prague and Its  Fundamentals of Mariology [outline
Veneration, The [Its history with prayers & presentation of the Catholic theology of Mary  Our Lady: Mediatrix of All Graces [explains
devotions] - Koneberg, Fr. H., OSB / Rev Joseph under 2 heads: singular mission of Mary (1 & vindicates the extent & minuteness of Mary's
Mayer, C.SS.R., tr. / Catholic Book Publ. Co., preparation, 2 fulfillment, 3 corollaries); & intervention on our behalf: cooperatrix in the
(T-129) 1946 128p cloth/red edges/pocket size singular prerogatives of Mary (1 beginning, 2 Redemption, Mary's spiritual motherhood,
(G/F) $25 #91588 during, 3 end of her life, 4 corollary)] - Carol, Fr acquisition of grace, distribution of grace,
Juniper, OFM / prefatory note by Rev Cyril universal mediation of Mary, etc] - O'Connell,
 Day Christ Was Born, The: A Reverential Fr Raphael V., SJ [1858-1936] 1926 121p
Reconstruction - Bishop, Jim 1960 80p IL (G) Vollert, president of the Mariological Society of
America 1956 203p (G) $50 #76993, (G/F) $40 Bi(F)Pg(G) $32 #92974
$8 #5930, Bi(F)Pg(G) $7 #5931, rebound (F) $5  Mary, God's Masterpiece [the story of Our
#5934 #76994, pencil underlining & notes B(G)Pg(F)
$32 #78057 Lady in words & 62 full-color magnificent
 Life of Christ, The [vividly portrays & reproductions of the greatest art pieces in history
explains the principal events in the life of Our  Eve and Mary [guided by the works of St.
Thomas & St. Augustine, explores the representing her in the most stirring moments of
Lord in an easy-flowing narrative; recreates the her life, texts on her life are taken from
prevailing atmosphere of the time, the spirit of significance of the fall of our first parents, the
mystery of the Annunciation, the temptation of Scripture, Roman Missal & Breviary] - Perpetual
the people; based on theology, history, Help Press, publ 1954 65p IL small format (5-
archaeology, etc] - Fernandez, Andrés, SJ / Paul Christ & His passion & death] - Dehau, Fr Peter
T., OP / Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual 1/2"x 8-1/2") (G/F) $17 #93593, (F) $12 #81437
Barrett, OFM Cap, tr. 1958 [trans of 1954 2nd  Veneration of the Blessed Virgin: Her
Spanish ed] 817p IL + maps dj (G/G/F) $17 Rosary, La Crosse, WI, trs 1958 [trans from
#89493, Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #63402, 1959 [2nd 1950 French ed] 268p (G/F) $17 #63715 Feasts, Prayers, Religious Orders, and Sodalities
English printing] 817p IL + maps / dj (G/G/F)  In Praise of Our Lady: with a Novena to [Pt: 1 Devotion to the BVM in general; Pt 2:
$17 #90678 Our Lady of Fatima [novena sermons for various BVM honored in Church Festivals; Pt 3: How
feasts connected with Our Lady: Lourdes, St. she is honored in Church devotions; Pt 4: How
 Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus she is honored by religious orders &
Christ, The [supplement to his Public Life of Joseph, 3rd of the 7 sorrows: Loss of the Child,
May devotions, Visitation, Imm. Heart of Mary, confraternities] - Rohner, Fr B., OSB / Rev.
Our Lord: devotional work opening with Richard Brennan, adapted by 1913 [reprint of
Tuesday of Holy Week & concluding with the Nativity of BVM, Our Lady of Ransom, etc] -
Dempsey, Fr Martin 1950 225p (G/F) $10 1898 ed] 336p (F) $39 #92908
sealing of Our Lord's tomb on Good Friday] -  Carmina Mariana: An English Anthology in
#15001, Bi(F)Pg(G) $9 #15002
Verse in Honour of or in Relation to the Blessed honor of the BVM] - Northcote, Fr J. Spencer 446p rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $40 #91922
Virgin Mary [an incredibly vast collection of 1868 434p Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #93655  St. Clare of Assisi [an inspirational life
poetical tributes to Mary, from ancient times to  Happy Grotto, The [a marvelous & moving interweaving hers with that of St Francis, a
the present with those in foreign languages account of his visit to the Lourdes shrine & of foundress who practiced great austerities – 5
translated] - Shipley, Orby, ed. 1894 461p the perennial miracle of Lourdes itself & the appendices: Office of the Passion, Rule of St
Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #92852 peace of soul of those who visit the shrine] - Clare, her testament, cause of canonization, bull
 Salve Regina: Meditations on The Life, The Oursler, Fulton 1957 [1st UK printing, 1949 1st of canonization: 1194-1253] - Robeck, Nesta de
Titles and The Praises of Mary [the Bl Mother in US printing] 94p (G/F) $18 #93869, 1949 79p 1951 242p IL some staining of spine (F) $25
all her attributes: 1. Our Lady's life based on the Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #90879 #92015
Gospels, 2. the titles of the Litany of Loreto  Our Lady of Fatima [based on the author's  Faithful Servant: Spiritual Retreats & Letters
explored, 3. other titles used by the Church in interviews in Portugal with those connected with of Blessed Claude La Colombiere [the workings
praising Mary] - Snyder, [Fr] Joseph E. 1941 the events, & on diaries, letters & official of his soul are made known in these retreat
230p 1 page has underlining Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $32 documents] - Walsh, William Thomas 1948 [5th notes, he maps out a route to the summit of
#90502 printing] 228p Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #92643, / Msgr perfection – his letters (148) to various persons
 Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The: William C. McGrath, intro by / 1954 [reprint of inspire by his heroic virtue] - Claude La
According to Holy Scriptures, the Testimony of 1947 hb ed] 223p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $8 #93753 Colombiere, Bl. [1641-1682] / W. Young, SJ, tr.
the Holy Fathers, the Traditions of the Catholic 1960 450p [trans from his "Oeuvres Complètes,"
Church and as Narrated in Pious Legends [a very SAINTS & BLESSEDS vol 6 of the Grenoble edition of 1900-1901] dj
reverent & insightful treatment of the BVM seen (G/F) $60 #85478, dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $58 #91566,
from the eyes of the East, from where she arose] Bi(F)Pg(G) $56 #67401
- Loya, Very Rev Stephen & George Gulanich,  Saints, The: A Concise Biographical  Life of St Dominic (1170-1221) [his portrait
trs. / Donald Attwater, preface by 1952 [1st ed] Dictionary [a lively & stimulating account of & times presented with brilliant clarity, his role
92p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #92969 many saints with many color & b/w illustrations
of famous portraits by the great masters, in the 13th century dispute with heretics,
 Life of Mary as Seen by the Mystics, arranged in alphabetical order with a liturgical founded the Order of Preachers, spread the Faith
The: Compiled from the Revelations of St. calendar] - Coulson, John, ed. / C. C. throughout Christendom, his sanctity confirmed
Elizabeth of Schoenau, St. Bridget of Sweden, Martindale, SJ, intro. by 1960 496p [2nd by many miracles] - Jarrett, Bede, OP n.d.
Ven. Mother Mary of Agreda, Sister Anna printing] IL [10" x 7.5"] Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 [reprint of 1924 1st ed] [complete & unabridged]
Catherine Emmerich - Brown, Raphael, ed. / #63700, 1958 [1st printing] 496p IL [10" x 7.5] 160p pb (F) $17 #68298
Rev. Edward A. Ryan, SJ., foreword by 1952 Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $12 #12398, 1960 [2nd printing]  As the Morning Star: The passing of St.
[2nd printing] 292p (F) $25 #63714, 1954 [3rd 496p IL [10" x 7.5] Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $12 #65192, Francis [a reverent, intense focus on the last 2
printing] 292p (F) $25 #63871 1958 [1st printing] 496p IL [10" x 7.5] years of his earthly life: divine privilege of the
 Wondrous Childhood of the Most Holy Bi(P)Pg(G) needs rebinding $6 #12396 stigmata, months of suffering, energetic travels,
Mother of God, The [the fruit of this saint's  Legends of the Saints, The [a monumental the wait for death in the hut & the final bequests
meditations on the childhood of Mary; treats all work in the study of saints, recognized as the to his followers] - Habig, Marion A., OFM 1947
questions pertaining to it] - John Eudes, St 2000 standard in the field, described by Dom David 218p (G/F) $28 #91409, Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #91403
(reprint of 1915 edition) 290p pb (G) $8 #26598, Knowles as "penetrating in judgment & perfect  Francis of the Crucified [deftly depicts the
2004 (reprint of 1915 edition) 290p pb in form," based on the foundation & rules of Fr saint's timeless spirit, which can be adopted by
Bi(F)Pg(G) $6 #90987, 2000 (reprint of 1915 Bolland, SJ: 1596-1665] - Delehaye, [Fr.] anyone in any age, built around the practice of
edition) 290p pb (F) $4 #91639 Hippolyte [SJ] [1859-1941] / Donald Attwater, the beatitudes, radiates the peace & joy of the
 City of God: Popular Abridgement of the tr. / Fr Paul Peeters, memoir of the author by saint & prompts the reader to do the same] -
Divine History & Life of the Virgin Mother of 1962 (trans from 1955 4th French revised Schmitt, Myles, OFMCap 1956 152p dj
God - Mary of Agreda / F. Marison, tr. [Rev ed/1905 1st French ed) 252p dj (G/F) $14 Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #91418
Geo. J. Blatter] 1949 (2nd printing) 794p (G/F) #92701, (G/F) $12 #14929, Bi(F)Pg(G) $11  Vita Sancti Fructuosi, The: Text with a
$20 #90179, some pen underlining pages 5-13 #69994 Translation, Introduction, & Commentary [Latin
Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $17 #69783  Saints for Now [20 lives of saints: Sts John, & English text: St. Fructuosus of Braga, son of a
 Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The: Helena, Augustine, Simeon Stylites, Benedict, Visigoth general, archbishop & founder of
Abridgement of the Mystical City of God - Mary Radegund, Hilda of Whitby, Francis, Thomas monasteries along the lines of the Benedictine
of Agreda / F. B. Amedeo de Coesare, Aquinas, Thomas More, Ignatius, Francis Rule, stamped out Visigoth paganism in Spain:
abridgement / J. A. Boullan, tr n.d. Xavier, Pius V, John of the Cross, etc] - Luce, died 1665] - Nock, Sr Frances Clare, SCN /
(c.1927/reprint of 1872 imprimatur ed) 434p (F) Clare Boothe, ed. 1952 312p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 CUA Studies in Mediaeval History, New Series
$20 #91753 #92514, stained front cover (F) $17 #91436 Vol VII 1946 163p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #92750
 Shrines to Our Lady Around the World  Christ's Twelve [drawing on Scripture &  St. Ignatius of Loyola [a sober & balanced
[this pictorial review of 20 centuries & 2 tradition, gives an account of the Apostles, the account written with all existing evidence, shows
hemispheres is an intelligent attempt to convey most influential men in history, who changed the his importance, his heroic personal sanctification
the Mother-Son relationship so necessary to world by their teaching & example – brings out & his influence on succeeding generations
Christian belief & piety] - Aradi, Zsolt 1954 their strengths & weaknesses] - Mueller, Fr F. J. throughout the world: 1491-1556] - Dudon, Pere
214p IL [over 175 photos] Bi(F)Pg(G) $26 1931 136p slight cover staining (F) $27 #92657 Paul, SJ [1859-1941] / Science & Culture Series
#77002, water damaged (P) $10 #85912  First Martyrs of North America, The: / Fr. William J. Young, SJ, tr. 1949 484p (G/F)
 Immaculate Heart, The: The True Story of The Story of the Eight Jesuit Martyrs [original $28 #90934
Our Lady of Fatima [complete account of the title: The American Martyrs – excerpts from  Madame de Chantal [baroness, wife, mother
apparition based on the author's personal correspondence & notes made by these & other of 7, widow, directed by St. Francis de Sales,
interview with Sr Lucia] - de Marchi, Fr John, missionaries, story of heroic endurance & foundress & finally because of her sanctity she
IMC / William Fay, ed. / Archbp Richard J. magnificent achievement] - O'Brien, Fr John A. was canonized: 1572-1641] - Heagney, Fr H. J.
Cushing, foreword by 1952 287p IL some cover 1960 [1953 1st ed] 310p (G) $24 #65191 1950 285p underlining & pen marks Bi(F)Pg(P)
staining (F) $30 #93952  Shadows Over Huronia [the author was the $23 #93207
 Russia Will Be Converted [Fatima: last superior of Huronia (Canadian Missions)  Selected Letters of Saint Jane Frances de
convincing narrative to show that God will work which saw the deaths of 5 Jesuit martyrs in Chantal [111 letters on a variety of topics
the miracle of world peace & convert Russia] - Midland (Ontario), he gathered up their remains written to friends, clergy, other nuns, novices,
Haffert, John M. 1950 270p IL dj Bi(F)Pg(G) & diligently wrote a short description of their nobles, etc] - Jane Frances de Chantal, St /
$13 #295, 1950 278p IL dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 deaths & martydom, a wonderful story simply Sisters of the Visitation, tr. / Francis Card
#23262 told] - Ragueneau, Rev Paul, SJ [1608-1680] / Bourne, preface by 1918 [trans from the 1877
 Fatima or World Suicide [besides including Rev J. Fallon, SJ, tr / Rev J. S. McGivern, SJ, French ed] 255p taped spine Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $23
the Fatima story, the author makes a vigorous intro by n.d. [1650 original French ed] 124p pb #67800
plea for action, focuses on 2 stark alternatives Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #91957  Halo on the Sword, The: St. Joan of Arc [a
confronting the human race: a return to the  Popular Patron Saints [lives of those saints picture of her life & times, drawn from authentic
Christian way of life, as urged by the BVM at who are special advocates for a person, country, sources to portray her as a real person who saved
Fatima, or face the end of our civilization] - diocese or church or a particular occupation in France: 1412-1431] - Purcell, Mary / Claude
McGrath, Rt Rev Wm. C. / James M. Gillis, life, under 3 heads: saints of the 1st 5 centuries Farrere, preface by 1952 308p Bi(F)Pg(G) $23
CSP, foreword by / Thomas McQuaid, SFM, (23), of the Middle Ages (20), of modern times #92760
preface by 1950 94p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93536, (22)] - Sharkey, Don & Sr Loretta Clare, SC  Short History of St. John in Ephesus, A:
Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #93166 1960 233p (F) $19 #63300 The first and greatest metropolis of Asia, the
 Celebrated Sanctuaries of the Madonna  Saint Catherine of Siena [makes the saint, cradle of the Hellenic Civilization, a Nusery and
[familiarizes the reader with the wonderful her companions, times, etc real, gives a clear garden of Christianity, the second province of
evidences of God's mercy manifested in those exposition of her spiritual teachings & of her God after Jerusalem with a precious unique
"holy places" dedicated to the BVM, wishes to whom the Church has styled Doctor of Mystical common Christian-Moslem Shrine - Zuzic,
enkindle in the reader a more tender devotion & Theology: 1347-1380] - Jorgensen, Johannes / Marko 1960 96p IL (G) $20 #91572
love for her, considers 19 European shrines in Ingeborg Lund, tr. 1946 [reprint of 1938 ed]  John the Baptist: Missionary of Christ [a
spiritual portrait of the saint as a model for the (G) $12 #87598 Hugh Benson: a brother's intimate recollections
present-day priest] - Retif, Andre 1953 122p (F)  Rose Unpetaled, The: Saint Therese of the of his attractive personality as his family knew
$17 #68068 Child Jesus [based on St. Therese's & loved him: 1871-1914] - Benson, Arthur
 Spirit of Flame: A Study of St. John of the autobiography, brings out the spirit of a great Christopher (non-Cath) 1915 265p IL (F) $25
Cross [attractively written as a good beginner's love which can be understood by all, & her #93477
guide to this Spanish mystic of the 16th century] message of peace & simplicity to those who seek  Sister Mary John Berchmans: Religious of
- Peers, E. Allison [Anglican] 1944 214p pb them: 1873-1897] - Morteveille, Blanche / the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary - Spiritual
some pen underlining (F) $17 #92957 Religion & Culture Series / Mother Paula, OSB, Notes [Christine O'Neill: a saintly nun who
 La Salle: Patron of All Teachers [an important tr 1943 [1936 1st French ed] 260p (G/F) $18 taught for 15 years in San Francisco, CA; written
contribution to the history of education; places #79983, 1942 260p (F) $14 #84257, 1954 by her sister in blood & in religion; Pt 1: Her
the saint in his position as one of the great [revised, 8th printing] 264p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 Life/Works; Pt 2: Spiritual Notes, Prayers,
benefactors & educators of mankind: 1651- #67334 Offerings] - O'Neill, Sr Mary Edwin, RHN / D.
1719] - Fitzpatrick, Edward A. 1951 428p Giacobbi, SJ, foreword to 1st ed / Richard A.
Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #85514 CATHOLIC BIOGRAPHY Gleeson, SJ, foreword to 2nd ed 1937 [2nd
 St. Justin the Martyr [born as a pagan, he ed/1927 1st ed] 234p Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #92260
studied in various schools, then became a  Dictionary of Catholic Biography  Exile Ends in Glory: Life of a Trappistine,
Christian & an apologist – he debated, wrote, [monumental yet concise reference of over Mother M. Berchmans, OCSO [Mary Piguet:
defended & explained the Faith, such as the 16,000 entries, on lay persons as well as saints, leaves France & revives a Japanese Cistercian
immortality of the soul, the sacraments, fasting. with a chronological chart of Popes & rulers, monastery: 1876-1915] - Merton, Thomas 1948
etc: c.100-c165] - Martindale, Fr C. C., SJ / detailed info on each person & his/her 311p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #70120, 1949 [4th
"Catholic Thought & Thinkers" series 1921 contribution to history] - Delaney, John J. & printing] 311p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #73424, 1948
157p Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #92835 James Edward Tobin 1961 1245p Bi(F)Pg(G) 311p IL (F) $11 #35936, 1949 311p IL (F) $11
 Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Doctor of $26 #69953 #83174, 1950 311p IL Bi(G)Pg(F/P) $9 #35937,
1950 [5th printing] 311p IL could be rebound
the Universal Church: Commemorative  Brief Biographical Sketches of the Bi(F/P)Pg(F) $6 #83579, (F/P) $3 #85907
Ceremonies [Vol 2] [talks/ceremonies of Oct 11, Deceased Bishops and Priests who
'60: his apostolate, Mariology, ecclesiology,  William Joseph Chaminade: Founder of
Labored in the Diocese of Pittsburgh the Society of Mary [he lived through the reign
life/journeys (1559-1619), St Lawrence was a from the Earliest Times to the Present,
noted Capuchin whose work in the Counter- of terror of the French Revolution & helped
Reformation brought back many Protestants to with an Historical Introduction: Vol 1: rebuild the Church of France, a story of
the Faith] - Capuchin Educational Conference, From 1749 to 1860 [an account of those who incessant labor & devotion to the general good,
publ 1961 128p IL pb (G/F) $10 #93873 labored, were deprived, suffered & triumphed in of zeal for truth & for the spread of virtue: 1761-
the diocese] - Lambing, Rev Andrew Arnold 1850] - Rousseau, Fr Henry, SM / J. E. Garvin,
 What Are These Wounds?: The Life of a 1914 345p IL [vol 2 never published] could be SM., tr & Mgr. Alfred Baudrillart, intro by 1914
Cistercian Mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywieres rebound Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $45 #91323 492p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #91742
[mystic, stigmatist, apostle of devotion to the
Sacred Heart: 1182-1246] - Merton, Thomas  Martyrs in China [contains a stark, damning  He Leadeth Me [a spiritual autobiography &
1950 191p (F) $25 #90286 commentary on Communist brutality & a soul- testament of his faith behind the Iron Curtain,
stirring portrayal of Christian heroism based on shows how he survived a hellish ordeal of 23
 Margaret Clitherow (1556?-1586) [a story his own experiences there for 14 yrs, with a agonizing years in Soviet prisons & labor camps;
of perennial importance & inspiration: a convert warning to the Western world] - Monsterleet, recalls how it was only through an utter reliance
to the faith, took her Catholicity seriously, Jean, SJ / Antonia Pakenham tr. / John Wu, on God's will that he endured] - Ciszek, Walter
housed & hid priests from the government since foreword by 1956 [trans from the 1953 French J., SJ with Daniel L. Flaherty, SJ 1973 216p
to celebrate Mass in England at that time was a ed] 288p IL dj (G/F) $19 #92722 Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #91441, 1995 [1973 1st hb ed]
crime, was captured & pressed to death] - 202p pb (G/F) $14 #89843
Claridge, Mary / Philip Caraman, SJ, foreword  Three Cardinals: Newman, Wiseman,
by 1966 196p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93525 Manning [3 great men who shaped the  Letters of Archbishop Corrigan to
restoration of the Catholic Church in England Bishop McQuaid and Allied Documents
 Mary Magdalene [shows her transformation during the 19th century] - Reynolds, E. E. 1958
into a follower of Christ, her unique relationship [a valuable source of information for those
278p IL (G/F) $25 #89091 interested in the history of the Church in NY
to Him is described most movingly &
convincingly] - Bruckberger, Fr Raymond-  Under Angel Wings: Autobiography of during the troublesome days of the last quarter
Leopold, OP / H. L. Binsse, tr. 1953 [1952 1st Sister Maria Antonia-Religious of the Sisters of of the 19th cent.] - Zwierlein, [Fr] Frederick J.
French ed] 192p IL dj (G/F) $35 #90930 St. Francis of Penance & Christian Charity [she 1946 229p autographed by Fr Zwierlein (G/F)
was led to high sanctity under the unique $25 #64729
 Paul, Trumpet of the Spirit: An Anthology guidance, protection & inspiration of her own
[a composite, well rounded picture of the  Once to Sinai: The Further Pilgrimge of Friar
guardian angel, an amazing story: 1900-1939] - Felix Fabri (1483) [based on the 15th c. account
Apostle St Paul, drawn from the writings of Maria Antonia, Sr [Cecy Cony] / Conall
some of the world's foremost authors of past & of Fr. Fabri's "Evagatorium," she follows him on
O'Leary, OFM, tr / J. Batista Reus, SJ, ed 1953 his homeword journey from Jerusalem to Mt
present – to know St Paul is to encounter Christ 214p IL [includes appendix of Sr Maria's life in
Himself] - Daly, Sr Emily Joseph, CSJ., Sinai, Cairo, Venice & then home, i.e Ulm,
the convent, written by a sister religious] sequel to her "Friar Felix at Large"] - Prescott,
compiled by / Most Rev. Edward J. Maginn, Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #92245
foreword by 1963 249p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 H. F. M. (non-Cath) 1958 310p IL dj (G/F) $18
#66523, Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #92525  Susanna Mary Beardsworth–The White #92145, Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #93861
 Life of Pius IX, A [an in-depth study of the
Dove of Peace: Life, Conversion, Mysticism  Cathedrals in the Wilderness [fascinating
man, his policies, & his influence during the [story of a different sort of conversion, written story of exploration, saving souls, courage, zeal
while she was still alive, brings out the & accomplishments of one of the ablest leaders
turbulent years of anti-clericalism & attacks mysterious way God works in a soul, her
against Rome, the Papacy & the Papal states: of the Church in early America & the first
1792-1878] - O'Reilly, Fr Bernard 1878 532p mystical art is unique in the history of ascetical bishop of the West: Benedict J. Flaget, an
rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $29 #91926, 1878 532p gilt theology: 1871-1961?] - Parente, Pascal P. 1950 episcopal "Daniel Boone": 1763-1850] -
195p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 #91060 Schauinger, J. Herman 1952 334p IL Bi(F)Pg(G)
edges needs rebinding Bi(P)Pg(G/F/F) $18
#91013  Belloc, the Man [an intimate portrait of a man $21 #90291
 Life of Pius IX, A: Down to the Episcopal & father: 2nd part written by his married  Pagoda and the Cross, The: The Life of
daughter, Eleanor Jebb, sees Belloc from a Bishop Ford of Maryknoll [1st Maryknoll
Jubilee of 1877 [an in depth study of the man, child's view during the years 1903-1914] - Jebb,
his policies, & his influence during the turbulent seminarian, went to China in 1918, missionary in
years of anti-clericalism & attacks against Rome, Eleanor & Reginald 1957 172p IL dj (G/F) $20 the Kaying section, arrested 1950, died in prison
#91936 from 14 months torture – the author served 10
the Papacy & the Papal states: 1792-1878] -
O'Reilly, Fr Bernard 1877 506p gilt edges  Life of Benedict XV, The [Pope Giacomo years in China & Hong Kong with Bp Ford:
bindings detached/needs rebinding Bi(P)Pg(F) della Chiesa 1854-1922, ordained 1873, fought 1892-1952] - Donovan, Fr John F., MM 1967
$16 #92158 modernism, promulgated the new code of canon 223p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #93945
 Collected Works of Edith Stein, The - law & steered the Church through WW I & its  Sands of Tamanrasset, The: The Story of
Stein, (St) Edith (Sr Teresa Benedicta) [1891- aftermath of a fragile peace, brings to light a Charles de Foucauld [why this aristocratic
1942] V. 1: Life in a Jewish Family–Her forgotten man & an important pontificate of the spoiled young man left his promising French
20th c.] - Peters, Fr Walter H. 1959 321p IL dj military career to become an explorer, hermit,
Unfinished Autobiographical Account / L Gelber (G/F) $20 #93856, slight water staining & some
& Romaeus Leuven, ed / Josephine Koeppel, priest, hermit/lover of God & administered to the
pencil marks (F) $17 #93102 Arabs living in the Sahara: 1858-1916, beatified
OCD, tr. 1986 548p IL [with map] pb (G/F) $15
#87597, Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #48457, V. 4: The  Benedict XV: The Pope of Peace [shows the 2005] - Preminger, Marion Mill 1961 264p no
Hidden Life–Hagiographic Essays, Meditations, effort he made to bring about a settlement of the illus dj (VG/G) $13 #42281, 1961 280p IL dj
Spiritual Texts [prayer, liturgy, lives of holy Great War & his concern for a just peace (G/F) $11 #42282, dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $9 #64188,
women, spirit of Carmel, etc] / L. Gelber & afterwards: 1854-1922] - Rope, Fr Henry E. G. 1961 264p no illus Bi(F)Pg(G) $7 #42283
Michael Linssen, OCD, eds / Waltraut Stein, tr 1940 320p Bi(F)Pg(G) $27 #91938  Living His Theme Song: Virtues of Mother
1992 [trans from 1987 German ed] 156p IL pb  Hugh: Memoirs of a Brother [Msgr Robert M. Evangelista Gaffney – First Superior General
of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Christian Charity Daughters of the Blessed Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 #65017
of Newark [considers her personality, Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception  Always the Priest: The Life of Gabriel
achievements & spiritual influence in relation to [born into an aristocratic & noble family, she Richard, S.S. [told with zest & enthusiasm,
the beatitudes: 1853-1920] - Bates, Sr M. Rita, gave up her postion to work with the sick, poor develops the personality of the French priest
CSJ 1953 88p dj (G/F) $17 #93592, (G/F) $16 & the blind: beatified 1985: 1817-1881] - who fled the French Revolution & became a
#66233 Mundelein, Archbp George W., intro. by 1917 pioneer & missionary in Michigan, noted
 Autobiography of a Hunted Priest, The 264p IL (F) $19 #92659 theologian, 1st priest elected to Congress: 1767-
[a Jesuit's firsthand heroic story of administering  Zelie Martin: Mother of St.Therese of Lisieux 1832] - Mast, Sr M. Dolorita, SSND / Very Rev
the sacraments under disguise during the [based mostly on many of her letters, this Lloyd P. McDonald, SS, preface by 1965 368p
persecutions, a story of courage & conviction account brings out her noble spirit, courageous dj (G/F) $20 #93705, Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #34179
whose message is timely for us: 1564-1637] - attitude & humble submission to all of God's  Most Reverend Anthony J. Schuler, S.J.,
Gerard, Fr. John, SJ / Fr. Philip Caraman, SJ, tr / designs, both in joys & sorrows: 1831-1877] - D.D.: First Bishop of El Paso and Some
intro by Graham Greene 1960 [3rd printing of pb Wust, Louis & Marjorie / Archbp Martin J. Catholic Activities in the Diocese Between
ed] [with notes, appendices & index] 318p pb O'Connor, intro by 1969 336p dj (G/F) $24 1915-1942 [a remarkable Jesuit apostle of Christ
Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 #92050 #63611 who oversaw the growth & development of the
 Reverend Louis Florent Gillet, The: Life,  All the Days of My Life [warm & devout diocese from 10,000 Catholics to over 120,000
Letters & Conferences [Redemptorist missionary story of a nun's life in teaching; begins with her in nearly 30 yrs: 1868-1944] - Owens, Sr. M.
from Antwerp, went to Michigan in 1843 & entrance as a postulant & continues her story Lilliana, S.L., et al / Jesuit Studies–Southwest,
founded the Sisters of Providence, left the USA with wit & gaiety under which there is a great Nº 3 / Bp Patrick A. McGovern, foreword by /
after 10 years to enter a Cistercian monastery in devotion to God & affirmation of the vows she Archbp Edwin V. Byrne, preface by / Archbp
France: 1813-1892] - Alma, Sr Maria, CIM / cherishes] - Mary Jeremy, Sr 1959 191p torn dj Urban J. Vehr, intro by 1953 XXIII + 584p IL
Card. Dougherty, intro by 1940 278p IL (G/F) $20 #93728 Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #91737
Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #64911  Life of Cardinal Mercier, Primate of  Father John Sullivan, S.J. [son of Sir
 Golden String, The [autobiography of Bede Belgium, The [draws a comprehensive & Edward Sullivan, Lord Chancellor of Ireland,
Griffiths, Benedictine of Prinknash: the story of living portrait of a multi-faceted churchman brillant Irish attorney, convert, devoted life to
his conversion from pantheism, socialism & during a time of upheaval in Belgium: Thomistic the poor & sick; reader of souls & visionary;
anti-dogmatism to Catholicism & the monastic scholar, teacher, writer, hero during WW I, miraculous intercessions attributed to him during
life] - Griffiths, Bede, OSB 1954 168p devoted to the Sacred Heart: 1851-1926] - life: 1861-1933] - McGrath, Fergal, SJ 1941
Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93463, dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 Dubly, Henry Louis / Herbert Wilson, tr / Bp 285p Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 #91424
#93568 Alfred Baudrillart, preface by 1928 301p IL  So Falls the Elm Tree [life of a practical,
 Isabella of Spain: The Last Crusader [a Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #93711 energetic & noble sister: Mother Ann Valencia,
strong woman in faith & character, with her  Virgil Michel and the Liturgical foundress of St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, CT:
husband established the inquisition, completed Movement [biography of an American liturgist 1854-1936] - Bonn, Fr. John Louis, SJ 1947
the conquest of Granada, expelled the Jews, & his role in the American liturgical movement: [11th printing] 287p (F) $16 #67915, 1940 [3rd
funded the expedition to the New World, built 1890-1938] - Marx, Paul B., OSB 1957 466p IL printing] 287p taped spine (F) $16 #93490
churches, monasteries, etc: 1451-1504] - Walsh, autographed Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #91463  Family Case-Book [writes of his family,
William Thomas 1930 515p IL (G/F) $33  Memoirs [the full story of the fearless & portrays a long gone picture of Edwardian
#64887 faithful hero-priest/cardinal who became a England & his Catholic family whose love &
 Pioneer Padre: A Biography of Eusebio symbol of resistance to Communism] - loyalty to the Church & the Society in which
Francisco Kino, SJ: Missionary, Discoverer, Mindszenty, Jozsef Cardinal / Richard & Clara they lived inclinded them to sanctity &
Scientist: 1645-1711 [portrait of a little known Winston & Jan van Heurck, trs. 1974 341p IL diplomacy] - Van Zeller, Hubert 1950 256p IL dj
but influential Italian missionary whose spiritual Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #91416 (G) $19 #64636
life flowed into his active life to save souls of  Mindszenty the Man [eyewitness story of  My Yoke is Easy, My Burden Light [an
the Pima Indians in Mexico & Arizona] - Card. Mindszenty's resistance to Nazism & unusual autobiography about a woman who had
Bolognani, Fr Boniface, OFM 1968 [tran. & Communism by his secretary as told to Phyllis the faith of Job] - Varick, Mary M. / foreword by
revision of 1960 Italian ed] 281p IL pb Schlafly, portrait of the unique character of a Fr Jacques Rinfret, OMI 1960 179p IL pb
Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #93847, autographed man full of spiritual strength who didn't autographed (F) $19 #93551
Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $12 #6319 compromise the faith against overwhelming
 Thunder in the Distance: The Life of Père opposition] - Vecsey, [Fr] Joseph & Phyllis
Lebbe [Belgian missionary to China who CHURCH HISTORY & CHRISTIAN
Schlafly 1972 241p IL pb (G/F) $11 #80288,
adopted their customs to convert them, was Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 #66575 CIVILIZATION
zealous & worked to create the Chinese  John Henry Newman Autobiographical
hierarchy, now the Chinese Church has a future  History of the Catholic Church: For Use
since all foreign missionaries were expelled: Writings [autobiographical writings apart from in Seminaries & Colleges [the principle events in
1877-1940] - Leclercq, [Canon] Jacques / his Apologia, skillfully linked with some the life of the Church given with historical
George Lamb, tr. 1958 322p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 explanatory extracts from his letters, with his accuracy, scientific keenness & an ecclesiastical
#93431 Memorandum on the struggles in launching the spirit] [in 2 vols] - Brueck, Heinrich / Rev. E.
Catholic University in Dublin–1st time in print] - Pruente, tr. / Rt Rev Mgr James A. Corcoran,
 Life of Leo XIII: From an Authentic Memoir Newman, John Henry / [Fr] Henry Tristram, ed
Furnished by His Order [a unique work about a intro by / Card Hergenrother, with additions
& intro by / [Fr] C. Stephen Dessain, foreword from his writings 1884-'85 [3rd revised ed]
unique pope; Msgr O'Reilly was called to Rome by 1957 338p Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #92932
& made official biographer of Leo XIII & he Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #69509, Vol 1: Bi(F/P)Pg(G)
also had the personal cooperation of the pope in  Chicago's True Founder – Thomas J. V. could be rebound / vol 2: Bi(F)Pg(G) $20
this work: covers his whole life] - O'Reilly, Fr Owen: A Pleading for Truth & for Social #87305
Bernard [1820-1907] / James Cardinal Gibbons, Justice in Chicago History [how Chicago had a  Summary of Catholic History, A [v.1:
letter of approbation by & intro by 1903 758p IL noble origin inspired by a noble man, inspired Ancient & Medieval History; v.2: Modern
[includes the Pope's death & funeral ceremonies] with a Catholic Ideal: Colonel Thomas Owen: History] [a useful study for seminarians & others
(F) $22 #92054 1801-1835] - Haydon, James Ryan 1934 312p IL whose time & talents are limited by the larger &
 Woman of Unity, A: Mother Lurana of (G/F) $20 #66359 more detailed studies of Church history] [in 2
Graymoor [the unusual story of an Anglican  Philip II [noteworthy story about a remarkable vols] - Eberhardt, Newman C., CM 1961-'62 dj
convert who became the foundress of the Spanish king during the time of transition & (G/G/F) $58 #69083, Volume I [only]: ancient &
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement, presents disruption of Catholicism with the rise of medieval history [the Church in an imperalist
her work & that of her congregation as getting Protestantism: 1527-1598] - Walsh, William world (1st cen), its dealings with the feudal
others to seek & accept unity with the true Thomas 1987 (reprint of 1937 ed.) 770p IL dj world (565-1059), then the theocratic world up
Church: 1870-1935] - Mary Celine, Sr, SA / Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #66062 to the eve of the Renaissance (1059-1453)] [vol
Richard Cardinal Cushing, foreword by 1956  Tar Heel Apostle: Thomas Frederick Price, 2 missing] 1961 879p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $26 #93123
357p IL dj (G/F) $15 #93891, Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 Cofounder of Maryknoll [insight into the spirit  Early Vicars Apostolic of England 1685-
#93892 that animated Fr Price especially in his devotion 1750, The [a picture of the bishops who
 Martin Luther: His Life and Work [Luther's to Our Lady of Lourdes, excerpts from his controlled Catholic affairs at that time in
development, his mental constitution & the spiritual diary & retreat notes, led first group to England, i.e. during this largely ignored or
impulses which moved him thoughout his life China: 1860-1919] - Murrett, John C., MM 1944 forgotten period, with special reference to the
based on unimpeachable sources: 1483-1546] - 260p (F) $17 #69497 manner/circumstances of their appointment; they
Grisar, Fr Hartmann, SJ / Arthur Preuss, ed. /  Mary Was Her Life: The Story of a Nun; governed in abnormal circumstances] -
Frank J. Eble, adapted from the 2nd German ed Sister Maria Teresa Quevedo (1930-1950) [story Hemphill, Dom Basil, OSB 1954 190p IL
by 1955 [reprint of 1930 ed] 609p Bi(F)Pg(G) of a young Spanish girl whose short 20-year life Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #92843
$21 #91927, 1960 609p Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #91902 brims with sanctity, a born leader in tennis &  Roman Catacombs and Their Martyrs,
 Life of Mother Pauline von basketball & at parties, but became a nun to The [a view of the underground burial sites of
Mallinckrodt, The: Foundress of the Sisters serve Jesus & Mary] - Mary Pierre, Sr, RSM / the early Church, nearly 90 miles in length,
Bp John J. Carberry, preface by 1960 234p
offering a rich & unique depository of the faith 450p IL (F) $29 #93124 SACRED SCRIPTURE
of our Christian ancestors who lived in pagan  Councils, The [pictorial documents: a unique
Rome during the persecutions] - Hertling, guide to the setting of the past Councils, from
Ludwig, SJ & Englebert Kirschbaum, SJ / M.  New Psalter of Pius XII in Latin and
the ruins of the 4th cen. Ephesus to the Vatican English, The: With Introductions, Notes &
Joseph Costelloe, SJ, tr 1956 [trans from 1950 of 1870, a brief introduction to the General
German ed] 224p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $34 #93946, Councils that brings them to life] - Matt, Spiritual Reflections [designed to enable all who
1975 [reprint of 1960 revised ed/1950 1st Leonard von & Fr Burkhart Schneider, SJ / Ruth use the Psalms to get a deeper understanding of
German ed] 274p IL pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #56963 Mary Bethell, tr 1961 64p IL dj (G) $22 #89715, their rich & varied meaning, their surpassing
 Monstrous Regiment, The [exposes the dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #93126 beauty & wisdom, & endless application to
cruel legal trickery of Queen Elizabeth & her every phase of life] - Callan, Fr Charles J., OP
 Catholic Church in the Grand River 1949 532p Bi(F)Pg(G) $36 #93631
henchmen (the monstrous regiment) against the Valley 1833-1950, The - McGee, John W.
Catholic Church, answers the question: In what  Catholic Scripture Manuals: 1. Gospel
1950 538p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #34985 According to St Matthew; 2. Gospel According
way can one explain the apostasy of England
from the Catholic Church at the time of  American College in Rome 1855-1955, to St Mark; 3. Gospel According to St Luke; 4.
Elizabeth?] - Hollis, Christopher 1930 250p (F) The [describes 1st 100 years of the formation of Gospel According to St John [Latin Vulgate w/
$25 #91993 American priests in Rome, with vital English trans; notes & commentary in English]
information, anecdotes & a well rounded view of [in 4 vols] - Cecilia, Madame 1921-'30 1 taped
 Church in Crisis, The: History of the life there for the American seminarians] -
General Councils 325-1870 [brings together the spine & 1 unmatched binding (F) $75 #89990
McNamara, Robert F. / Edward Card. Mooney,  Holy Pagans of the Old Testament
issues which led to the convening of the 20 foreword by 1956 858p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $25
general councils, the religious, political & social [explores the sense in which the non-Jews
#68948, autographed Bi(P)Pg(G) could be (Gentiles) of the OT can be called holy & thus
climate of the times, the men who took part, etc] rebound $27 #68083
- Hughes, [Msgr] Philip 1961 384p (G/F) $36 be called saints: Abel, Henoch, Daniel, Noe, Job,
#74557  Reporter at the Papal Court, A: A Melchisdech, Lot, Queen of Saba] - Danielou,
Narrative of the Reign of Pope Pius XI [many [Fr] Jean / Felix Faber, tr. 1957 [1956 1st French
 Catholic Revival in Italy, 1815-1915, The interesting glimpses into the life at the Papal
[a clear & simple account of the last period of ed] 144p (F) $22 #93914
court from the death of Benedict XV to the  Bible and the Liturgy, The [the Church's
the Papal Kingdom, on the Catholic revival in pontificate of Piux XI, provides a colorful &
the last years of the 19th & 1st part of the 20th rites & feasts not only transmit grace of the
accurate picture of Pius XI, filled with stories & sacraments but also instruct the faithful in their
cen.: Catholic leaders, opponents of the Church anecdotes] - Morgan, Thomas B. (non-Catholic)
& the Catholic reaction, turning points in the meaning (as signs) as well as the meaning of the
1937 302p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #93871 whole Christian life – shows the Scriptual link
revival] - Hughes, Fr H.[enry] L.[ouis] 1935
177p Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #92827  Europe Before Modern Times: An between the sacramental sign & its origin] -
 History of the Church, A [v.1: The Church Ancient and Mediaeval History [introduction for Danielou, [Fr] Jean, SJ / Liturgical Studies, vol.
high school students to the foundations on which III / Michael Mathis, CSC, ed 1956 (1st French
& the World in Which the Church Was Western European civilization is based] -
Founded; v.2: The Church & the World the ed 1951) 372p Bi(F)Pg(G) $24 #91336
O'Brien, Fr Arthur 1943 630p IL (G/F) $18  History of Old Testament / Theology of
Church Created; v.3: The Revolt Against the #92973
Church: Aquinas to Luther [in 3 vols] - Hughes, Old Testament [these 2 complementary
Fr Philip 1936-'47 1st ed IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $49  Universal History: An Explanatory Narrative studies of OT give an accurate survey of the OT
#69514, vols 1-2 1949 rev. ed. vol 3 1947 1st ed [v 1: from the creation of man until the fall of story with a presentation of the teachings &
IL 1 unmatched binding Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $52 the Roman Empire; v 2: from the fall of the beliefs of the Jews who were the chosen people
#89028, (F) $46 #25507, vol 1 1947 3rd printing western empire until the end of the Crusades] to bring the Messias to mankind] - Heinisch, [Fr]
of 1st ed vol 2 1949 rev ed vol 3 1947 1st ed IL [treats historical matters from a Catholic point of Paul [1878-1956] / Fr. William G. Heidt, OSB,
vol 1 Bi(F)Pg(G) vol 2 (F) unmatched binding view] [2 volumes] - Parsons, Fr Reuben [1841- tr [includes 3 encyclicals on the study of
vol 3 Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $38 #83507, vol 1 1935 1906] 1902-'04 (F) $60 #91068 Scripture & colored maps of the Holy Land]
1st ed vol 2 1949 rev ed vol 3 1947 1st ed IL vol  Indulgences as a Social Factor in the 1952-1955 Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) $30 #93906
1 Bi(F/P)Pg(G) vol 2 (F) unmatched binding vol Middle Ages [an insightful & historical  History of the Old Testament [a complete,
3 Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $36 #83508, vols 1-2 1949 treatment of indulgences] - Paulus, Dr Nikolaus / thorough & accurate survey of the OT story
rev. ed. vol 3 1947 1st ed IL considerable (Fr.) J. Elliot Ross, tr. / Eugene C. Barker, presented with good judgment & delivery, with
underlining Bi(F)Pg(F/P) $34 #86890 foreword by 1922 121p Bi(F)Pg(G) $36 #92303 important background information to understand
 Catholic Reformation, The [corrects  Memoirs: The Seminary of Montezuma: the OT in the history of the salvation of man] -
mistaken impression that the Counter- Documents and Writings of Bp John Mark Heinisch, [Fr] Paul [1878-1956] / Wm. G. Heidt,
Reformation was a consequence of & reaction Gannon and Episcopal Associates [founding & OSB, tr. 1952 457p + 16p of Maps of Bible
against Protestantism – shows the Catholic history of a national Mexican seminary in NM in Lands [companion vol to "Theology of the Old
reform began in the late 15th c. before Luther's response to the persecutions against the Mexican Testatment"] pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 #24100,
revolt] - Janelle, Pierre 1963 [3rd printing/1949 Church during the 1920's & '30's] - Powers, rebound from pb (F) $14 #93903
1st printing] 311p dj (G) $19 #64846, 1951 [2nd Msgr James M. / Archbp Amleto Giovanni  Book of Job, The: Translated from a
printing/1949 1st printing] 397p IL dj Cicognani, foreword by 1953 225p IL (G/F) $21 Critically Revised Hebrew Text with
Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #91042, Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #93028, Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #69816 Commentary - Kissane, Fr Edward J. 1946
#93612, 1949 397p IL (F) $14 #91714  Hierarchy of the Catholic Church in the [reprint of 1939 ed] 298p dj some staining of
 History of the Parishes of the Diocese of United States, The: Embracing Sketches of binding (F) $19 #91975
Rockford, Illinois, The [beautiful exposition All the Archbishops & Bishops from the  Memoirs of St. Peter, The: Gospel
of a once thriving & growing diocese & parish Establishment of the See of Baltimore to the According to St Mark Translated into English
life therein] - Kirkfleet, Fr Cornelius J., Ord. Present Time. Also, an Account of the Plenary Sense-Lines [1. introductory sketches; 2.
Praem. 1924 495p IL Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $32 #68446 Councils of Baltimore, & a Brief History of the translation (following the colometric style); 3.
 Catholics in England (1559-1829): A Church in the United States. - Shea, John annotations] - Kleist, James A., SJ / Religion &
Social History [the relationship between Gilmary [1824-1892] / NY: Office of Catholic Culture Series / Joseph Husslein, SJ, preface by
Catholics & their Protestant friends during this Publications 1888 xii + 417p + xi + 133p [2nd 1932 216p Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #93696
period, based on contemporary material, some ed enlarged] IL [includes supplement: "Great  Theology of Psalm VIII, The: A Study of
published & some from private archives, shows Articles of the Catholic Faith": an exposition of the Traditions of the Text and the Theological
the protection/help given to Catholics by their the chief doctrines of the Church] Bi(F/P)Pg(F) Import [relatively complete investigation &
friends] - Leys, M. D. R. 1961 220p dj $23 #93733 history of Ps 8] - Louis, Conrad, OSB / CUA
Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 #64929  Medieval Humanism [describes Christian Studies in Sacred Theology, No. 99 1946 201p
 Episcopal Lineage of the Hierarchy of humanism & contrasts it with pagan humanism– pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #91985
the United States, The: Revised 1790-1963 Christian humanism from the martyrs up to  Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures: In
[an informative guide with various flow charts recent times] - Walsh, Fr Gerald Groveland, SJ / Two Parts [admirable book preparing for
indicating the apostolic succession in the US] - The Christendom Series, #4 1942 103p Scripture study: the originals, versions,
Lonsway, Fr Jesse W. / revised by Lonsway & Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #53357 genuineness, integrity, credibility, inspiration,
A. Pembleton, OFM 1963 48p pb some cover  Doctrina Breve in Fac-Simile, The: canon, interpretation, authority of the Vulgate &
staining (F) $18 #92681 Published in the City of Tenochtitlan, Mexico, vernacular editions, etc] - MacDevitt, Rev John
 Manual of Christian Archeology [a fine June, 1544 by Right Rev. Juan Zumárraga, First 1889 271p (F) $22 #92885
treatment dealing with the the early Christian Bishop of Mexico - To which are added The  Paul and the Crucified: The Apostle's
remains in Rome, shows the important link & Earliest Books in the New World and A Theology of the Cross [treats Paul's conversion
continunity between early Christianity and the Technical Appreciation of the First American & he preaches: Christ the Crucified, the Savior
present Catholic beliefs & practices, i.e. they are Printers - Zumárraga, Bp Juan, Rev Zephyrin of Man, the High Priest & Victim, the Mystical
the same] - Marucchi, Orazio [1852-1931] / tr & Englehardt, OFM & Stephen H. Horgan / US Union of Christ, the Mystical Body of Christ] -
adapted by Hubert Vecchierello, OFM 1949 Catholic Historical Society Monograph Series X McGarry, William J., SJ 1939 [based on his
[reprint of 1935 ed w/ expanded index/trans / Thomas F. Meehan, edited by 1928 27p + 157 1934 fall semester of teaching] 272p (F) $20
from 4th Italian ed as revised by Giulo Belveder] unnumbered pages of the facsimile Bi(F)Pg(G) #93506
$25 #93882
 Parables of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The: preface by 1958 1347p 7 maps IL by old agape, & a chapter of St. Thomas on the relation
Elucidated According to the Mind of the Church Masters/hard leather binding/gilt edges/1 of love & the intellect] - D'Arcy, Fr M. C. 1947
[18 parables explained, illustrated & developed; marking ribbon 10.75"x7.75"x2.5" Bi(F)Pg(G) [4th printing/1945 1st printing] 333p Bi(F)Pg(G)
shows their simplicity, clearness & unity with an $59 #91589 $16 #93274, 1947 333p dj some pencil
evident desire of being understood; shows Christ  Holy Bible, The / A Practical Dictionary underlining Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $15 #87936, 1946
sympathizes with His hearers yet He teaches of Biblical and General Catholic [2nd printing] 333p (F) $13 #67012
with authority] - Ollivier, Fr. Marie-Joseph, OP / Information: Holy Trinity Edition [beautifully  St. Thomas and the Problem of the Soul
E. Leahy, tr. 1943 [2nd ed/1927 1st ed/1909 1st illustrated medium size Bible, info on the Bible in the Thirteenth Century [St Bonaventure
French ed] 359p Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #92717 & doctrinal instructions on the Mass & & the soul as substance; St Albert & the soul as
 Jesus Said [answers in the very words of Our sacraments with the ceremonies themselves form & substance; St. Thomas' resolution:
Lord questions raised by all of us & by non- trans. into English & explanations thereof] - metaphysical foundations, analysis of the
believers: Who or what is God? did Jesus call Douay-Challoner-Confraternity / Fr John P. Platonic tradition, historical rehabilitation of
Himself the Messias? Is the Son of Man the Son O'Connell, ed. / Catholic Press, publ. 1951 xxix, Aristotle, the Thomistic synthesis, conclusion] -
of God? did God send His Son from heaven to 909p, 304p, 256p IL flex imitation leather/gilt Pegis, Anton Charles / Pontifical Institute of
earth? why? etc] - Ratzlaff, Lydia N. 1963 355p edges/red letter ed./tabs/maps [9.5" x 6.75"] Mediaeval Studies, publ 1976 [reprint of 1934
dj / slight staining on edges of pre-title page "Personal Family Records" section removed, ed] 213p pb [originally presented as a thesis at
Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #93563, Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 doesn't affect text Bi(F/P)Pg(G) could be the Unvi. of Toronto in 1931 but rewritten &
#67927 rebound $22 #88295, Bi(P)Pg(G) should be expanded upon in 1934] Bi(F)Pg(G) $28 #92319
 Scripture Manual, A: Directed to the rebound $20 #86215  Dictionary of Philosophy, The [compact
Interpretation of Biblical Revelation [considers  Holy Bible, The: Containing the Entire handy volume, all-embracing, clear in
all the books of the Bible in a general way: the Canonical Scriptures According to the Decree of exposition, objective in view-point, & ear-
authors & dates, outstanding textual features, the the Council of Trent; Translated from the Latin marked by a correctness that is inescapable;
political & social background, the purpose of Vulgate [classic Haydock Bible of 19th cent. contains clear, concise & correct definitions &
composition, etc] [in 2 vols] - Simon, Fr John- with some notes abridged from original 1812 ed; descriptions of philosophical terms] - Runes,
Mary, OSM 1924-'28 Vol 1 Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) vol illus in b/w & some are color] - Douay-Rheims Dagobert D., ed / back cover approbation by Rev
2 Bi(F)Pg(G) $26 #63852 Translation / Boston: W. L. Richardson & Co. / James F. Carroll, CSSp, Dusquesne University
 Companion to Scripture Studies, A Notes by Fr G. L. Haydock, & abridged notes by 1974 [reprint of 1956 ed] 343p pb Bi(F)Pg(G)
[comprehensive study bringing together the Fr F. C. Husenbeth 1884 IL Catholic Bible $20 #92676
latest contemporary Catholic scholarship on the Dictionary / History of the Bible / Life of the  Introduction to Philosophy, An [for
subject: v 1: General Introduction to the Bible; v BVM & Way of the Cross / ornate binding with college students: introduces them to the study of
2: Special Intro to the OT; v 3: Special Intro to raised cross on front & back / 2 metal clasps / philosophy; a general knowledge of its central
the NT] [in 3 vols] - Steinmueller, Fr John E. / gilt edges / 1 ribbon / size: 12.5"x10.5"x4.5" problems is discussed: the one & many, nature
Bp Thomas E. Molloy, foreword by 1943-'51 some shelf wear Bi(F)Pg(G) $275 #92440 of reality, problem of life, freedom, knowing,
Vols 1 & 3: Bi(F)Pg(G); vol 2: Bi(F)Pg(G/F)  Holy Bible, The: Translated from the Latin etc] - Ryan, James H. 1924 399p Bi(F)Pg(G)
$45 #67629, 1948 some notes & underlining in Vulgate Diligently Compared with the Hebrew, $16 #62429, 1932 399p (F/P) $10 #63467
all 3 vols (F) $39 #89805, Vol I [only]: General Greek and Other Editions in Divers Languages  Scholastic Metaphysics: Part II: Natural
Introduction to the Bible 1962 revised ed. [with (Douay, AD 1609; Rheims, AD 1582) [includes Theology [God as the object of natural theology,
appendix including official decisions & decrees] 3 Papal encyclicals on Holy Scripture] - Douay- proves His existence, shows His attributes, His
614p Bi(F)Pg(G) $11 #77477 Rheims Translation / Baronius, publ / Notes by divine knowledge, His will, the universe as the
 Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible Bp. Challoner (1691-1781) 2016 [3rd printing of effect of His creative act, the end of creation,
[Bijbels Woordenboek] [an extensive 1899 ed] LXVI + 1086p + 306p + 11 maps / etc] - McCormick, John F., SJ 1943 291p [part 1
research tool covering both Testaments] - Van black flexible leather/gilt edges/large format 10" missing: Being, Its Division & Causes] some
den Born, A. & Louis F. Hartman, CSSR 1963 x 7.25/2 ribbons IL (VG) $50 #93930, 2016 [6th pencil marks (F) $17 #91181, pen underlining &
[trans & adapted from 2nd revised edition, 1954- printing of 1899 ed] LXVI + 1086p + 306p + 11 notes (F/P) $15 #92017
'57] 2634 columns IL some pen underlining maps / black flexible leather/gilt edges/small  God Knowable and Known [a complete &
Bi(G)Pg(F) $23 #86849, Bi(F/P)Pg(G) could be format 6.85" x 4.25/2 ribbons IL (G) $35 #93931 useful description of all the ways which lead to
rebound $19 #74291  Holy Bible, The: Translated from the Latin the knowledge of God, presented in the form of
 Eagle's Word, The: Presentation of the Vulgate: Diligently Compared with the Hebrew, a dialogue & Appendix: Refutation of
Gospel According to St John [throws new light Greek, and Other Editions, in Various Darwinisim, etc] - Ronayne, Maurice, SJ 1888
drawn from various sources on a timeless text] - Languages [with Thomas Ward's "Errata of the 408p Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $17 #65297
Vann, Fr Gerald, OP 1961 247p dj (G/F) $14 Protestant Bible"] [contains a wealth of  Man and Morals: Ethics [the natural
#52300, Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #90554 information, illustrations & good spiritual foundations of correct living, uncovers the
 Divine Armory of Holy Scripture, The reading] - Douay-Rheims Translation / NY: prinicples governing morality & making
[Biblical texts showing the Scriptual character & Sadlier, publ / Notes by Bp. Challoner (1691- individual actions to be right or wrong,
basis of the teachings & liturgy of the Catholic 1781) n.d. (c.1850's) 793p (OT) + 228p (NT) + developing the science of right conduct] - Bittle,
Church] - Vaughan, Fr Kenelm / Newton 118p IL / ornate binding with raised cross on Fr Celestine N., OFM Cap 1950 719p
Thompson, revised by 1948 444p (G/G/F) $18 front & back / gilt edges 4 ribbons / size: autographed & inscribed to his niece who was a
#65305 13.75"x10.75"x3.5" Bi(F)Pg(G) $250 #92439 nun: Sr M. Birchman Fenske, CSpS (F) $45
 Conscience of Israel, The: Pre-exilic  Holy Bible, The: Translation from the Latin #65294, some pen underlining (F) $37 #89804
Prophets & Prophecy [a fresh study of the lives Vulgate in the Light of the Hebrew & Greek  Eternal Woman, The: The Woman in Time,
& messages of the prophets of the period before Originals - Knox, Msgr Ronald, tr. / Bernard Timeless Woman [3 essays presenting a
the Babylonian exile: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Cardinal Griffin, preface by [in 1 vol] 1956 913p profound study of the universal Christian
Hosea, etc.] - Vawter, Fr Bruce, CM 1961 308p + 286p [with maps & notes] [Student Editon] symbolism of woman under the triple aspect of
Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #93920, dj / some pen Bi(F)Pg(G) $42 #87579 Virgin, Bride & Mother – an essential message
underliing Bi(G)Pg(F) $12 #92000, 1961 308p  Westminster Version of the the Sacred for the survival of Christian culture] - Le Fort,
pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $7 #94000 Scriptures, The: The New Testament [in 4 Gertrud von / Placid Jordan, OSB, tr. & preface
 New Testament of Our Lord and vols] - Lattey, C., SJ, & J. Keating, SJ, eds. / by 1962 [revised/1934 1st German ed] 101p dj
Saviour Jesus Christ, The [Rheims] / The Longmans, Green & Co., publ. Vol 3 [only] (G/F) $12 #93709, 1965 [reprint of 1962 revised
[vols 1, 2 & 4 missing] St. Paul's Epistles to the ed] 101p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $7 #92687
Following of Christ in Four Books: Churches 1927 [2nd ed, revised] 258p (G/F) $20
Diligently Compared with the Original Greek &  State and the Church, The [sets forth the
#91019 teaching of the Catholic Church concerning the
First Published by the English College at Rheims
A. D. 1582 / Practical Reflections & a Prayer at State] - Ryan, [Fr] John A. & Moorhouse F. X.
the End of Each Chapter - Challoner & Ganss, PHILOSOPHY Millar, SJ, eds 1922 331p Bi(F)Pg(G) $20
notes by / Thomas a Kempis / Catholic Book #91348
Publ. Co., (T-920) + (T-2025) / ed. by Fr J. M.  Philosophy of Work, The [traces the history  Philosophy of Man, The [a complete
Lelen 1946 672p + 352p IL black leather/gilt of work in Europe from the Greeks up to today; synthesis of St. Thomas' philosophical
edges [5.62" x 3.87] 2 ribbons Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 traces the history of the worker from slavery reflections on man] - Renard, Henri, SJ / Martin
#93619, 1960 [reprint of 1946 ed] 672p + 352p among the ancients to the return of slavery under O. Vaske, SJ, revised by 1956 [2nd ed revised &
IL red edges [5.62" x 3.75] 2 ribbons industrialism & Marxism; shows the Church to enlarged] 313p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #69648
Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $18 #89543 be our only hope to correct this problem] -  Elements of Psychology for Nurses [a
 Holy Bible, The [beautifully illustrated family Borne, Etienne & Francois Henry / Sheed & traditional notion of the workings on the mind
Bible: both Testaments with notes, commentary Ward, publ / Francis Jackson, tr 1938 221p for those intending to pursue health care] -
on the color plates, Bible in litterature, devotions Bi(F)Pg(G) $24 #69568 Barrett, Rev James Francis / Dr James J. Walsh,
on the rosary, commentary on the 7 sacraments  Mind and Heart of Love, The: Lion & intro 1930 326p IL (F) $18 #83803
& Mass] [Deluxe Edition] - Douay/Westminster Unicorn, A Study in Eros & Agape [reviews the  Eternal Magnet, The: A History of
[Douay OT/Westminster NT & Psalms] / age-old relationship between the 2 conflicts of Philosophy [a readable, interesting & compact
Hawthorn Books, Publ. / Fr Robert Dyson, SJ, love: the earthly love, eros, & heaven-born love, history of philosophy from the beginnings in the
mind of primitive man to the present day, it; part 2. historical study of 3 champions of the Catholicism in relation to the Church Militant,
considers all the major questions asked by Faith: St Paul, St John, St Cyril] - Kinsman, Suffering & Triumphant] - Anger, Abbe / John J.
human thinking throughout the course of time] - Frederick Joseph 1936 310p (F) $35 #92072 Burke, CSP, tr. 1931 [1st presented & published
Behn, Siegfried / George N. Shuster, tr 1929  God, Man and the Universe: An Answer to as doctoral thesis in 1910] 400p water staining
[imprimatur] 505p dj (G/F) $28 #93618 the Godless [summary of chief truths which of front cover & some pages (F) $27 #90491
 Makers of the Modern Mind [a classic modern irreligion assails – a compendium of  Whom Do You Say?: A Study in the
study of the thought & influence of 11 men who moral, religious & Catholic doctrine against Doctrine of the Incarnation [explains a difficult
have formed modern Western thinking: Luther, today’s non-believers] - Kologriwof, Fr. Ivan, SJ & deep doctrine so that the layman may
Calvin, Descartes, Locke, Newton, Rousseau, / Fr. Aloysius Ambruzzi, SJ, tr. 1937 638p appreciate it, aids the priest who wishes to re-
Kant, Bentham, Darwin, Marx, Freud] - Neill, Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #93190 read or review his theology in modern language]
Thomas P. / Science & Culture Series 1949 391  And Yet So New [reflections, thoughts & - Arendzen, Fr J. P. 1927 308p Bi(F)Pg(G) $16
IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #89858 stories concerning what the Church has been to #86674, (F) $13 #63903
 Makers of the Modern Mind [a classic him since his conversion 25 years before in  Mystery of the Church, The [the Church in
study of the thought & influence of 12 men who 1933] - Lunn, Arnold 1958 244p Bi(F)Pg(G) the mind of God, Christ in the Church & the
have formed modern Western thinking: Luther, $20 #92253 Church in Christ, the personality of the Church,
Calvin, Descartes, Locke, Newton, Rousseau,  Three Reformers: Luther-Descartes- the hieratic life of the Church, gift of prophecy
Kant, Bentham, Darwin, Marx, Freud, Dewey] - Rousseau [from the Catholic perspective in the Church, the mission & the spirit, etc] -
Neill, Thomas P. 1958 [2nd enlarged ed] [1949 expounds the 3 influences which have corrupted Clerissac, Humbert, OP [1864-1914] / Jacques
1st ed] 420p IL (F) $21 #56894, pb Bi(F)Pg(G) the modern mind in religion, philosophy & Maritain, preface by 1937 144p Bi(F)Pg(G) $39
$12 #93737 morality] - Maritain, Jacques 1970 (reprint of #93788
1929 English ed) 234p IL pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $21  Catholic Church, The / The Church and
APOLOGETICS & CONVERTS #93955 Creation [translation of the classic Spanish
 Could You Explain Catholic Practices? work: "La Iglesia Catolica"; v 1 treats of the
 Spirit and Forms of Protestantism, The [excellent source that enables one to explain to Divine organism of the Church, her activity &
[formerly a Lutheran minister, shows likenesses non-Catholic friends the history & meaning of growth; v 2 treats of the Church's position in the
& differences of Catholicism & Protestantism, Catholic practices & customs] - Mullaly, Fr universal order of things: its relation with the
examines the principles of the Reformation in Charles J., SJ 1937 184p IL pb (G/F) $17 visible & invisible world] - Colomer, Fr. Luiz,
detail, an excellent & comprehensive analysis] - #91465 OFM / Palmer L. Rockey, tr / v. 1: Thomas
Bouyer, [Fr] Louis [1913-2004] / A. V.  Outside the Walls: Tributes to the Plassman, OFM, foreword by / v. 2: Very Rev
Littledale, tr. / G. de Broglie, SJ, introductory Principle & Practice of Roman Augustine Hobrecht, OFM, foreword by
letter 1956 234p (G/F) $29 #93502 1952/1956 [1934 1st Spanish ed] vol 1:
Catholicism: from Our Friends Fuori le Mura Bi(F)Pg(G); vol 2 dj (G) $29 #93798
 Word, Church and Sacraments in [a collection of tributes from clerical & lay
Protestantism and Catholicism, The [a Protestants on the Catholic teachings on  Companion to the Summa, A [not a
comparison & consideration of the threefold marriage, clerical celibacy, missions, confession, translation or commentary on the Summa, but an
basis of Christianity] - Bouyer, Louis, Cong. science, prayers for the dead, devotions, etc] - understandable explanation for the layman: an
Orat. [1913-2004] / A. V. Littledale, tr. 1961 Musser, Benjamin F. [OFM] 1914 362p intro to St Thomas & defense of the truths both
[1960 1st French ed] 80p dj (G) $15 #6900 Bi(F)Pg(G) $31 #69677 natural & divine] [in 4 vols] - Farrell, Fr Walter,
OP 1952-'53 a few pencil marks in vol 2
 Open Door, The: A Popular Plea for the  Reason to Revelation [apologetical work on Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) $35 #92814, 1939-'53
Catholic Faith – As free as possible from the the supernatural revelation made to mankind Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G) $27 #63211, 1945-52 v. 1 some
Technical Terms of Philosophy & Theology [a concerning the divinity of Christ; restates the underlining Bi(F)Pg(G/F/P); vols 2-4 (G/F) $27
convert presents a thoughtful, simple, kindly proofs of His divinity in a timely & popular #61992, 1945-46 vols 1 & 3: some underlining
defence for Catholicism] - Burrows, S. 1926 way] - Saunders, Fr Daniel J., SJ 1949 241p & highlighting Bi(F)Pg(G/F/P); vols 2 & 4:
505p Bi(F)Pg(G) $27 #90234 Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93697 Bi(F)Pg(G) $27 #63854, 1945-'52
 Idea of the Church, The [Biblical &  Church and the World, The [the Church & Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G) $27 #59770, 1945-'49 extensive
historical study of the nature of the true Church, the world for the most part are opposed; the underlining in vols 2 to 4 Bi(G)Pg(F/P) $22
shows the Church to be a visible society with Church alone offers sanity: determinist denial of #65295
one belief & one head] - Butler, Abbot B.[asil] free will, education, man's origin, marriage, birth  History of Confession, The: Or, The
C.[hristopher], OSB 1962 236p Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 conrol, problem of evil, etc] - Scott, Fr Martin J., Dogma of Confession Vindicated from the
#78209, (F) $13 #91958 SJ 1934 263p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #93024 Attacks of Heretics and Infidels [shows the
 Our Faith and the Facts: Religion's Story  Glory of Thy People, The: The Story of a antiquity of the practice of confession & proves
& What Catholics Believe & Practice; Answers Conversion [spiritual autobiography of a Jewish its divine institution by arguments from reason
to Charges Made Against the Church; What We psychiatrist, tells how he became a Catholic & a & history, a complete & instructive defense &
Have Done & Are Doing; A Busy Person's Trappist monk] - Simon, Fr M. Raphael, OCSO / study of confession] - Guillois, Rev Ambroise /
Reference Work; A Home Library [a preface by Bp. Sheen 1948 [1st printing] 139p dj Bp Louis de Goesbriand, tr 1889 190p needs
compilation of information to answer questions (G/F) $14 #90634, Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #69833, rebinding / some pen marks (P) $22 #90449
about the Church] - Donovan, Fr C. F., ed. / Rt 1958 [6th printing] 139p Bi(F)Pg(G) $12  Fountains of Joy, or, "By Water and
Rev F. C. Kelley, foreword by 1926 738p IL (F) #92030, 1949 [3rd printing] 139p autographed Blood" [treatise on water first as a natural
$27 #66786 by author (G/F) $19 #69839, autographed by
author Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #47307 element, then as holy water, then as symbol of
 World's Greatest Secret, The [well thought the Precious Blood] - Houck, Fr Frederick A.
out & well presented explanation & defense of  Letters to an Infidel: Essays Proving the 1931 277p Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #93167, 1940 [4th
the Holy Eucharist, the fundamental belief in the Reasonable Basis of Christianity & Answering ed] 277p Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #89589
physical Real Presence, based on archaeological the Attacks of Modernism & Pseudo-Science [a  One Mediator, The: Or Sacrifice and
digs, miracles & history] [expanded edition] - crisp & snappy work on the problems of modern
unbelief in 16 chapters & 2 appendices] - Smith, Sacraments [brings home to men's minds the
Haffert, John M. 1967 310p IL (VG/G) $16 perpetual presence of Jesus here on earth & His
#23269, (G/F) $14 #90793, 1968 310p IL (G/F) Rev. Matthew J. 1925 160p (F) $25 #63915
present personal influence on individual souls] -
$14 #93445  Voice of the Church, The: Golden Words Humphrey, William, SJ [1839-1910] 1894 [2nd
 Devastated Vineyard, The [1. Aims at from Eminent Prelates: Demonstrating The ed revised & enlarged] 356p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18
showing the principal errors of the day in the Truth, Holiness, & Beauty of the Catholic Faith #90307
Church. 2. Shows the disaster that these errors [on doctrine, rosary, saints, sacred rites, history,  Abiding Presence of the Holy Ghost [in
are causing 3. Shows that there is a growing etc.] - various authors 1897 766p IL
opposition to this devastation & in this Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G) $22 #92993, should be rebound the Soul], The [brief & clear exposition of the
opposition, there lies the hope for us to restore Bi(P)Pg(G) $16 #63761 workings of the Holy Ghost in the individual
the Church] - Hildebrand, Dietrich von / John soul] - Jarrett, Fr Bede, OP 1935 [reprint of 1918
 Protestantism and Infidelity: An Appeal to ed] 76p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #92070, 1943 118p
Crosby & Fred Teichert, trs. 1973 254p dj Candid Americans [splendid apologectical work [reprint of 1918 ed + Pope Leo XIII's encyclical
(G/G/F) $85 #93659 showing open-minded Protestants the truths of letter of 1897 on the Holy Ghost: Divinum illud
 Lie about the West, The: A response to the Catholic Faith, gives incidents in his own munus] Bi(F)Pg(G) $24 #92071
Professor Toynbee's challenge [examines missionary work to make his thoughts more
Toynbee's thesis, points out the flaws in his appealing & prove certain points] - Weninger, Fr  Doctrine of the Trinity, The [simple &
arguments, his historical inaccuracies, states the F. X., SJ 1862 [2nd ed] 341p partially taped unsophisticated explanation of the nature &
case for the uniqueness of Christian civilization] spine / some pencil marks (F) $19 #93508 theology of this sublime mystery, to render a
- Jerrold, Douglas 1954 85p dj (G/G/F) $15 more fervid & extensive devotion to the Trinity]
#93667, notes & underlining (F/P) $6 #26421 - Klein, Abbe Felix / Daniel J. Sullivan, tr. 1940
DOGMATIC THEOLOGY 293p dj (G/F) $29 #61597
 Reveries of a Hermit [valuable addition to
the study of comparative religion & apologetics:  Sacramentals of the Holy Catholic
 Doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ, Church, The [a concise handy volume giving
part 1. inquiry into the Protestant mind & The: According to the Principles of the
attitude taken by Catholics wanting to enlighten clear & intelligent explanations of most of the
Theology of St. Thomas [shows the truths of sacramentals: their nature, the liturgical books
(missal, ritual, breviary), sign of the cross, holy  Grace and Original Justice According to  Moral Theology [presents as completely as
water & oils, scapular, litanies, candles, sacred St. Thomas [a scholarly & historical treatment possible & in a clear form the application of
vestments, etc] - Lambing, Fr A. A. 1892 325p examining the arguments of St Thomas & those theory to practice both in the subject matter of
IL Bi(F/P)Pg(F) $29 #89635 of the opposition: 1. man in the state of 1st principles & in the treatment of the
 Unseen World, The: Exposition of Catholic innocence; 2. grace & original justice as a Commandments & Sacraments; especially useful
Theology in its Relation to Modern Spiritism personal gift & gift of nature; 3. the formal & for the busy parish priest] - Jone, Fr Heribert,
[holds that spiritists communicate with the dead efficient causality in original justice] - Van Roo, OFMCap / tr. & adapted to the code & customs
thru fallen angels & thus the practice is both William A., SJ / Analecta Gregoriana, Vol of the USA by Fr Urban Adelman, OFM Cap
unlawful & dangerous to faith & morals, studies LXXV, Series Facultatis Theologicae, Sectio A 1960 [trans from 16th German ed with additions
the angelic world & the soul after death] - (n. 13) 1955 212p rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $35 that will appear in the 17th ed] 610p dj (G) $23
Lepicier, Alexis H. M. Cardinal, OSM [1863- #93695 #93963, 1948 [6th English printing/tr from the
1936] 1906 284p could be rebound  Occult Phenomena in the Light of 1937 9th German ed] 634p dj (G/F) $21 #93670,
Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $29 #91440 Theology [sheds light for the Catholic in his 1945 [1st English ed] 634p Bi(F)Pg(G) $19
 Harmony, in Catholic Universities and approach to occult phenomena, relates Catholic #92236, 1946 [2nd English ed] 634p Bi(F)Pg(G)
Schools, Between the Teaching of theology to modern psychology & psychical $19 #92842, 1952 [rev. Eng translation of the
research, uses all the apparatus of the 13th German ed. (1949) w/ additions] 612p
Modern Science, Catholic Philosophy Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #91667, 1953 [rev. Eng
and Theology [examines philosophical & schoolmen] - Wiesinger, Alois, OCSO / Brian
Battershaw, tr. n.d. [reprint of 1957/1948 1st translation of the 13th German ed. (1949) w/
theological principles in light of modern science additions] 610p (F) $16 #92649, 1945 [1st
to see the relationship between both: discussion German ed] 294p (G/G/F) $31 #93782
English ed] 634p bent covers (F) $15 #91099,
of Aristotle's & St Thomas' principle of motion, 1946 [2nd English ed] 634p some underlinings
on the soul & its immortality, difference MORAL & PASTORAL THEOLOGY / (F) $15 #91666
between body & substance, etc] - Linehan, Rev. MARRIAGE & THE FAMILY
James A. 1962 492p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93867,  Handbook of Medical Ethics for Nurses,
1962 492p rebound (G/F) $22 #31129 Physicians, and Priests [every question
 Ethics of Ectopic Operations [whether the connected with the practice of medicine or of
 Sanctifier, The [El Espiritu Santo] surgical operation on an unruptured pregnant surgery in which there is a moral issue at stake] -
[exposition of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, their fallopian tube is permitted] - Bouscaren, Fr. T. La Rochelle, S. A., OMI & C. T. Fink, MD, CM
fruits, how they are received & employed, their Lincoln, SJ 1944 [2nd ed revised] [1933 1st ed] / M. E. Poupore, Fr. A. Carter, & R. M. H.
action within a person, shows that without these 179p Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #91702, 1933 191p (F) Power, trs. / Archbp James C. McGuigan,
gifts the work of spiritual perfection is $16 #77692 preface by 1944 (5th ed) 369p Bi(F)Pg(G) $25
impossible] - Martinez, Archbp Luis M. / Sr. M. #91671
Aquinas, OSU, tr. & preface by 1982 [reprint of  Moral Obligation of Fraternal
1957 1st American ed] 320p dj (G/F) $18 Correction [informative study of this spiritual  Medical Ethics [useful for pre-medical
#89735, 1961 [4th printing] 322p torn dj (G/F) work of mercy, a duty of brotherly love to help students, medical students, doctors & nurses;
$18 #92182, (G/F) $17 #63944, 1982 320p pb others attain eternal salvation] - Costello, Fr. original 1946 title: "Medical Ethics for Nurses,"
(F) $9 #93800 Joseph A., SM / CUA Studies in Sacred enlarged & more encompassing than 1946 1st
Theology (2nd series) #27 1949 134p pb (G/F) ed] - McFadden, Charles J., OSA / foreword by
 Divine Family, The: The Trinity and Our [Bp] Fulton J. Sheen 1959 (4th ed) 491p (G/F)
Life in God [popular explanation of the Trinity, $17 #92099, Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #90511
 Moral Obligation of Voting, The [based $17 #93875, 1953 (3rd ed) 474p (G/F) $16
the basic mystery of the Catholic Faith, & its #93874, Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #89801, some pen
relation to the body of Revelation, based on on the teaching of Christ, "Render to Caesar the
things that are Caesar's, etc," since the Catholic underlining in the beginning (F) $10 #64728
Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity, Sts. John & Paul,
& the Fathers] - McDonough, Fr. William K. is part of civil society he must obey its just laws,  Moral Theology: A Complete Course Based
1963 178p dj (G) $12 #93588, dj (G/G/F) $11 pay reasonable taxes, defend his country, etc, on St. Thomas Aquinas & the Best Modern
#93855, dj (G/F) $10 #82824 shows Catholics also have a duty in elections] - Authorities [a classic in its own right, treats of
Cranny, Fr. Titus / Studies in Sacred Theology the regulation of human conduct in the light of
 Communion of Saints, The [invocation, reason & revealed truth, based on the principles
intercession & veneration of the saints – sorts (2nd series), CUA #70 1952 155p pb Bi(F)Pg(G)
$19 #93789 & methods of St Thomas Aquinas] [in 2 vols] -
out the Protestant confusion about this important McHugh, Fr John, OP, & Fr Charles J. Callan,
& consoling Catholic doctrine] - McGinnis, Rev  Moral and Pastoral Theology [thorough
treatment from the common teaching of the OP Vol 1 [only] [vol 2 missing] [end of man &
Charles F. / Most Rev John Ireland, intro by the means thereto, good/bad habits, law,
1912 395p Bi(F)Pg(G) $31 #64556 theologians: v.1 Human Acts, Law, Sin, Virtue;
v.2 Commandments of God/Precepts of the conscience, duties of men] 1929 691p
 Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology [clear & Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $19 #93505
concise answers in alphabetical format about the Church; vols 3, 4: Sacraments in general &
individually treated, states of life, duties of lay  Lend Me Your Hands [a How to Do It Book
Faith in everyday language] - Parente / Piolanti / for the lay apostolate – the most important thing
Garofalo / Emmanual Doronzo, OMI, STD, people] [in 4 vols] - Davis, Fr Henry, SJ 1938
[3rd ed revised & enlarged/1935 1st ed] a Catholic can do is to work to bring Christ to
PhD, tr. 1951 [1st English ed/trans from the the people whom he can easily contact in daily
1945 2nd Italian ed/1943 1st Italian ed] 310p Bi(F)Pg(G) $48 #91733, 1945 [4th ed revised &
enlarged/1935 1st ed] Bi(F)Pg(G) $48 #89483, life, since most are not called to be foreign
(G/F) $38 #87375, 1952 [2nd printing] 310p religious missionaries] - Meyer, Bernard F., MM
(G/F) $38 #67147 1935-'46 [vol 1: 5th ed; vol 2: 1st ed, vols 3 & 4:
4th ed/1935 1st ed] Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $28 #79906, / Archbp Richard J. Cushing, intro by 1955 235p
 Social Rights of Our Divine Lord Jesus 1936-'38 [vols 1, 3 4 2nd ed; vol 2: 3rd ed/1935 dj (G/F) $11 #92987, Bi(F)Pg(G) $9 #86691,
Christ, The King, The [a clear statement of 1st ed] some cover & page staining extensive underlining Bi(G)Pg(P) $6 #89809
the doctrine of the Kingship of Our Lord in a Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $46 #93613, / L. W. Geddes, SJ,  Morality and Business [moral teachings to
catechetical format] - Philippe, Rev. A., C.SS.R. ed. & rev. by 1958 [7th ed revised & guide the conscience of those facing problems in
/ Rev. Denis Fahey, C.S.S.p, tr & adapted by enlarged/1935 1st ed] Bi(F)Pg(G) $51 #87271 various business situations] - Wirtenberger,
1990 [reprint of 1932 ed] 204p pb Bi(F)Pg(G)  Priest and Penitent: A Discussion of Henry J., SJ 1962 [revised/1953 limited printing]
$20 #63738 Confession [a thorough examination of all 308p (G/F) $25 #85309, Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 #91720
 Penance and the Anointing of the Sick [a aspects of Penance: a tribunal of mercy &  Administration of the Sacraments, The
scholarly study of the historical & theological consolation for the good of the penitent] - [competent, up-to-date guide for sacramental
development of Penance, Indulgences & Heenan, John C. 1938 194p Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 administration, covers each sacrament separately
Anointing of the Sick] - Poschmann, Msgr #93157 & is edited so that information on any problem
Bernhard [1878-1955] / Francis Courtney, SJ, tr  Morality and Situation Ethics [a critical can be located quickly] - Halligan, Nicholas, OP
& rev. 1964 (1951 1st German ed.) 257p analysis of existentialist ethics: the underlying 1963 585p Bi(F)Pg(G) $52 #93831
considerable underlining Bi(F)Pg(F/P) $30 motives of this "circumstance ethics" which  Your Teen-Agers: How to Survive Them
#91654 denies the universally binding character of moral [common sense/humor with the advice she gives
 Dangers of Spiritualism, The: Records of law – an intellectual movement based on a parents: religion/family prayer, health, emotional
Personal Experiences - Raupert, J. Godfrey 1914 mistaken notion of "freedom & "love"] - needs, rebellion, disagreements, popularity,
166p IL extensive water damage & discoloration Hildebrand, Dietrich & Alice von / [Fr] Bernard make-up, clothing styles, slang, school &
of binding (P) $17 #91972 Haring, preface by 1966 [reprint of 1955 1st ed homework, dating, movies, etc] - Burnite,
 Black Popes — Authority: Its Use & Abuse titled "True Morality & Its Counterfeits"] 191p Alvena 1952 167p (G/G/F) $19 #64671, dj
[study of authority in the Church but also in the (F) $23 #93646 Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #64913
family, & wherever the idea of fatherhood is  Encyclical Humanae Vitae, The: A Sign  Christian Perfection for the Married
derived from the fatherhood of God] - Roberts, of Contradiction – An Essay on Birth Control & [blueprint for holiness in the vocation of
Archbp, SJ 1954 139p Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #91335 Catholic Conscience [shows the sinfulness of marriage: explains the spiritual life, charts the
 Church, The [the nature & purpose of the artificial birth control & replies to certain course & takes the reader step by step to the
Church, its general characters, sacramental life, specific objections made against the encyclical] - summit of perfection in the married state] -
attitude in regard to the world, organization & Hildebrand, Dietrich von / Damian Fedoryka & Doyle, Msgr. Charles Hugo 1964 275p dj
parts] - Sertillanges, Fr Antonin G., OP / A. G. John Crosby, trs 1969 [1968 1st German ed] 89p (G/G/F) $52 #93918
McDougall, tr. 1922 392p Bi(F)Pg(G) $32 pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $27 #93638, pen underlining &  Year and Our Children, The: Planning
#91923 notes (P) $16 #86915
Family Activities for Christian Feasts & Seasons CM 1959 255p Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #93876 Preceded by an Account of His Life, The
[handbook for Christian family living filled with  Vocation to Love [a blueprint for a way of [formerly "The Spiritual Teaching of
practical & imaginative ideas for family life aimed at the laity touching upon prayer, Father Louis Lallemant"] [reduced to 7
observances of the feasts of the Church, poverty, detachment, loneliness & similar principles: final destiny, idea of perfection,
initiating children into the spirit of the Church spiritual matters] - Dohen, Dorothy 1951 [2nd purity of heart, guidance of the Holy Spirit &
year] - Newland, Mary R. 1956 328p IL dj (F) printing/1950 1st printing] 169p Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 docility to, recollection & interior life, union
$25 #91541 #93601 with Our Lord, steps of the spiritual life] -
 Family Life: Facts, Sayings & Anecdotes [a  God's Golden Gifts [shows that we should Lallemant, Fr Louis, SJ / Fr Champion, SJ, ed of
proper understanding of the meaning of the correctly use what we have from God to sanctify original text / Alan G. McDougall, ed. / Newman
Christian family – from extracts of the Bible, ourselves & those with whom we associate: the Press, publ 1955 (reprint of 1928 English
encyclicals, holy/wise men & anecdotes he gifts of sight, hearing, memory, love of reading, ed/1694 1st French ed) 304p Bi(F)Pg(G) $45
brings this idea clearly before all thinking of friendship, good influence, forgiveness, #93934
marriage or already married] - Viano, Rev. vocation, BVM, the Cross, etc] - Freeman, Flora  Psychology of Asceticism, The [a
Anselm J., SSP / Neumann Press, publ. / Alastair Lucy / Msgr Robert Hugh Benson, preface by simplified, formulated & unified plan for
Guinan, preface by 2002 [reprint of 1942 ed] 1921 240p pocket size (F) $27 #84346 striving after spiritual perfection] - Lindworsky,
372p IL (VG/G) $23 #64146  Your Neighbor and You [18 suggestive & Johannes, SJ / Emil A. Heiring, tr 1950 [reprint
practical readings on spiritual themes for the of 1936 English ed/1935 1st German ed] 95p
INTERIOR LIFE / ASCETICAL laity on dealing with others: speech, consistency, Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #92691, 1936 95p pb could be
THEOLOGY / MYSTICAL THEOLOGY talk at home, the common Catholic, rebound Bi(P)Pg(G) $7 #89936
encouragement, power of praise, talk in  Job the Man Speaks with God [reflections
 Life Begins with Love [brief, comprehensive business, wearing a Catholic face, etc] - on man's universal Job-like relationship with
& understandable study of charity for everyone: Garesche, Fr Edward F., SJ 1912 179p IL God: struggling for the quest of God, praying in
what love is, its need by all, fidelity, tolerance, Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #93751, (F) $18 #64821 anguish, unable to cease looking for God since
helpfulness, etc] - Barrett, E. Boyd 1952 114p dj  Helps and Hindrances to Perfection [12 God is the passion of his being, cast in a
(G/F) $14 #90180, dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #91484, instructive & penetrating chapters on the most dialogue format between God & Job who
Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #81581, (F) $10 #75162, some effective aids & most crippling obstacles to represents all] - Lippert, Fr Peter, SJ / George N.
underlining (F) $9 #60730 spiritual progress: faith, time, fear, renunciation, Schuster, tr 1936 224p B(F)Pg(G) $19 #91342
 In Silence with God [a compendium of the humility & dedication, patience, reparation,  Actual Grace and the Spiritual Life [very
contemplative life; summarizes the doctrine of friendship, pleasure, work, etc] - Higgins, complete treatment of the subject, shows what
the masters of spirituality] - Baur, Dom Thomas J., SJ 1955 258p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 actual grace is, why we need it, how God gives
Benedict, OSB / Elizabeth Corathiel-Noonan, tr. #64721 to each so as to be sufficient for salvation, how
/ Placid Jordan, OSB, intro by 1960 [reprint of  Transformation in Christ [On the Christian great a gift it is, evil results for refusing it & its
1955 English ed/1951 1st German ed] 235p dj Attitude of Mind] [considered a modern practical application in daily life] - Matthews, Fr
Bi(F)Pg(G) $40 #91058 "Imitation of Christ," illuminating the path to John V., SJ / Fr James, OFM Cap, preface by
true holiness: internal change, contrition, 1950 158p Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #92022, (F) $15
 Mystical Body, The: The Foundation of the #82695
Spiritual Life [the struggle for perfection based simplicity, confidence, striving for perfection,
on the principles of Pius XII's encyclical patience, meekness, sorrow, surrender of self,  Self-Knowledge and Self-Discipline
"Mystici Corporis," uses the parable & metaphor etc] - Hildebrand, Dietrich von 1973 [reprint of [explains the function fulfilled by self-
of Christ & St Paul to describe the intimate 1948 ed] 406p dj (G) $25 #89644, 1960 406p knowledge & self-discipline in the work of
union which binds Christ to the faithful] - Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #91059 building up of a character ideal: discipline of the
Boylan, Fr M. Eugene, OCistR / intro by John  Blind Obedience of an Humble Penitent, will, the mind, the affections, the body,
M. Feehan / Fr James O'Mahony, OFM Cap, The: The Best Cure for Scruples [a gem of mortification & the supernatural life, etc] -
preface by 1948 130p (G/F) $18 #92271, spiritual teaching] - Jenks, Bishop-elect Maturin, Fr B. W. [1847-1915] 1963 [1906 1st
Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #90189 Sylvester [1656-1714] / "Orchard Books", series published] 276p dj (G) $19 #89655, (G/F) $17
of Spiritual Classics, #2 / Dom Roger Hudleston, #93954, 1946 [1906 1st published] 301p (F) $13
 Spirit of St. François de Sales, The [the #63149
sanctity of the saint seen through his virtues: OSB, ed & intro by 1926 [1698 1st ed/reprint of
meekness, zeal, prudence, conformity to the will the 1699 2nd ed revised] 119p Bi(F)Pg(G) $21  God's Own Method [spiritual readings &
of God, modesty, mortification, etc. – Bp Camus #89582 reflections on the Passion: in reading this
knew St Francis well & observed him, reflects a  Collected Works of Saint John of the minutely factual description of Christ's
firsthand study: 1567-1622] - Camus, Bp Jean Cross, The: Revised Edition - John of the scourging, crowning with thorns, crucifixion,
Pierre / C. F. Kelley, OSB ed., tr. & intro by Cross, St [1542-1591] / Kieran Kavanaugh, one begins to understand the greatness of love
1952 249p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #90166 OCD & Otilio Rodriguez, OCD, trs. / with that is God's method] - McDonough, Rev
revisions & intro by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD Aloysius, CP / Richard Card. Cushing, preface
 Glimpses of Truth [spiritual by 1947 160p Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #34887
readings/reflections on moral & doctrinal truths 1991 814p (G/F) $27 #63845
for the perfection of Catholics: sources of joy,  Collected Works of St. John of the  Back to God: A Treatise on Confession, or
pride & vanity, exercise of control, our faults, Cross, The [Ascent of Mt Carmel, The Dark The Sacrament of Penance [a thorough &
why we are here, our fallen state, the pope, Night, Spiritual Canticle, Living Flame of Love, instructive treatment of the sujbect with many
preparation for death, etc] - Cowan, Sister St. Minor Works (Precautions, Counsels to insights & suggestions] - Meyer, Fr Fulgence,
Michael, F. DU. S.E. 1940 108p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 Religious, Sayings of Light & Love, Maxims, OFM [1876-1938] 1928 574p pb some pen
#75329 Censure & Opinions, Letters), Poetry] - John of marks Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $35 #91684
 Heart to Know Thee, A: A Practical Summa the Cross, St [1542-1591] / Kieran Kavanaugh,  Solace in Weeping: In Fletu Solatium
of the Spiritual Life [a theologically sound & OCD & Otilio Rodriguez, OCD, trs. / Very Rev [Catholic viewpoint on suffering told
practical expression of the doctrines of the soul Christopher Latimer, OCD, foreword by 1973 interestingly, sympathetically & winningly –
in meaningful terms for less speculative minds, [reprint of 1964 ed] 740p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 source of meditation & consolation for those
applies theology to daily living for those #26668, (F) $12 #70037, some notes & afflicted, despairing, sick, sorrowing or
discouraged in the spiritual life] - Cuskelly, [Fr] underlining (F) $11 #74690, Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $10 suffering] - Meyer, Fr Fulgence, OFM [1876-
E. J., MSC 1965 [reprint of 1961 imprimatur ed] #91096, 1979 [2nd ed/reprint of 1964 ed with 1938] 1938 219p Bi(F)Pg(G) $27 #90912
317p dj (G) $10 #93317, dj (G/F) $9 #93296, index, corrections & 2 previously unknown  Heroic Sanctity and Insanity: An
1963 317p Bi(F)Pg(G) $8 #13008, 1964 317p letters] 774p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #92975, Introduction to Spiritual Life and Mental
Bi(F)Pg(G) $8 #13009, 1965 317p Bi(F)Pg(G) Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G) $13 #59788, some highlighting Hygiene [true sanctity lessens the stress & strain
$8 #80747, 1963 317p Bi(G)Pg(F) $8 #85144, Bi(F)Pg(F/F/P) $11 #90924 of life & prevents mental disorders: heroic virtue
1964 317p Bi(G)Pg(F) $8 #13010, Bi(F)Pg(G/F)  Revelations of Divine Love [an account of in saints, nature & grace in the making of saints,
$7 #61159, 1965 317p (F) $7 #81670 her 16 mystical revelations that took place 8 an evaluation of St. Therese of Lisieux] - Moore,
 Divine Educator, The: or Guide to the May 1373] - Julian of Norwich, Bl. (1342?- Thomas Verner, Carthusian 1959 243p
Promotion of Frequent & Daily Communion in 1416?) / Religious Experience Series, Vol 3 / Bi(F)Pg(G) $39 #93089
Educational Establishments - de Zulueta, F. M., James Walsh, SJ tr 1974 (reprint of 1961 trans)  "I Give Glory...!" [tr. of "La Journée
SJ [1855-1937] / Père Jules Lintelo, SJ, adapted 210p Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #92759 des Malades"] A Book for the Sick [links the
from his "Directoire Eucharistique des Maisons  School of Repentance, The [explains the 4 sickroom with 2 worlds–that of the spirit united
d'Éducation" 1912 324p w/ Pope Leo XIII's things necessary for the worthy reception of the to God, and, through that union, with the world
"Mirae Caritatis" of 1902 on the Most Holy sacrament of Penance: contrition, confession, of activity occupied by the patient's fellow men;
Eucharist Bi(F)Pg(G) $24 #69968 satisfaction & purpose of amendment] - Kane, Fr includes reflections, meditations, counsels &
 Basic Spiritual Means [in this compelling John A. / [Msgr] Hught T. Henry, foreword by prayers] - Perreyve, M. l'Abbe Henri [1831-
book the author defines the means, 1943 126p (G/G/F) $25 #92100, 1950 [2nd 1865] / M. G. Chadwick, tr 1957 95p
methods/implements of holiness or printing/1943 1st printing] 126p (G/F) $24 Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #90915
sanctification, teaches how to put them into #92101, 1943 126p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #93137  Seeds of the Kingdom [notes from
action & inspires us to do so, gives the means &  Spiritual Doctrine of Father Louis conferences, spiritual directions & meditations
motivation to desire virtue] - Dion, Fr Philip E., Lallemant of the Society of Jesus, from the spiritual director of St. Therese of
Lisieux; he also directed her sisters: Pauline, of the Cross, OCD) [1891-1942] / L. Gelber & turning toward God & turning away from self] -
Marie & Celine; St Therese's little way is firmly Fr. R. Leuven, OCD, eds. / Hilda Graef, tr. 1960 Van Zeller, Dom Hubert, OSB 1958 104p
rooted in Fr Pichon's spiritual groundwork] - 243p [written during the 1st 2 years of the Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #92704, pen underlining
Pichon, Fr. Almire, SJ [1843-1919] / Lyle German occupation of Holland: 1940-1942] dj Bi(F)Pg(F/P) $17 #90895
Terhune, T.O.C.D., tr & ed 1961 271p dj some pen marks Bi(G)Pg(F) $40 #91930  Choice of God, The [46 spiritual readings:
Bi(F)Pg(G) $38 #92515  Manual of Christian Perfection: renunciation, the cross, Mass, Divine Office,
 Spirit of the Spanish Mystics, The: An Especially designed for the instruction of Blessed Sacrament, sorrow & joy, poverty of
anthology of Spanish Religious Prose from the novices who sincerely desire to enter a religious spirit, work, saints, sin, self, prayer, etc – for
Fifteenth to the Seventeeth Century [28 authors: community. It may be read with much fruit by both religious & laity] - Van Zeller, Dom
Alonso Rodriguez: spiritual reading; Bernardino all those who wish to lead exemplary lives. - Hubert, OSB 1956 211p taped spine/some
de Laredo: The Cross; Francisco Ortiz: Stockman, Msgr P. J. / Rev. J. B. Scaramelli, SJ, underlining (F) $16 #92813, 1963 [reprint of
Widowhood; Francisco de Osuna: Silence; etc] - [1688-1752], adapted from "Directorium 1956 hb ed] 211p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #92136
Pond, Kathleen, ed. & tr. 1958 170p dj (G/F) Asceticum" of 1921 634p (F) $35 #90408  Famine of the Spirit: Fragmentary
$20 #91914  Forgotten Truths [meditations on Comments on the Interior Life [54 subjects:
 Light and Peace: Instructions for Devout fundamental aspects of the spiritual life: value of detachments, darkness, true/false affective
Souls to Dispel Their Doubts & Allay Their the soul, is life worth living, death, the sinner, prayer, gradual work of grace, effects of
Fears [maxims & sayings instructing those mortal sin, judgment, heaven, hell, repentance, contemplation, devotion in prayer, human love
seeking perfection: spiritual direction & reading, mercy of God, passion of Christ, God is love, in particular, temptation, blindness in self-
resignation, scruples, sadness, dress, venial sin, BVM, prayer] - Swint, Bp John J. direction, food, etc] - Van Zeller, Dom Hubert,
Sundays/Holydays, etc, final advice on Holy 1941 188p Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #93553, OSB / "Golden Library" edition 1964 [reprint of
Communion] - Quadrupani, R. P., Barnabite Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $12 #68210 1949 1st ed] 194p leather/black/red edges/dj
[1740-1806] / I. M. O'R, tr / Archbp. P. J. Ryan,  Spiritual Life, The: A Treatise on Ascetical (G/G/F) $26 #93539
intro by 1946 (14th English B. Herder publ & Mystical Theology [classic comprehensive  Moments of Light: Notes on the Spiritual
ed/1795 1st original Italian ed) 193p Bi(F)Pg(G) presentation of the doctrines on the interior life Life [the normal development of the soul, takes
$14 #91308, 1918 193p (F) $12 #91244, 1923 taught by the great spiritual masters of the the reader over the various stages of traditional
193p (F) $12 #93614, 1930 193p (F) $12 Church over the centuries] - Tanquerey, Fr spirituality with an emphasis on the dark night of
#85422 Adolphe, SS / Fr. Herman Branderis, SS, tr. / sense & spirit] - Van Zeller, Dom Hubert, OSB
 Union With Christ: Benedictine & Archbp Michael J. Curley, foreword by 1930 1949 183p Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $16 #82034, /
Liturgical Spirituality [Benedictine spirituality, (2nd rev. ed) 771p dj (G/F) $34 #90339, "Golden Library" edition 1963 [reprint of 1949
St Benedict's concept of humility, mortification Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) $29 #77279, Bi(F/P)Pg(G) ed] 196p leather/black/red edges/dj (G/G/F) $27
according to St. Benedict, Christian asceticsm & could be rebound $23 #49198, some pen marks #93540
the liturgy, liturgy & private prayer, liturgy & Bi(F)Pg(G/F/P) $22 #89782, top of title pg  Divine Pity, The: A Study in the Social
the teaching of doctrine, etc] - Ryelandt, Dom I., missing (F/F/P) $21 #49199, (G/F) $32 #93985 Implications of the Beatitudes [Thomistic
OSB / Dom Matthew Dillon, OSB, tr 1966 175p  Two Ways of Life: Christian and Materialist teaching on correlation of beatitudes, virtues &
Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #65299 [summarizes the 2 ways of life by showing the gifts of the Holy Ghost, in this study man can
 Jesus Appeals to the World: The Christian postulates must rule the world, if we return to the friendship of God & interior riches
Unceasing Act of Love Revealed to the are to have peace & harmony, indicates what the that conformity to God's will entails] - Vann, Fr
Capuchin Nun, Sister Mary Consolata (1903- consequences will be if the materialistic Gerald, OP 1951 [5th printing/1946 1st printing]
1946) [she was a victim-soul for priests/religious principles should prevail in the world] - Taylor, 220p dj (G) $22 #93600, 1947 [4th printing]
who had gone astray, the revelations to her are F. Sherwood 1949 111p Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 220p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #85456, 1946 220p (F)
based on St Therese of Lisieux's little way as a #93552, (F) $12 #88548 $15 #93729, 1962 [reprint of 1946 hb ed] 189p
development thereof] - Sales, Fr Lorenzo, IMC  Struggle Our Destiny [32 sermons on the pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $9 #92129, (F) $6 #64267
[spiritual director of Sr Consolata] / Alfred J. M. struggles & the virtues needed to win the battle  Your Other Self [a devout appeal to follow
Mausolff, tr. 1971 [reprint of 1955 ed] 224p dj of life, & on the beatitudes & varied subjects – Christ's command to love our neighbor as
(G/F) $25 #93022, Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 #92772 the author shows man's life on earth as intended ourself & in this way to grow to be the perfect
 Ancrene Riwle (The Corpus MS.: by his Creator to be a warfare & thus he needs image of God for which we were created, gives
Ancrene Wisse) [Guide of Anchoresses] the training & equipment to win] - Tobin, Fr. practical & simple solutions to the many
[an anonymous monastic rule (or manual) for William 1949 165p dj (G/F) $16 #91390, problems of loving our neighbor] - Vieujean,
female anchorites (anchoresses) written in the Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #67814 Canon Jean / Richard E. Cross, tr 1959 [1952 1st
early 13th cent; topics: devotions, custody of the  For Better for Worse – Three Social French ed] 165p (F) $14 #74877
senses, control of inward feelings, temptations, Sacraments The Fourth Theophila
confession, penance, love, external rules; Correspondence [in a letter format for the young PRAYER / MEDITATION / Prayer Books
includes 1 appendix] - Salu, M.B., tr. / Dom discusses penance, prayer & humility, going to
Gerard Sitwell, OSB, intro by / J . R. R. Tolkien, / Devotional Books / Retreats
confession, sacrifice & the Eucharist, the Mass
preface by 1956 196p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #93075 & Matrimony, sympathy, love & Matrimony] -
 Gift of Oneself, The [the principles, practice Valentine, Ferdinand, OP 1948 101p some  Pray Always [a solid, fundamental
& consequences of self-surrender & underlining (F) $11 #75169, (F) $11 #72284 explanation of the need & value of prayer,
abandonment to God] - Schryvers, Fr Joseph, various methods of speaking with God & the
 Inside of the Cup, The: The Second reward of closer living with God in daily life;
CSSR / a Religious of Carmel Bettendorf, IA, tr. Theophila Correspondence [In a letter format for
1934 239p (F) $18 #91330 draws from OT & NT & lives of the saints] -
the young he explains prayer under difficulties, Alberione, Very Rev. James, SSP / Daughters of
 Only Life, The [skillfully summarizes in a dangers in prayer, pause of attention, modern St Paul, trs 1981 (reprint of 1966 ed.) 265p dj
lively & understandable manner for laymen the distractions, the rosary, temptations against (G) $14 #62583, 1966 265p pb (G/F) $7 #93447
spiritual or interior life: its nature, its causes & purity, retreats & spiritual direction, etc] -
its effects, renders a complex subject easily Valentine, Ferdinand, OP 1948 [2nd  Into Each Life… [99 thoughts & meditations
accessible to the average reader] - Shamon, Fr impression/1946 1st impression] 169p (F) $15 with true stories of human interest to temper
Albert J. 1961 133p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #93565, #72282 human sorrow by teaching broken hearts to look
(F) $12 #83070 at life through the eyes of Our Mother of
 Lord We Serve, The: The Fifth Theophila Sorrows] - Brissette, C. M., OSM 1950 128p IL
 Hammer and Fire: Toward Divine Correspondence [In a narrative way for the autographed some back cover staining
Happiness and Mental Health [an excellent young, the author explains St Luke's Gospel for Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #93529
treatment of the spiritual life based on traditional meditation and reflection – by pondering the
principles: hammer–spiritual reading; fire– Word of God with the author's insights the  Ignatian Methods of Prayer [logical, clear
prayer] - Simon, Fr M. Raphael, OCSO 1959 beginner will develop & increase his interior & appealing presentation of St. Ignatius'
257p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #93704, Bi(F)Pg(G) life] - Valentine, Ferdinand, OP 1950 224p (F) teaching on prayer, prayer in general,
$19 #91087 $14 #86490 preparations, methods & additional instructions,
a sort of historical & textual commentary] -
 Spiritual Legacy of Sister Mary of the  Theophila Correspondence [in a letter Brou, Fr Alexandre, SJ / Religion & Culture
Holy Trinity, The: Poor Clare of Jerusalem format he addresses an imaginary young woman Series / William J. Young, SJ, tr. 1949 203p dj
(1901-1942) [autobiographical narrative of her & man leaving school & beginning to lead an (G) $19 #64477
life, communications with Jesus & her notes] - adult Christian life in the modern world, shows
how to maintain the Christian ideals in difficult  Love of the Sacred Heart, The: Three
Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity (Louisa Jacques) Months of Meditations [1.-The Sacred Heart of
/ Van den Broek, Fr Silvere, OFM, confessor to times] [in 5 vols] - Valentine, Ferdinand, OP
1946-'50 1: Whatsoever He Shall Say 2. The Jesus in His Incarnation & Life (31 meditations)
the author & editor of her works / Card. 2.-The Sacred Heart of Jesus in His Passion (31
Tappouni, prefatory letter 1950 364p (F) $29 Inside of the Cup 3. Reading Between the Lines
4. For Better For Worse 5. The Lord We Serve 3 meditations) 3.-The Sacred Heart of Jesus in the
#92046 Eucharist (31 Meditations)] [in 3 vols] - Dehon,
 Science of the Cross, The: Study of St John vols have dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $59 #93575
Very Rev Leo John / Rev John Dalbec, SCJ, tr.
of the Cross [1. The Message of the Cross; 2.  Approach to Penance [all aspects of 1960 Bi(F)Pg(G) $48 #73962
The Doctrine of the Cross; 3. The Imitation of penance: its principles, field, practice, measure,
manner, effects, harmony, etc., underlines it as a  Christ at Every Crossroad [meditations for
the Cross] - Stein, (St) Edith (Teresa Benedicta Catholic workers] - Desplanques, F., SJ / G. R.
Serve, tr. 1959 125p dj (G/F) $11 #93234, life: the cure of the Centurion's servant, the 127p includes Epistles & Gospels [revised
Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 #61430 resurrection of the widow's son in Naim, the ed/1925 1st ed] / leather/gilt edges/pocket size
 Heart of the Rosary [presents for meditation feeding of the 5000, etc] - O'Rourke, John H., SJ (G/F) $22 #66317
a particular virtue for each of the 15 mysteries, [1856-1929] 1916 183p IL (F) $24 #91009  My Catholic Devotions [a most colorful
e.g. faith, prudence, generosity, patience, etc] -  Treatise on Prayer & Meditation / Pax prayer manual with commentaries, explanations
Donnelly, Francis P., SJ / illus by Charles Animae - Peter of Alcantara, St [1499-1562] / & instructions on the Mass, prayers &
Sander 1944 [reprint of 1941 1st ed] 126p IL [Friar] John of Bonilla [fl. 1580] / Dominic sacraments] - [Bradley, Rev Paul John, compiled
Bi(F)Pg(G) $27 #63789 Devas, OFM, tr [2 treatises/books bound as 1] by] / Good Will Publishers, Inc. / His Excellency
 How to Pray [1 of the best short expositions 1949 211p Bi(F)Pg(G) $38 #92946 Vincent George Taylor, OSB, approbation of
of the essence of prayer: only God can teach us  Ear of God, The [a beautiful book on prayer 1955 248p IL gold cover/gilt edges/large format:
how to pray, on multiplying vocal prayers, as the language of man to God, emphasizes the 10.5"x7.25" (G) $28 #93648
efficacy of prayer, on praying always, family need for prayer in this desperate world, its  Meditations on the Old Testament V. 1:
prayers, Lord's prayer, etc] - Grou, Abbe, SJ. effectiveness, how to pray & what to pray for, The Narratives V. 2: The Psalms V. 3: Prophecy
(1731-1803) / Teresa Fitzgerald, tr. / Fr. Clarke, with a treasury of selected prayers] - Peyton, V. 4: Wisdom [chooses the richest passages in
SJ., edited with a preface by 1898 204p pen Patrick J., CSC 1951 [w/ a treasury of prayers] the OT to help us savor the timeless doctrines
underlining & marks / rebound Bi(F)Pg(F/P) $18 226p Bi(F)Pg(G) $9 #64317, (F) $7 #41055 contained therein; he helps us to hear the word
#68783  Paths of Prayer, The: A Clear Portrayal of of God, spoken to us today & found in these
 Daily Thought, A: Compiled from Richard Various Kinds of Active and Passive Prayer [an texts] - Brillet, Fr Gaston, C.Or. / Kathryn
Challoner's "Meditations" [individual reflections enlightening classic treatise on the methods of Sullivan, RSCJ & Jane Wynne Saul, RSCJ, trs.
culled from Bp Challoner's famous work of the developing a sound interior life through mental incomplete set Vol 1, 2 & 4 only [vol 3 missing]
18th c.: 1691-1781] - Guazzelli, Fr V., compiler prayer] - Picot de Cloriviere, Fr. Pierre-Joseph, 1959-1961 [trans from 1958 French ed]
/ Archbp William Godfrey, preface by 1958 SJ [1735-1820] / Fr. J. V. Bainvel, SJ, ed. 1958 Bi(F)Pg(G) $29 #67793, Vol 2 [only] [missing
185p taped spine (F) $19 #93735 [based on the 1802 French ed] 131p Bi(F)Pg(G) vols 1, 3, 4] 1960 243p Bi(F)Pg(G) $7 #83301
 Prayer of the Presence of God, The [an $25 #93033  My Spiritual Guide: A Complete Book of
intense meditation on the Christian life & on  Graces of Interior Prayer, The: A Treatise Prayers & Devotions for Catholics with the
mystical union with God: 4 parts, discusses the on Mystical Theology [on the highest perfection Epistles & Gospels for Sundays [a handy &
meaning of prayer, spirit of detachment, the in the interior life, with extensive treatment of useful source of prayers for the advancement in
friendship developed in prayer between the soul the ordinary method of prayer – helps & the spiritual life] - Carroll, Fr William A., ed. /
& God, the soul in praise of the Trinity] - hindrances to prayer, interior trials, scruples, NY: Catholic Book Publ. Co, publ, (T-780) 1953
Guillerand, Dom Augustin, O.Cart. [1877-1945] discouragement, presumption, etc] - Poulain, A., [reprint of 1947 ed] 640p IL cloth/red
/ A Monk of Parkminster, tr. 1966 [trs. from the SJ / Leonora L. Yorke Smith, tr. / ed & intro by edges/pocket size (G/F) $22 #69009, 1947 640p
1956 French ed.] 191p Bi(F)Pg(G) $29 #92944 J. V. Bainvel / preface by Rev. D. Considine, SJ IL imitation leather/gilt edges/pocket size (F)
 Progress Through Mental Prayer / approbation (1907) of Pius X for the 5th ed $19 #65747
[addresses the average soul in a simple & clear 1950 [trans from 6th French ed & corrected to  Raccolta or Prayers and Devotions
style, showing the nature of prayer, principles & accord with the 10th French ed] cxii + 665p Enriched with Indulgences, The [Preces et
elements for progress – aim of mental prayer, some pen marks Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) $79 #91032 Pia Opera] - Christopher, Fr Joseph P. & Fr
perseverance, vocal prayer, dispositions  Enlargements Upon Meditations Made Charles E. Spence 1943 [from 1938 official
required, transforming effects of mental prayer, in Time of Retreat [provides developments Vatican ed] 671p (F) $37 #89783
etc] - Leen, Fr Edward, CSSP 1938 276p or expansions of meditation points for the  Raccolta or A Manual of Indulgences,
Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #91027, 1947 276p Bi(F)Pg(G) Ignatian retreat or Spiritual Exercises, excellent Prayers and Devotions Enriched with
$18 #92604, 1940 276p (F) $15 #92605 for those serious in enriching their spiritual lives Indulgences, The [Enchiridion
 Behold Thy Mother!: Nine Discourses with the practice of the exercises] - Rickaby, Fr Indulgentiarum-Preces et Pia Opera] -
Illustrative of the 'Hail Mary' - Lepicier, Alexis John, SJ 1917 188p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #93470 Christopher, Fr Joseph P., Fr Charles E. Spence
Henry M. Cardinal, OSM [1863-1936] 1935  Proceedings of the Second Quinquennial & Fr John F. Rowan / Marian House, publ n.d.
167p (F) $19 #92786 World Congress of Sodalities of Our [c. 1980's/reprint of 1957 ed] 633p + lxxvi +
 Methods of Mental Prayer [shows the Lady – The National Federation of suppl 1958-'62 30p imitation red leather (G/F)
necessity of prayer & examines the various Sodalities of the United States: August 20- $46 #68239
schools of prayer: Sts. Ignatius, Francis de Sales, 23rd 1959, Seton Hall University, South Orange,  Queen of Apostles Manual of Prayer: A
Alphonsus, John Baptist de la Salle, Carmelite New Jersey [a comprehensive visual & verbal Treasury of Selected Prayers [a variety of
prayer, etc.] - Lercaro, Cardinal / T. F. Lindsay, record of this world congress of the sodalities, a prayers for daily use: morning & evening
tr 1957 [1948 1st Italian ed] 308p (G/F) $45 true picture of the vitality & zeal of this Catholic prayers; meditations for every day on the passion
#92125 lay apostolate] - The Queen's Work, publ / Rev of Jesus; devotions for Mass, Confession, Holy
 Light to My Paths, A [Spiritual Instructions: Erwin A. Juraschek, foreword by n.d. (c.1960) Communion, to the Sacred Heart, to Mary, to the
reflect the author's burning zeal to help souls 283p IL pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #90228 saints, etc] - Daughters of St. Paul, compiled by
find their way to God by providing spiritual  Approach to Prayer [treats of prayer from 1959 605p IL cloth/black/red edges/ribbon
consolation, comfort & direction in these days of its principle, practice, difficulty, effects & Bi(F)Pg(G) $43 #82323
darkness & confusion – fear not, temptations of protections of prayer] - Van Zeller, Dom Hubert,  Watching an Hour: A Book for the Blessed
the saints, etc] - Lippert, Fr Peter, SJ / Sr Mary OSB 1958 129p dj (G/F) $10 #93343, (G/F) $9 Sacrament [17 meditations to be used during
Aloysi Kiener, SND, tr / (Rev) L. M. Dooley, #52139, Bi(F)Pg(G) $8 #92803, Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) adoration before the Real Presence, with
SVD, intro by 1941 [1936 1st German ed] 274p $7 #86462 appendix: 1: nature of the holy hour & its
(G/F) $16 #61923, 1942 [2nd English printing] indulgences; 2: order of exercises for the holy
274p Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #67809  Catholic's Manual, The: Specially prepared
for the use of Catholics who wish to practice hour] - Donnelly, Francis P., SJ [1869-1959]
 Christ-Like Healing: Retreat Lectures for their religion understandingly [prayerbook/with 1918 [reprint of 1914 ed] 262p Bi(F)Pg(G) $45
Nurses [12 talks to help them evaluate their Epistles & Gospels] - 1924 600p leather/gilt #91532
sublime calling, to meet the high demands & edges/pocket size Bi(F)PgG) $29 #65506  Devotions for Holy Communion:
sacred obligations of their profession, to derive Compiled from the Roman Missal & Breviary,
consolations from the discharge of their duties] -  Contemplations and Meditations on the
the Paradisus Animae, the Following of Christ,
Meyer, Fulgence Meyer, OFM [1876-1938] Passion and Death, and on the Glorious the Hymns of the Church & the Writings of the
1934 313p Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #91172 Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ: According Saints - Goodier, Archbp. Alban, SJ, preface by
 Alone with Thee: Readings for the Holy to the Method of St. Ignatius [60 meditations on n.d. [7th ed/reprint of 1910 ed] 246p (F) $24
Hour [12 readings for 12 holy hours when the passion & death & 20 meditations on the #66137
present before the Bl. Sacrament, includes glorious life of Our Lord] - 1889 156p + 49p  My Prayer-Book: Happiness in Goodness–
introductory & concluding prayers] - Murdoch, (4th ed) red edges (F) $26 #93628
Reflections, Counsels, Prayers, and Devotions -
Fr B. J. 1951 [4th printing/reprint of 1934 ed]  Key of Heaven, The: A Selection of Prayers Lasance, Fr Francis X. 1936 719p + xii imitation
173p 1 ribbon Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #91088, some & Devotional Exercises for the [extensive white leather/gilt edges/ribbon (G/F) $37
back cover staining (F) $19 #92642 collection of prayers: morning/evening, for Mass #92456, 1944 719p + xii imitation black
 Sacred Way, The: Biblical Meditations on w/ Epistles & Gospels, devotions, visits to the Bl leather/black/gilt edges Bi(F)Pg(G) $33 #88825
the Passion of Christ [20 meditations beginning Sacrament, Stations of the Cross, novenas,  Our Lady of Fatima Manual: Rosary
with the trial of Jeus & ending with His prayers to particular saints, etc] - / N. 1520 1925
448p + 187p IL gilt edges/imitation leather/gilt Devotions to Our Lady [brief account of the
embalmment; each contains the Gospel text, apparitions, Mass (prayers before, ordinary,
descriptive background or commentary, edges/pocket size (F) $24 #93520
propers for IHM & Mediatrix of All Graces),
meditation & petition; excellent source for holy  Manual of Catholic Devotions: A devotions to BVM (acts of consecration, prayers,
hours] - Neuhäusler, Engelbert / Gregory J. Selection of Prayer & Devotions, Compiled from 5 1st Saturdays, etc), confession & communion]
Roettger, OSB 1960 [1959 1st German ed] 128p Approved Sources [the most necessary prayers: - Lelen, Fr J. M., ed. / Catholic Book Publishing
dj (G) $17 #93844 morning/daily/evening prayers, method of Co. (T-258)-2 1962 [reprint of 1948 ed] 255p
 On Israel's Hills: Reflections for Holy Hour hearing Mass, devotions, litanies, instructions & imitation hard leather/blue/gilt edges/pocket size
[16 devotional readings on events in Our Lord's devotions for confession, etc] - 1941 224p + includes previous owner's name (G) $35 #91786
 Christ in Me: Prayer Book for Communion imitation leather/gilt edges Bi(P)Pg(G/F) should inspirations, dependence on God in temporal
Mass [62 thanksgiving prayers to be made after be rebound $18 #88905, 1930 832p red edges affairs, against drink, etc] - Deshon, Rev George,
Mass: thanksgivings of gratitude, of petition, (P) should be rebound $15 #85640, 1996 [reprint CSP [1823-1903] 1902 500p [for the use of
petition for soul & body, for companions; in of 1889 ed] 832p Bi(F)Pg(G) $24 #63803 parish priests & for private reading at home]
times of depression, loneliness, & desolation,  Mission to Non-Catholics, A [a mission for (G/G/F) $22 #93745
etc] - Lord, Fr Daniel A., SJ 1953 [2nd printing] 8 evenings: intro to the mission, pursuit of  Manual of Sacred Rhetoric: or How to
319p [also includes ordinary of the Mass] happiness, principles of religion, the true Prepare a Sermon [in order to make the Sunday
leather/red edges (G/G/F) $29 #89538 religion, rebellion of sin, forgiveness of sin, final sermon more instructive, interesting & effective
 Meditations on the Life of Our Lord retribution, the Emmanuel, Mother of Our of spiritual good, provides a practical plan &
Jesus Christ [in 2 vols] - Martin, Mother Redeemer, close of mission, samples from step-by-step method to teach the art of bringing
Marie de Saint Jean, OSU 1959 pb (F) $23 question box] - Geiermann, Fr Peter, CSSR the Word of God to the people] - Feeney, Fr
#79568 [1870-1929] 1927 125p dj (G/F) $24 #65473 Bernard 1901 336p Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #93759
 Welcome! Holy Communion: Before and  Thoughts and Counsels for Women in  Little Talks About Life [originally intended
After [preparatory & thanksgiving prayers in the World [15 retreat talks: inutility of the for the patients of the VA hospital in Alexandria,
light of the reception of the Bl. Sacrament: 37 retreat, abuse of graces, flight of the love of the LA, 57 talks covering the Sundays & major
sets of prayers] - Mary Loyola, Mother [1844- world, duties of the rich, portrait of the Christian feasts of the year] - Fontaine, Fr. Patrick /
1930] / Father Thurston, SJ, ed. 1910 [reprint of woman, woman's Sunday, woman's preface by Bishop Charles P. Greco 1956 [3rd
1904 ed] 358p Bi(F)Pg(G) $28 #64928 conversation, life of self-denial, Christian printing] 336p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #90761
 Your Hope of Glory [17 meditations mission of women, etc] - Le Courtier, Mgr  One Hundred Short Sermons for the
reaffirming the redemption of the human race by [Francois] (Bishop of Monpellier) / Marie People on the Apostles' Creed [sermons
Christ & Him crucified – doctrine of the Clotilde Redfern, tr 1895 [1860 1st French ed] preached at low Masses on many subjects: V 1:
Mystical Body as the central theme] - Matulich, 237p Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $17 #92757 Sign of the Cross; the angels & their functions;
Silvano, OFM 1937 91p Bi(F)Pg(G) $24 #93626 creation of Eve; etc.; V 2: Jesus: a workman;
 Prayers from the Psalms: With Other SERMONS & CONFERENCES Christ: invisible head of the Church;
Prayers from Scripture [grouped under various establishment/preservation of the Church; souls
topics with explanations: psalms before/after  Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent & in purgatory; etc] - Gravel, Fr L. P. [in 2 vols]
Communion, for courage, Christian loyalty, the 1903 (F) $28 #93829
Christmas: Including the Famous Treatise on
missions, divine protection, the Incarnation Called "Missus Est" [19 sermons  Wisdom from Above: Set Forth in Sermons
thanksgiving/resolution, in temptations, etc] - related to the mysteries of Advent & Christmas] [collection of 20 occasional sermons: religion,
McEvoy, Hubert, SJ, arranged by / "Paraclete - Bernard of Clairvaux, St / tr at St Mary's the Church of Christ, the Chair of the Bishop,
Books" series 1964 146p [reprint of 1960 ed] Convent from 1508 ed. / Rt Rev J. C. Hedley, decision in doctrine, the Priesthood, Bl.
duroleather (flex imitation leather) OSB, intro by 2002 [facsimile reprint of 1909 Sacrament & Catholic unity, 1 Lord-1 Faith-1
binding/pocket size (G/F) $18 #66153 ed] 166p (G) $30 #89166 Baptism, the monastic state, the ages of Faith,
 Meditations on the Life of Our Lord for etc] - Hedley, Bp John Cuthbert, OSB [1837-
 Dearly Beloved: Plain and Simple Talks for 1915] / Archbp Francis Mostyn, foreword by
Every Day in the Year [long considered a the Sundays & Holydays of the Year [a selection 1934 272p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #90881
classic of the ascetical life, these considerations of his 40 years of preaching, based on the
are presented briefly but strikingly & with great practical principles of preaching of St Francis of  Catechism in the Pulpit, The: Short, Plain
spiritual discernment, follows the Liturgical year Assisi: blessings of a true home, beauty of Sermons on the Christian Doctrine: Advent–
with Advent, includes monthly meditations & chastity, etc] - Buessing, Fr Venantius, OFM Septuagesima [Advent to 6th Sunday after
the festivals of the saints] - Nouet, Fr J., SJ Cap / foreword by Most Rev Clement Neubauer, Epiphany: approximately 4 different sermons for
(1605-1680) 1964 [new & revised ed/reprint of OFM Cap 1951 208p (F) $16 #93598 each Sunday, with appendix of discourses for
'56 ed] 450p underlining on 1 page only (G/F) monthly sodality meetings] - Hueser, Fr Herman
 My Dear People: Occasional Sermons After n.d. (c.1900) 483p Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #63948
$28 #90426 Old Capuchin Fashion [sermons on various
 Fountains of the Saviour, The: Reflections subjects for various occasions: saints' feasts,  Conferences for Men: Intended in Particular
for the Holy Hour [16 meditations grouped Mother's & Father's Day, Thanksgiving, Good for Holy Name Societies [52 talks given by the
around the beatitudes, the mission of St. John the Friday, 3rd Order of St Francis, before Marriage, author to members of his HNS: spread of
Baptist & on the home of Bethany – etc – sequel to "Dearly Beloved"] - Buessing, Fr atheism, principles of socialism & its fallacies,
continuation of his former series, "Under the Venantius, OFM Cap / Adrian Holzmeister, duties of the state & of labor, infidelity in
Sanctuary Lamp"] - O'Rourke, Fr John H., SJ OFM Cap, foreword by 1957 275p (F) $18 politics, failure of state education, etc] -
1913 177p IL Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $17 #64503, 1912 #93595 Kuehnel, Fr Reynold 1917 279p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22
177p IL Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $16 #63769, 1913 177p #64781
 Lectures, Sermons, Addresses and
IL some underlining & notes (F) $16 #87223 Letters of Rev. Dr. D. W. Cahill, The [w/  Catholic Faith in Outline: A Guide for
 Under the Sanctuary Lamp: The Hills that Biographical Sketch] [social condition of Preacher and Teacher [this carefully constructed
Jesus Loved-Reflections for the Holy Hour Ireland, address to Catholics at Glasgow, 1st synthesis can serve as sermon synopses for each
[meditations for the holy hour based on Our appearance in America, predestination & free Sunday & chief feasts covering the main points
Lord's life & passion – purposes: to repair the will, faith, the last judgment, the Holy of Catholic doctrine & practice, also useful for
ingratitude of men, partake of Christ's sadness, Eurcharist, letter to 5 Protestant clergymen, etc] classroom instructions, spiritual talks, etc] -
implore mercy for sinners, appease God's anger] - Cahill, Fr. D.[aniel] W.[illiam] [1796-1864] / J. MacLoughlin, Fr James 1956 298p dj (G/F) $19
- O'Rourke, Fr John H., SJ [1856-1929] 1909 C. Curtin, compiled & ed. 1885 511p (F) $20 #93581
183p some pencil marks (F) $27 #93104, 1930 #93747  Forty-Five Sermons Written to Meet
183p some pencil marks (F) $27 #64502, 1912  Illustrations for Sermons and Objections of the Present Day [God's
183p some cover staining (F) $27 #91560 existence, death-judgment, patronage of St
Instructions [definitions, examples, stories, Joseph, temperance in speaking/hearing,
 Jesus, Keep Me: A Prayer Book for the etc. explaining Catholic doctrine, gathered from
Catholic Girl – Instructions, Counsels, Prayers & Scripture, the Fathers, the saints & from recent guardian angels, holy water, Bible, evil of sin,
Devotions - Power, Fr Robert, CM / Regina writers & preachers, divided under 7 headings] - reading & morality, prayers for the dead,
Press, No. 1577 1956 [new revised ed] 526p IL Callan, Fr Charles J., OP, ed. [1877-1962] 1916 infallibility of the pope, confession, invocation
w/Epistles & Gospels for Sundays & Holydays 378p (F) $15 #64895 of saints, etc] - McKernan, Rev James 1902 [1st
leather/gilt edges (F) $21 #65071 ed] 291p (G/F) $18 #93749
 Talks to Boys [22 stories urging boys to  Litany at Nazareth [49 sermons inspired by
 Watch on Calvary, The: Meditations on the develop their spiritual life & live their natural
Seven Last Words of Our Dying Redeemer - life accordingly] - Conroy, Fr Joseph P., SJ 1915 the invocations in the Litany of Our Lady of
Preston, Rt. Rev. Msgr. T.[homas] S. / NY: 177p IL (F) $14 #79920, 1923 [reprint of 1915 Loreto, each draws a distinct contrast between
Robert Coddington, publ 1887 [3rd ed] 291p ed except for additional new introduction] 192p one of Mary's divine virtues & its opposite
taped spine (F) $35 #92334 IL rebound (G/F) $18 #63946 human vice, practical & unforgettable lessons in
 Ortus Christi: Meditations for Advent [28 Catholic living] - McNally, [Fr] James J. 1958
 Faith: Sermons Preached at a Men's Retreat [6 240p dj (G/F) $19 #90553, (G/F) $18 #85317,
meditations or daily spiritual readings for this instructive talks: Psychololgy of Faith (2
season of preparation before Christmas] - St. Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #92921
sermons); Need to believe & the transcendency  Until the Day Dawns [sermons for Christlike
Paul, Mother [1861-1940] / Rev Joseph Rickaby, of Faith; Our duties toward Faith; Spirit of Faith;
SJ, preface by 1960 [reprint of 1921 1st ed] 134p Jesus Christ: author & finisher of Faith] - De living drawn from the Gospels for every Sunday,
dj (G/F) $20 #90207, 1921 134p (F/F/P) $13 Gibergues, Mgr [Bishop of Valence] 1914 155p every holyday of obligation & 23 feasts of the
#93492 (F) $18 #93756 year, intended to help the busy parish priest to
 Manual of Prayers for the Use of the prepare an inspiring sermon in a short time] -
 Sermons for All the Sundays of the McNally, Fr James J. / Bp Joseph M. Pernicone,
Catholic Laity [a multitude of prayers, Ecclesiastical Year and the Principal foreword by 1956 244p (G/F) $14 #93757,
litanies, devotions, Christian doctrine, etc, with Festivals [characterized by their direct,
the ordinary of the Mass & proper of the Mass Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #82854
practical bearing on the soul: miracles-proof of  Conferences for Married Men [13
for Sundays & principal feasts] - Third Plenary Revelation, against false doctrine, value of
Council of Baltimore 1930 832p leather/gilt practical conferences to help married men live
edges Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G/F) $27 #69176, 1916 792p suffering, dumb devil, neglect of God's their vocation more effectively, writes clearly,
convincingly & understandingly of the laymen's parents, forgiving injuries, fruit of almsgiving, (15th rev. ed) [general index at end of the 6th
problems] - Meyer, Fr Fulgence, OFM 1936 etc] - Reuter, Fr Frederick A. 1914 189p (F) $24 vol] Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) $78 #85479, 1904 (10th &
196p Bi(F)Pg(G) $26 #91293 #93760 11th rev. ed) [general index at end of 6th vol]
 Sermons [47 sermons on various topics:  Oxford & Cambridge Conferences [1st Vols 1-5: Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G/F); vol 6: water
avarice, lust, gluttony, St Patrick's Day, St John Series: 1897-1899 (45 talks); 2nd Series 1900- damage/staining to cover (P) $58 #85480
the Baptist, sermon at ceremony of reception, 1901 (24 talks); mostly on theological themes &
punishment of sin, scandal, duty of parents to sometimes polemical: heretics in the Middle SACRED LITURGY
their children, Sundays & feasts of the year, etc] Ages, Church & State, private judgment,
- Moriarty, Most Rev Dr [Late Bishop of Kerry] witchcraft, Catholics & criminal statistics, etc]  Ceremonies for the Episcopal Visitation
1907 510p (F) $20 #92517 [in 2 vols] - Rickaby, Fr Joseph, SJ [1845-1932]
1900/1902 [in 2 vols] Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #92310, of Parishes and the Administration of the
 Clergy and the Pulpit in Their Relations Sacrament of Confirmation [rubrics,
to the People, The [a treatise designed to help (F) $21 #64098, series 1 [only] [series 2
missing] 1900 416p (G/F) $11 #43738 special instructions & directions upon the visit ot
the priest preach to the common man; topics: the bishop & his administering the sacrament of
know the people; order of a sermon; sermon  House of God and Other Addresses and Confirmation] - 1954 52p pamphlet / America
should be popular, plain & short; tact & Studies, The [18 talks on various topics: the Press, publ. (G/F) $12 #88499, n.d. 52p
kindlines; interest, emotion & animation; power office of the priesthood & of the bishop, pamphlet / American Ecclesiastical Review,
& accent of conviction; action; study; zeal] - educational value of fine arts, why we build publ (F) $9 #79201, n.d. (c.1911) 52p pamphlet /
Mullois, M. L'Abbé Isidore / [Fr] George Percy beautiful churches, 3 enemies of Christ, do we Dolphin Press, publ. some notes & pencil marks
Badger, tr 1867 308p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93611 need a Catholic university, foreign missions of (F) $9 #78767, Bi(P)Pg(G/F) $7 #87940
 Sermons for the Times by Noted Catholicism, St Patrick, Leo XIII, etc.] - Shahan,
Very Rev Thomas J. 1905 428p Bi(F)Pg(G) $15  Light of the World, The: Liturgical
Preachers of Our Own Day: A Two Years' Meditations for the Weekdays & Sundays of the
Course of Original Sermons for All the Sundays #93584, Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G/F) $12 #46296
Ecclesiastical Year [shows through these
& Chief Festivals of the Ecclesiastical Year [in 2  December Conferences: A Symposium [6 meditations that to live the supernatural life, a
vols] - O'Keefe, Fr. Henry E., CSP et al. 1913 talks: the holy season of Advent, the Mother of life with Christ & His Church, one must
some water staining (F) $45 #85462 God, the drama at Bethlehem, joys & sorrows of participate & reflect on His liturgical life, the
 Short Sermons on the Gospels [for all St. Joseph, what Christ means to us] - Stutzle, Mass] [in 3 vols] - Baur, Rt Rev Benedict, OSB /
Sundays of the year, especially valuable for its Dom I. et al n.d. (c. 1950's) 255p some cover Edward Malone, OSB, tr. 1959-'64 revised ed
quotations from the Fathers] - Peppert, Rev F. staining / taped spine (F) $15 #80691 [trans from the 9th German rev ed of 1956] [v 1:
1914 225p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93767  Catholic Church, The: A Course of Advent & Christmas cycle; v 2: the Easter cycle;
 Christ and the Church: Lectures Sermons [28 sermons: only one Church of v 3: time after Pentecost] vols 1 & 2: dj; vol 3:
Delivered at S. Ann's Church, Eighth Christ, Thou art Peter–establishment of the no dj (G/F) $45 #93703
papacy, infallibility, "intolerant" Church, earthly  Your Mass and Your Life [the Mass
Street, Advent 1869 [shows redemption & face of the Church, Church & culture, persecuted
salvation come through the Catholic Church: 5 explained as an act that moves the intellect & the
Church, sacramental confession & objections to will, treats of living the Mass in one's daily life
lectures: plan of Redemption; the Office of Jesus it, etc] - Toth, Bishop Tihamer / Rev Newton
Christ; office & nature of the Christian Church; by showing this in a historic, liturgical, ascetic &
Thompson, ed / V. G. Agotai, tr. 1943 [reprint of mystic commentary on the various parts of the
the Catholic Church is the Church of Jesus 1940 ed] 325p dj (G/F) $21 #90523, 1941 325p
Christ; Protestantism: a false gospel] - Preston, Mass] - Beaubien, Richer-Marie, OFM / Ella-
Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #87362, 1944 325p Bi(F)Pg(G) Marie Cooper, tr. / Paul Emile Cardinal Leger,
Very Rev Thomas S. 1870 344p Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 $20 #67767
#92290 preface by 1960 831p IL dj (G) $28 #93787
 Our Father, The: A Course of Sermons [28  Liturgy and Architecture [studies the
 Sermons For Every Sunday in the Year sermons based on the Lord's Prayer with
[a theme from each Sunday's Gospel with ancient synagoge, early Syrian churches, Roman
examples, illustrations & applications: eternal & basilicas, Byzantine churches, Western Church,
explanation: responsibility of parents, marriage, temporal values of the Lord's prayer, our good
unity of Catholic Church, fault-finders, injustice etc.] - Bouyer, Louis, Cong. Orat. [1913-2004]
Father, problem of suffering, belief in heaven, 1967 127p IL Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $38 #93921
of parents to their children, ingratitude, signs of honoring God, art & habit of prayer, etc] - Toth,
God in nature, inconstancy of some Catholics, Bishop Tihamer [1889-1939] / V. G. Agotai, tr /  New Light on the Mass, A [short & careful
slander,etc] - Raycroft, Fr B. J. 1900 [1st ed] Rev Newton Thompson, ed by 1943 314p explanation both historical & doctrinal; insists
351p some pencil notes Bi(F/P)Pg(F) $10 Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #63420 on the primacy of Christ in the Mass, considers
#93761, 1901 [2nd revised ed] 351p some pencil the complexity of the Mass & the ordering of its
notes (F) $12 #93762, 1910 [4th revised ed]  Awake in Heaven [conferences based on the parts, the Offertory, the Consecration, etc] -
351p some pencil notes & discoloration of Thomistic harmony of faith & reason as applied Capelle, Abbot Bernard, OSB / Monk of
binding (F) $13 #93763 to the existence of God, morality, infallibility & Glenstal, tr 1961 [2nd ed/1952 1st English
intellectual freedom, marriage, art in education, ed/1946 1st French ed] 66p Bi(F)Pg(G) $24
 Sermons on the Stations of the Cross: place of contemplation in political affairs, etc] -
The Our Father, The Hail Mary, Etc. [also #93685
Vann, Fr Gerald, OP 1948 159p Bi(F)Pg(G) $12
sermons for various Sundays of the year: #63918, 1949 [reprint of 1948 ed] 159p  Windows Westward: Rome, Russia,
destructiveness of divorce, scandalous Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #78323 Reunion [explains the important phases of the
matrimonial alliances, gambling, healing Byzantine-Slavoic rite & emphasizes the part it
influence of the Mass, anger, folly of worldly  Plain Sermons by Practical Preachers: can play in the reunion of the orthodox churches
desires, etc] - Raycroft, Fr B. J. 1901 339p (F) Original Sermons on the Gospels or Epistles of with the Holy See] - Gulovich, Fr Stephen C.
$24 #92777 all the Sundays & Principal Feasts: Vol 1 1947 208p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93050, some pencil
[beginning with the Feast of All Saints, sermons underlining (F) $15 #92832
 Anecdote-Sermonettes for Children's cover the entire year to 24th Sunday after
Mass [in order to bring home the sacred truths Pentecost the following year] - Various Authors  Ceremonial for the Use of the Catholic
to children, the author presents illustrative story / Joseph F. Wagner, publ 1916 417p (F) $18 Churches in the United States of
sermonettes for 9 feasts: Immaculate #64731 America [thorough & practical treatment of all
Conception, Christmas, Circumcision, Epiphany, the ceremonies, rubrics with sacred ministers &
Ascension, Corpus Christi, Assumption,  Short, Practical Sermons for Early
Masses: Containing One Sermon for Every priests for Masses, vespers, special feasts,
Guardian Angels, All Saints] - Reuter, Fr devotions as well as with functions involving a
Frederick A. 1918 97p Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #65767 Sunday in the Year [delay of repentance; value bishop] - H. L. Kilner & Co., publ 1894 (7th ed)
of time; mixed marriages; drunkenness; 444p red edges Bi(P)Pg(G/F) should be rebound
 Liturgical Sermonettes for the deathbed; suffering: a sign of predilection; our
Children's Mass on Sundays of the warfare against the devil; cursing; misbehavior $21 #68313, / Milholland, Fr W. Carroll, SS,
Ecclesiastical Year [53 sermons: Church revised by / 1926 (9th ed.) 442p Bi(F)Pg(G) $45
in church; bad books; etc] [in 3 vols] - #90130
calendar, veneration of the saints, stations of the Wolfgarten, Fr G. / Priest of the Archdiocese of
cross, fasting & abstinence, veneration of relics, St. Louis, MO., tr by 1903-'13 Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F)  Mass of the Roman Rite, The: Its Origins
use of candles & lamps, singing at Mass, daily $35 #93792, vol 3 [only] [Last judgment, & Development (Missarum Sollemnia) [a careful
prayers, processions, etc] - Reuter, Fr Frederick humility of St John the Baptist, small number of & detailed explanation of the various parts of the
A. 1926 296p Bi(F)Pg(G) $33 #90504 the elect, inattention at sermons, uncharitable Mass & how they came about] [1-volume
 Parable Sermonettes for the Children's conversations, bad books, Faith without works is edition] - Jungmann, Joseph A., SJ / Fr Francis
Mass for the Sundays of the dead, etc] 1896 276p Bi(F/P)Pg(G) could be A. Brunner, CSSR, tr. / revised by Charles K.
rebound $7 #87424 Riepe 1-vol ed. abridged ed. 1961 [trans from
Ecclesiastical Year [written for the special the 1949 German revised ed] 567p Bi(F)Pg(G)
instruction of children, uses the parable or story  Pulpit Orator, The: Containing Seven $38 #73440
format to bring home sacred truths to the young] Elaborate Skeleton Sermons or Homiletic,
- Reuter, Fr Frederick A. 1923 210p some pen Dogmatical, Liturgical, Symbolical, & Moral  Mass of the Roman Rite, The: Its Origins
marks (F) $20 #65755 Sketches for Every Sunday of the Year. & Development (Missarum Sollemnia) [a careful
Also...for the Chief Festivals & Other Occasions & detailed explanation of the various parts of the
 Short Sermons for the Children's Mass Mass & how they came about] [in 2 vols] -
[talks for all the Sundays of the year couched in [a storehouse for sermon composition] [in 6
vols] - Zollner, Fr John E. / Fr Augustine Wirth, Jungmann, Joseph A., SJ / Fr Francis A.
a simple & direct language: good example, Brunner, tr. 1951-'55 complete edition [trans
dangers of putting off things, sin, respect for OSB, tr. / Rev A. A. Lambing, preface by 1923
from 1949 German revised ed] v 1: underlining
& notes Bi(F)Pg(F/P); v 2: Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $65 storehouse of answers about Catholic devotions, previous owner's name inscribed (G/G/F) $70
#89102, / Christian Classic reprint ed 1986 practices & worship, Catholic organization, #93654
[reprint of 1951-'55 Benziger English ed] pb government, traditions, ceremonies, sacraments,  Saint Joseph Children's Missal: An Easy
Bi(F)Pg(G) $53 #89736 etc] - Sullivan, Msgr John F. / revised by Fr John Way of Praying the Mass for Boys & Girls -
 It Is His Own Blood [liturgical analysis & C. O'Leary 1951 [revised ed] 403p IL Hoever, Fr Hugo, S.O.Cist / Neumann Press,
commentary of the Mass with the layman in Bi(F)Pg(G) $40 #89074 publ 2000 [reprint of 1959 ed] 138p IL
mind] - McCorry, Fr Vincent P., SJ 1962 157p  Externals of the Catholic Church, The: black/cloth/ribbon (VG/G) $20 #64427, /
dj (G) $11 #93605, dj (G/F) $10 #80275, Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Neumann Press, publ 2000 [reprint of 1959 ed]
Bi(F)Pg(G) $8 #62469, dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $9 Sacramentals, & Devotions [explains in a clear, 138p IL white/cloth/ribbon (G) $19 #64428,
#81342 convenient & readable form the many practices 1954 128p IL imitation leather/black/gilt edges
 Handbook for the New Rubrics that have developed over the centuries in the (G/G/F) $17 #89558, 1959 138p IL white/cloth
[commentary & practical guide on the changes essentials of Catholic worship] - Sullivan, Msgr Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $9 #74988, 1962 136p IL pb (G/F)
of the Mass & Divine Office authorized by Pope John F. 1918 385p IL (G) $42 #89073 $10 #71464, 1954 128p IL pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $8
John XXIII, 1960] - McManus, Fr Frederick R.  Learning to Live with Christ in the #74987, (F) $6 #87660
1961 203p Bi(F)Pg(G) $33 #93951 Liturgy: Practical Considerations Based on the  New Marian Missal for Daily Mass, The
 Holy Sacrifice and Its Ceremonies, The: Missal [Sundays, holydays & some feasts: [Latin/English ordinary-partial Latin propers,
An Explanation of Its Mystical and Liturgical explanations & meditations] - Tallon, Mother with a variety of prayers, devotions, litanies &
Meaning [the prayers, vestments, ceremonies, Mary Teresa / Fr Benedict Bradley, OSB, exercises] - Juergens, Fr Sylvester P., SM /
etc of the Mass are treated concisely, accurately, foreword by 1930 311p Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #93532 Regina Press, publ., N. 1575 / Rev Ralph
profoundly & completely] - Nieuwbarn, M. C.,  Theological Dimensions of the Liturgy: Gorman, CP, preface by 1963 1445p IL
OP / L. M. Bouman, tr. 1909 111p IL taped Vol 1 [sheds light on the nature of the liturgy, its imitation leather/black/red edges/ribbons
spine Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $24 #89615 place in the plan of salvation, & its relation with [revised according to the 1961 code of rubrics
 History of the Mass and Its Ceremonies the faith, the Bible & the spiritual life; seeks to for the missal & breviary] (VG) $50 #90719
in the Eastern and Western Church, A bring the people back to the sacred mysteries &  New Sanctuary Manual, The: in
[thorough & revealing study of both Eastern & to Christ present & acting in these mysteries] - accordance with the latest (1961) edition of the
Western liturgies & all their parts, furnishings & Vagaggini, Cyprian, OSB / Leonard J. Doyle, tr "Rituale Romanum" [most of the regular
activities] - O'Brien, Fr John 1881 [8th ed 1959 242p [English abridgment] [trans from the sacraments & ceremonies normally conducted in
revised] 414p IL Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $34 #69961 1958 2nd Italian ed] (F) $19 #93816 a parish, a kind of "Collectio Rituum" without
 Riches of the Missal, The [shows the liturgy Extreme Unction] - Kennedy, Fr Maurice B.,
 Worship of the Church, The: A compiled by 1961 332p black imitation
Companion to Liturgical Studies [guide to the has the Mass for its center & the Missal as its
principal official expression, the Missal can open leather/red edges/ribbons/large type & size:
practice & meaning of the Liturgy: church 9.12" x 6.12" (G) $58 #93649
building, vestments, liturgical year, up for us the unsuspected riches of the spiritual
altar/sanctuary, Mass, Sacraments, Divine life & social action contained in the Mass] -  Sunday Missal, The: The Masses for
Office, Sacramentals, described & explained by Vagaggini, Jean, OSB / C. Cornelia Craigie, tr. Sundays & Principal Feasts, the Masses for the
their historical & present purpose] - O'Shea, [Fr] 1949 319p (G/F) $25 #90126 Dead with Burial Service, the Nuptial Mass &
William J., SS 1958 [2nd printing/1957 1st  Mass in Other Words, The: A Presentation Marriage Service & the Masses & Ceremonies
printing] 646p IL dj (G/F) $24 #90129, 1957 for Beginners [shows that we ought to be one for the Forty Hours' - Lasance, Fr F. X. / Rev
646p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #91492 with the act & mind of Our Lord in giving His William R. Kelly, Study Plan by 1944 704p
perfect sacrifice to the Father] - Van Zeller, Dom imitation leather/gilt edges/ribbon w/
 Breviary Explained, The [studies the supplement by Fr. Kelly (G/F) $35 #91808, 1944
Psalms, their arrangement & contains a Hubert, OSB 1965 90p dj (G/F) $21 #90402
704p imitation leather/red edges/ribbon w/
commentary on the seasonal liturgy of the year,  Holy Mass, The: Popularly Explained [a clear supplement by Fr. Kelly (F) $27 #91809, 1937
can serve as an intro to the daily prayer of the & devout commentary on the Mass] - Vandeur, 704p soft cover / 5.75" x 3.75" Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F)
Church] - Parsch, [Fr] Pius / William Nayden, Very Rev Eugene, OSB / Fr Vincent Gilbertson, $12 #90484
CSsR & Carl Hoegerl, CSsR trs. 1958 [reprint of tr 1936 155p (4th ed) (F) $17 #89617
1952 ed] 459p dj (G/F) $78 #91520  Hours of the Divine Office in English
 Handbook of Christian Feasts and
 Liturgy of the Mass, The [unfolds the and Latin, The [Pius XII psalter] [in 3 vols] -
Customs: The Year of the Lord in Liturgy and Liturgical Press, publ 1963-'64 [no ribbons]
history of the Mass rite & analyzes each part, Folklore [a welcome guide for laymen & clergy
using a wealth of learning & insights so priests some page staining in vol 3 (F) $225 #92937
who seek information & understanding of the
& laymen have a deeper & livelier origin, history, development & observance of  Preces Ante et Post Missam: Aliaeque
understanding of the Mass] - Parsch, Pius / Rev. our Christian feasts celebrated throughout the Orationes Sacerdotibus Utilissimae [libellus
H.E. Winstone, tr. & adapted by / Rev Clifford year] [abridged] - Weiser, Fr. Francis X. / Bp continet orationes multas et pulchras Latine] -
Howell, SJ, intro by 1957 (revised 3rd ed) 344p John Wright, preface 1963 [1958 1st hb ed] 192p Pustet, publ 1955 127p black leather/gilt
dj (G/F) $19 #89912, (G/F) $18 #84596, dj pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #93645 edges/ribbons (F) $19 #93523
Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #93510, / Rev. H.E. Winstone,  Catholic Family Daily Missal [complete
tr. & adapted by / Rev Clifford Howell, SJ, intro Latin/English ordinary; English propers] - Rea,
by 1961 (revised 3rd ed) 344p dj (G/F) $18 Liturgical Books / Liturgical Music / Fr J. / Rev Robert I. Gannon, SJ, intro by 1961
#90118, / Rev. Frederic C. Eckhoff, tr. / Archbp Liturgical Year 1280p IL leather/black/gilt edges/ribbons (G/F)
John Glennon, foreword by 1938 [3rd $36 #90717
impression/1936 1st] 358p (P) should be  Missae Defunctorum [Requiem Altar  Epistles and Gospels for Sundays and
rebound $12 #84061 Missal] - 1942 82p (12.87" x 10.37") cloth/red Holidays, The: Prepared with the Addition of
 Byzantine Daily Worship: with Byzantine edges/tabs/2 ribbons (G/G/F) $56 #93072, 1933 Brief Exegetical Notes by the Catholic Biblical
Breviary, The Three Liturgies, Propers of the 81p (14" x 10.5") hard leather/tabs/ribbons (F) Association of America [pulpit edition with brief
Day and Various Offices [Melkite] - Raya, Most $29 #64668, 1920 53p (13.75" x 9.5") commentary] [Confraternity Translation] - W. H.
Rev Joseph & Baron José de Vinck / Alleluia cloth/some tabs frayed/ribbons missing needs Sadlier, publ 1941 378p imitation leather/red
Press, publ 1969 1020p IL imitation leather/red rebinding / some pages tattered (P) $12 #66246 edges (F) $25 #91522
edges/4 ribbons (G/G/F) $75 #93653  Missale Romanum [Altar Missal] [cum  Roman Ritual, The [Rituale Romanum]:
 This Is Love [describes the Mass as an "Proprium Missarum quae in aliquibus In Latin & English With Rubrics & Plainchant
intimate & tender exchange between God & dioecesibus Statuum Foederatorum Americae Notation [vol 1: The Sacraments & Processions;
man] - Raymond, Fr M., OCSO 1964 150p dj Septentrionalis celebrantur"] - 1942 vol 2: Christian Burial, Exorcism, Reserved
(G/F) $14 #92748, Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #92633 11.5"x8.5"x2.55" hard leather/black/gilt Blessings, etc.; vol 3: The Blessings] [in 3 vols]
 Mysteries of the Mass in Reasoned edges/ribbons missing/some torn tabs - Weller, Fr Philip T. 2005-2007 [exact reprint
Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G/F) $110 #89124 of 1945-1952 imprimatur ed.] simulated
Prayers [a practical aid to devotion, brings into
order the master thoughts expressed in the Mass  Lectionary: Containing the Epistles, leather/red rubrics/ribbons/complete set
& groups them into a series of prayers lending Intervening Chants & Gospels for the Whole manufacture & cosmetic defects: bumps, blurred
themselves to a sympathetic following of the Year from the Roman Missal [pulpit edition] - stampings, upside down cover, etc (G) $90
liturgy] - Roche, Fr W., SJ 1921 [7th printing of Benziger Bros, publ. / Confraternity trans. #56012
1st ed] 95p (F) $16 #65161, 1949 [3rd ed [1964] 1965 530p imitation leather/red/ribbons  Liber Usualis Missae et Officii [Latin
enlarged] 83p IL (F) $17 #91969 [10.75" x 7.62"] Bi(F)Pg(G) $29 #93812 rubrics/MODERN notation-not Gregorian
 Book of Psalms in Latin and English,  Fulton J. Sheen Sunday Missal, The notation] - Benedictines of Solesmes, eds /
The: with the Canticles Used in the Divine [includes 17 feast day masses, requiem Masses, Desclee & J. Fischer publs, #780c 1947 1677p +
Office [Pius XII Latin psalter/Msgr Ronald nuptial Mass, explanations, prayers before & suppl pp (#780c) red edges/ribbons (G/F) $185
Knox English trans] - Sheed & Ward, publ 1948 after Mass, etc] [Complete Latin/English] - #93658
451p [pocket size: 6.25" x 3.75"] Bi(F)Pg(G) Caraman, Philip, SJ, & James Walsh, SJ, eds. /  Liber Usualis Missae et Officii: Pro
$23 #93180, (F) $21 #91397 Archbp Fulton J. Sheen, intro by 1961 630p Dominicis et Festis cum Cantu Gregoriano
black leather/gilt edges/1 ribbon/slip cover [Latin rubrics/Gregorian notation] - Benedictines
 Externals of the Catholic Church, The: [collector's item] (E/VG) $85 #92934, 1961
A Handbook of Catholic Usage & Liturgy [a of Solesmes, eds / Nº 780 1962 reprint ed. xc,
630p black leather/gilt edges/1 ribbon/slip cover 1882p, 102*p 14p 12p, 2p [suppl. in Missis
Votivis in Honorem Imm. Cordis BMV] ribbons  Christmas Every Christmas [essays to [1917 Code] - Ayrinhac, Very Rev H.A. 1923
Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) $59 #93001 deepen our appreciation of the Christmas season 384p (G/G/F) $24 #69810
 Saint Rose Hymnal, The [about 200 hymns in the spirit of St. Francis – Advent, Christmas  Canon Law: A Text and Commentary -
taken from approved sources & covering every Day, Feasts of the Octave, the Epiphany, also Bouscaren, T. L., SJ, & A. C. Ellis, SJ 1948 (1st
phase of Catholic devotion, about 1/3 in Latin] provides very useful & interesting historical ed) 949p Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 #85324, 1955 (2nd
[singers ed.] - Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual information about each feast] - Dunphy, Fr rev. ed/3rd printing w/minor revisions) 1009p
Adoration, La Cross, WI, compiled by / Hubert M., OFMConv / Br Bernard M. Hofman, Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 #90927, 1957 (3rd rev. ed) 980p
McLaughlin & Reilly, publ 1957 [1938 OFMConv, illus by 2000 [reprint of 1960 ed] Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 #63424, (F) $28 #65776, 1948
imprimatur] 209p (G) $19 #73462, (G/F) $16 99p IL (VG) $18 #64149, 1960 99p IL (1st ed) 949p some notes & underlining
#73463, Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #73464 Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #92820 Bi(F)Pg(F/F/P) $24 #90495
 Catholic Church Music [a practical guide  He Cometh [Devotion & the Liturgy. I.  Canon Law [translated from his 1925 Latin
containing detailed advice on the music life of a Advent: devotional reflections on the Advent edition: "Ius Canonicum" – 3 parts: Introduction
parish & valuable suggestions on repertoire for liturgy for the purpose of increasing our union to the Study of Canon Law; History of the
all occasions; with complete texts of motu with the Lord King who is to come] - McGarry, Sources of Canon Law; Commentary on Book I
proprio of Pius X on sacred music, apostolic William J., SJ 1941 332p Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 of the Code] - Cicognani, Archbp Amleto G. /
constitution of Pius XI, encyclical of Pius XII] - #93312, 1947 [3rd printing] 332p Bi(F)Pg(G) Rev Joseph O'Hara & Rt Rev Msgr Francis
Hume, Paul 1956 259p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $26 $13 #92793 Brennan, trs. 1934 887p some underlining (F)
#91021  First Christmas, The [author's vast $26 #68252, 1949 (2nd rev. ed) 892p
 Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae knowledge & travels in Palestine enable him to underlining & notes Bi(F)Pg(F/P) $25 #86960
Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis SS. recreate the story of the Nativity based on sacred  National Parishes in the United States
D. N. Pii X Pontificis Maximi Jussu history, Scripture, Fathers of the Church & [because of the massive Catholic immigration to
Restitutum et Editum [Gregorian Notation] tradition] - O'Shea, [Fr] Denis [Canon of the the US national parishes were created, outlines
[all the ordinary as well as proper parts for the Holy Sepulchre] / Neumann Press, publ. 2002 some of the circumstances that necessitated the
Mass according to the Vatican Kyriale] - L. [reprint of 1952 ed] 160p IL (VG) $17 #64148, errection of these parishes & analyzes their
Schwann, publ 1958 435p 318** [261] 160* 24p 1952 160p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #91676 postion before & after the Code] - Ciesluk, Fr
+ Supplementum ad Graduale Romanum:  Love Does Such Things: God's Christmas Joseph E. / CUA #190 1947 178p pb (G/G/F)
Officia Novae Hebdomadae Sanctae necnon Gift to Man [meditations on the joyful mysteries $18 #93721
Missae Novissimae Sanctorum 39p / ribbons of the rosary, alive with a joyful energy & with  Clerical Obligations of Canons 138 and
Bi(F)Pg(G) $55 #93886 significance for the beautiful mysteries of 140, The [examines 2 laws that safeguard
 Graduel Romain, Le [contenant les messes Chistmastide, beautifully illust. with some old clerical dignity: 6 unbecoming or forbidden
des dimanches et des fêtes de toute l'année; les masters' paintings] - Raymond, Fr M., OCSO actions: prohibition against: 1. unbecoming
processions, les bénédictions et les obsèques] - 1955 129p IL dj (G/F) $12 #92819, 1956 [2nd trades or professions; 2. gambling; 3. carrying
Moines de Solesmes, Les / Desclee, publ / Nº printing] 129p IL dj (G/F) $12 #93336, 1955 weapons; 4. hunting; 5. frequenting bars; 6.
688 1955 1012p + [304p] inclu graduels, versets 129p IL (G/F) $11 #42969, Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 attendance at certain spectacles, dances] -
de l'Alleluia et traits pour toutes les Messes de #42971, 1956 129p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 #70166 Donovan, Fr John T. / CUA #272 1948 191p pb
l'année sur les formules de la psalmodie simple  Christmas Book, The [origin, history & Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #93712
et solennelle [notation grégorienne/avec significance of the liturgical & popular customs  Canonical Separation of Consorts, The:
rubriques françaises] manque la page de titre, les of Christmas: Gospel & history, Christmas in the An Historical Synopsis and Commentary on
pages de garde & 2 pages des rubriques (F/P) Middle Ages, midnight Mass, Christmas crib, Canons 1128-1132 [treats of physical separation
$35 #93885 lights, Christmas tree, plants/flowers, breads, of husband & wife as regards cohabitation,
 Graduale Juxta Ritum Sacri Ordinis significance of exchanging presents, etc] - husband & wife cease living together but their
Weiser, Fr Francis X., SJ / Robert Frankenberg, marriage bond remains intact] - Forbes, Rev
Praedicatorum [Gregorian Notation] - illus by / Neumann Press, publ. 1999 [reprint of
Paredes, Fr Bonaventurae Garcia, permissu Eugen A. / Universitas Catholica Ottaviensis,
1952 ed] 188p IL (VG/G) $25 #64131 Series canonica–Tomus 15 1948 286p pb
editum 1928 799p cloth/red edges (F) $47
#68610  Graces of Christmas, The [17 essays on the Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #93835
many-faceted gifts God gives to each at  Interpretation of Rescripts: A
 Priest's Chants and Recitatives at the Christmas: the grace of sonship, of a heavenly
Altar, The [for those with little or no Commentary with Historical Notes [study of the
visit, of a Redeemer, of the King, of spiritual explanation (or making more clear) of written
professional musical training, also contains childhood, of adoration, of a divine call, of
papal documents concerning Latin replies from superiors, principally those
poverty of spirit, etc] - Wuellner, Fr Bernard, SJ concerning Canon Law] - Gerhardt, Fr Bernard
pronunciation, Church music & Church choirs, / Frank Kacmarcik, illus. by 1958 112p IL dj
etc] - Rossini, Fr Carlo / Nº 7875 / Bp Hugh C. C. / CUA #398 1959 153p pb (G/F) $15 #87469,
(G/F) $13 #93858, (G/F) $12 #55236, 1959 [2nd Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #93713
Boyle, foreword by 1942 115p pb (F) $36 printing/1958 1st printng] 112p IL (G/F) $12
#92509  Secret Archives of the Diocesan Curia,
#91271, 1958 112p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $11 #55238,
 Year of Our Lord, The: The Mystery of 1959 112p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $11 #91264 The [studies the history & present law for the
Christ in the Liturgical Year [commentary on the legal depository for those documents & writings
Church year & the principal Masses] - Loehr, Sr. which by their nature or by determination in law,
Emiliana, OSB / Monk of St. Benedict, tr. / Dom PAPAL TEACHING / CANON LAW demand secrecy in their custody & use] -
Anscar Vonier, OSB, foreword / Odo Casel, Kekumano, Fr Charles A. / CUA #350 1954 98p
OSB, intro by 1937 393p Bi(F)Pg(G) $20  No Longer Two: A Commentary on the pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #93725
#93692 Encyclical "Casti Connubii" of Pius XI [a broad,  Privilege of the Canon, The [gives the
 Church's Year of Grace, The [1st complete comprehensive appreciation of marriage & all its historical context & understanding of the
commentary on the Church's official worship attendant duties, keeps one's thoughts on the privilege of the canon, whereby clerics are
since Dom Gueranger's 19th century "Liturgical subject of this sacrament especially in today's entitled to special reverence & respect from the
Year," each day's liturgy treated at length: its world] - Handren, Rev. Walter J., SJ 1955 242p faithful whom they direct & sanctify, as found in
Mass, its Saint, its Divine Office] [in 5 vols] - Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #91696 the principles of canons 119 & 2343] [CUA
Parsch, Pius / Rev. William B. Heidt, OSB, tr.  Social Wellsprings [14 Epochal Documents #242] - McGrath, Fr James 1946 143p pb
1963-'65 [reprint of 1953-'59 ed] IL [with by Pope Leo XIII (every phase of man's life in Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #93716, (F) $11 #35079
revised/restored Holy Week] IL red society: domestic, civil, national, economic,  Code of Oriental Canon Law: Law on
edges/ribbons/dj (G) $68 #93661, 1962-'63 philosophical, etc); Social Encyclicals of Pius XI Persons: Rites - Persons in General - Clergy &
[reprint of 1953-'59 ed] IL [with revised/restored (everything of concern to the religious & social Hierarchy - Monks & Religious - Laity -
Holy Week] IL pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $38 #91417 minded person is treated)] [in 2 vols] - Leo XIII, Pospishil, Victor J., trans. & commentary 1960
 Spiritual Steps to Christmas [a day-by-day Pope & Pius XI, Pope / Fr J. Husslein, SJ, 342p (G/G/F) $18 #90620, Bi(F)Pg(G) $16
series of meditations that take the busy person arranged by 1940 + 1942 vol 1 dj (G/F) $24 #42065
through Advent, Ember days & the Immaculate #93702  New Law on Secular Institutes, The
Conception, to heighten his spiritual  Truth Required in the "Preces" for [studies the recent legislation of 1947 of those
appreciation of Christmas] - Coogan, Msgr Rescripts, The [explores the foundation for who wish to live the consecrated life in the
Aloysius F. 1953 116p dj (G) $20 #90379, dj the written reply of a competent ecclesiastical world but not live as religious, i.e. in common,
(G/F) $18 #89062, Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #89687 superior given to someone's consulation, a they live separately in the world wearing secular
 Mystery of Christmas, The [lively & truthful petition must be based on truth for the dress but exercise an effective apostolate in the
moving reconstruction & retelling of the rescript to be binding, supression of facts, etc world] - Walsh, Fr Donnell A. / CUA #347 1953
Nativity from the Annunciation to the return of can invalidate the reply] - Adams, Fr Donald E. / 143p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $11 #53362
the Holy Family from Egypt, based largely on CUA #392 [commentary on the formula: "si  Practical Commentary on the Code of
Abbot Ricciotti's & Fr Prat's accounts] - Croft, preces veritate nitantur"] 1960 273p pb Canon Law, A [helps the clergy understand &
Aloysius, ed 1956 95p IL dj (G) $12 #12713, dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #93726 observe the universal law of the Church by
(G/F) $11 #91392, Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 #12714,  General Legislation in the New Code of explaining important practical difficulties which
(G/F/F) $8 #12715, (F) $7 #75881, Canon Law: General Norms (Can. 1-86.) may arise when engaged in parish work] [in 2
Bi(P)Pg(G/F) $6 #65368 Ecclesiastical Persons in General (Can. 87-214.) vols] - Woywod, Fr Stanislaus, OFM / revised
by Rev Callistus Smith, OFM 1948 (rev. & correspondence] - Rung, Fr. Albert 1931 86p  Our Way to the Father: A Year's Course of
enlarged ed.) 833p + 905p (G) $46 #64677, 1952 Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 #92712 Meditations for Religious [with additional
(rev. & enlarged ed) 833p + 905p (G/F) $38  Seminarian, The: His Character and Work [a readings, instructions, explanations &
#87292, some pen marks Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $34 common sense discussion on priestly virtues: suggestions directed to extol the purpose/nature,
#67531 vocation to the priesthood, the seminary itself, the ideals/principles, the spirit/practice of
prayer (morning, meditation, Mass, etc), religious community life] [in 4 vols] - Krenz,
THE PRIESTHOOD / RELIGIOUS LIFE obedience, fraternal love, clerical modesty, Leo M., SJ / Science & Culture Series 1950-'52
study, bodily care, etc] - Rung, Fr. Albert 1916 vols 1-3: (G/F); vol 4: Bi(F)Pg(G) $36 #91875
 Jesus Christ the Model of the Priest 182p (G/F) $18 #87358, (F) $15 #90996  Nuns Are Real People [in a letter format to
[reflections/counsels on imitating Christ so as to  Diocesan Priest, The: The Nature and young inquisitive girls, she gives a true picture
be Christ-like: 1. virtues of the priest (humility, Spirituality of the Diocesan Clergy [a thorough of convent life lived by a cloistered nun behind
mortification, conformity to the will of God, examination of all its parts: sources, apostolic the convent walls] - Laurence, Sr. Mary, OP /
prayer, the Mass, etc); 2. zeal of the priest spirit, formulas of the Roman Pontifical (minor Very Rev. Hilary Carpenter, OP, preface by
(preaching with example, guidance of women, & major orders & their obligations, ceremonies), 1955 181p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #93061
etc)] - Frassinetti, Rev Joseph / Rev H. H. apostolic functions, interior life, etc] - Thils,  Religious Vocation, The [he examines every
Hoever, S.O.Cist., tr / Catholic Book Publ. Co, Canon Gustave / Albert J. LaMothe, Jr, tr. 1965 relevant question concerning religious life: the
#T-130 1946 [1852 1st Italian ed] 128p imitation (2nd English printing/1964 1st English call, the gift, celibacy, community life & canon
leather/gilt edges/pocket size/boxed [collector's printing/trans from the 1961 2nd revised French law, poverty, obedience, asceticism, priestly
item] (E/VG) $24 #65311, / Bp. James L. ed/1948 1st French ed) 368p dj (G/F) $19 vocation] - Leclercq, Canon Jacques / Earl of
Patterson, tr / Francis Card. Bourne, introductory #93845 Wicklow, tr. 1955 [1952 1st French ed] 185p dj
letter 1926 93p Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #65533  Striving for Perfection: The Fundamental Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #93534, Bi(F)Pg(G) $14
 Priests' Retreat, A: Ecce Panis Obligation of the Religious State [drawing from #86379
Angelorum – The Most Blessed the lives of outstanding saints, eminent spiritual  Alone with God [a guide to the hermit way of
Sacrament of the Altar and the Priest: writers & canonized rules, he develops a life, based on Bl Paul Giustiniani (1476-1528),
Discourses for Priests' Retreats [14 talks whose readable treatise in 4 parts: striving, purity, discusses the hermit's vocation, spiritual doctrine
underlying theme is the priest's relationship to fervor, charity] - Colin, Fr Louis, CSSR / & requirements of a hermit's life, examines his
the Bl. Sacrament as regards his dignity, his Kathryn Day Wyatt, tr. 1956 [1955 1st French mystical doctrine of self-effacement,
strving for sanctity, the death of the sinful priest, ed] 272p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #90382, 1958 [3rd transformation & gift of self] - Leclercq, Dom
eternal life of the faithful priest, etc] - Hamerle, printing] 272p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #92672, 1956 Jean, OSB / Elizabeth McCabe, tr. 1961 (1955
Rev Andrew, CSSR [1837-1930] / Rev John B. 272p (F) $19 #90383 1st French ed.) 209p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $29 #92645
Hass, CSSR, tr & ed by 1931 241p  Catechism of the Vows for the Use of  Love of Learning and the Desire for
Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) $20 #90914 Religious [question/answer format, considers God, The: A Study of Monastic Culture [how
 Considerate Priest, The [ideals that should all aspects of religious life in relation to the diligent monks preserved the learning of pagan
govern the American priest's temperament, vows of poverty, chastity & obedience] - Cotel, antiquity, wisdom of the Church Fathers,
manner & action: work & the vision of the Peter, SJ & E. Jombart, SJ / Fr William H. religious experiences, monastic rule & Scripture,
priest, priest's respect for others' feelings, impact McCabe, SJ, tr / Fr Emile Jombart, SJ, revised shows what culture/civilization came from this]
of the years on the priest, familiar tyrannies in by 1924 (pocket size) (1861 1st French ed/trans [based on lectures in Rome 1955-'56] - Leclercq,
clerical life, priest at prayer, etc] - Kerby, [Msgr] from 28th French ed of 1922) 96p red edges Dom Jean, OSB / Catharine Misrahi, tr. /
William J. 1950 [reprint of 1937 ed] 228p dj (G/F) $17 #91364, some back cover staining (F) Damasus Winzen, OSB, foreword by 1961
(G/F) $25 #91918 $14 #93615 [1957 1st French ed] 415p Bi(F)Pg(G) $21
 Priestly Virtue and Zeal: Life of St John  Dawn of a Consecration: Meditations for #30097, 1962 336p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #92121,
Vianney Applied to Sacerdotal Life of Today [a Young Sisters [meditations for aiding postulants (F) $12 #93641
unique study of the priesthood based on the Cure & novices in adapting smoothly to convent life  Letters to a Nun [55 letters written to a
of Ars] - Kirlin, Msgr J. L. J. [1868-1926] / Bp & introducing them into the mental prayer of a novice sister who makes her way to her vow
Francis C. Kelley, preface by 1928 179p (F) $18 religious, meditations are grouped under 19 day] - Lord, Fr Daniel, SJ 1947 399p (F) $17
#93817 major topics] - Dubay, Thomas, SM 1964 460p #91201
Bi(F)Pg(G) $28 #86751  Education of Sisters, The A Plan for
 Forward with Christ: Thoughts &
Reflections on Vocations to the Foreign  Secrets of the Religious Life, The: Integrating Religious, Social, Cultural &
Missions [shows that the work of the extension Revealed to a Fervent Novice by Her Spiritual Professional Training of Sisters [investigates the
of the Church is a duty of all Catholics & aims to Father, a member of the Society of Jesus [written teacher preparation of religious sisters to avoid
stimulate young men & women to devote their by an anonymous author on spiritual direction the tendency to compromise wth the illogical,
God-given exuberant energies to this glorious for sisters who lived in Lyons in the 17th c., he godless methods of State institutions] - Meyers,
task] - Manna, Fr. Paul, PIME & Fr. Nicholas knew St. Francis de Sales] - French Jesuit, by a / Sr. Bertrande, DC / Very Rev John J. Cronin,
Maestrini, PIME / Edward Card. Mooney, Fr Oliver Dolphin, tr. / Archbp Austin Dowling, CM, foreword by 1941 255p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $24
foreword by 1954 [revised edition of earlier preface by / Rev. H. Ramiere, preceded by a #69838
1911 title: "The Workers Are Few"] 163 IL dj letter of 1923 80p Appendix: The Portrait of a  Greater Perfection: Conferences [talks 1st
Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #91247 Good Novice (F) $25 #93820 given to novices on sanctification & the 3
 Cardinal Mercier's Conferences  Joy of Serving God, The [a holy religious is necessary means to attain it: the means of
Delivered to His Seminarists at Mechlin a joyful soul: conferences for religious but achieving intimate union with God through
applicable to all since cheerfulness should be prayer that does not conflict with the duties of
[in 1907] [7 conferences: 1. retirement; 2. found in all Christians – obedience/silence, one's state in life] - Miriam Teresa, [Bl] Sr
recollection & silence considered from the Sacred Passion, mental prayer, detachment,
spiritual standpoint; 3. from the moral [written by her while she was a novice] [1901-
thirst for God, mortification, death, etc] - 1927] / Fr. Charles C. Demjanovich, AM, ed. /
standpoint; 4. voice of God; 5. intercourse with Hemphill, Dom Basil, OSB 1948 194p (F) $18 Rt Rev Msgr Thomas H. McLaughlin, foreword
God; 6. peace of soul; 7. Emmanuel: God with #93084
us] - Mercier, Cardinal / J. M. O'Kavanagh, tr. / by 1948 [3rd printing] 306p dj (G/F) $33
Very Rev P. A. Canon Sheehan, intro / Pope  Romance of a Nun, The [shows that the #92761, 1953 [4th printing] 306p Bi(F)Pg(G)
Pius X, approbation by 1943 206p Bi(F)Pg(G) romance of a nun is a continuation of the $33 #91191
$20 #92690 romance of Mary: Mary's concordat with God is  Our Light and Our Way: Conferences for
developed to understand the value of the Religious [12 talks: the relgious rule, meditation,
 Shepherd of Souls: Pastoral Office in the Christian consecrated virgin] - Kelly, Fr Paul A.
Mystical Body of Christ [a refreshing & Divine Office, community spirit, venial sin,
1930 180p some binding discoloration & confession, Holy Communion, the retreat,
illuminating study of pastoral theology, applied staining (F) $17 #92647
dogmatic theology: pt 1: care of souls in general; renewal of the vows, the Sacred Heart, the
pt 2: the care of individual souls] - Noppel,  New Things and Old: Some Psychological Immaculate Heart, St Joseph] - Moreau, [Bl]
Constantine, SJ / Rev Frederic Eckhoff, tr 1939 Aspects of the Religious Life [17 talks delivered Very Rev Basil Anthony Mary [founder of the
203p (G/F) $27 #90857, Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #90858 to sisters on topics such as scrupulosity, uses of Congregation of the Holy Cross: 1799-1873] /
adversity, emotion, monotony, sadness, etc] - Sr. M. Eleanore, CSC, tr / James W. Donahue,
 Priest's Way to God, The [unfolds & Kempf, Fr Joseph G. 1945 [3rd printing/1942 1st CSC, preface by 1936 339p Bi(F)Pg(G) $27
explains the nature, rite & each step towards printing] 171p dj (G/F) $25 #92074, 1942 171p #93196
ordination; includes all phases: tonsure, minor & (F) $19 #92011  Meditations on Eternity for Religious [29
major orders & "Episcopal Consecration"; quasi- meditations arranged for a retreat of 10-15 days:
commentary on the Pontifical; contains Latin  Draw Near to Him [22 essays on the spiritual
text of "Ritus Ordinationum"] - Plassmann, life for the laity & religious in 3 parts: Manna of God's eternal love, passion & cross of our
Thomas, OFM 1945 [2nd ed] 447p red edges the Saints (Holy Eucharist); Spiritual Calvary Saviour, benefits of a religious vocation,
imitation leather Bi(F)Pg(G) $31 #92818 (carrying the Cross with Christ); Spirit of ingratitude of the religious soul, sin, the brevity
Sacrifice in the True Religious] - Kiener, Sr of life, death, hell, ways to heaven, etc] - Morell,
 Clerical Courtesy [guidelines & rules Mary Aloysi, SND / Very Rev Joseph Kreuter, Ven. Mother Julienne, OP [1594-1653] /
governing etiquette for seminarists & priests: OSB, foreword by 1942 165p Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Mon., trs. /
appearance, street manners, social intercouse, #93151 trans from the 2nd ed revised & ed by Mathieu-
visiting, table manners, conversation, traveling,
Joseph Rousset, OP 1945 146p underlining up to D.D., foreword by 1931 88p IL (F) $16 #79749, Gentiles & Summa Theologica)] [in 2 vols] -
pg 13 (F/F/P) $25 #67977 slight back cover chip (F) $16 #93426 Thomas Aquinas, St / A. Pegis, ed., intro &
 Lest We Forget: Courtesy in the Convent [a  Family That Overtook Christ, The: The notes by 1945 boxed (G/G/F) $26 #91537, 1945
handy, persuasive & practical manual of Saga of Citeaux–Second Epoch [2nd in trilogy: Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #77421, some pencil
etiquette to serve all sisters as a guide in their on St. Bernard & his family, story of its 9 underlining in vol 1 Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $19 #87560,
daily actions] - School Sisters of Notre Dame members who entered into religious life] - some creased pages Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $19 #64692,
1949 80p Bi(F)Pg(G) $28 #93130 Raymond, Fr M., OCSO 1942 422p Bi(F)Pg(G) unmatched bindings (F) $18 #67585
 Virginibus Christi: Conferences for Nuns $33 #91538, taped spine Bi(F/F/P)PgI(G/F) $23  Catena Aurea – Commentary on the
[25 well thought out talks for religious on #93040, could be rebound (P) $15 #91756 Four Gospels: Collected out of the Works of
familiar themes such as spiritual exercises,  These Women Walked with God: The the Fathers [in 4 vols] - Thomas Aquinas, St /
community life, sacrifice, thanksgiving, fraternal Saga of Citeaux–Third Epoch [influence of 15 John Henry [Cardinal] Newman, ed 2009 (exact
charity, the retreat, mortification, silence, etc] - women on their time: St. Lutgarde, Bl Mary & reprint of original 1842 English ed.) with ribbon
St. Paul, Mother 1962 [reprint of 1926 ed] 128p Bl Grace, Bl Asceline, Bl Aleyde, St Francha, Ss markers slight manufacture defects on covers
Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #93139 Teresa, Sancha, Mafalda, St Hedwig, Ida of (G/G/F) $65 #68898
 Religious and Ecclesiastical Vocation Nivelles, etc] - Raymond, Fr M., OCSO 1956  Religious State, the Episcopate and the
[comprehensive & authoritative treatment of the 255p Bi(F)Pg(G) $34 #92269, 1957 255p Priestly Office, The: A Translation of the
subject with an examination of views from Holy Bi(F)Pg(G) $34 #91146 Minor Work of the Saint on the Perfection of the
Scripture, the Fathers, the theologians & reason  Three Religious Rebels: The Saga of Spiritual Life [a constructive treatise discussing
itself] - Vermeersch, Fr A., SJ [1858-1936] / [Fr] Citeaux-Forefathers of the Trappists [First the attainment of the love of God & the degrees
Joseph G. Kempf, tr 1925 90p Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 Epoch] [the founding of the Cistercians: St of perfection for each state of life] - Thomas
#91645, 1930 [2nd ed/1925 1st ed] 90p (F) $14 Robert, St Alberic & St Stephen Harding] - Aquinas, St / Very Rev J. Procter, OP, tr. 1950
#90882 Raymond, Fr M., OCSO 1944 326p (F) $33 [reprint of 1902 ed] 166p Bi(F)Pg(G) $29
#90959 #66954
RELIGIOUS ORDERS &  Jesuits Under Fire in the Siege of Hong  Summa Theologica [in 3 vols] - Thomas
CONGREGATIONS / LAY Kong, 1941 [the story of 27 Irish Jesuits in Aquinas, St / English Dominicans, trs. Vol 1 (Ia,
Hong Kong during & after the 1941 siege; Ia IIae) [missing vols 2 & 3] 1947 1161p (F) $21
CONFRATERNITIES shows their Spartan discipline, tremendous #76733
courage & burning zeal for the salvation of
 Man Shall Scatter, A [heart warming souls; they threw themselves into the relief of a
account of the Carmelite mission started on the CATECHETICS
colony that became a battlefield] - Ryan,
east coast of Luzon, Philippines, relates the Thomas F., SJ 1944 188p Bi(F)Pg(G) $28
happy & tragic events of their everyday lives & #93049  Persuasive Speech: An Art of Rhetoric for
their heroic efforts to restore the faith, help the College [of great value to those who undertake
 Congregation of Saint Joseph of to argue with others; Pt 1. Arguments (7
suffering & improve the lives of the natives] -
Buckley, Fr Sebastian, OCD 1957 103p IL Carondelet, The: A Brief Account of Its subsections); Pt 2. Arrangement (13
(G/G/F) $25 #93851 Origin and Its Work in the United States (1650- subsections); Pt 3. Style (3 subsections)] -
1922) [a chronicle of the congregation from its Donnelly, Francis P., SJ 1931 258p (G/F) $27
 First National Third Order Convention founding in France (1650), through the terrors of
U.S.A. [Third Order of St. Francis: 1921 #93887
the French Revolution, to the pioneer days in  Practical Helps for the Religion Teacher:
Chicago, IL: Oct 2-4: impressive report & Missouri & finally its status in 1922] - Savage,
compilation of the event, talks & conferences] - Sr Mary Lucida / Archbp John Joseph Glennon, Pt 1: Practical Methods for Practical Catechists;
Duerk, Fr Hilarion, OFM, ed 1922 922p + xx p intro by 1927 [2nd ed] 334p IL dj (G/F) $21 Pt 2: How to Teach the First Communicant; Pt 3:
IL front cover stained (F) $23 #86133 #93627 How to Teach Religion in the Primary Grades;
Pt 4: How to Teach the Apostles' Creed; Pt 5:
 Franciscans, The: Love at Work [a heart-  New Jersey Sisters of Charity and How to teach the Commandments; Pt 6: How to
warming narrative that captures the Order's Mother Mary Xavier Mehegan, The: The Teach the Sacraments] - Heeg, Aloysius J., SJ /
whole philosophy of life & gives an enjoyable Story of Seventy-Five Years: 1859-1933 [many Bp Edwin V. O'Hara, foreword by / Queen's
view of the Franciscans (men & woman) & their of their members are involved with parochial Work, publ [5 books bound as 1] 1944-'46 553p
extrordinary work in the Church, highly education] [in 3 vols] - Sharkey, Sr Mary Agnes IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $38 #81467
illustrated with 103 full page photos] - Hanley, 1933 IL autographed & inscription by Sr Mary
Fr Boniface, OFM & Fr Salvator Fink, OFM  Correct Writing: A Course for Secondary
Agnes Sharkey in vol 1 Bi(F)Pg(G) $29 #76081 Schools–Book 1 [a freshman year's English &
1963 [2nd printing/1962 1st printing] 247p IL dj
(G/F) $17 #92754  Oblates' Hundred and One Years, The grammer course: the fundamentals of writing a
 Meditations on the Rule and Life of the
(Oblate Sisters of Providence) [a unique correct sentence] - Kammer, Michael P., SJ
religious society since it was the 1st community Wilburn A. Diebold, SJ & Charles W. Mulligan,
Friars Minor: In Conjunction with the of colored women in the world; it was a 1st class SJ / Loyola U. Press / Ellen Anderson, illus by
Liturgical Year - Vol 2: Pentecost Through school for girls, in Baltimore, MD founded in 1962 [10th printing/1952 1st printing] 532p IL
Saturday of the XXIV Week After Pentecost - 1829; started in response to the refugees who some pen marks (F) $18 #64219
Special Occasions: June Through November fled the West Indies due to the French
[constructed on the method of St Peter of  Those Terrible Teens [frank advice & keen
Revolution] - Sherwood, Grace H. 1931 288p IL analysis of the Catholic girl & straight Catholic
Alcantara: 1499-1562] - Hasenoehrl, Fr Pirmin, dj (G/F) $26 #92901
OFM [vol 2 only/vol 1 missing] 1954 [1921 1st talk to them highlight each page] - McCorry, Fr
German ed] 613p Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #93531 Vincent P., SJ 1947 184p (F) $20 #64901
 Maryknoll Sisters: A Pictorial History FATHERS & DOCTORS OF THE  Talks with the Little Ones About the
[inspirational story of this missionary CHURCH Apostles' Creed [explains all the articles in a
congregation of sisters, with 250 often dramatic lively way with stories or examples] - Religious
pictures, a view of the work they did all over the  Priesthood, The: A Translation of the Peri of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, by a 1906
world: 1906-1962] - Louise, Sr.Mary Francis Hierosynes of St. John Chrysostom - John 204p IL Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $24 #69462
1962 184p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $26 #90086 Chrysostom, St / W. A. Jurgens, tr. 1955 133p  Girls, You're Important: Instructions for
 Conferences & Instructions of Saint (F) $18 #78613 Catholic Girls [presents a wealh of sound,
Mary Euphrasia Pelletier, Foundress of  Friends and Friendship for Saint practical advice for the direction of teen-age
Augustine [teaching of St. Augustine on girls from the use of cosmetics to vocational
the Generalate of the Congregation of guidance] - Siekmann, Fr T. C. 1948 142p (G/F)
Our Lady of Charity of the Good friendship based on his works, chiefly from his
Confessions, Sermons, Letters & the Dialogues $31 #63967
Shepherd of Angers [marvelous collection of  Advice for Boys: Instructions for Catholic
teachings of the saint: on the Church, the at Cassiciacum] - McNamara, Sr Marie Aquinas,
OP / John O'Meara, preface by 1964 299p Youths [practical talks on a variety of subjects
twofold end of our vocation, Holy Communion, such as proper language, honesty, keeping busy,
before the feast of Corpus Christi, 3 inseparable [originally written as a doctoral thesis at the
University of Fribourg, imprimatur 1958] dj girls, rosary, your father, athletics, temptation,
devotions, watching over ourselves, graces etc] - Siekmann, Fr T.C. 1947 140p Bi(F)Pg(G)
which pass unheeded, children, etc] - Mary (G/F) $29 #92318, Bi(F)Pg(G) $25 #92952
 Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany [1 $28 #63965
Euphrasia Pelletier, St [1796-1868] / Sr Mary of
St. Domitilla Larose, introductory letter by 1943 sermon on the agreement of Sts Matthew &  Journeys of Jesus, The: Compiled from the
[reprint of 1907 2nd ed/1885 1st ed] 426p (F) Luke; 14 sermons for Christmas; 2 sermons for Gospel Narrative–Book One [5 of His journeys
$22 #68791 New Year's day; 6 sermons for Epiphany] - covering a period extending from the Baptism of
 Providence: A Sketch of the Sisters of Charity Augustine, St / Ancient Christian Writers #15 / Jesus to the close of the 2nd year of His public
Thomas Lawler, tr. 1952 249p pen marks on 2 life, written for grammar school students] -
of Providence in the Northwest 1856-1931 Stanislaus, Sr. James, CSJ 1927 201p IL
[records the 1st 75 years of effort & pages Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $18 #89139
 Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #91453
achievements in their stately institutions which
shelter the poor, orphans, infirm & aged, shows [v.1: God & the Order of Creation (all texts from
the Church's zeal for souls done from love] - the Summa Theologica); v.2: Man & the
Mary James, Sr / Rt. Rev. Edward J. O'Dea, Conduct of Life (texts from the Summa Contra
Textbooks / Catechisms Sr, SCH, George H. McVey & Sr M. Juliana, OP Children's Literature / Vision Books
/ The New Sadlier Geography Series 1960 375p
+ 29 maps IL (VG/G) $22 #92111
 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, The:  Father Brennan's Favorite Stories [50
Explained in the Form of Questions & Answers  Teacher's Manual with Lesson Plans for stories selected from his past works such as
[helps children in the advanced grades of North American Neighbors [United States, "Angel Food Time," "For Heaven's Sake," etc,
elementary schools (7th & 8th) to know & love Canada, Mexico, Central America] [elementary show religious truths so that the young can
the supreme act of Catholic life & worship] - school series showing the Church at work in the understand their faith in a more enlightened
Baierl, Fr Joseph J. 1916 [4th ed/1913 1st ed] world, studying people in their spiritual & way] - Brennan, Fr Gerald T. 1964 168p dj (G)
144p IL (F) $24 #93883 religious aspects as well as their ability to $27 #69034
 These Are Our People [Fifth Reader] - produce economic & material wealth] - Marion,  For Heaven's Sake: Little Talks to Little
Sr, SCH, George H. McVey & Sr M. Juliana, OP
Celine, Sr M., OSF & Mary Synon / "Faith and / The New Sadlier Geography Series / Sr M. Folks [34 sermons for children written in a
Freedom Basic Readers" series 1956 416p IL Paschal, CSJ, teacher manual & lesson plans simple style with an attractive truth found in
new edition some pen marks (F/F/P) $19 #64346 prepared by 1961 M-105p + K-36p + 375p + 29 them] - Brennan, Fr Gerald T. / #2 "Angel Food
 Father Connell's The New Baltimore plates IL [teacher's annotated ed.] (VG/G) $30 Series" 1942 126p (F) $23 #63978
Catechism No. 3: Being the Text of the #92112  God Died at Three O'Clock [aimed at the
Official Revised Edition 1941 of the Baltimore  Religion and Life [High School religion young reader: tells the story of the passion of
Catechism No. 2 Amplified with Supplemental series: 1. Religious Practice & the Sacraments; Our Lord through the eyes of His Mother] -
Questions & Answers & a Glossary [Father 2. Doctrine & the Commandments; 3. Private & Brennan, Fr Gerald T. 1947 80p IL rebound
Kinkead Memorial Edition] [for grades 7 to 10] - Social Conduct–Social Problems; 4. The World Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 #63968
Connell, Fr Francis J., CSSR / Benziger Bros, You Will Face] [in 4 vols] - Noll, Archbp John  Just for Juniors: Little Talks to Little Folks
publ / w/ study helps & exercises by Fr Thomas F. 1946-'48 [revised ed] pb Bi(F)Pg(G) $42 [28 tales exciting the imagination & teaching
Chapman 1943 376p IL pb (G/F) $18 #64606 #92127, vol 2 [only] For High School lessons of knowing, loving & serving God] -
 Voyages in History: Our Nation Today Sophomores [a complete course for the 2nd year Brennan, Fr Gerald T. / #4 in "Angel Food
[c.1914 (Woodrow Wilson)-c. 1950 (Harry arranged according to the months, from Sep to Series" 1948 128p (G/G/F) $32 #92239, 1952
Truman), textbook suitable for 8th grade May] 1946 [5th revised ed] 231p pb Bi(F)Pg(G) (reprint of 1948 ed) 128p taped spine (F) $25
American history course] - Cox, Fr Joseph G., $9 #92373 #63976
Mother Marie Madeleine Amy, Robert Weaver  Illustrated Revised Edition of Baltimore  Shepherd and a King, A [life of St John
1951 503p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #64240 Catechism, The (A Catechism of Baptist Vianney, the Curé of Ars, colorfully
 Voyages in History: The Birth of Our Christian Doctrine): My First Communion written for children] - Coyne, Ann 1939 124p IL
Republic [c.1700-c.1830 (Andrew Jackson), Catechism / Baltimore Catechism No 1 / Bi(F/P)Pg(F) $13 #79248, 1941 [2nd printing]
textbook suitable for 6th grade American history Baltimore Catechism No 2 [grades 1-8] - 124p IL rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #64076
course] - Cox, Fr Joseph G., Mother Marie O'Brien, Msgr James W., approved by / Ellamay  St. Patrick's Summer [fictionalized teaching
Madeleine Amy, Robert Weaver / John Horan, study lessons by [3 vol set] 1942 39p IL of 2 English children by saints who visit them, a
Merryweather, illus by 1949 377p IL 1944 134p IL 1945 192p IL all pb Bi(F)Pg(G) sort of adventure catechism: for children 10-14]
Bi(F/P)Pga(G/F) $17 #64230 $26 #64601 - Hunt, Marigold / Johannes Troyer, illus. by /
 Voyages in History: The Growth of Our  Religion Essentials Series [4 year high- Neumann Press, publ 2002 [reprint of 1950 ed]
Nation [c.1830 (Andrew Jackson)-c.1914 school course teaching the basics of dogmatic & 273p IL (VG) $20 #64432
(Woodrow Wilson), textbook suitable for 7th moral theology: 1. Power (God's wisdom &  Saint Francis Xavier [the dramatic life of
grade American history course] - Cox, Fr Joseph power) 2. Loyalty (the commandments & their one of the Church's greatest missionary priests
G., Mother Marie Madeleine Amy, Robert observance) 3. Guidance (apologetics: defense who went to the ends of the earth to preach the
Weaver / Henry C. Perry, illus by 1950 537p IL of Christ & His Church) 4. Service (vocation & Faith, a delightful combination of text & pictures
(F) $17 #64239 reward)] - Schmidt, Austin G., SJ, et al / Fr will hold the young's interest & add to reading
 Graded Catechism: According to the Austin Schmidt, general editor 1948-'58 IL pleasure] - Marchand, Fr Norbert / Neumann
Instruction of the Motu Proprio "Orbem Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 #85303 Press / Sr Marie Germaine, RSHM, tr / Bernard
Catholicum" of Pius XI, June 29, 1923. Based  I Teach Catechism: A Manual for Priests, Baray, illus by n.d. [reprint of 1965 ed] 48p IL
on the Baltimore Catechism [421 questions & Teachers & Normal Schools [with all the pb (E/VG) $17 #69416
answers with some development & explanations questions & answers of the Official Revised  Boy Who Came Back, The [story showing
for the higher grades] - Jehlicka, Rev Dr Francis Baltimore Catechism, 1941 ed, texts aid the the good influence of the Sisters on a wayward
1925 232p some cover staining (F) $19 #91928 teacher with a systematic presentation of the boy] - Smith, Fr John Talbot 1921 218p dj
 Bible Story, The / Bible History / The doctrinal content of the catechism: grades 1-8] (G/G/F) $21 #91222
Story of the Church [3 textbooks: 1 for [in 3 vols] - Schumacher, Msgr M. A. 1946 [vols  St. Thomas Aquinas and the Preaching
lower grades, 2 for upper grades, a 1 & 2 autographed] vols 1 & 2 Bi(F)Pg(G); vol 3 Beggars [a story full of moving & dramatic
comprehensive course for the Bible & Church (F) $55 #64039 scenes of the geatest 13th century
history for the grammar school level, can be  Anecdotes and Examples Illustrating the philosopher/theologian & adviser to 3 popes:
used as a supplement to the "Living My Religion Catholic Catechism [650 short examples 1225-1274] - Larnen, Brendan, OP & Milton
Series"] [in 3 vols] - Johnson, Rev George, Most weaved into 36 compact lessons; seeks to Lomask / Vision Book #25 / Leonard Everett
Rev Jerome Hannan & Sr M. Dominic, OSU / Sr stimulate with examples the imaginative Fisher, illus 1957 190p IL dj (G/F) $21 #69721
M. Gabriel, OSU, et al, revised by 1960-'63 instincts of the young, to gain their attention &  Rose Hawthorne: The Pilgrimage of
[revised ed/1931 & 1935 1st ed] Bi(F)Pg(G) $47 teach them the particular lesson of the day] - Nathaniel's Daughter [a woman directly
#56993 Spirago, Fr Francis / James J. Baxter, descended from the Pilgrims, married, widowed,
 Living My Religion Series [1 Living in supplemented, adapted to the Baltimore writer, eventually became a Dominican nun, her
God's Love; 2 Living by God's Will; 3 Living Catechism & edited by 1904 596p Bi(F)Pg(G) main work consisted in treating incurable cancer
Through God's Gifts; 4 Living in God's Truth; 5 $24 #67479, (F) $21 #64661 patients: 1851-1926] - Sheehan, Arthur &
Living by God's Law; 6 Living in God's Grace; 7  Literary Art and Modern Education Elizabeth O. / Vision Book #41 / Norman
Living for God's Glory; 8 Living in God's [treats education from various aspects: views of Sasowsky, illus by n.d. (c.1959) 190p IL
Holiness] [in 8 vols] - Kelly, Msgr William R. et humor, language of liturgy, educational methods Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #69146
al / School Sisters of Notre Dame, revised by / of science & art, scientific approach to the  In American Vineyards: Religious Orders
Contains Questions & Answers from the classics, art & science in teaching Greek, ideal in the United States [the exciting & varied
Baltimore Catechism 1960-'62 [1st ed 1942-'54] system of moral training, value of history, etc] - stories of 11 orders: Srs of Charity, Glenmary
IL [complete set for grammar school] (G/F) Donnelly, Francis P., SJ 1927 328p Bi(F)Pg(G) Fathers, Srs of Loretto, Bros. of St. Pius X,
$130 #56992 $25 #93888 Missionary Servants of St. Anthony, Society of
 Better Living in Today's World: An  Truth and The Philosophy of Teaching: the Atonement, Srs of St. Francs, etc] -
Economic Geography [a 1st freshman high I. The Eminence of Teaching [Gilson]; II. Staudacher, Rosemarian V. / Vision Book #70 /
school introduction to the subject: the American Teaching and the Freedom to Learn [Pegis] [2 Herb Mott, illus by 1966 175p IL dj Bi(F)Pg(G)
consumer, worker, economy, international lectures] - Gilson, Etienne & Anton C. Pegis / $20 #69136
economic & political interdependence, etc] - The McAuley Lectures, 1953 / St Joseph  When Saints Were Young [the fascinating
Marian, Sr Joan, SC, John W. Conoyer & College, West Hardford, CT., publ 1953 28p lives of 11 saints with emphasis on their
Mildred Brennan / Catholic High School Social pb/pamphlet (F) $12 #89098 youthful holiness: Sts Patrick, Genevieve,
Studies Series 1957 480p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 Thomas of Canterbury, Catherine of Siena,
#85533, (F) $16 #74182  Little Learning, A [a carefully thought-out
handbook on the proper environment, Angela Merici, Teresa of Avila, Charles
 North American Neighbors [United States, philosophy & methods of study for a successful Borromeo, Stanislaus Kostka, Aloysius
Canada, Mexico, Central America] [elementary education which will be of great practical value Gonzaga, Louise de Marillac] - Thompson,
school series showing the Church at work in the for students everywhere, a good primer for those Blanche J. / Vision Book #46 / John Lawn, illus
world, studying people in their spiritual & thinking about college] - Handren, Walter J., SJ by 1960 188p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #69143
religious aspects as well as their ability to 1956 215p dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #85018, pen
produce economic & material wealth] - Marion, underlining & marks Bi(G)Pg(F/P) $12 #90559
Dujarie Press Magellan [high adventure, sea & land battles, Bi(F)Pg(G) $9 #86252, 1938 130p Bi(F)Pg(G)
mutiny & the spread of the faith make up this $8 #92677, 1946 130p Bi(F)Pg(G) $8 #93570,
exciting story of the 1st Portuguese explorer to 1938 130p autographed Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #92150
 Fire on the Earth: A Story of Saint Vincent lead the expedition to circle the world: c.1480-
de Paul [a holy model of charity & poverty for  Everynun: A Modern Morality Play [the
1521] - Roberto, Bro, CSC / Dujarie Press, publ episodes in the life of a nun who has reached her
the young: priest, slave, founder, teacher, writer, / Carolyn Lee Jagodits, illus by 1962 [2nd
saint: 1581-1660] - Boyle, Bro John, CSC / diamond jubilee – a play to be read or produced,
printing/1960 1st printing] 94p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) through the character of one nun shows all nuns:
Dujarie Press, publ / Bro Bernard Howard, CSC, $24 #89708
illus by 1953 88p IL (F) $21 #89692 we discover why young girls become nuns &
why nuns are modern miracle workers] - Lord,
 Boy Who Worked Wonders, The: A Story Fr Daniel A., SJ / illus by Lee Hines 1952 163p
of Saint Anthony of Padua [leaving his noble CATHOLIC LITERATURE
dj (G/F) $11 #91315, Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 #31418,
heritage he begins as an Augustinian, hearing Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $9 #61167
about the heroic Franciscan sacrifices he joins  Soeur Angèle and the Embarrassed
that order to become one of the great preachers Ladies [the 1st appearance of Sister Angele, the  That Made Me Smile: Collection of
& miracle workers of the day: 1195-1231] - nun-detective, a Sister of Charity with a medical Incidents that Have Amused Me "Along the
Ernest, Bro, CSC / Dujarie Press, publ / Bro background pursuing leads to a solution of a Way" [200 true stories that are instructive,
Bernard Howard, CSC, illus by 1954 [2nd murder, i.e. of her distant cousin, Baron illustrate a moral & are told in a joyful way, an
printing/1946 1st printing] 93p IL some taped d'Orchais] - Catalan, Henri (pseud. of Henri excellent source for preparing sermons or
pages / rebound (F) $17 #69872 Dupuy-Mazuel) [1885-1962] 1955 [1952 1st instructions] - Lord, Fr Daniel A., SJ 1946 [3rd
French ed] 154p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #92367 printing/1941 1st printing] 170p Bi(F)Pg(G) $19
 Red Cross Saint, The: A Story of St. #67893, 1941 170p (F) $17 #91427
Camillus de Lellis [soldier, gambler, priest,  Book of Catholic Quotations, The:
founder of a congregation devoted to the sick: Compiled from Approved Sources Ancient,  Woman of the Pharisees (La Pharisienne)
1550-1614] - Ernest, Bro, CSC / Dujarie Press, Medieval & Modern [an indispensable & unique [story of Brigitte Pian, whose altruism brings
publ / Mary Jean Zalesak, illus by 1950 88p IL reference work of over 10,400 quotations, tragedy in its wake; one of Mauriac's best
rebound (F) $17 #69892 arranged topically & chronologically under novels] - Mauriac, François / Gerard Hopkins, tr.
about 1,500 headings] - Chapin, John, ed. 1956 1946 241p Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 #91061
 Saint of the Fighting Irish: A Story of St.
Patrick [archbishop, missionary, Apostle of 1073p (G/F) $20 #90278, Bi(F)Pg(G) $18  Golden Book of Catholic Poetry, The [an
Ireland: 389?-461?] - Ernest, Bro, CSC / Dujarie #90279 anthology of more than 350 poems considered to
Press, publ / James O. Christiansen, illus by  Satin Slipper, The: or The Worst is not the be the best from the 13th c. to the present] -
1953 95p IL taped spine (F) $18 #64393 Surest [the argument of the play is that all things Noyes, Alfred, ed. 1946 [1st ed] 440p
minister to a divine purpose, the theme is Bi(F)Pg(G) $28 #89590
 Story of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, A
[queen, mother, widow, Franciscan tertiary; led a redemption, i.e. the eternal salvation of the  Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc,
life of povery & humility] [written for children individual, the play's plot spans 20 years] - The [a poem touching upon the spiritual aspect
grades 1-3] - Ernest, Bro, CSC / Dujarie Press, Claudel, Paul / Fr. John O'Connor, tr. with the of the saint] - Peguy, Charles / Julian Green, tr.
publ / Junior Series / Carolyn Lee Jagodits, illus collaboration of the author 1945 [1929 1st 1950 216p some page staining (F/P) $19 #91921
by 1960 27p IL (F) $16 #69876 French ed] 310p (F) $19 #93819  Poets at Prayer [the attitude toward religion
 Story of Saint Louis, A [inspiring story of  Multitude of Sins, A [novel centered on the of some contemporary American & English
the greatest & holiest king of France whose return of a young Englishman to his family after poets: Wheelock, Millay, Wyile, Masefield,
justice & charity knew no bounds] [written for spending 3 years in a Carthusian monastery, a Jeffers, Robinson, Markham, Lindsay, Coffin,
children grades 1-3] - Ernest, Bro, CSC / Dujarie story of sin & forgiveness, faith lost & found, Eliot, Noyes, etc.] - Power, Sr Mary James,
Press, publ / Junior Series / Carolyn Lee hope given through love – a powerful spiritual SSND 1938 214p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 #92235
Jagodits, illus by 1961 27p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $16 drama] - Cuddon, J. A. 1961 347p dj Bi(F)Pg(G)  Eternal Babe, The: Verses in Fealty to the
#69884 $17 #64533 Christ Child [25 Nativity poems gathered from
 Story of Saint Peter of Verona, A [13th  Three Holy Kings, The: Historical Drama in the "America" magazine on various aspects
cent. Dominican priest who converted many Five Acts [deals with the Epiphany of Our Lord: Jesus' birth; authors: Francis X Talbot, Myles
heretics by his forceful preaching & miracles; the manifestation of the Word made flesh, the Connolly, Francis Carlin, Leonard Feeney, Sr. M
ultimately murdered by one hardened heretic] story of the Magi] - Ebersweiler, Frederic, SJ, / a Leanore, Theodore Maynard, et al] - Talbot,
[written for children grades 1-3] - Ernest, Bro, member of the Society of Jesus, tr 1906 [2nd Francis X., SJ, ed [1889-1953] / Neumann Press,
CSC / Dujarie Press, publ / Junior Series / revised ed] 103p Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #63381 publ 2001 [reprint of 1927 ed] 46p ribbon (VG)
Carolyn Lee Jagodits, illus by 1960 27p IL  Saints and Snapdragons [a series of 26 $23 #64420
Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #69890 essays beginning with delight & ending with  I Sing of a Maiden: The Mary Book of Verse
 Knight Without Armor: A Story of St. wisdom on a variety of interesting topics, each [anthology of poems honoring Our Lady from
Thomas Aquinas [Italian Doctor of the Church essay gives the reader food for thought] - the OT to contemporary times] - Therese, Sr M.,
& most famous of the schoolmen; his theological Hasley, Lucile 1958 214p dj (VG/G) $12 ed. 1947 459p Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #68044, (F) $13
system was adopted by the Church as the model #23733, dj (G) $11 #56895, (G) $10 #68745, #93834
to be imitated; noted for his eucharistic hymns & Bi(F)Pg(G) $7 #23734  Second America Book of Verse, The:
personal piety; patron of schools: 1225-1274] -  Saintmaker's Christmas Eve, The 1930-1955 [an anthology of 200 Catholic poems
Germain, Bro, CSC / Dujarie Press, publ / Bro [dramatic fable in the upper Rio Grande that selected from "America" magazine] - Tobin,
Bernard Howard, CSC, illus by 1951 88p IL takes place in 1809, concerns 2 New Mexican James Edward, selected by [editor] / Harold C.
some water stained pages at bottom (F/F/P) $17 woodcarvers & their masterpiece statue of St. Gardiner, SJ, intro by 1955 189p Bi(F)Pg(G)
#64401 Christopher to be delivered to a tiny community $25 #93558
 God's Warrior: A Story of St. Peter Damian & placed in the church on Christmas Eve] -  New Catholic Dictionary, The: A
[Benedictine monk, bishop, writer, doctor of the Horgan, Paul 1955 112p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 Complete Work of Reference on Every Subject
Church: noted for his clerical reform especially #92115 in the Life, Belief, Tradition, Rites, Symbolism,
clerical abuse, simony, clerical marriage &  Mitre and Crook [a remarkable & unique Devotions, History, Biography, Laws, Dioceses,
monastic wanderings, an excellent example of literary novel in the form of letters about the Missions, Centers, Statistics, etc…of the Church
poverty, humility & strength: 1007-1072] - crisis of the post-Vatican II Church, about & Her Part in Promoting Science, Art, etc &
Papenfuss, Bro Raymond, CSC / Dujarie Press, Bishop Edmund Forester, portrayed as a tough Civilization - Pallen, Conde B. & John J.
publ / Carolyn Lee Jagodits, illus by 1961 96p infighter & saint, a man of humility & charity Wynne, SJ, et al. 1929 1078p IL [with maps]
IL taped spine Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) $17 #69903 with an eye for the absurd] - Houghton, [Fr] taped spine Bi(F/F/P)Pg(G) $59 #92255
 Lion of Bethlehem, The: A Story of St. Bryan [1911-1992] 1985 219p (G/F) $34 #65356  Practical Catholic Dictionary, A [useful
Jerome [introduces the young to the great  When the Veil Is Rent [a story of the reference tool explaining many Catholic
translator, commentator & saint of early biblical mystical adventures of a soul in the world words/expressions in a simple & clear style,
scholarship: 347-420] - Roberto, Bro, CSC / beyond the veil, brings the soul to the edge of includes list of popes with their pontificates] -
Dujarie Press, publ 1961 143p Bi(F)Pg(G) $18 judgment but that soul is unprepared for heaven, Pegis, Jessie Corrigan 1957 258p dj (G/F) $13
#89201 shows God's mercy unfolding in a strange & #89997, Bi(F)Pg(G) $11 #71229, (F) $8 #40647,
 Music from the Hunger Pit: A Story of vivid drama] - Kelley, Bp Francis Clement / rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $10 #70361
Father Maximilian Kolbe [Polish Conventual Florence E. Lamont, illus by 1942 [1929 1st
Franciscan friar, active in promoting veneration printing] 187p IL Bi(F)Pg(G) $21 #92142 LATIN TITLES
to the BVM through the press, radio, etc,  They Have Seen His Star: [these
denounced those attacking the Church, stimulating/enthusiastic studies analyze the work  Lexicon Capuccinum: Promptuarium
volunteered to die in place of another at of 7 celebrated Catholics, chiefly converts, & Historico-Bibliographicum Ordinis Fratrum
Auschwtiz, saint: 1894-1941] - Roberto, Bro, their contribution to the Church: Coventry Minorum Capuccinorum (1525-1950) -
CSC / Dujarie Press, publ / Anthony Joyce, illus Patmore, Alice Meynell, Alfred Noyes, Francis Bibliotheca Collegii Internationalis S. Laurentii
by 1962 [3rd printing/1954 1st printing] 96p IL Thompson, Belloc, Chesterton & Cardinal Brundusini, publ 1951 XLVII + 1867p IL (G/F)
Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #64413 Newman] - Long, Fr Valentine, OFM 1946 [2nd $54 #90865
 We Sail at Dawn!: A Story of Ferdinand printing/1938 1st printing] 130p dj Bi(F)Pg(G)
$9 #93569, 1963 [3rd printing] 130p dj  Thesaurus Theologiae Thomisticae: T 2:
Pars Moralis [Quaestiones et articuli compositi 5a] 902p rebound (F) $17 #90708 Virtutum Praestantissima 2. De Charitate Forma
et extracti de duabus Summis, i.e. Summa  De Virtutibus Infusis: Praelectiones Virtutum 3. De Charitate Radice Meriti 4. De
Theologiae & Summa Contra Gentiles] - Bulliat, Scholastico-Dogmaticae [de virtutibus infusis Objecto Formali Charitatis Fraternae 5. De
Gabriel, SS, ed / Nannetis: Apud Lanoê Mazeau, generatim; de divinae fidei obiecto; de actu fidei Ordine Charitatis] - Van Roey, Cardinalis J. E.
publ [part 2 only/part 1 missing: Pars deque via ad illum; de munere Ecclesiae & 1929 368p rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $35 #93495
Dogmatica] 1900 790p could be rebound / taped rationis in re fidei; de spe theologica; de divina  De Essentia Sacramenti Ordinis:
spine Bi(P)Pg(G) $25 #93497 caritate; etc] - Mazzella, Cardinalis Camillus, Disquisitio Historico-Theologica [1. Variae
 Theologia Biblica [V 1: De Deo Uno; V 2: [SJ] 1894 [ed 4a] 813p rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $30 opiniones circa essentiam sacrae Ordinis; 2.
De Sanctissima Trinitate; V 3: De Incarnatione; #93699 Inquisitio veritatis; 3. Difficultates &
V 4: De Mariologia Biblica; V 5: De  Kalendarium Manuale Utriusque conclusiones] - van Rossum, G. M. Card., CSSR
Sacramentis: collegit textus principaliores ex Ecclesiae Orientalis et Occidentalis: 1914 200p Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $16 #93546, some
Antiquo & Novo Testamento qui se ad varias Academiis Clericorum Accommodatum [V 1: detaching pgs (F/P) $11 #73912
doctrinas theologicas referunt] - Ceuppens, P. F., De Kalendariis in genere; Commentarius in festa  Institutiones Canonicae ex Operibus
OP [auctor sequitur ordinem Summae S. immobilia totius anni; V 2: De festis mobilibus; Ioannis Card. Soglia Excerptae et ad
Thomae in exponenda doctrina] 1949-'59 [4 vols V 3: Symbolae ad Illustrandam Historiam Usum Seminariorum Accomodatae [Vol.
bound as 2; vol 5 not bound: pb] Bi(F)Pg(G) $65 Ecclesiae Orientalis in Terris Coronae S. I: De Prolegomenis et de Personis; Vol. II: De
#93690, Vol 4 [only] [vols 1-3, 5 desunt / Stephani] [in 3 vols] - Nilles, Nicolaus, SJ, Rebus et de Iudiciis; Vol. III: De Sacramentis in
missing]: De Mariologia Biblica [tractat de [1828-1907] 1895/1896-'97 [vol 3: 1895 1a ed in Genere et in Specie] - Vecchiotti, Septimius M.,
Mariologia Biblica in 3 modis: in Antiquo 2 partibus/vols 1 & 2: 1896-'97 2a ed] ed 1875-'76 [ed 16a] rebound (F) $33 #93289
Testamento, in Novo Testamento, in doctrina Bi(F)Pg(G) $59 #92151
Sancti Thomae] 1948 265p pb needs rebinding /
signatures detached (P) $8 #86689  Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Iuxta FRENCH / ITALIAN / POLISH
 De Votis Quae Emittuntur in PP. Clementis VIII Decretum [in 4 vols] -
Nolli, Gianfranco, ed. [vol 2 of 4] Vetus  Trésor de Prières: Extraites des Oeuvres de
Congregatione Missionis [tractatus vel Testamentum: Vol 2: Scriptores: Tobias, Judith,
studium canonicum de quattuor votis (vota Esther, Job, Pslami, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Saint Alphonse [inclut aussi l'ordinaire de la
paupertatis, castitatis, obedientiae & stabilitatis) Messe, prières & dévotions diverses &
Canticum Canticorum, Sapientia, Ecclesiasticus communes] - Alphonse de Liguori, S., et al / R.
in Congregatione Missionis quae possunt [includes both Latin Psalters: Vulgate & Pius
dissolvi & quomodo possunt dissolvi] - De XII] 1955 1023p pocket size 5.5"x3.75" P. F. Delerue, tr 1926 708p relié plein
Graaf, H., CM 1955 162p pb some underlining Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #93910, [vol 3 of 4] Vetus cuir/tranches dorées/dans son étui (G/F) $38
& notes (F/F/P) $15 #92913 #92394
Testamentum: Vol 3: Prophetae et Historiae
 Conspectus Historiae Dogmatum: ab Novissimae. Prophetae maiores et minores. I et  Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Géographie
aetate PP. Apostolicorum usque ad saec 13 [3 II Paralipomenon, Esdras et Nehemias, I et II Ecclésiastiques [Aachs-Funchal] [17 vols +
partes] - de Groot, I. F., SI 1927-'30 259p + 296p Machabaeorum 1955 1294p pocket size vol 18: fascicules 102-109] - Baudrillart, Mgr
+ 295p [3 parts bound as 1] (F) $25 #93683, 5.5"x3.75" Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #93911, [vol 4 of 4] Alfred, M. Albert Vogt, M. Urbain Rouzies, et al
underlining & notes Bi(F)Pg(F/F/P) $19 #93684 Novum Testamentum Graece et Latine 1955 vols 1-17 bound; vol 18 in fascicles 1912-'73 IL
 Biblia Sacra Juxta Vulgatae Exemplaria 806p + 806p pocket size 5.5"x3.75" Bi(F)Pg(G) lib mks (G/F) $495 #4351
et Correctoria Romana - Fillion, Aloisius $35 #93912  Théologie Catholique au XIXe Siècle, La
C., PSS, ed. / Parisiis: Letouzey et Ane, publ  Praelectiones Theologicae Quas in [le plan général et les principaux sujets de
1911 [ed 7a] 1395p marbled edges Bi(F/P)Pg(G) Collegio Romano Habebat Joannes discussion au cours de ce siècle: l'état de la
could be rebound $32 #77952 Perrone e Societate Jesu [1. De Vera théologie, sa renaissance, la théologie au Concile
 Sancti Thomae Aquinatis O. P. Doctrina Religione; 2. De Locis Theologicis; 3. De Deo du Vatican, la restauration scolastique & le
De Cooperatione Dei cum Omni Natura Uno & De Trinitate; 4. De Deo Creatore; 5. De retour à S. Thomas, la théologie Mariale, etc] -
Incarnatione & De Cultu Sanctorum; 6. De Bellamy, [M. l'Abbé] J. / Bibliothèque de
Creata Praesertim Libera; Seu S. Thomas Théologie Historique / J. V. Bainvel, préface de
Praedeterminationis Physicae ad Omnem Gratia & De Sacramentis in Genere; 7 + 8. De
Sacramentis in Specie] [in 8 vols] - Perrone, J., l'éditeur 1904 [2e éd] 290p relié (F) $19 #93694
Actionem Creatam Adversarius. Responsio ad R.
P. F. A. M. Dummermuth, O.P., SJ [1794-1876] / Romae: Typis Collegii Urbani,  Sacré-Coeur et la France, Le [il veut
Praedeterminationis physicae defensorem - publ 1840-'44 [8 vols bound as 9] red edges montrer que la dévotion au Sacré-Coeur doit être
Frins, Victor, SJ 1892 500p rebound (F) $25 some foxing Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $48 #92907 la dévotion nationale de la France; autrement, sa
#93701  Cultus Purissimi Cordis Beatae Mariae puissance tombera par terre, sera découronnée,
Virginis: Natura et Fundamenta [tractatus désarmée, esclave de ses ennemis du dedans] -
 De Revelatione per Ecclesiam Briaux, le Père L.[ouis], SJ / Desclée de
Catholicam Proposita: Theologia profundus & doctus de subiecto magni momenti Brouwer, publ 1900 303p IL tranches dorées (F)
Fundamentalis–Secundum S. Thomae pro nobis hodie] - Pujolras, P. Henricus, CMF $35 #92445
Doctrinam–Pars Apologetica - Garrigou- 1943 xxviii 124p rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $29
#92153  Écrits Spirituels de Charles de
Lagrange, P. Fr Reg., OP 1-vol ed. 1926 [3a ed]
666p rebound (G) $55 #91164  Manna Quotidianum Sacerdotum: Sive Foucauld: Ermite au Sahara – Apôtre des
Preces ante et post Missae Celebrationem cum Touaregs [ces écrits nous montrent sa foi entière,
 Catechismus Catholicus [in forma invincible & une piété tendre & pareille à celle
questionum & responsorum; preces quoque Brevibus Meditationum Punctis pro Singulis
Anni Diebus [in 3 vols] - Schmitt, Prelatus & des enfants qui accourent vers ceux qu'ils
variae continentur] - Gasparri, Petrus Card. 1931 aiment; une humilité totale, fondée sur
[ed 4a] 486p a few pen marks Bi(F)Pg(G/F) $32 Canonicus Jacobus 1903 flex leather/red
edges/ribbons Bi(F)Pg(G) $45 #91725 l'expérience de la vie] - de Foucauld, Charles
#93839 [1858-1916] / Rene Bazin, préface de 1930 266p
 Liber Vitasfratrum: Jordani de Saxonia  Institutiones Theologiae Mysticae ad relié Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #93499, 1924 266p relié
Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini [most Usum Directorum Animarum: Ex S. (F) $18 #89939
celebrated ascetical treatise of the 14th cen. Scriptura, Conciliis, SS. Patribus, Mysticis  Doctrine Mariale de Saint Laurent de
which influenced the spiritual reform of the Primariis, ac Theologicis Rationciniis Adornata Brindes, La: Études Théologique [Recueil des
Augustinian order & provides valuable evidence [V 1: De Vita Spirituali; V 2: De Magisterio Sermons de S. Laurent "In Virginem Deiparam"
of its early history] - Jordan of Saxony (or Spirituali [in 2 vols] - Schram, P. Dominicus, fait l'objet de la présente étude; il groupe les
Jordan of Quedlinburg: c.1299-1380? (not to be OSB [1722-1797] / Leodii (Liège): Excudebat points les plus dignes de remarque dans
confused with Bl. Jordan of Saxony OP: c.1190- J.-G. Lardinois, publ 1898 [reprint of 1848 l'enseignement marial de S. Laurent: 1559-1619]
1237) / Cassiciacum: Studies in Augustine & the ed/1774 1st ed] Bi(F)Pg(G) $39 #91723 - de Paris, Fr. Jerome, O.M.C. 1933 295p relié
Augustinian Order, Vol 1 (American Series) /  Immaculata B. M. Virginis Conceptio Bi(F)Pg(G) $29 #93691
Rudolphus Arbesmann, OSA & Winfridus iuxta Xysti IV constitutiones [considerat
Humpfner, OSA, eds 1943 [1357 1st Latin ed]  Vie de Saint François de Sales: Évêque et
constitutiones xystinas sub aspectu historico- Prince de Genève Docteur de l'Eglise [cette
548p [complete Latin text of treatise, English litterario, examinat festum B M Virginis
intro] Bi(F)Pg(G) $69 #90848 excellente biographie a été souvent considérée
Conceptionis institutum a Xysto IV, indagat comme un travail définitif sur le saint Évêque de
 Theologia Moralis [tractat de omnibus notas theologicas sententiae negativae Genève: 1567-1622] [in 2 vols] - Hamon, M., SS
partibus incipiens de actibus humanis usque ad adscribendas iuxta xystinas constitutiones; [1795-1874] / entièrement révisée par Chanoine
de censuris] [in 2 vols] - Kenrick, Archiep. appendix: 4 textus Xysti IV] - Sericoli, P. Gonthier & M. Letourneau curé de Saint-Sulpice
Franciscus Patricius 1860-'61 rebound Cherubinus, OFM / Bibliotheca Mariana Medii 1922 IL relié Bi(F)Pg(G) $45 #92212
Bi(F)Pg(G) $26 #93795 Aevi, Fasc 5 1945 174p rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $20
 De Gratia Christi: Praelectiones Scholastico- #93710  Richard de Middleton: Sa Vie, Ses
Dogmaticae [de actibus supernaturalibus  In Metaphysicam Aristotelis Oeuvres, Sa Doctrine [un portrait de l'homme
eorumque principiis; de actualis gratiae comme moine franciscain, philosophe et
Commentaria - Thomas Aquinas, St / théologien, sa pensée et les mouvements
necessitate; de gratia sufficiente & efficaci; de Marietti, publ. / P. M.-R. Cathala,ed. 1926 théologiques à la fin du 13ème siècle: c.1249-
divina gratiae oeconomia; de gratia habituali seu [altera editio] 798p rebound (F) $54 #83709 c.1308] - Hocedez, [Fr] Edgar, SJ / Collection
sanctificante; de merito bonorum operum; etc] -  De Virtute Charitatis: Quaestiones Selectae "Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense - Études &
Mazzella, Cardinalis Camillus, [SJ] 1895 [ed 4a] [5 quaestiones tractatae: 1. De Charitate Documents," fasc. 7 1925 555p relié Bi(F)Pg(G)
902p rebound Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #93698, 1905 [ed
$39 #92213 restaurazione cattolica: 1305-1591] - Pastor, Henry Newman During His Life in the
 Vocabulaire de la Philosophie: Suivie d'un Ludovico / Sac. Prof. Angelo Mercati & Mons English Church: With a Brief Autobiography
Tableau Historique des Écoles de Philosophie - Prof. Pio Cenci, trs 1911-'28 [10 vols bound as [in 2 vols] - Newman, John Henry Card. / Anne
Jolivet, [L'Abbé] Regis [1891-1966] 1946 [2e 11/vols 11-17 missing] lib mks Bi(F)Pg(G) $325 Mozley, ed. 1891 Bi(F)Pg(G) $27 #91350
éd] 217p relié (F) $20 #89307 #40448  And With the Morn: A Third Cardinal
 Histoire de l'Église: Depuis les Origines  Ciebie Boga Chwalimy: Mszalik Newman Prayerbook [divided according to the
jusqu'à Nos Jours [vols 1-9: l'Église primitive Modlitewnik [Polish missal-prayerbook] - seasons: Pars Hiemalis (Advent, Christmas,
jusqu'à l'avènement d'Innocent III (1198)] - Tworkowski, Ks. St. / Ars Christiana, publ 1961 Epiphany); Vernalis (Lent, Easter, Pentecost);
Lebreton, SJ, J. & J. Zeiller et al / A. Fliche & 879p imitation leather/back/gilt edges/ribbons Aestiva (Summer); Autumnalis (Autumn);
V. Martin, publiée sous la direction de vols 1-9 (G/F) $32 #90434 additions to the 4 seasons; May & October;
seulement 1945-1948 relié / qqls soulignements / Angels & Saints] - Newman, John Henry Card.
pages jaunies (F) $225 #87054 Belloc, Dudley, Faber, Garrigou- [1801-1890] / Daniel M. O'Connell, SJ,
 Philosophie du B. Duns Scot, La [Duns Lagrange, Houselander, Keyes, Knox, compiled from his writings by 1947 253p
Scot & la pensée Catholique; ses écrits Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #91297
Newman, St. Peter Eymard, Plus,
authentiques; son traitement du vouloir de Dieu  Eymard Library, The [1. The Real Presence
& l'idée d'ordre, de la théodicée, de la synthèse Raymond, Sheed, Sheen 2. Holy Coimmunion 3. Eucharistic Retreats 4.
séraphique; le nominalisme & la réforme; Eucharist & Christian Perfection I 5. Eucharist
l'intellectualisme scotiste; le traditionalisme chez  Mr. Belloc Still Objects to Mr. Wells's & Christian Perfection II 6. Eucharistic
lui, etc] - Longpré, P. Ephrem, OFM / Extrait "Outline of History" [answers Wells's attack Handbook 7. Our Lady of the Bl. Sacrament 8.
des "Études Franciscaines" / Oreste Cardinal against Belloc, shows that Wells's reply is weak Month of St Joseph 9. In the Light of the
Giorgi, lettre d'approbation 1924 291p [3 in argument & confusing & avoids nine-tenths of Monstrance] - Peter Julian Eymard, St [1811-
appendices] relié (F) $39 #92217 the damaging criticism Belloc levels against his 1868] / J. Cardinal Gibbons, intro by (1906) /
 Pèlerinage de Lisieux et Ses Origines, Le book, attacks Wells's book on 6 points] - Belloc, Clara Morris Rumball, Amy Allen, et al, trs [in 9
/ Suivi d'une Notice Historique sur Hilaire 1927 43p Bi(F)Pg(G) $20 #93899 vols] n.d. [reprint of 1938-'48 ed] pb dj (G/G/F)
Lisieux [des photos remarquables  Masterful Monk, The: Problems of Human $78 #89568
accompagnent les textes des lieux et des scènes Happiness III [a dramatic story having for its  Holy Communion [meditations &
que Ste Thérèse a vues pendant sa vie] - Martin, theme the modern attack on man & his moral instructions to prepare for the reception of this
le Rév. Père Martin & Étienne Deville / Éditions nature, the antagonism is brought out between Fr sacrament & thanksgiving afterwards: state of
des Horizons de France, publ 1927 186p IL relié Thornton & Mr Julian Verres, the spokesman of grace necesssary for Its reception, 3 methods of
Bi(F)Pg(G) $24 #90826, 1927 186p IL pb certain materialistic scientists & freethinkers] - hearing Mass, recollection, spirit of prayer,
[broché] faut relier Bi(P)Pg(G) $15 #90827 Dudley, [Fr] Owen Francis [1882-1952] 1956 mortification, etc] - Peter Julian Eymard, St
 Traité de la Vie Intérieure ou Petite [26th printing/1929 1st printing] 314p dj (G/F) [1811-1868] / Eymard Library Series, vol 2 /
$18 #91516 Clara Morris Rumball, tr. / intro by J. Cardinal
Somme de Théologie Ascétique et Gibbons 1940 [1909 1st English ed] 330p
Mystique: d'Après l'Esprit et les principes de  Father Faber Heritage, A: Selections from
the writings of Reverend Frederick William Bi(F)Pg(G) $22 #91883, 1940 330p pb
Saint Thomas d'Aquin [Vol 1: Théologie Faber of the London Oratory [one of the greatest Bi(F)Pg(G) $14 #69151
ascétique; vol 2: Théologie mystique] [in 2 vols]  Real Presence, The: Eucharistic Meditations
- Meynard, R. P. F. Andre-Marie, OP / R. P. English writers, poets, theologians & converts of
Regis G. Gerest, OP, ed. (modifiée & complétée his day, collection arranged into 7 parts, gives us [sermons on the wonders operated by Our Lord's
par) 1924 [nouvelle édition] relié papier jauni à an insight into his work] - Faber, Fr Frederick love in the Eucharist: how to adore, institution of
cause de la qualité du papier (F) $35 #91891 William [1814-1863] / Sr M. Mercedez, SND, the Eucharist, gift of the heart of Jesus, hidden
ed. & intro by 1958 368p Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 God, eucharist & family life, etc] - Peter Julian
 Littérature du XXe Siècle et #59319 Eymard, St [1811-1868] / Eymard Library
Christianisme [v 1: Silence de Dieu (Camus,  Our Savior and His Love for Us [sequel to Series, vol 1 / intro by J. Cardinal Gibbons 1938
Gide, Greene, Bernanos, etc); v 2: La Foi en his book "Providence" resting on 2 revealed [1906 1st English ed] 323p (F) $18 #91884, n.d.
Jésus-Christ (J.P. Satre, Henry James, Roger truths: mystery of the Incarnation & mystery of 323p [reprint of 1938 ed] pb (F) $10 #92034
Martin du Gard, etc); v 3: Espoir des Hommes the Redemption; nothing better manifesting His  Facing Life: (First Series) Meditations for
(Malraux, Bombard, etc); v 4: L'Espérance en love than these 2 mysteries] - Garrigou- Young Men [111 topics such as solitude,
Dieu Notre Père (Ch. Péguy, etc)] [in 4 vols] - Lagrange, Fr R., OP [1877-1964] / A. Bouchard, repentence, self-conquest, friends, marriage, my
Moeller, Charles 1959-'60 relié Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) tr. 1951 398p dj (G/F) $35 #89890, 1958 [reprint parish, your age, devotion to Mary, the Mass,
$39 #92579 of 1951 English ed] 398p dj (G/F) $35 #61594 etc] - Plus, Fr Raoul, SJ 1950 [reprint of 1927
 Liturgie, La [Les Enseignements Pontificaux]  Flowering Tree, The [poems with theme of ed] 121p Bi(F)Pg(G) $23 #91887
[de Benoît XIV (1740) à Pie XII (1954)] - Christ flowering in man] - Houselander, Caryll  Progress in Divine Union [explains the 2
Moines de Solesmes [Nº 203] 1956 509p + [64]p 1945 144p (F) $25 #92231 means to becoming a saint: 1. generous self-
pb (broché) (F) $35 #91698 conquest (4 motives: self preservation, expiation,
 Station Wagon in Spain [a detective
 Mariage, Le [Les Enseignements Pontificaux] mystery novel: the tale of Alan Lambert, a imitation of Our Lord, redemption); 2. the spirit
[de Benoît XIV (1740) à Pie XII (1954)] - teacher of Spanish on a sabbatical year in Spain of prayer (dispositions for prayer, union with
Moines de Solesmes [Nº 204] 1956 434p + 15*p who solves the mysteries of the Spanish prisoner God through prayer)] - Plus, Fr Raoul, SJ / Sr.
+ [69]p pb (broché) (F) $32 #91699 letter which he had received while still in the Mary Bertille & Sr. Mary St. Thomas, SND, trs.
 Problème Féminin, Le [Les Enseignements USA] - Keyes, Frances Parkinson 1959 224p dj 1941 142p dj Bi(F)Pg(G/G/F) $15 #93680,
Pontificaux] [De Léon XIII (1878) à Pie XII Bi(F)Pg(G) $17 #91754 Bi(F)Pg(G) $15 #67247
(1954)] - Moines de Solesmes [Nº 202] 1953  Enthusiasm: A Chapter in the History of  Now! [man's freest life is the acceptance of
208p + [63]p pb (broché) (F) $32 #91700 Religion with Special Reference to the God's will: now is the time to do God's will,
 L'Homme Spirituel: Ou La Vie Spirituelle XVII and XVIII Centuries [places in restates the classical teachings of de Caussade,
Traitée par Ses Principes [une étude classique du perspective an entire category of religious Lehodey, Rodriguez, Drexelius, Mgr Gay,
17ème siècle de la vie intérieure] [in 2 vols] - movements from the dawn of Christianity to the Desurmont, SS. Francis de Sales & Alphonus
Saint-Jure, le R. P. J.-B., SJ [1588-1657] / Paris present: Donatism, pattern of Medieval heresy, Liguori, et al] - Raymond, Fr M., OCSO 1961
& Lyon: Librairie Jacques Lecoffre, publ / Anabaptists, Quakerism, Pietism, Quietism, 184p (G/F) $14 #80459, dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $13
L'Abbé J. C***, entièrement revu & éditè par Jansenism, etc] - Knox, Msgr Ronald A. 1950 #91457, Bi(F)Pg(G) $12 #93857, some cover
1878 relié (F) $35 #91892 622p Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $30 #91910 staining (F) $10 #93562
 Questions sur la Physique d'Aristote  Window in the Wall, The: Reflections on  Book of the Saviour, The [over 40
[Quaestiones Super Libros Physicorum the Holy Eucharist [20 sermons preached contributors provide studies of Our Savior not
I-IV et VIII] Texte Inédit [introduction & beginning in 1926 on occaison of the annual 40 found in standard lives of Christ, companion
notes: français; texte de Siger de Brabant: latin] - hours devotion at Corpus Christi Church on volume to the "Mary Book"] - Sheed, F. J., ed.
Siger de Brabant [c.1240-c.1284] / Collection Maiden Lane] - Knox, Msgr Ronald A. 1956 1952 420p IL dj Bi(F)Pg(G) $19 #69343
"Les Philosophes Belges," tome XV / Philippe 130p some staining of back cover Bi(F)Pg(G)  Communism and the Conscience of the
Delhaye, introduction par 1941 255p [folio size: $23 #91726 West [an intelligent understanding of
12.5" x 9.75"] pb (broché) Bi(F/P)Pg(G) $68  Lectures on the Doctrine of Justification Communist thought & its development, also a
#90714 [Faith considered as the instrumental cause of stern indictment of the shortcomings & evils in
 Basilica e il Convento dei Santi Cosma e Justification, Love considered as the formal our Western civilization out of which
Damiano in Roma, La: 40 illustrazioni e 1 cause of Justification, 1st & 2nd senses of Communism has grown & with which it is akin]
tavola a colori - Chioccioni, P. Pietro, TOR / A. Justification, misuse of the term "Just" & - Sheen, Archbp Fulton J. 1948 247p Bi(F)Pg(G)
M. Colini, prefazione del 1963 172p IL pb "Righteous," Office of Justifying Faith, etc] - $32 #92244
(brossura) Bi(F)Pg(G) $13 #93571 Newman, John Henry Card. 1892 [6th ed/1838
 Storia dei Papi dalla Fine del Medio 1st ed] 404p Bi(F/P)Pg(G/F) could be
Evo: Vols 1-10: [Storia dei Papi nel periodo del rebound/some pen markings $18 #89140
Rinascimento fino all'elezione di Pio II sino a  Letters and Correspondence of John
storia dei papi nel periodo della riforma e
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the ceremony in its totality as well as its respective parts, 

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Mary [on devotion to the Liberalism, and Socialism:  A Dictionary of the Psalter:
Immaculate Heart of Mary] by St. Considered in Their Fundamental Containing the Vocabulary of the
John Eudes / Charles Di Targiani & Principles – Juan Donoso Cortés Psalms, Hymns, Canticles, &
Ruth Hauser, trs. 2006 381p [reprint [1809-1853] / Madeleine Vincent
of 1948 1st English ed] $18 #55625 Goddard, tr / a sketch of the life Miscellaneous Prayers of the
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de Castro / introduction by Vulgate Psalter with English
 Blessed Be God: A Complete Frederick Wilhelmsen, 2014 xx +
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236p [reprint of 1862 ed] $16 Matthew Britt, OSB, ed & intro by / Rt Rev John
Gospels for Every Sunday and Holyday #63282
of the Year – Father Charles Callan, OP B. Petersen, preface by 2007 299p (reprint of 1928
& Father John A. McHugh, OP 2010 ed) hb $28 #55661
748p (reprint of 1960 ed.) IL flexible bonded  The Celebration of Mass: A
leather cover/gilt edges/ribbon $34 #55722 Study of the Rubrics of the Roman
Missal [in accordance with the new
general rubrics of the Codex  Fatima and the Third Secret: A
 Catena Aurea – Rubricarum (1960) & the typical ed. Historical Examination based on
Commentary on the of the Roman Missal (1962)] - Fr a Letter of Sister Lúcia & the
Four Gospels: John Berthram O'Connell 1963
imprimatur 4th revised 1-vol edition 622p IL with Carmelite Biography 1. A Serious
Collected out of the marking ribbon $34 #39127 Error Regarding Fatima; 2. A Controversial Letter
Works of the Fathers [in 4 of Sister Lúcia; 3. The Mission of Sister Lúcia; 4.
vols] – St. Thomas  Commentary on the Book of Our Lady of Fatima & Russia Part I; 5. Our Lady
Aquinas / John Henry Psalms – St. Robert Bellarmine / of Fatima & Russia Part II; 6. Our Lady of Fatima
[Cardinal] Newman, ed translated by Fr John O'Sullivan & Russia Part III; Appendix: Why Was the Third
2009 (exact reprint of 2008 382p (from 1866 edition) with
ribbon & dust jacket / hardback cloth Secret of Fatima Not Released in 1960? An
original 1842 ed.) with marking ribbons in each Interview with Antonio Augusto Borelli
cover $46 #55670
vol. $110 #55700 Machado – 2017 64p paperback/pamphlet $8.

 Holy Communion – Com-  Low Key Accompaniment to  The Roman Ritual [Rituale Romanum]:
munion in the Hand: the Vatican Kyriale [Organ vol 2 [of 3] Christian Burial, Exorcism, Reserved
Documents & History; Some accompaniment in modern notation. Blessings, etc [Latin/English] – Father Philip T.
Reflections on Spiritual Com- Includes all ordinaries for sung Weller 2013 480p [1950 imprimatur] simulated
munion and the State of Grace Gregorian Masses] by Achille P. leather/red rubrics/ribbon $65 #55633
– Bishop Juan Rodolfo Laise, with a Bragers 2007 164p [exact reprint of
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treatise, in a letter format, on heaven & Rettger, OSB 2016 [reprint of Dying: With Appropriate Prayers and
secondary happiness in eternity, 1961, 5th ed.] xiv 224p, ix 197p / Reflections [Also includes instructions
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have loved in this world] – Father Blot, SJ 2013 only: Ordinary Ceremonies 2008 Extreme Unction & other info
186p [reprint of 1860s’ Benziger English ed] 224p $18. #56282 pertaining to the last hour] – [Msgr]
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Therese: Portrayed by Those Who Exorcist Told in His Own Words–
Knew Her [original title: "Collected Sequel to "Begone Satan" [1.  School of Darkness – Bella V.
Little Flower Works": Life of the possession in general & its Dodd 2015 264 pages reprint of 1954
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Flower Seems Nearest, Little Flower's Mother, An & the role of Our Lady in crushing
Hour with the Little Flower, etc] by the demons] Anonymous [an exorcist: died Nov 5,
Fr Albert H. Dolan, O.Carm 2006 389p [1st ed. 1909] / Rev Theodore Geiger, ed / Rev Celestine
1929] IL hardback $18 #55628 Kapsner, OSB, tr. n.d. 56p [from 1934 German
edition] pb/pamphlet $10 #63287  The Sources of Catholic
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An explantion of the reformed (1960)  The Mass: A Study of the of Henry Denzinger's Enchiridion
code of rubrics that comprise the Roman Liturgy - Father Adrian Symbolorum – Henry Denzinger /
traditional (1962) "Breviarium Fortescue 2007 (first published 1912) Roy J. Deferrari, tr 2009 720p
Romanum" – Father Bernard A. 429p reprint of 1930 ed / hardback [reprint of 1957 ed] $32 #55712
Hausmann, S.J. 2008 119p (reprint of with dust jacket $28 #55662 
1961 ed.) pb $14 #55663 
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1185p [exact reprint of 1948 ed]  Pope Leo XIII and the
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of the saints] - Monks of  Proprium de Tempore:
Solesmes 2018 766p Nº 813 [reprint of 1954 ed] The Proper of the Time | Le  The Truth of Papal Claims: A
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Edition – According to the l’Avent/Organ accompaniment in
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paper, hard cover, durable
endsheets/reinforced binding,  The Roman Ritual [Rituale
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School of Darkness - Juan
Processions; vol 2: Christian Burial, Donoso Cortés / Bella Dodd
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Preserving Christian Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 221
Boonville, New York 13309-0221



Ideal Christmas Gifts for Priests, Religious, Seminarians & Choir Members
sheets, red edges, Bible paper, sewn hard back; pages: xxxiv,
The Liber Usualis 640, [126], 22. $34.00 + P&H # 89031
1963 Edition according to the Rubrics of 1962
Latin Chant with Gregorian Notation Holy Week Gregorian Chant Book:
English Rubrics and Instructions Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae Cantus Gregoriani
The last edition published for the English-speaking world
Since the Liber Brevior was published before the 1956
with Gregorian notation and English rubrics. Follows the 1962
Holy Week changes became official, we have printed a
rubrics with proper feasts of the USA. With supplement to the
companion volume, the Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae, or the Holy
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for votive Mass during
Week Gregorian Chant Book, which has all the ceremonies of
Lent or Paschal season. Cream Bible paper, Skivertex cover,
Holy Week, including Tenebrae: 1 ribbon, white edges, sewn
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hard back. 244 pages $16.00 + P&H # 55737
Smyth sewn, red edges. The spine and front cover are stamped
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2,336 pages, 7.5" x 5" x 2" $76.00 + P&H #49347 Liber Brevior & Holy Week Gregorian Chant Book
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The Liber Brevior time. Special Combo: $40.00 + P&H #87787
Originally published in 1954, the Liber Brevior (or shorter
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large and more common Liber Usualis. Like the Liber Usualis,
Low Key Accompaniment to the Vatican Kyriale [Organ
the Liber Brevior has all the ordinary parts and propers of the
accompaniment in modern notation. Includes all ordinaries for
Sunday Masses, all the major feasts and most of the regular
sung Gregorian Masses] by Achille P. Bragers 2007 164 pages
weekday feasts, but without the parts of the Liber Usualis
[exact reprint of 1937 ed.] spiral bound $38.00 + P&H #57213
pertaining to the Divine Office. This shorter book is ideal for
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Masses. With English rubrics. In this edition are added a du Temps: Gregorian Chant Accompaniment [I. From Advent to
supplement of six Masses not in the original printing, and a Easter / De l’Avent à Pâques; II. From Easter to Advent / De
supplement to the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At the Pâques à l’Avent/Organ accompaniment in modern notation]
end of the book are found simpler versions of the Graduals, [with English & French trans. of the text] [in 2 volumes] –
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notation for those choirs not skilled enough to sing the regular $48.00 + P&H #55657
melodies. Includes 2 ribbons, reinforced durable Latex end


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