All India Radio Quiz

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Q.1ggggg Who was appointed the first controller of Broadcasting in India?

Ans.1ggggggggggggg Lionel Fielden

Q.2ggggg When was first News bulletin broadcast from AIR?

Ans.2ggggggggggggg January 19, 1936

Q.3ggggg When did the Vividh Bharati Services start?

Ans.3ggggggggggggg October 3, 1957

Q.4ggggg When was the TV separated from AIR?

Ans.4ggggggggggggg April 1, 1976

Q.5ggggg From which station the first ever FM service was inaugurated?

Ans.5ggggggggggggg Madras in July 23, 1977

Q.6ggggg When was the National Channel introduced?

Ans.6.gggggggggggg May 18, 1988

Q.7ggggg When wasg the political parties broadcast introduced?

Ans.7.gggggggggggg 1977

Q.8ggggg When and where was Super Power Medium Wave Transmitter
Ans.8.gggggggggggg 1000 KW Super Power Medium Transmitter at Kolkatta
(Mogra) on

August 15, 1969.

Q.9ggggg When did commercials on Vividh Bharati start?

Ans.9.gggggggggggg November 1, 1967

Q.10ggg In which language do External Services start its broadcast?

Ans.10.gggggggggg External Services started with Pusthu broadcast on October 1,


Q.11ggg Where was the 100th Station of AIR commissioned?

Ans.11ggggggggggg Warangal (A.P.) on March 2, 1980.

Q.12ggg When did Sky Radio became operational?

Ans.12ggggggggggg April 1, 1994

Q.13ggg Where was the 150th Station of AIR commissioned

Ans.13ggggggggggg Berhampur (Orissa) on April 1, 1993

Q.14ggg When and where was Phone in programme first introduced?

Ans.14ggggggggggg Phone in programme introduced at AIR, Delhi on January

10, 1993.

Q.15ggg When was the first TV station started?

Ans.15ggggggggggg First TV Station was started in Delhi on November 1, 1959

ggggggggggggggggggggggg (at the time it was part of AIR).

Q.16ggg When were the Akashvani Annual Awards instituted?

Ans.16.gggggggggg 1974

Q.17ggg When was the Yuva-Vani service started?

Ans.17ggggggggggg Yuv-Vani Service started at Delhi on July 21, 1969.

Q.18ggg When was the First Radio Sangeet Sammelam held?

Ans.18ggggggggggg 1957

Q.19ggg When did the Central News Organization came into existence?

Ans.19ggggggggggg August 1, 1937

Q.20ggg When and where was the Super Power short-wave transmitter inaugurated?
Ans.20ggggggggggg Four 500 KW Super Power short wave transmitters at

inaugurated.g This made Bangalore one of the biggest transmitting

centers in the world.

Q.21ggg When was Radio paging service inaugurated?

Ans.21ggggggggggg July 15, 1995

Q.22ggg When was the foundation stone laid for new broadcasting house in Delhi?

Ans.22ggggggggggg February 1, 1996

Q.23ggg When and where were the Multi track recording studios inaugurated?

Ans.23ggggggggggg Chennai on August 5, 1995

Q.24ggg When did Prasar Bharati Corporation came into existence?

Ans.24ggggggggggg Prasar Bharati Corporation came into existence on November
23, 1997

and took control of AIR & Doordarshan.

Q.25ggg When was the museum of Radio and Doordarshan inaugurated?

Ans.25ggggggggggg Museum of Radio and Doordarshan was inaugurated on

November 12,

ggggggggggggggggggggggg 2001 and declared as the Public Service

Broadcasting day to

commemorate Gandhiji visit to AIR.

Q.26ggg When and where was the Broadcasting service initiated?

Ans.26ggggggggggg Broadcasting service initiated by the Madras Presidency

Radio Club on

ggggggggggggggggggggggg July 31, 1924.

Q.27ggg When was the first private radio station set up?

Ans.27ggggggggggg Akashvani Mysore, a private radio station was set up on

September 10,

ggggggggggggggggggggggg 1935.

Q. 28gg When was the first national programme of music broadcast from AIR.

Ans.28ggggggggggg July 20, 1952

Q.29ggg When and where did the first local station started?

Ans.29ggggggggggg First Local Station started at Nagarcoil on October 30, 1984

Q.30ggg When was the National Channel introduced?

Ans.30ggggggggggg National Channel introduced on May 18, 1988 When did the Radio Club of Bombay broadcast its first programme ?

Ans.31gggggggggggg In June, 1923 When did AIR came under Ministry of I&B ?

Ans.32gggggggggggg October 24, 1941 At the time of Partition in 1947 how many radio stations were in India?

Ans.33gggggggggggg Six (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai, Tiruchirapalli and

Lucknow) Where was the first Station of the Indian Broadcasting Company set up?

Ans.34gggggggggggg Mumbai

Q.35ggg Who was the British Viceroy of India when Indian Broadcasting Company was
inaugurated ?
Ans.35gggggggggggg Lord Irwin When did the broadcasting in India came under the direct control of Govt.?

Ans.36gggggggggggg In April 1, 1930 In which Princely State broadcasting began in September, 1935 with the name

Ans.37gggggggggggg Mysore What is the meaning of AKASHVANI ?

Ans.38gggggggggggg The voice from the sky. When was the first 10 kw sw transmiktter was commissioned and where ?

Ans.39gggggggggggg February 4, 1938 g In Mumbai When was the Broadcasting along with Post, Telegraph, Telephones and wireless was
placed in the Union List of the Seventh Schedule?

Ans.40gggggggggggg January 26, 1950 In which year radio stations wera set up at Rajkot, Jaipur, Indore and Shimla on SW.

Ans.41gggggggggggg In 1955 Who was the first Indian Director General of All India Radio?

Ans.42gggggggggggg Prof. A.S. Bokhari When was the gVividh Bharatig inaugurated and from where ?

Ans.43gggggggggggg October 3, 1957 g From Mumbai Under which Five Year Plan the medium-wave expansion plan got approval?
Ans.44gggggggggggg Under Third Five Year Plan (1961-66) Which Committee recommended the introduction of Commercial Broadcasting?

Ans.45gggggggggggg Chanda Committee (Shri Ashok K. Chanda) When was the Yuva Vani Channel commissioned and where ?

Ans.46gggggggggggg July 21, 1969 g At Delhi Where was the first 250 kw power transmitter inaugurated ?

Ans.47gggggggggggg Aligarh When was the TV formally separated from AIR?

Ans.48gggggggggggg April 1, 1976 When did NSD and ESD came into existence ?

Ans.49gggggggggggg In the year 1948 When was the Farm and Home Units established?

Ans.50ggggggggggg In 1965

Q.51ggg Kisan Vani programme is run from how many centers?

Ans.51ggggggggggg 96 centers

Q.52ggg Are you aware that we can get credit from service tax paid.

Ans.52ggggggggggg Yes

Q.53ggg Is Prasar Bharati a charitable organization as per provisions of the IT Act.

Ans.53ggggggggggg Yes
Q.54ggg How many FM Station are there in AIR.?

Ans.54ggggggggggg 139

Q.55ggg Which station in AIR earn the maximum Revenue.

Ans.55ggggggggggg Kodaikanal

Q.56ggg In how many stations is FM Rainbow broadcast and in how many stations is
FM Gold broadcast?

Ans.56ggggggggggg FM Rainbow from eight stations and FM Gold from four

Q.57ggg What is the full name of PPL.

Ans.57ggggggggggg Phonographic Performance Limited

Q.58ggg What is the full name of DTEPS.

Ans.58ggggggggggg Director Transcription & Programme Exchange Services.

Q.59ggg In which category do you give a bonus, if any?

Ans.59ggggggggggg One category lower

Q.60ggg What is the advertisers commission in Prasar Bharati for bringing


Ans.60ggggggggggg 15%

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