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Nama : Aisyah

Kelas: XI IPS 2

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris



1. Flowing Mengalir Stream, current, genre, ism, whelm
2. Endless Tak ada habisnya Innumerable, untold, numerous, countless
3. Sorrow Kesedihan Sadness, unhappiness
4. Mind Pikiran Think,thought, notion,opinion
5. Possessing Memiliki Have,hold, own, seize
6. Light Cahaya Illumination, brightness, luminosity, shining
7. Restless Gelisah Uneasy, agitated, unquiet, impatient
8. Universe Alam semesta Cosmos, totality, world
9. Shades Nuansa / bayangan Nuance, shadow, imagination, visualization
10. Way Cara Method, process, procedure, technique, strategy, manner


1. Way
That’s the best way to apple parfume.

2. Mind
I can not keep in mind about something bad.

3. Flowing
Loosen up, let the blood flowing up to the head.

4. Light
This light is too dim to read.

5. Universe
The universe is very wide and full of mystery.

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