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Analysis Criteria Methodology

Testing, Task Analysis

Events, Moments & notes Fundamentasl of Interaction Gulfs of execution Gulfs of evaluation Complaints made by participant
Asks out loud, " where do I click? " Is there something that would bake the search field more visible? None
Why is ther no lead test in the search field, such as " search here "

Micro annimation could be explored as a part of the IA and UI

She selects the drop down menu and chooses There is little to support a distinction between browsing and
home and kitchen and adds "curtains" to the searching. They are both operating through the search field. This
category in the search field makes the initial gulf of executioin "how do I use this to get my
intended result?" more difficult for users.

Her effort with the category drop down loops her back to where she
would have been had she initially searched for curtains

She selects the first result at the top of the The results are not in a standardized formal orientation. They have
results ( paid ad results ) and lisits the introduced horizontally scrolling sections of ads and other types of
associated buy now button sorts. It is more distinctions to make for the users initial gulf of


She selects the drop down menu and chooses "womans" As she types she watches for auto suggestions and selects
and adds "sandals" to the category in the search field
sketchers brand

Refines search after expressing confusion that his general He happens to remember the model of the battery and adds it to
query did not return his sot after specific results
the query

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