Amazon Task Data-Sheri PDF

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Analysis Criteria Methodology

Testing, Task Analysis

Events, Moments & notes Fundamentasl of Interaction Gulfs of execution Gulfs of evaluation Complaints made by participant
She struggles to find a category for purses and settles The orientation type size and padding of the category menu make it hard to She remarks about the results be ing for a number of different brands
on "Womans" and then adds "purses" scan.

It is unclear how to actually search by category

She accidently selects an option populated by auto The drop down menu is sensitive to operate and make a selection with.
complete This user experienced difficulty as an error and ultimately being take back
to the the beginning and having to re-do the initial search


She begins again but this time abandons browsing Again the difference between browsing and searching is unclear and in
and enters a searc query spite of efforts browsig does not work out

She returns to the serch bar after browsing throuth results

and commenting on the overwhelming number and variety,

Decides to return to search and add read to the query

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