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Classification &

Definition - Drugs
Using the website below, answer the fill in the
Type Classification Street Name/s Effects Addictiveness

Alcohol slows The street names  Feeling Relaxed To much of it makes

Alcohol down the are:  Trouble you get used to it, as

messages Booze, grog, piss, concentrating well as the symptoms

between your liquor, charge, nip  Slower Reflexes not at all bad

brain and body.  Increased sometimes.


 Felling more

happy, or more

sad, depending

on your mood
Marijuana is The street names The effects are: Some affects can help

Marijuana classified as are: yarndi, pot, Size, weight people like feeling

cannabis. weed, hash, dope, Feeling relaxed more relaxed as is of

gunja, joint, stick, Increased appetite one of them. This is a

chronic, cone, Dry Mouth big reason. A lot of

choof, mull people would love to

feel more relaxed.

Khat is a drug The Street names The effects are. Khat may just look like

Khat belonging to are; Increased Talking a normal plant that we

some cultures Qat, kat, chat, qaad Energetic can eat, this might

like Yemen. It is Faster heartbeat and cause addictiveness

also a plant. breathing due to its looks.

Higher temperature
Heroin is a drug The street names The effects are: It seems like it has not

Heroin known as are: Size and weigh been made out of bad

opioids. Smack, gear, Health substances.

hammer, the Confusion

dragon, H, dope, Relaxation

junk, harry, horse,

black tar, white


homebake, china

white, Chinese H,

poison, Dr Harry.1
LSD is a The street names The effects are: The colours and eye

LSD synthetic are: Dilation of pupils catching sights of the

chemical. It Acid, trips, tabs, Size, weight and health drug might be addictive

belongs to a microdots, dots, Headaches

group of drugs Lucy. Nausea

called Confusion

Nicotine Nicotine is a The Street names The effects are: Nicotine might be

drug that are: Dizziness addictive because

speeds up Ciggies, darts, Headache people might think that

messages durries, rollies, Nausea getting messages to

travelling smokes, fags, butts, Vomiting travel faster between

between the cancer sticks. the brain is a good

brain thing
Methadone is a The street names The effects are: It states that

Methadon prescription are: Sweating methadone can be

e drug Done, ‘the done’. Itching successful in some

Less appetite ways. Also as a

prescription drug

people might not think

it’s that bad.

Possible indications of drug use may include altered mood or behaviour, changes to appetite, energy
levels, or issues managing work, responsibilities, finances and relationships. However, these behaviours
are not necessarily indications of drug use. Your loved one or friend may be stressed, experiencing
problems with school or work, or having difficulties sleeping. Teenagers, in particular, are likely to
display some of these behaviours, as a result of the changes they experience during adolescence.

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