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QUILARIO AB- English Language 3

Mythology and Folklore (Elec 5)

PROF. Ruby Grace Rada

(Introduction to Trojan War)

 It was a golden apple with a words “for the fairest” inscribed on it. She do it because she was
annoyed that she was not invited of the party which Zeus prepared for the celebration of
Peleus and Thetis marriage were in fact all gods and goddess is invited.

 The role of women before, during and after the Trojan War based on the work of Homer and
classical Greek culture women did not have too many rights from social point of view they
were expected in home and be faithful to the household and family. It was very oppressive
compared to modern day.

 First Hera offered to grant him political power and a throne if he choose her, then Athena
offered his wisdom and skills in battle; lastly, Aphrodite promise Paris to the most beautiful
woman in the world which is Helen of Sparta. Without batting an eyelash Paris chooses
Aphrodite. Maybe because Paris don’t need either power, throne or wisdom and battle skills
because he have that already because he is a prince of troy so he preferred to choose the
beautiful woman because that the only thing he don’t have.

 Paris of Troy took and abducts Helen from her husband, the king of Sparta Menelaus.

 For the reason of the great enterprise to cross the sea and lay mighty Troy in ashes

 Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae, brother of King Menelaus of Sparta who led the Greeks
against Troy.

 Because one of her beloved creatures, a hare, had been slain by one of the Greeks. Artemis
demand by sacrificing the royal maiden, Iphigenia, the daughter of the commander in chief,

 It is brave, because the Oracle said that whoever was the first to leap ashore would be the first
to die.


 Thinking for your own sake was just a waste for a team to win into the war; once you think
like that your chances to win for your team will be lost because you have no focus at all.
 Their similarities are they are aggressive to win the war for the glory of their king and queen
but they differ in terms of the Gods who are favored with them.

 Achilles will get the bow from Odysseus and the support coming from him to help him win
the war.

 It is because Diomedes reveals to them that the Thracians, newly arrived are especially
vulnerable to attack.

 He demonstrates it by not letting down and for always encouraging them to lift up their
hopes so that they won’t their guards down.

 Throughout Homer’s epic the gods manipulate the humans to influence the war’s outcome.
Instances when the God trick the mortals by assuming disguises or using their divine powers
can be found in many spots.

 First is religious, second is the culture third is the cost of war or the military glory.

 The Gods are far more powerful than human beings and are depicted as having the ability to
shape and manipulate human outcomes. The gods are also deeply human in terms of their
personality and foibles. They can even have children.

(The Fall of Troy)

 Trojans  Greeks
 Apollo  Athena
 Artemis  Hera
 Aphrodite  Poseidon
 Ares
 Aphrodite took Paris away from the action and brought him back to Troy

 They fought for 9 years: Achilles and Agamemnon fought and for a little while, it turned the
tide in favor of the Trojans.

 Ajax believes that he deserves the armor of Achilles, and he is unable to accept that another
warrior has been chosen as more worthy; Ajax plot revenge yet Athena makes him go crazy.
Ajax massacres some cattle then come at his senses and mortified and kills himself.

 After the war, Aphrodite instructed Hermes to spirit Helen to Egypt where King Proteus hid
her from Menelaus, but Menelaus tracked her there from advice given to him from Athens.
Proteus removed Helen’s memories of the war with water from the river Lethe to get her to
return to Menelaus.
 They send Achilles many gifts, but he doesn’t return to battle.

 A picture of Pallas Athena that didn’t allow the city that had it to be destroyed. In the night
they stole it.

 It was set to flames. The men were killed and the women and children were taken.

(The Odyssey)

 Odysseus blinds Cyclops Polyphemus in order to avenge the deaths of six crew members: the
violence is an act of honor because vengeance is customary and just.

 The relates to human beings either as external powers that influences the lives of mortals from
without, as when Apollo unleashes plague upon the Achaeans or from within. In odyssey the
god are often much less grad. They function more as spiritual guides and supporters for their
human subjects. The Iliad depicts a violent and glorious war and the gods act as frighteningly
powerful, supernatural forces. The odyssey in contrast, chronicles a long journey and the gods
frequently act to guide and advise the wandering hero.

 It was deeply intertwined the culture of the ancient Greeks. Some stories, they prayed to Gods
to satisfy their needs and offer assistance in their endeavors and the Gods who would
occasionally appear to select Greeks to give counsel, gifts or other forms of aid. In Homer’s
Odyssey, the gods appear to interfere with both Telemachus and Odysseus, either to help or
hinder them in their journey.

 Precise relationship between this necessary reciprocity and justice is difficult to determine. It
is also a problem for translation. In the pre-conceptual worlds of the heroes, Homer had no
word for justice as we understand it but he did have a word for right behavior and proper
order and efforts to enforce this probably carried intent very similar to our purpose when we
preserve justice. Some people think that it is the only justice that time during the siege of the

 Odysseus was considered wily because he always came up with clever stratagems for how to
solve the problems. He was also a great story teller and could come up with stories on the

 The Odyssey was timeless because characters, rip roaring scenes and wealth of information
on Mediterranean geography and legends but also because it involves the irresistible plot line
of a worthy hero trying desperately to get back to his city, his family, and his throne. It made
so appealing because of the themes of loyalty, friendship, perseverance and feeling like you
are being used by powers greater than you make this story relatable even today. It is also an
epic poem with monsters, magic and a lot of actions.


 Folklore is oral history that is preserved by the people of the culture, consisting of traditions
belonging to a specific culture. These traditions usually include music, stories, history,
legends, fables, and myths. Folklore is passed down from generation to generation and is kept
active by the people in culture folklore allows people give meaning to their lives and their
surroundings. Examples are a famous folklore in American history is the tall tale about
fictional lumberjack Paul Bunyan that has superhuman skills that allows him to complete on
their own. And modern day folklore often takes the format of “urban myths”. Although these
stories are usually not actually myths, they are very popular.

 It really affects their culture in a sense that these folktales, myths, legends and fables stories
embody the popular attitudes, beliefs, customs, traditions and values of the society. Where
enriching people’s consciousness and appreciation of their culture and give value to every
existing features. In fact these oral traditions are passed along informally from one individual
to another either through verbal instruction or demonstration. Some of these conforms in
usual themes espouses the virtues of compassion, generosity and humility over the vices of
greed, selfishness and excessive pride. Where it signifies the richness of their culture and
traditional traits.

 Myths, legends, are old stories written for adults and children folk and fairy tales were
written specially for children. But in some point these stories varies in genre where myth
consist of traditional story concerning the early history of people or explains natural and
social phenomenon. Legends involve heroic characters that teach morals of one’s culture and
the prominent example include King Arthur, Blackbeard and Robin Hood. Fairy tale and Folk
tales are similar to myths were it contains magic and powers example of that is the classic and
contemporary books such us Cinderella. Folktale is a collection of fictional tales about people
of animals and the common folktales is the monkey and the Turtle. They were not fluctuates
in words but also in genres they possess in every stories.

 You can learn through by taking control of your emotions that whatever struggles may come
in your tract there is a so called self-control. In fact reading and in listening folktales give you
much appreciation and realization to the nature of human life. Helps you know and gives you
directions in life as to what preferences you make.

 These stories imply to people the beauty of life and the darkest of life. Where you can see
yourself expecting the same thought and emotion. On the side, focus on improving yourself
rather than impressing others where you are not rely on lavish displays on others but you are
cultivating your own tract. It radiates you to the brighter side of life where optimism is
hanging out and also it allocates you to the darkest emotion of your life to the beauty of life.
Thus, these attract people to what attributes and views of very person they become.

(Adjective –itis)

1. The Magic Ring

 Noisy –crowd, Martin look for food to buy and saw the noisy crowd in the market
 Old -woman, Martin’s mother is old
 Poor –dog, when Martin saw a dog beaten by the butcher
2. The Story of Juan Tamad
 Lazy – man, Juan is very lazy
 Huge –yawn, Juan did nothing but to yawn and yawn as he looked at the sky
 Stupid –chicken, because the chicken always yelling that Juan is Tamad
3. The Monkey and the Turtle
 Yellow –bananas, when Monkey saw the yellow banana hanging on the banana tree
 Ripe –fruit, the turtle has mere sight of the banana
 Bleeding –fingers, when the turtle put some sharp broken piece of glass and stuck them.

The Magic Ring

 Pitiful Martin once love

 A dog and a cat
 Really he is lovable
 An old woman is lonely
 Father of her son
 Die and leave them with rubles

The Story of Juan Tamad

 Weary man always asleep

 And name is Juan
 Cares nothing and wait nothing
 Chicken always Laugh and yelled
 Juan is Tamad
 Every time and all the time

The Monkey and the Turtle

 Greedy Monkey is on top

 Eating banana
 On its own and drown alone
 Poor angry little turtle
 To revenge monkey
 His greediness of some fruits

(Alternative Ending of the Story)

The Magic Ring

Martin still lives and prosper up to this day and she met a beautiful woman live
happily without a single chaos.

The Story of Juan Tamad

Juan Tamad realizes the fact that being lazy is not good

The Monkey and the Turtle

The greedy monkey drowned in the stream the monkey find himself back and realize
that being greedy is bad.
CHERRY MAE M. QUILARIO AB- English Language 3

Structure of English Phonetics and Phonology (English 11)

PROF. Ruby Grace Rada

Activity 1


a) Rhyming,

b) Alliteration,

c) Sentence Segmenting,

d) Syllable blending and

e) Segmenting video.


a) Blending: what word am I trying to say? Mm.. oo…p.

b) Segmentation: (first sound isolation); what is the first sound in mop? /m/

c) Segmentation: (last sound isolation); what is the last sound in mop? /p/
3) Phonics comes first because, phonics instruction typically starts with letters first and children

are taught the sound that those letters “stands for a make”. It is not the same thing as

phonological interchangeable. Phonological awareness is the awareness of sounds. Phonics

involved the eyes and ears. Phonological awareness involves just the ears without phonics but

you cannot have phonics without phonological awareness.


a) The ability to isolate distinguishes individual sound.

b) The ability to identify phonemes


 Listening –the ability to listen closely is a key ingredient of phonemic awareness. Moreover,

if they don’t, they are not ignoring you. It’s just that they understand what “listen closely”

which means they have to be taught.

 Rhyming – a great phonemic awareness activity. Playing with rhyming helps children notice

that sound in a language that have meaning and follow certain patterns.

 Syllables – The goal is work on the individual phonemes (vowel or consonants) yet most

children learn first the concept of “parts of words” where you build a bridge from hearing


 Alliteration and initial sounds –this is a word play that /involves words sharing the same

initial sounds.
(Syllabic Structure)


a) Love
b) Fine
c) Kick
d) Ear
e) Nose
f) Fly
g) Tip
h) Freeze
i) Pit
j) Top


a) Flower
b) Lion
c) Mother
d) Father
e) Brother
f) Letter
g) Lather
h) Fluster
i) Swelter
j) Batter


a) Official
b) Furniture
c) Loveable
d) Loveliness
e) Officer
f) Gratitude
g) Beautiful
h) wonderful
i) Amazing
j) Heavenly


a) Sensational
b) Superlative
c) Comparative
d) Execrable
e) Gravitation
f) Invitation
g) Education
h) Agriculture
i) Fantabulous
j) Security
(Vowel Shift)

a) English has a lot of antiquities and weird corner cases that comes from French or German
origins. However, even native English speakers are no longer speak nor write, its identical to
some change which occurring over time and even though this is not exactly about currently a
written or a spoken in English.

b) The pronunciation stay so far from spelling in English was not the Great Vowel Shift. It was
the absence of accompanying great spelling update. Vowel shifts happen all the time where
spelling conventions is a question of politics and culture.

c) Every kindergarten knows that a sheep says baaa, a cow says mooo, a cat says meow and a
goat says meee, in other language they say other things that might be how they got codified as
a proper words but how was that, how they got codified as Onomatopoeias.

d) The vowels are usually short, however with some cc types; the vowel seems to always be
long. Sometimes in the later stages of an old English , a sound change happened whereby
vowels were lengthened if they are immediately followed by a voiced homorganic consonants
cluster that is two voiced consonants with the someplace of articulation.

e) The Great Vowel Shift operated on non- primary-stressed syllables. It is really useful concept
in discussing the history of /i/ in non-primary stressed syllables.

f) Sound can corresponds to any number of different spelling and a letter can correspond to any
number of sounds. There is now role that determines which letter is silent. Because all letters
are silent by definition.

g) The vowel rule is that it’s regular for U to be pronounced. “Short” in closed syllables, and
“long” in “open” syllables. This somewhat based on historical sound changes.
Activity 4

a) Minimal Pair –because only m and p are different

b) Not Minimal Pair - because the two words the same exactly
c) Minimal Pair –because only d and t are different
d) Minimal Pair – because they differ in one phoneme
e) Not Minimal Pair –because the two words the same exactly
f) Minimal Pair – because they differ in one phoneme
g) Not Minimal Pair –because these words pronounce the same
h) Not minimal Pair – because the two words the same exactly
i) Minimal Pair –because the two words the same exactly
j) Not Minimal Pair –because they differ in one phoneme
k) Minimal Pair – because they differ in one phoneme
l) Minimal Pair –because only w and s are different
m) Not Minimal Pair – because the two words the same exactly

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