Medical Education: Assessment Clinical Using Objective Structured Examination

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diagnosis, and this information is then fed into a computer. At and emergency services. Firstly, the organization is large and
regular intervals the doctor's performance in accuracy of diag- efficient and obviously this specialty has equal standing with
nosis and time taken to get to the patient are calculated. In- other special departments. Secondly, all grades of staff in the
efficiency is an indication for a period of postgraduate education, ambulance service feel they have an important part to play in
and prompt good work is rewarded. Medical discipline of this accident prevention. Thirdly, the casual attender does not
nature is possible because the chief of department is of pro- present a problem as minor injuries and medical complaints are
fessorial status and there is no shortage of doctors. dealt with in the polyclinics adjacent to the district hospitals.
A service of this quality can only exist if there are enough
medical personnel. In the U.S.S.R. there are 35 doctors for
Polyclinics every 10 000 people compared with 10 for every 10 000 in the
United Kingdom, and provision for health care has a very high
Since the disposal of patients is arranged by telephone there financial priority. The lack of adequate numbers of doctors
is no need for a sorting department (casualty). Patients with precludes the establishment of accident services in the United
real emergencies are taken to the accident ward or to special Kingdom on the Russian pattern, but one feature which might
departments. Since the polyclinics are adjacent to the district with advantage be adopted in certain places is the polyclinic.
hospitals the doctor on duty can get immediate specialist advice For example, in large conurbations where a hospital has an un-
by internal telephone. There are about 25 general practitioners in usually large general practice load the provision of a polyclinic
the polyclinic and there is a rota for emergency duties. Speciali- in the grounds of that hospital could lead to a considerable
zation is encouraged and we heard of one practitioner who was improvement.
preparing a thesis on the wrist injuries that he had treated.
There is a large supporting ancillary staff and they deal with all
patients who arrive with urgent problems (except ambulance
cases) as well as their own general practice. The chief doctor in Tihis visit was organized by the British Council under the
the polyclinic is a consultant and his duties are mainly admini- provisions of the Anglo-Soviet cultural agreement. We would like
strative. to pay tribute to the British Council for its excellent and coxn-
preihensive arrangements for our visit. We would also like to thank
the officials of the Russian Ministry of Health and the many people
Lessons for Britain in Russia who went out of their way to make us welcome and
show us whlat we asked to see. The hospitality of the Russian
We were most impressed by three unique features of the accident surgeons was almost overwhelming.

Medical Education
Assessment of Clinical Competence using Objective
Structured Examination

British Medical Journal, 1975, 1, 447-451 and their interpretation. As they cannot go back to check
on omissions multiple-choice questions have a minimal
cueing effect. The students may be observed and scored
Summary at some stations by examiners using a check list.
To avoid many of the disadvantages of the traditional In the structured clinical examination the variables
clinical examination we have introduced the structured and complexity of the examination are more easily
clinical examination. In this students rotate round a controlled, its aims can be more clearly defined, and more
series of stations In the hospital ward. At one station they of the student's knowledge can be tested. The examination
are asked to carry out a procedure, such as take a history, is more objective and a marking strategy can be decided
undertake one aspect of physical examination, or in advance. The examination results in improved feed-
interpret laboratory investigations in the light of a back to students and staff.
patient's problem, and at the next station they have to
answer questions on the findings at the previous station Introduction
Despite the increased interest in assessment procedures in
Department of Medical Education, University of Dundee, Dundee medicine and the wide use of objective techniques in written
DD1 4HN examinations the clinical examination has remained largely
R. McG. HARDEN M.D. M.R.C.P. Head of Division of Clinical Medical unchanged. The use of objective tests of the multiple-choice
type has been regarded as impracticable as the answer is
Department of Therapeutics, University of Dundee, Dundee suggested to the candidate in the test." Any changes must not
W. WILSON DOWNIE M.B. M.R.C.P. Lecturer increase the already considerable difficulties in assessing
Department of Medicine, Western Infirmary, Glasgow clinical competence in the many medical students who have to
MARY STEVENSON M.B. CH.B. Lecturer be examined.
G. M. WILSON M.D. F.R.C.P. Regius Professor Attention has recently been drawn to some of the serious
weaknesses of the clinical examination.2 The student's compe-
tence is usually assessed by two examiners who test his skill on
a few patients. Thus the luck of the draw plays too dominant History from patient -. - Observed and scored
a part in the procedure, and variation in the marking standards with breathlessness by examiner
between examiners may be conspicuous.3 There is often confusion
about what is being tested: from being a test of skills in eliciting
a history, carrying out a physical examination, and interpreting jQuestions |
the results of the examination and history the assessment may
become a test of the candidate's factual knowledge. The need
for a more objective approach to the assessment of clinical Inspection of coloured
slide of patient
competence has been widely advocated.1-7 We describe here a
structured clinical examination which avoids many of the
disadvantages of the more conventional methods of assessing [Questions |
clinical competence.
Neurological examination | Observed and scored
Form of Examination by examiner l
As with the conventional "clinical," the examination is conducted
in the hospital wards. The candidate, instead of being taken to
a small number of cases by the examiner, or pair of examiners,
however, rotates round several stations at each of which he Inspection ofE.C.G.
spends five minutes. The stations are of two types. At the first
the student is given a written instruction and has to carry out a
procedure-for example, "Auscultate the praecordium for IQuestionsl
evidence of a valvular lesion" or "Read the summary of the FIG. 1-Students rotate through a number of siations. "Pro-
patient's history noted below and test as you think appropriate cedure" stations are followed by those in which candidate is
the urine sample provided." The student while carrying out the asked questions relating to his findings and their interpretation.
procedure may make notes of his findings, which are for his own
personal use and are not inspected by the examiners. After five
minutes the student moves to a second station, where he answers
questions on his findings at the previous station and his interpre- STATION NO. 1
tation of the findings. The questions may be open-ended or of Student's Name: No. O El[
the multiple-choice type. For ease of marking we have preferred Instructions to examiner: Please tick appropriate boxes.
the latter, in which a common stem is followed by five alter-
natives, any number of which can be correct. The students The Candidate: Yes No
record their answers on a standard answer sheet which they Felt the radial pulse in both limbs
carry round with them.8 The answers are marked +1 for a Counted the rate with a watch
correct answer, -1 for a wrong answer, and 0 for a question not
answered. 9 Elevated the limb to detect collapsing quality
The concept of two different types of stations is important Located the 2nd R. space correctly
and has two advantages. In the first place it diminishes the
effect of cueing, which has concerned some examiners.'-10 A Auscultated up the neck
candidate is presented with a problem to solve or an examination Auscultated down the left sternal border
to be carried out without the questions which he will be asked
later in front of him. When he is presented with the questions Sat the patient up to auscultate
at the next station he cannot go back to rectify any omissions on Auscultated in full expiration
his original examination. Thus the questions do not provide a Used diaphragm for auscultation
check list for his examination or suggest ready solutions in his
handling of the problem. The second advantage of the two- Date Examiner's Signature
station approach is that more students can be examined at any
one time. Thus, while one student is carrying out a procedure
another student who has already completed that stage is answer- FIG. 2-Example of examiner's check list for station at which student was
ing the questions. asked to "examine the pulse and auscultate for possible aortic valvular
Students rotate through several stations (fig. 1). While the
number of stations may be varied to suit the requirements of the
particular examination we have found that 16 is convenient:
with this the examination can be completed in 85 minutes, and did not auscultate at the mitral area with a patient turned over
with two complete rotations 32 students can be examined in a on her left side. Initially a simple "yes" or "no" recording
morning. Students should begin only at a "procedure" station- scheme was adopted (fig. 2). Later this was modified, however,
the odd-numbered stations. Thus, with 16 stations at time zero (fig. 3) to allow recording of a qualified "yes." In addition to the
minutes eight students start at stations 1, 3, 5, .... 15. At five check list, the content of which is agreed in advance by the
minutes those students move to stations 2, 4, 6, .... 16 and a panel of the examiners, the examiner may be asked to grade the
further eight students start at stations 1, 3, 5, .... 15. student's general proficiency on a five-point scale (fig. 3).
Stokes2 has recently emphasized the importance in determining
the effectiveness of a doctor's work of such attitudinal attributes
Examiners' Score Sheets as poise, likeability, and capacity for making a good rapport with
a patient and has suggested that there should be a separate
At some of the procedure stations the candidate's performance assessment by the examiner in this nebulous but crucial area.
may be observed and scored by an examiner. A check list is While the structural clinical examination may not be the best
completed by the examiner for each student. He may, for method of judging students' attitudesl1 some useful general
example, be asked to observe whether the candidate did or observations may be made.
Station 4.-At station 3 you were asked to inspect the hands of a
patient. Which of the following statements is/are true?
Student's Name: No. O 0 O Question 3. There is swelling of:
Instructions to examiner: Please tick appropriate boxes. A. prox. I.P. joint on a 2nd finger.
B. prox. I.P. joint on a 3rd or 4th finger.
Attempted C. prox. I.P. joint on a 5th finger.
Carried out but not Not D. one or more distal I.P. joints.
Satisfactorily Satisfactory Attempted E. the M.P. joints.
(1) General inspection Question 4:
(2) Palpate for apex A. There is swelling of the wrist.
B. There is ulnar deviation of the hand.
(3) Palpate for thrills C. Hyperextension of the prox. I.P. joints is present.
D. Muscle wasting is evident.
(4) Auscultate at apex E. Purpura is present.
(5) Turn patient on
L. side Examples of stations in which skills of physical examination
(6) Auscultate in axilla are tested are shown in figs. 1 and 2.
The following example is a set of questions on the student's
(7) Auscultate at pulm. findings after he has tested motor power and reflexes in the
patient's legs at the preceding station:
(8) Auscultate at
aortic area
Station 6.-Which of the following statements is/are true about the
(9) Auscultate in neck patient you examined at station 5 ?
(10) Auscultate at L. Question 5:
sternal edge A. There is weakness of L. hip flexion.
(11) Sit forward and B. There is wasting of the R. quadriceps.
auscultate in C. Fasciculation is present in the calves.
expiration D. Clonus is present at the left ankle.
(12) Auscultate at E. The left knee jerk is increased.
tricuspid area Question 6:
(13) General proficiency Excellent Good [O Satisfactory O A. Both ankle jerks are present.
Inadequate El Grossly inadequate O B. The L. plantar is upgoing.
(14) Attitude to patient Excellent O Satisfactory O C. The R. plantar is upgoing.
Unsatisfactory O D. There is weakness of left foot dorsiflexion.
Comments: E. There is evidence of upper motor neurone damage.
Date Examiner's Signature Technique in history taking may also be assessed in the
examination. The fact that the examiner does not observe the
FIG. 3-Example of examiner's check list for station at which student was candidate taking a history is one of the weaknesses of the
asked to "examine this patient's praecordium for evidence of rheumatic
valvular disease."
traditional clinical examination.2 The student is asked to take a
history in a specific area as it is not possible to take a detailed
comprehensive history in the time available. An example is,
Scoring of the Examination "Take a history from this patient who was admitted to hospital
24 hours previously with aucte breathlessness," when it is an
The student's final score is based on the number of correct and advantage if a simulated rather than a real patient is used. The
incorrect answers in the objective questions and on the score simulated patient may be a doctor not known to the students
sheets handed in by the examiners. The allocation of marks who as well as acting the role of the patient can score the
between the different parts of the examination should be agreed student's history-taking technique. A brief is given to the
in advance by the examiners and will vary with, among other doctor-"You are Elizabeth Henderson, a 23-year-old nurse.
things, the seniority of the students. Thus, with junior students You have had asthma since childhood and normally use an
greater emphasis will be placed on technique of examination and inhaler. You have not been in hospital before. There is no
fewer marks awarded for the findings of their interpretation. It relevant family history. You smoke 10-15 cigarettes a day. You
may be decided in advance that some items, though recorded, were admitted to hospital as an emergency 24 hours previously
will not contribute to the final score-for example, the attitu- with sudden onset of breathlessness. Before this you had been
dinal assessment-but together with the other items will form given an intravenous injection by your general practitioner but
the bases of feedback to the students. With the marking strategy the breathlessness persisted. You have not had any cough or
decided in advance it is relatively simple using masks8 and a spit or chest pain."
programmable desk calculator to obtain a print out of the Using a simulated patient has some advantages. A real patient
student's total marks for the examination and his marks in may find it trying to repeat her history many times. Moreover,
different sections of it. the information given may vary from student to student and the
co-operation of the patient may also vary. Questions such as those
below may be asked at the next station on the facts elicited
Types of Questions during the history.
The student's observation and ability to recognize and interpret Station 8.-Which of the following statements are true about the
patterns and to record the findings as an accurate case record patient from whom you have just taken a history?
may be tested by asking him, for example, "inspect the hands of Question 7:
the patient." Alternatively, a coloured slide can be displayed. A. The patient's name is Elizabeth Henderson.
In a recent examination the students were asked to inspect and B. The patient is 26 years old.
note abnormalities in a coloured slide of the hands of a patient C. The patient is a secretary.
with rheumatoid arthritis. At the next station they were asked D. She has complained of dyspnoea since childhood.
questions such as the following: E. The present attack started acutely 24 hours previous.
Question 8: TABLE, I-Correct Answers (+) obtained by Students 1-33 to Questions on
A. Her G.P. gave her an I.V. injection prior to admission. History Taking (Station 8 see Text)
B. There is a family history of asthma. Questions
C. She has a cough and purulent sputum. Students
7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 9A 9B
D. She has complained of chest pain on R. side.
E. She uses an inhaler. 1 ~~~~~~+
+ + +
2 + + + + + + +
3 + + + + + + + + +
4 + + + + + + + + + + + +
Question 9: 5 + + + + + + + +
6 + + + + + +
A. She smokes 10-15 cigarettes per day. 7
8 +
+ + +
+ +
B. This is her third admission to hospital with similar attacks. 9 + + + + + + + + + +
10 + + + + + + +
11 + + + + + ± + +
12 + + + + + ± + + +
The student may be presented with a brief summary of a 13 + + + + + + + + + +
14 + + + + + + + + +
history of a patient along with an x-ray film, E.C.G., or result 15 + + + + + + +
of a laboratory investigation or he may be given a urine to test. 16
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
The history below was presented together with a chest x-ray 18 + + + + + + + + +
19 + + + + + + +
film which showed a small pneumothorax on the right side. 20 + + ± + + + + + + + + +
A man aged 23 experienced sharp pain in the right side of his chest 21
and in the back after a bout of coughing and subsequently felt slightly 23 + + + + + + + + +
breathless. The symptoms eased but he felt uncomfortable and 24
25 + + +
+ +
accordingly reported to the casualty department of the local hospital. 26 + + + + + + + + + + +
On examination the casualty officer detected no physical signs but 27
+ +
+ +
+ + +
ordered a chest x-ray picture to be taken. This is now in front of you. 29 + + + + + + +
Examine it and prepare to answer some questions at the next station. 30
+ +
+ +
+ +
± +
(You will not be allowed to look at the x-ray again after you have left 32 + + + + + + + + + +
this station.) 33 + + ± + ± -I- + + + +
No. Correct 22 20 22 29 32 24 22 25 25 33 11 17
One of the questions asked at the next station was whether
the following statements were true:
A. A cervical rib is present on the right side. TABLE II-Correlation between Results in Different Parts of One Section of
B. A calcified Ghon's focus is present. Examination and between Results in section and Whole Examination. Instrzuction
to Candidates in Section shown was "Examine this Patient's Praecordium
C. There is a fractured rib on the right side. for Evidence of Rheumatic Valvular Disease".
D. The condition would have been more evident if a film had
been taken in full forced expiration. r P
E. The patient should be admitted to hospital. (1) Technique score on check list* V. total exam mark.. + 0-65 <0-001
(2) Proficiency score* V. total exam mark + 0 40 <0 05
(3) Attitude* V. total exam mark . . + 034 <0 05
As part of the examination techniques such as vaginal (4) (1) + (2) + (3) V. total exam mark . . +0-60 <0-001
(5) Questions on findings V. total exam mark + 0-66 <0-001
examination or ophthalmoscopy can be assessed objectively (6) Technique score on check list V. proficiency score
(7) (1) + (2) + (3) V. questions on findings
+ 0-58
without embarrassment or discomfort to patients using a plastic
model simulator.12 *See fig. 2.

Correlation with Performance in Written Examination

Analysis of Results
Out of a class of 99 students divided into three groups 66 were
A detailed analysis of the student's performance at each station examined by a traditional clinical examination and 33 were
was carried out (table I). The discriminatory power of each examined by the structured clinical examination. The perfor-
part of the examination was determined and the marks in one mance of the students in the clinical examination was compared
part correlated with marks in another part and with the examina- with their performance in a written multiple-choice question
tion as a whole (table II). examination in medicine, surgery, and therapeutics. The marks
in the clinical examination did not correlate with the marks in
the written examination in the two groups of students who took
the traditional clinical examination (y = 0x17 and y = 0x21). In
Poor Performance in Clinical Examination the 33 students who took a structured clinical examination,
The causes of failure in a clinical examination are of three types: however, there was a highly significant correlation between the
(a) all-round inadequacy; (b) deficiency in some aspects-for marks in the clinical and the marks in the written examination
example, poor technique in eliciting a history or carrying out a y = 0-63).
physical examination, incorrect attitude, or failure to recognize
signs and interpret them; and (c) deficiency in specific subject
areas-for example, neurological examination, interpretation of Discussion
E.C.G.s, etc. With this type of examination it is possible to
analyse separately the student's success in different parts of the In the traditional clinical examination there are several variables
examination and to obtain an overall score for techniques of -the student, the patient, and the examiner. In the structured
examination, attitudes, and recognition and interpretation of clinical examination two variables, the patient and the examiner,
the findings as well as for his performance in different subjects. are more controlled and a more objective assessment of the
In a recent clinical examination seven students were judged to student's clinical competence is made. Moreover, it is possible
have reached an insufficient standard to pass the examination. to control its complexity and to define more clearly what skills,
Of these seven three had a poor all-round performance, two attitudes, problem-solving abilities, and factual knowledge are
had problems in recognizing and interpreting the findings, one to be assessed. Because the examination is more objective it is
had a poor technique of physical examination of the patient, and more easily repeatable than the traditional clinical and standards
in the seventh the shortcoming seemed to be in one specific from year to year may be more easily compared. The test samples
area-examination of the cardiovascular system. a wider range of the candidate's knowledge and skills and can
include aspects seldom covered in the traditional clinical visual fields-each examiner may have up to three patients so
examination-for example, history taking in a simulated emer- that each one is examined by only every third student. The use
gency admission. The marking strategy for the examination may of simulated patients also helps to spare any annoyance, incon-
be decided by the examiners in advance. Finally, the structured venience, or discomfort to patients."3
clinical examination can provide feedback to staff and to
students to a much greater extent than conventional clinical We thank the many colleagues in Glasgow and Dundee who have
examination. This is useful in directing further studies for the contributed material and willingly helped in conducting the clinical
students and in designing teaching programmes for the staff. examination and Mr. Richard Wakeford for his help with the data
The exa-mination can be used both as part of a final assessment handling.
and as part of a more continuous assessment-for example, at
the end of each three-month period during the clinical years of
the undergraduate's course.
The main disadvantage is the increased preparation required. References
As with many educational advances the benefits are achieved in 1 Fleming, P. R., et al., British Medical Journal, 1974, 2, 99.
part by more effort. This effort, however, takes place before the 2 Stokes, J. F., The Clinical Examination. Medical Education Booklet No. 2.
Dundee, Association for the Study of Medical Education, 1974.
examination, and on the day of the examination the examiner's 3Wilson, G. M., et al., Lancet, 1969, 1, 37.
time is used more efficiently. Another possible disadvantage of 4Hubbard, J. P., et al., New England Journal of Medicine, 1965, 272, 1321.
this approach may be the feeling that the student's knowledge Charvat, J., McGuire, C., and Parsons, V., A review of the nature and uses
of Examinations in Medical Education, Public Health Papers No. 36.
and skills are being put into compartments and that he is being Geneva, W.H.O., 1968.
discouraged from looking at the patient as a whole. We believe 6 Hubbard, J. P., Measuring Medical Education. Philadelphia, Lea and
Febiger, 1971.
that this can be obviated by testing the student's competence 7Marshall, V. R., and Lubrook, J., British Journal of Medical Education,
in the more traditional type of "long case" as well or by assessing 1972, 6, 212.
8 Lever, R., et al., British Journal of Medical Education, 1970, 4, 37.
it with a tutor during his work on the wards. Finally, patients 9 Harden, R. McG,. Lever, R., and Wilson, G. M., Lancet, 1969, 1, 40.
must be selected carefully for the examination and the questions 1 0 McCarthy, W. H., Jrournal of Medical Education, 1966, 41, 263.
11 Walton, H. J., British,Journal of Medical Education, 1967, 1, 330.
organized to cause the patient the minimum of disturbance. 12 Penta, F. B., and Kofman, S.,Jfournal of Medical Education, 1973, 48, 442.
Where a technique is being assessed-for example, testing the 13Barrows, H. S., Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1968. 98, 674.

Any Questions?
Substitutes for Cross-action Towel Clips on the clinical picture of depression, and whereas younger
patients with atypical pictures and superadded neurotic features
Is there any cheap but effective substitute for the use of cross-action are likely to respond well to a monoamine oxidase inhibitor,
towel clips? Not only are these dangerous instruments, but they older patients with classical depressive syndromes respond
tear the drapes so frequently that repair is a major problem in a better to tricyclic drugs or E.C.T. Patients with recurrent
large central sterilization service department. depressive states or manic depressive disorders are most often
helped by the use of lithium carbonate, which has a prophylactic
Towel clips undoubtedly tear the drapes but a greater criticism effect in the majority. The risks associated with these different
is that they can produce painful little tears in the skin at their approaches vary with the type of cardiac disorder and its
site of attachment, especially if tugged accidentally upon when complications affecting hepatic and renal function.
the towels are being removed. The use of plastic adhesive From spontaneous reports received by the Committee on
sheeting, which comes from the manufacturers in already Safety of Medicines, the incidence of arrhythmia from use of
sterilized packets, avoids these disadvantages. The drapes -are antidepressants of all types would appear to be very low. As
applied around the operation area in the usual way leaving a selection of patients occurs in the use of these drugs in practice
gap around the site of the incision. Plastic adhesive sheeting is it is not yet possible to calculate the risks in patients already
then used to stick down the towels to the skin. This has the suffering from cardiac disorders. It seems also likely that the
additional advantage of making sure that the towels drape risk of using monoamine oxidase inhibitors in this context is
smoothly over the operation area even when this is irregular, in the production of hypotension rather than in causing
such as in procedures on a limb. The adhesive sheeting separates arrhythmias. A choice of inappropriate drug for the individual
quite easily from the towels after surgery without damaging sufferer lessens the chance of improvement, thus creating the
them. If this sheeting is unavailable, then Collodion or mastic risks associated with delayed recovery. Having chosen the
may be used to tack down the drapes around the proposed appropriate treatment, the risks of using it-assessed by a
incision. cardiologist-should be weighed against the risks of leaving the
depressed patient untreated. These risks are: suicide or attemp-
ted suicide and occasionally infanticide or homicide (the risk
Antidepressants in Cardiac Disease of suicide is likely to be higher in physically handicapped
patients); increased cardiac disability due to an increased
Tricyclic antidepressants have been shown to be associated with an cardiac load from agitation and, in some cases, hypertension;
increased risk in cardiac patients. Is there any safe and effective potentially irreversible effects of the illness on the patient's
antidepressant for patients with heart disease ? life; hospitalization; and malnutrition. Whereas in most
patients with cardiac disorder, the relative risks can be readily
This question focuses on relative risks, and as two specialized assessed, in cases of doubt the appropriate antidepressant
fields are involved joint or triple consultation is often necessary should be introduced cautiously after admission to hospital
to provide an answer. The choice of antidepressant rests primarily so that any early effects can be seen clinically.

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