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Brainilanguage BX027L

The name of the invention

The name of this device is Brainilanguage, the first-generation prototype is the BX027L,
being a biomedical device has the phase 4 studies in clinical trials and approval by the FDA
and EMEA

Description of the invention

The product to be created is a nano processor implantable in the dermis, it is extremely
small and has the capacity to interact with the network of neurons of the person who has it
applied, when listening to a language different from the native one this stimulates the center
of the language "the arched fascicle of the brain, a beam of nervous fibers that connects the
auditory regions of the temporal lobe with the motor region located in the frontal lobe, in
the left hemisphere of the brain".

Description of how it can help you learn a language

This device stimulates neurons to interpret the sounds heard by channeling them to the
frontal cortex to be interpreted and understood and to generate long-term memory, as well
as the motor response by the temporal cortex.

The device is not for translation, it is for stimulation of the language center and learning, so
after having it for a while it can be removed, and the individual will keep what he has

The device can be implanted in any person after the 4 years that the neural network has
developed naturally.

Description of the technology it has:

The nano processor has biocompatible material, the nanotechnology is used to tailor the
size and the shape of this processor.

Its creation materials are recycled from the electronic waste of the plant, this is extracted
the minimum quantities of titanium, which is a biocompatible metal, as the device is nano,
only has measures of 3 x 9 millimeters.


Currently, LGD Bionanodivices Co. has it in production to be sold to the public at a low
cost of 15,000 US dollars.

LGD was born from the need to learn other languages from three Colombian entrepreneurs,
a chemical engineer, an electronic engineer and a doctor, who after seeing that they needed
to improve their fluency in English, took on the task of planning and designing this device.
in a short time this device will be on sale all over the planet, the resources derived from its
sale are implemented for the investment in the manufacture of this one and to contribute
with the cleaning of different hydric sources in all the planet that need to be renewed to
achieve the consumption of those that do not access easily to them.

By passing the reliability tests and having ruled out the possibility of a military espionage
device, or to extract personal information such as accounts and credit cards, it has been
approved for distribution.

This company is currently researching the creation of similar devices to treat Alzheimer's.

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