IR2008006 - Disclosure Documents

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Rachel Hallett





Kate Munro [] 10 December 2007 16:05

Erik Huggers

Andrew Scadding

Subject: Invitation to speak at the Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: Video on Demand, morning, 31 st January 2008

Dear Mr Huggers

Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: Video on Demand TI"ming: Morning, sr' January 2008

Venue: Westminster, SWI

I understand that you have already spoken with Andrew Scad ding about speaking at the Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: Video on Demand, being held on 3 1st January 2008. We would be delighted if you could join us for the event; please find further information below.

As first data begins to emerge on take-up ofVOD services being offered by major UK broadcasters, and with continuing discussion on the way that such services should be defined in terms of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, this seminar looks at the future prospects for the VOD market, and at developments in the regulatory regime.

This timely seminar will bring together key industry figures to examine the issues around the current and fUture market for VOD, business models and the implications ofVOD for linear broadcasters and advertisers.

We would be pleased to have you contribute to our first panel entitled Audiences, Programming and Business Models, the themes of which are:

• Where new VOD audiences are emerging;

• The programmes they are accessing and how they are accessing them,'

• The future prospects for VOD business models and income sources.

What is said is up to speakers themselves but your perspective on these issues would, no doubt, be of great interest to the audience.

Panelists are usually asked to make opening remarks of no more than 4 minutes. It may not sound like too long, but the expectation is for a concise set of opening points to update, and stimulate engagement with, the generally informed group in the room. We try to give as much time as possible to the floor to interact with the panel through comments and questions, moderated by the chair. Often it is this open discussion that brings out the most important insights on the issues being examined.

The initial agenda. including timings and panel themes. is pasted in below my signature for reference.

We are delighted that Jeremy Olivier, Head of Multimedia. Of com has agreed to deliver a keynote address.

Confirmed speakers so far include: Professor Patrick Barwise, Professor of Management and Marketing, Said Business School; Dr Damian Tambini, Lecturer, London School of Economics, Elizabeth Pilkin, Chair.

A TVOD; Laurence Harrison. Director of Content, Intellect UK; Steve Hewlett, Freelance Media Consultant; and Sarah Rose, Head ofVOD and Channel Development, 40D, John McVay, Chief Executive, PACT.

Chris Mole MP has kindly agreed to chair part of this seminar.


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We expect participants on the platform and in the audience to be a senior and informed group numbering about 100, including Members of both Houses of Parliament, officials from Of com and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and representatives of industry, interest groups, academia and the national

media. The events regularly receive prominent coverage in the national and trade press.

An important output from the day will be a briefing document produced immediately after the event. This includes all speeches, comments and questions, and PowerPoint slides, as well as articles submitted by delegates, the delegate list and speaker biographies. Based principally on transcripts, it is made available subject to strict restrictions on public use, similar to those for Select Committee Uncorrected Evidence, and is intended to provide timely information for the Parliamentarians, policy makers, organisations and individuals unable to attend on the day. It is also distributed to all delegates.

The document is compiled using unedited transcripts of the proceedings although we are happy to substitute prepared speakers' text or notes, or transcripts edited by speakers providing they can be sent within two days following the seminar.

As you know, the Westminster Media Forum is an impartial and cross-party organisation that has enjoyed considerable support from within Parliament and government. It organises senior level seminars on public policy in telecoms. The Forum has no policy agenda of its own. All events adhere to the Forum's core proposition of impartiality, not to the agenda of any sponsor. The Forum is unable to offer fees to speakers.

We cover our costs through the sale of modestly priced tickets to events and appropriate

sponsorship. Complimentary tickets are made available to parliamentarians, officials, the press and we discount as needed so no one is excluded on economic grounds. All events adhere to the WMF core proposition of impartiality, not to the agenda of any sponsor.

Please do contact me if you would like more information, or to discuss the matter further, via email or on

With kind regards,

Kate Munro

Kate Munro

Forum Lead, Westminster Media Forum Connaught House

22/24 Guildford Road

Bagshot, Surrey GU 19 5JN

The core sponsors of the Westminster Media Forum are: the British Broadcasting Corporation, Clifford Chance, ISBA - the Voice of British Advertisers, KPMG and Virgin Media.

The parliamentary patrons of the Westminster Media Forum and the Westminster eForum are: : Lord Alli, Baroness Anelay ofSt Johns, Viscount Astor, Lord Avebury, Rt Hon the Lord Barnett, Anne Begg MP, Henry Bellingham MP, John Bercow MP, Lord Bernstein of Craig wei I, Roger Berry MP, Lord Birt, Crispin Blunt MP, Baroness Bonham-Carter of Yarn bury, Tim Boswell MP, Rt Hon Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone, Lord Bragg, James Brokenshire MP, Chris Bryant MP, Richard Burden MP, Baroness Buscombe, Dr Vincent Cable MP, Alistair Carmichael MP, Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Christopher Chope MP, Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, Stephen Crabb MP, Rt Hon Baroness Dean ofThornton-le-Fylde, Jonathan Djanogly MP, Lord Dubs, Lord Eames, Louise Ellman MP, Natascha Engel MP, The Earl of Erroll, Nigel Evans MP, Michael Fabricant MP, Paul Farrelly MP, Don Foster MP, Roger Gale MP, Lord Gordon ofStrathblane, John Greenway MP, John Grogan MP, Mike Hancock MP, Nick Harvey MP, Lord Hastings of Scarisbrick, Charles Hendry MP, John Hemming MP, Lord Hollick, Paul Holmes MP, Baroness Howe of Idlicote CBE, Lord Inglewood, Huw Irranca-Davies MP, Brian Jenkins MP, Martyn Jones MP, Alan Keen MP, Rt Hon the Lord Kilclooney of Armagh, Julie Kirkbride MP, Norman Lamb MP, Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Professor the Lord Lewis ofNewnham, Lord Lipsey, Tony Lloyd MP, Tim Loughton MP, Peter LuffMP, The Lord Luke, Rt Hon the Lord Macdonald of Tradeston CBE, Fiona Mactaggart MP, Ann McKechin MP, Rosemary McKenna CBE MP, Anne McIntosh MP, Rt Hon the Lord McNally, Lord Maxton, Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, Rt Hon David Miliband MP, Andrew Miller MP, Maria Miller MP, Baroness Miller of Hendon MBE, Austin Mitchell MP, Chris Mole MP, Margaret Moran MP, Mark Oaten MP, Baroness O'Cathain OBE, Lembit Opik MP, Sandra Osborne MP, Dr Nick Palmer MP, Lord Patel, Adam Price MP, James Purnell MP, Lord Puttnam CBE, Baroness Rawlings,


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Professor the Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn, John Robertson MP, Andrew Rosindell MP, David Ruffley MP, Adrian Sanders MP, Andrew Selous MP, Rt Hon Lord Smith of Finsbury, Ian Stewart MP, Dr Howard Stoate MP, Jo Swinson MP, Hugo Swire MP, Ian Taylor MBE MP, Lord Taylor of Warwick, Viscount Tenby, Andrew Turner MP, Neil Turner MP, Rt Hon the Lord Wakeham, Robert Walter MP, John Whittingdale OBE MP, David Willetts MP, Phil Willis MP, Sir Nicholas Winterton MP, Phil Woolas MP, Derek Wyatt MP and Tim Yeo MP.

Please note parliamentarians take no financial interest in the forum.

Westminster Media Forum is a division of Westminster Forum Projects Limited. Registered in England & Wales No. 3856121.

This email and any attached files are intended solely for the use of the entity or individual to whom they are addressed. Opinions or views are those of the individual sender and, unless specifically stated, do not necessarily represent those of Westminster Forum Projects. If you have received this email in error please notify info(i/

Westrninster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: YOD Timing: 31"[ January 2008

Venue: WestmInster, SW I

Draft agenda subject to change

8.45 - 9.00

9.00 - 9.05

9.05 - 9.35

9.35 - 10.35


~hairman's opening remarks Chris Mole MP

The story so far

Theme: Impressions of the take-up and use of VIdeo on demand services. Service provider

Questions and comments from the floor

Audiences, Programming and Business Models

Theme: Where new VOD audiences are emerging, the programmes they are accessing and how they are accessing them. The future prospects for VOD business models and income sources.

Sarah Rose, Head ofYOD and Channel Development, 400

Professor Patrick Barwise, Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing, London Business School Steve Hewlett, Freelance Media Consultant, Broadcaster and Columnist, MediaGuardian

Senior Representative, Torrent community

Questions and comments from the floor

10.35 - 10.40 Chairman's closing remarks Chris Mole MP

10.40 - I I.I 0 Coffee

I I. 10 - I I. I 5 Chairman's opening remarks

Senior Parliamentarian

I I. I 5 - I 1.45 Keynote address

Theme: Keynote address on the regulatory outlook for VOD. Jeremy Olivier, Head of Convergent Media, Of com Questions and comments from the floor

I 1.45 - 12.45 YO D: Regulation, Rights Management and Technology

Themes: The special challenges VOD sets for regulation and the protection of vulnerable groups. Are the current self-regulatory initiatives adequate? How digital rights are managed and VIeWS on Ofi:om 5 policy suggestions. The future for VOD technology.

John Mc Yay, Chief Executive, Pact

Dr Damian T ambini, Senior Lecturer, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Elizabeth Filkin, Chair, The Association for Television On-Demand (ATYOD)

Laurence Harrison, Director, Consumer Electronics, Intellect UK

Questions and comments from the floor

12.45 - 12.50


Chairman's and WMF closing remarks Senior Parliamentarian


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Peter van Gelder, Director, Westminster Media Forum

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Rachel Hallett




Kate Munro [] 30 January 2008 11 :59

Andrew Scadding

Subject: FW: Westminster Media Forum keynote Seminar: Video on Demand, Tomorrow

Attachments: Local Government House map. pdf

Dear Andrew

Would you mind forwarding the message below to Erik Huggers? I don't seem to have his e-mail address.

Thanks and best wishes,


Kate Munro

Forum Lead, Westminster Media Forum

Dear Mr Huggers

I am writing with final information regarding tomorrow's Westminster Media Forum keynote seminar: Video on Demand. Below my signature is a copy of the final agenda (please note running order may have changed) and a list of attendees.

Could you please send me your mobile number in case any unexpected occurrences me that we need to contact you in the morning?

Just to remind you the seminar is taking place at Local Government House, Smith Square, London SWIP 3HZ. I have attached a map of the venue.

Registration starts at 08.45am for a 9.00am start. However I would ask you to arrive IS minutes before the start of your session.

I would also ask for you, as far as is possible, to stick to the allocated time for your remarks. This will allow as much time as possible for questions and comments from the floor.

If you have any problems please feel free to contact me on

or Peter van Gelder on

I look forward to meeting you tomorrow.

With best wishes


Kate Munro

Forum Lead, Westminster Media Forum Connaught House

22/24 Guildford Road

Bagshot, Surrey G U 19 5JN

\Y.!Y.\:Y .• !Y!;~!mln$j_cImed i a foru m. cQ,uk

The core sponsors of the Westminster Media Forum are: the British Broadcasting Corporation, Clifford Chance, ISBA - the Voice of British Advertisers, KPMG and Virgin Media.


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The parliamentary patrons of the Westminster Media Forum are: Lord Alii, Baroness Anelay ofSt Johns, Viscount Astor, Lord Avebury, Rt Hon the Lord Barnett, Anne Begg MP, Henry Bellingham MP, John Bercow MP, Lord Bernstein of Craig wei I, Roger Berry MP, Lord Birt, Crispin Blunt MP, Baroness Bonham-Carter of Yarn bury, Tim Boswell MP, Rt Hon Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone, Lord Bragg, James Brokenshire MP, Chris Bryant MP, Richard Burden MP, Baroness Buscornbe, Dr Vincent Cable MP, Alistair Carmichael MP, Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Christopher Chope MP, Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, Stephen Crabb MP, Rt Hon Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-Fylde, Jonathan Djanogly MP, Lord Dubs, Lord Eames, Louise Ellman MP, Natascha Engel MP, The Earl of Erroll, Nigel Evans MP, Michael Fabricant MP, Paul Farrelly MP, Don Foster MP, Roger Gale MP, Lord Gordon ofStrathblane, John Greenway MP, John Grogan MP, Mike Hancock MP, Nick Harvey MP, Lord Hastings of Scar is brick, John Hemming MP, Charles Hendry MP, Lord Hollick, Paul Holmes MP, Baroness Howe of Idlicote CBE, Lord Inglewood, Huw lrranca-Davies MP, Brian Jenkins MP, Martyn Jones MP, Alan Keen MP, Rt Hon the Lord Kilclooney of Armagh, Julie Kirkbride MP, Norman Lamb MP, Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Professor the Lord Lewis of Newnham, Lord Lipsey, Tony Lloyd MP, Tim Loughton MP, Peter LuffMP, The Lord Luke, Rt Hon the Lord Macdonald of Tradeston CBE, Fiona Mactaggart MP, Lord Maxton, Ann McKechin MP, Rosemary McKenna CBE MP, Anne Mcintosh MP, Rt Hon the Lord McNally, Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, Rt Hon David Miliband MP, Andrew Miller MP, Maria Miller MP, Baroness Miller of Hendon MBE, Austin Mitchell MP, Chris Mole MP, Margaret Moran MP, Mark Oaten MP, Baroness O'Cathain OBE, Lembit Opik MP, Sandra Osborne MP, Dr Nick Palmer MP, Lord Patel, Adam Price MP, James Purnell MP, Lord Puttnam CBE, Baroness Rawlings, Professor the Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn, John Robertson MP, Andrew Rosindell MP, David Ruffley MP, Adrian Sanders MP, Andrew Selous MP, Rt Hon Lord Smith of Finsbury, Ian Stewart MP, Dr Howard Stoate MP, Jo Swinson MP, Hugo Swire MP, Ian Taylor MBE MP, Lord Taylor of Warwick, Viscount Tenby, Andrew Turner MP, Neil Turner MP, Rt Hon the Lord Wakeham, Robert Walter MP, John Whittingdale OBE MP, David Willetts MP, Phil Willis MP, Sir Nicholas Winterton MP, Phil Woolas MP, Derek Wyatt MP and Tim Yeo MP. Please note: Parliamentary Patrons take no financial interest in the Forum.

Westminster Media Forum is a division of Westminster Forum Projects Limited. Registered in England & Wales No. 3856121.

This email and any attached files are intended solely for the use of the entity or individual to whom they are addressed. Opinions or views are those of the individual sender and, unless specifically stated, do not necessarily represent those of Westminster Forum Projects. If you have received this email in error please notify info({i)westminstertQ[

Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: Video on Demand

Timing: sr' January 2008

Venue: Local Government House, Smith Square, London SW I P 3HZ

Draft agenda subject to change

8,45 - 9.00


9.00 - 9.05

Chairman's opening remarks

Christopher Wynn, Editorial Director, New Media Markets

9.05 - 9.35

The story so far

Theme: Latest evidence on the take-up and use of video on demand services. Malcolm Wall, Chief Executive Officer, Content, Virgin Media Questions and comments from the floor

9.35 - 10.35

Audiences, Programming and Business Models

Theme: What on-demand content is being accessed and by whom? What do audiences want from VIdeo on demand? Current and future business models and revenue sources from VOD: Ad-funded; subscription-bssed, or Iree-ro-view? What impact will "Kangaroo" have on services for consumers, and on other providers' business models?

Sarah Rose, Head ofVOD and Channel Development, 400

Erik Huggers, Group Controller, Future Media & Technology, BBC

Roger Edmonds, Journalist and Forum Moderator and Administrator, UKNova

Steve Hewlett, Freelance Media Consultant, Broadcaster and Columnist, MediaGuardian Professor Patrick Barwise, Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing, London

Business School

Questions and comments from the floor

IO.35 - 10.40 Chairman's closing remarks

Christopher Wynn, Editorial Director, New Media Markets

10.40 - 11.10 Coffee

11.10 - I LIS Chairman's opening remarks

Ed Vaizey MP, Shadow Arts Minister

I I. I 5 - I 1.45 Regulation of video on demand: The view from Of com


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Theme: Keynote address on the regulatory outlook for VOD. Jeremy Olivier, Head of Convergent Media, Of com Questions and comments from the floor

11.45 - 12.45 VOD: Regulation, Rights Management and Technology

Themes: How can VOD content be regulated? Is self-regulation enough, or is statutory regulation needed' Where is VOD technology going, and can content, and consumers, be protected? Elizabeth Elkin, Chair, The Association for Television On-Demand (ATVOD)

John Mcv'ay, Chief Executive, Pact

Laurence Harrison, Director, Consumer Electronics, Intellect UK

Dr Damian T ambini, Senior Lecturer, London School of Economics and Political Science


Questions and comments from the floor

12.45 - 12.50 Chairman's and WMF closing remarks Ed Vaizey MP, Shadow Arts Minister

Peter van Gelder, Director, Westminster Media Forum

Sarah Rose Head of VOD and Channel Development 40D
Matt Yardley Principal Consultant, Head of Broadband and Analysis
Ian Sparham Director Andrew Irving Associates
Mark Finch Vice President, Europe Artesia Digital Media Group
Ben Allgrove Associate Baker & McKenzie
Rahul Chakkara Controller, TV Platforms BBC
Eric Huggers Group Controller, Future Media and Technology BBC
Troy Platforms Executive, Multiplatform & Portfolio BBC
Cassandra Power Communications Manager, Future Media and BBC
Cathryn Orton Strategy Analyst BBC Trust
Simon Harper Partner Berwin Leighton Paisner
Marzenna Czubowicz Vice President, Sales, Western Europe Beyond Distribution
Jessica Scott-Roper Student Birmingham City University
Tony Woode Broadcast Engineering Manager Box TV
Judith Sullivan Consultant British Screen Advisory Council
Murray Weston Chief Executive British Universities Film and Video Coun
Lavinia Carey Director General British Video Association
Robin Parker Deputy News Editor Broadcast 20102/2008

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Nigel Walmsley Chairman Broadcasters' Audience Research Boare
Nikki Bentley Group Head of Marketing Bruce Dunlop & Associates
James Moody Head of Strategy & Off-Air Marketing Bruce Dunlop & Associates
Daniel Austin Senior Legal Advisor BSkyB
Kenny Curry Legal Advisor BSkyB
Stephen Gaynor Corporate Communications BSkyB
Jason Hughes Deputy Head of Editorial Policy BSkyB
Edwin Mayer Principal Legal Advisor BSkyB
Emma McCormack Senior Legal Advisor BSkyB
Paolo Palmigiano Head of Competition Law BT
Ian Moss Head of Content Acquisition BT Vision
Ed Hall Chairman & Chief Executive Canis Media Group
Neil Pepin Deputy Head of Legal and Compliance Channel 4
Hayley Smith Compliance Manager Channel 4
Kristoffer Hammer Editorial Standards Manager Clearcast
Tamara Huggett Copy Development Manager Clearcast
Kirsty Foy Lawyer, Communications, Media & Technology Clifford Chance
Daniel Sandelson Partner Clifford Chance
Tom Frederikse Solicitor Clintons
Catherine Thomas Code Policy Executive Committee of Advertising Practice
Brian Healy Assistant Secretary Communication Workers Union
David Happy Head of EU Regulation Communications Management Associati
David Harrington Head, Requlatory Affairs Communications Management Associati
Andrea Vassou Reporter Computeractive
Terry Freedman Editor Computers in Classrooms
Lee Marriott Financial & Commercial Director Cosgrove Hall Films
Ingrid Silver Partner Denton Wilde Sapte
Adrian Brazier Head, Creative Industries Policy Department for Business, Enterprise ant
Regulatory Reform
Tim Gettins Policy Advisor, Digital Content Policy Department for Business, Enterprise ant 20102/2008

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Regulatory Reform
Nigel Hickson lCT EU Policy Department for Business, Enterprise aru
Regulatory Reform
Mike Klym Assistant Director Department for Business, Enterprise aru
Regulatory Reform
Jean- Sahel Deputy Director, Service Industries Department for Business, Enterprise am
Jacques Regulatory Reform
Chris Bone Head of International Broadcasting Policy, Department for Culture, Media and Spor
Broadcasting Policy Division
Stuart Brand DSHS Help Scheme Manager, Digital Switchover Department for Culture, Media and Spor
Alastair Dougans Policy Advisor Department for Culture, Media and Spor
Moira Goatley Head, Content and Regulation, Broadcasting Department for Culture, Media and Spor
Policy Division
Karl Jagdis Project Manager, AVMS Department for Culture, Media and Spor
Kate Jones Deputy Head, International Broadcasting Policy Department for Culture, Media and Spor
Natasha Pavey International Broadcasting Policy Adviser Department for Culture, Media and Spor
James Venus Policy Advisor Department for Culture, Media and Spor
Simon White Senior Policy Manager, Broadcasting Policy Department for Culture, Media and Spor
Will Stengel Editorial and Services Director Directgov
Andrew Yeates General Counsel Educational Recording Agency
Ian Maude Analyst Enders Analysis
John Barclay Independent TV Organiser Equity
Alison Duncan Partner Ernst & Young
Osman Sabir Consultant Ernst & Young
David Lewis Spokesman European Broadcasting Union
Andrew Keyte Managing Director FilmFlex Movies
Bill Brown Broadcast Operations Manager Five
Kieran Clifton Head of Strategy Five
Angela Mallin Assistant Operations Manager Five
Vic Keegan Editor, Technology Section The Guardian
Paul Cohen Director of Legal & Business Affairs Hat Trick Productions
Sophie Bradshaw Senior Associate Herbert Smith
Dan Abernethy Researcher to Ed Vaizey MP House of Commons 20102/2008

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Daniel Dyball Committee Specialist, Culture, Media and Sport House of Commons
Select Committee
Ed Vaizey MP Shadow Minister for Culture House of Commons
Baroness Bonham-Carter Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Culture, House of Lords
of Yarnbury Media and Sport
Baroness Howe of Idlicote House of Lords
Karen Brooks Director HowTo.TV
Laurence Harrison Director, Consumer Electronics Intellect UK
Rex Winsbury Editor Intermedia
Kieron Matthews Head of Marketing Internet Advertising Bureau
Guy Phillipson Chief Executive Officer Internet Advertising Bureau
Jack Wallington Programmes Manager Internet Advertising Bureau
Neale Dennett Head of Commercial, Interactive lTV
Oliver Foster Regulatory & Public Affairs Manager lTV
Richard Waterworth Brand Controller, lTV Consumer lTV
Meredith Phillips Legal Counsel Jetix Europe
Laura Oliver News Reporter
Kate Maloney Account Director kae: marketing intelligence
Richard Bawden Partner KPMG
Professor Barwise Emeritus Professor of Management and London Business School
Patrick Marketing
Daren Forsyth Director of Innovation and New Media Media Trust
Colin Grimshaw Deputy Editor Media Week
Steve Hewlett Freelance Media Consultant, Broadcaster and MediaGuardian
Pippa Smith Co-Founder mediamarch
Paul Fleming Senior Associate Mediatique
Matthew Davies Digital Product Manager MEN Media
Paul Cox Director of Commercial Services Mike Colling and Company
Thomas Dillon Vice President & Deputy General Counsel, EMEA Motion Picture Association
Jeff Clarkson Chief Financial Officer Music Choice
Margot Daly Chief Executive Officer Music Choice
Chris Johnstone Head of Legal Music Choice 20102/2008

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Ashley McDougall Audit Manager National Audit Office
Russell Armstrong General Manager, Muxco National Grid Wireless
Andrew Woodcock Account Director, Muxco National Grid Wireless
lain Logie Baird Curator of Television National Media Museum
Nic Howell Deputy & Features Editor New Media Age
Julia Glotz Reporter New Media Markets
Christopher Wynn Editorial Director New Media Markets
Mark Bennett Digital Inclusion Project Manager Northern Ireland Executive
Lauren Cleverley Licensing Executive Of com
Tom Loosemore Senior Advisor, Digital Media Of com
Claire Lyons Spectrum Policy Manager Of com
David Mahoney Chief Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer Of com
Carmel McLaughlin Head of TV Licensing Of com
Jeremy Olivier Head of Convergent Media Of com
Chris Owen Of com
Roger Darlington Panel Member Of com Consumer Panel
Tony Moran Head of Media and Sustainable Development Ofwat
Ewan Watson Associate Olswang
Nick Green Head of TV Programming On Demand Group
Sarah Shepherd Regulatory Analyst Orange
Inigo Wilson Regulatory Policy Advisor Orange
Carla Basso Associate Osborne Clarke
Andrew Chowns Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Business Pact
John McVay Chief Executive Pact
Nick Underhill Interactive Media Executive Pact
Bill Gash Consultant Partners in Television
Paul Whiteing Director of Policy & Innovation PhonepayPlus
John Angeli Multimedia Editor Press Association 20102/2008

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Sharon Stotts Director PricewaterhouseCoopers
James Bryson Qmedia Associate Director Quaestor Research and Marketing Strat
Caroline Rushton Qmedia Research Director Quaestor Research and Marketing Strat
Adam Poulter Executive Commercial Director Red Bee Media
Stewart Jones Director of Business Development Redstone
Sarah Clarke Associate, ATM Group Reed Smith Richards Butler
Gregor Pryor Associate, ATM Group Reed Smith Richards Butler
Michael Skrein Partner Reed Smith Richards Butler
Jaron Lewis Partner Reynolds Porter Chamberlain
Charlotte Street Director of Commercial Affairs Ricochet
Debbie Hurley Statistics and QC Manager RSMB Television Research
Noel O'Sullivan Chief Statistician RSMB Television Research
Karina Carroll Content Executive RTf:
Marcus O'Doherty Technology Development Manager RTE Publishing
Anna Home Chair Save Kids' TV
Wendy Mitchell Senior Editor Screen International
Tom McClelland Sales Director for Outright Distribution Shed Media
Hannah Wardale Solicitor SJ Berwin
Riad Hawa Content & Services Development Manager Sony UK
Jeremy Mayhew Partner Spectrum Value Partners
Alex Lutzus Tartan Films
Stewart Clarke Editorial Director TBI Magazine, TV International
Anna Lagerkvist News Reporter
Megan Edwards Reporter TV International and TVI Daily
Elizabeth Filkin Chair The Association for Television On-Derns
Alexa Baracaia Arts and Entertainment Editor The London Paper
Dr Damian Tambini Senior Lecturer The London School of Economics and P
Science (LSE)
Carolyn Dailey Vice President & Senior Strategic Advisor Public Time Warner
Policy, Europe
Alex Hole Commercial & Media Director Tiscali UK 20102/2008

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Jon Salmon Head of Broadband Content Tiscali UK
Roger Edmonds Torrent Community
Neil Watson Strategy Advisor UK Film Council
Denise Gonzales Account Manager, ICT UK Trade & Investment
Paul Ansorge UKNova
Adrian Boyd UKNova
Andrew Clover UKNova
Dave Lawrence UKNova
Ray Parnell UKNova
Oliver Fueg PhD Student University of Exeter
Grahame Fowler Head of Compliance Virgin Media
Malcolm Wall Chief Executive Officer, Content Virgin Media
Gavin Harin Research Voice of the Listener and Viewer
Kelly Harrison Business Development Manager, New Media and VT Communications
IP Services
Chris Law Managing Director and Senior Vice President, UK Warner Bros Entertainment
and Eire
Stephen Horn Chief Executive Officer WebsEdge
Maggie Brown Freelance Journalist
Ray Gallagher Specialist Advisor to the Culture, Media and Sport
Select Committee
Dick Hobbs Freelance Commentator 20102/2008

Erik Huggers - Westminster Media Forum

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Rachel Hallett

From: Cassandra Power

Sent: 31 January 200814:27

To: Andrew Scadding

Subject: FW: Erik Huggers - Westminster Media Forum

Again required?

From: Kate Munro i

Sent: 29 January 2008 15:56 To: Cassandra Power

Subject: RE: Erik Huggers - Westminster Media Forum

Hi Cassandra,

r f you could send me over the power-point tomorrow that would be preferable. This way we can check that there are no cornpatabiliry issues with the laptop that all slides will be stored on.

Let me know if this is going to be problematic for you.

Regarding your attendance, you are very welcome to attend with Erik for the session that he will be contributing too. I'm afraid the seminar is already fully booked and we are now turning away delegates, so I am not able to invite you for the whole morning.

I'm sorry about this but, as I say, you are welcome to attend for the panel session up to I0.40am.

Kind regards,


Kale Munro

Forum Lead, Westminster Media Forum

From: Cassandra Power Sent: 29 January 2008 11:48 To: Kate Munro [MF]

Subject: Erik Huggers - Westminster Media Forum

Hi Kate,

Just to say we are just putting final touches to Erik's 5 minute speech for Thursday. At present there may be just one powerpoint slide required but just making final checks. If we do go ahead with slide is tomorrow ok to get it over to you or can we bring on memory stick?

One final question would it be ok for me to attend with Erik? It will just be for his session, I just need to be across the questions etc from a comms perspective.

Andrew Scadding mentioned that there is usually a spare pass for speaker so this shouldn't be a problem.

Kind regards


Erik Huggers - Westminster Media Forum

Page 20f2


Cassandra Power

Communications Manager Future Media and Technology

BC5 C4 I Broadcast Centre I The Media Village 1201 Wood Lane I W127TP

This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.

If you have received it in error, please delete it from your system.

Do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way nor act in reliance on it and notify the sender immediately.

Please note that the BBC monitors e-mails sent or received. Further communication will signify your consent to this.


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Rachel Hallett

Cassandra Power

31 January 2008 14:24 Andrew Scadding

FW: Information for speakers about the Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar:

Video on Demand

Attachments: Local Government House map. pdf





Might not be of use

From: Jenny Rata

Sent: 17 January 2008 11:21 To: Cassandra Power

Subject: FW: Information for speakers about the Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: Video on Demand

Cass - give me a call when you are ready to discuss. Thanks.

From: Andrew Scadding Sent: 16 January 2008 19:54 To: Erik Huggers & Assistant

Subject: FW: Information for speakers about the Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: Video on Demand

From: Kate Munro

Sent: 14 January 2008 13:46 To: Andrew Scadding

Cc: Katie Osgood; Peter van Gelder

Subject: Information for speakers about the Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: Video on Demand

Dear Andrew

I would be most grateful if you could pass the following information on to Mr Huggers. regarding his participation in our seminar: Video on Demand.

Kind regards


Kate Munro

Forum Lead. Westminster Media Forum

Dear Mr Huggers

Many thanks again for agreeing to participate in this important event. Below are some particulars for your information. I will be sending you a list of delegates the day before the seminar.


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Please reply to this email to conflffil receipt


I have attached the latest version of the agenda below my signature and an updated,liye;lgenda for this seminar is available at our website (please check this to make sure you are happy with the way we are styling you). Do note that this agenda may be subject to unexpected change on the day.


The venue for this seminar will be: Local Government House, Smith Square, London, SWIP 3HZ. Please find a map attached for your reference. The closest train and tube stations are Westminster (Jubilee or District and Circle lines), Victoria (main line suburban rail services, District, Circle, and Victoria lines), Waterloo (main line suburban rail services, Northern, Bakerloo and Jubilee Lines) and Vauxhall (main line suburban rail services, Northern and Bakerloo Lines).


We hope that you can stay with us for the entire seminar, but please can you arrive for your session no later than 9.20am. As a courtesy to other speakers, and to delegates who will want to ask questions, please restrict your speech to four to five minutes in length. Ample time has been set aside for questions and comments from the floor on the panel following opening remarks.

Your session

Your session starts at 9.35am. At this time, following Malcolm Wall's questions and comment session, you and your fellow panellists will move to sit at the top table on the stage. You should be clear by IO.35am.

Other speakers

The other speakers on your panel are: Sarah Rose, Head ofVOD and Channel Development, 40D: Professor Patrick Barwise, Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing, London Business School; Roger Edmonds, Torrent community; and Steve Hewlett, Freelance Media Consultant, Broadcaster and Columnist, MediaGuardian.

If you would like to be put in touch with any of them, in order to coordinate your presentations for this event, please do let us know and we will be happy to pass your email address and/or phone number on.

All speakers will speak in the order that they appear on the agenda.

Contact details

I would be grateful if you could let me have your mobile telephone contact number in case of emergency. If you have any problems on the day please contact me on

T ravel expenses

Westminster Media Forum is unable to assist speakers with any travel or accommodation costs.

Audio visual

If you would like to use PowerPoint slides to accompany your four to five minute speech, please let us have these in advance of the seminar. It may not be possible to include them on the day.

For the seminar publications

An uncorrected document will be distributed to all attendees and offered to further policy makers and parliamentarians within a few days of the seminar. It will include unedited transcripts of all speeches and questions and answers sessions from the day, along with speaker biographies, an agenda and sponsor information. It is made available subject to strict restrictions on public use, similar to those for Select Committee Uncorrected Evidence, and is intended to provide timely information for interested parties who are


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unable to attend on the day.

If you would prefer us to use a prepared text in this document, please do let me know as soon as possible, and email February.

I look forward to meeting you on the morning of the 31st January. If you have any turrher queries in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards


Kate Munro

Forum Lead, Westminster Media Forum Connaught House

22124 Guildford Road

Bagshot, Surrey GU 19 5JN

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Bryant MP, Richard Burden MP, Baroness Buscombe, Dr Vincent Cable MP, Alistair Carmichael MP, Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Christopher Chope MP, Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, Stephen Crabb MP, Rt Hon Baroness Dean of Thornton-Ie-Fylde, Jonathan Djanogly MP, Lord Dubs, Lord Eames, Louise Ellman MP, Natascha Engel MP, The Earl of Erroll, Nigel Evans MP, Michael Fabricant MP, Paul Farrelly MP, Don Foster MP, Roger Gale MP, Lord Gordon of Strathblane, John Greenway MP, John Grogan MP, Mike Hancock MP, Nick Harvey MP, Lord Hastings of Scar is brick, John Hemming MP, Charles Hendry MP, Lord Hollick, Paul Holmes MP, Baroness Howe ofldlicote CBE, Lord Inglewood, Huw Irranca-Davies MP, Brian Jenkins MP, Martyn Jones MP, Alan Keen MP, Rt Hon the Lord Kilclooney of Armagh, Julie Kirkbride MP, Norman Lamb MP, Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Professor the Lord Lewis ofNewnham, Lord Lipsey, Tony Lloyd MP, Tim Loughton MP, Peter LuffMP, The Lord Luke, Rt Hon the Lord Macdonald of Trades ton CBE, Fiona Mactaggart MP, Lord Maxton, Ann McKechin MP, Rosemary McKenna CBE MP, Anne Mcintosh MP, Rt Hon the Lord McNally, Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, Rt Hon David Miliband MP, Andrew Miller MP, Maria Miller MP, Baroness Miller of Hendon MBE, Austin Mitchell MP, Chris Mole MP, Margaret Moran MP, Mark Oaten MP, Baroness O'Cathain OBE, Lembit Opik MP, Sandra Osborne MP, Dr Nick Palmer MP, Lord Patel, Adam Price MP, James Purnell MP, Lord Puttnam CBE, Baroness Rawlings, Professor the Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn, John Robertson MP, Andrew Rosindell MP, David Ruffley MP, Adrian Sanders MP, Andrew Selous MP, Rt Hon Lord Smith ofFinsbury, Ian Stewart MP, Dr Howard Stoate MP, Jo Swinson MP, Hugo Swire MP, Ian Taylor MBE MP, Lord Taylor of Warwick, Viscount Tenby, Andrew Turner MP, Neil Turner MP, Rt Hon the Lord Wakeham, Robert Walter MP, John Whittingdale OBE MP, David Willetts MP, Phil Willis MP, Sir Nicholas Winterton MP, Phil Woolas MP, Derek Wyatt MP and Tim Yeo MP. Please note: Parliamentary Patrons take no financial interest in the Forum.

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Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: Video on Demand Timing: 3 I" January 2008

Venue: Local Government House, Smith Square, London, SWIP 3HZ

Draft agenda subject to change

8.45 - 9.00


9.00 - 9.05

Chairman's opening remarks Senior Parliamentarian

9.05 - 9.35

The story so far

Theme: Latest evtdencc on the take-up and use of video on demand services. Malcolm Wall. Chief Executive Officer. Content. Virgin Media Questions and comments from the floor


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9.35 - 10.35

Audiences, Programming and Business Models

Theme: What on-demand content is being accessed and by whom? What do audiences want Irom Video on demand? Current and future business models and revenue sources Irom VOD: Ad-funded; subscription-based; or Irce-ro-view. What impact will "Kangaroo" have on services for consumers, and on other providers' business models?

Sarah Rose, Head ofVOD and Channel Development, 400

Erik Huggers, Group Controller, Future Media and Technology, BBC

Professor Patrick Barwise, Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing, London Business School Roger Edmonds, Torrent community

Steve Hewlett, Freelance Media Consultant, Broadcaster and Columnist, MediaGuardian Questions and comments from the floor

10.35 - 10.40 Chairman's closing remarks Senior Parliamentarian

IO.40 - I I.IO Coffee

I!. IO - I!. 1 5 Chairman's opening remarks Senior Parliamentarian

11. 1 5 - II.45 Keynote address

Theme: Keynote address on the regulatory outlook for VOD. Jeremy Olivier, Head of Convergent Media, Of com Questions and comments from the floor

1 I.4S - 12.45 VOD: Regulation, Rights Management and Technology

Themes: How can VOD content be regulated? Is self-regulation enough, or is statutory regulation needed? What are the options for digital rights management (DRM)? Are Oicom 5 policy suggestions for DRM enough, or is more action needed? Is technology the answer to DRM content protection? Where is VOD technology going, and can content, and consumers, be protected?

Elizabeth Filkin, Chair, The Association for Television On-Demand (ATVOD) John McVay, Chief Executive, Pact

Laurence Harrison, Director, Consumer Electronics, Intellect UK

Dr Damian T ambini, Senior Lecturer, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Questions and comments from the floor

12.45 - 12.50 Chairman's and WMF closing remarks Senior Parliamentarian

Peter van Gelder, Director, Westminster Media Forum


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