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The music: a new language

First, what is music? Well, it´s the art of changing sounds for mediums of vibrations.
Today, we know the music like a new language, an universal language. Now, we talk about
musical notes, there are 7 notes, C – D – E – F – G – A – B , in Spanish do, re, mi, fa , sol , la and
si. Also there is the staff; it has 5 lines and 5 spaces.
To be able to read music we must know that:

We have the clefs, the mas common is the treble clef (clef is a word in French and the
pronuntation is “cle”) or G key and the bass clef.

Also there are the musical figures:

 Whole note which has 4 times
 Half note which has 2 times
 Quarter note which has 1 time
 Eighth note which has half time
Every note has a respective rest.

The music genres are depending of the time signature, we have 4/4, ¾, 2/2, 6/8, etc.… with the
time signature we can do the different types of music.
Now, we have the measures that is where depending the time signature there are the note
The musical notes can be sharp (sostenido), flat (bemol) or natural. Also exist the tie (ligadura); it
is for every note whit tie sound as one.

Also we have the sounds characters or sound qualities:

 Frequency: is the musical pitch between 2 notes.
 Timbre: is the color, the different between 2 instruments.
 Intensity: is the volumen with an instrument is played.
 Range: is the distance between 2 notes.
We can state with music happy, sad, melancholy, anger and many more feelings. Everything
depends on what we want to express.

To finish I want you to know that: everytime, we play music when we walk, speak or when we

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