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How to Make Table Use Blender App

Blender is a 3D computer graphics software program for developing animated movies,

visual effects, 3D games, and software. It offers many features including 3D modeling,
texturing, rigging, skinning, fluid, smoke simulation, animation, rendering, and video editing.

Blender was originally developed by NeoGeo and Not a Number Technologies in 1998
and was licensed as shareware. It is available for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux
operating systems. It functions best on a system with a 2 GHz dual or quad-core processor, 8
or more GB RAM, a FireGL or Quadro video card, and a monitor that supports 1920x1200

Now follow the instruction to make table use blender app:

1. Make sure the Blender app is installed on the PC or laptop.

2. Click file+new or ctrl+n on the keyboard. Once you go on that application you’re going to
see a cube like picture 1. Pick on the cube’s object (mouse’s right click)-click s. Then,
redirect it X/Y/Z (just to scroll over to the mouse and get it).

Picture 1

3. Just press the S+Z so to cube will be flat and long, and press the S+Y to spread out the
object like picture 2.

Picture 2
4. To edit that board, go to “edit mode” press ‘tab’ until the object turns yellow, like the
following picture 3.

Picture 3

5. Draw the line to make it easier for you to form a table leg. Plot a direct line Z by pressing
ctrl+r and scroll on the mouse to form a purple line, and then click enter.

Picture 4

6. Select section that will be used to make table legs “face select” (ctrl+tab – face select)
like picture 4. Then, lower the object part (just get the scroll on the mouse and scroll down
with the object). Select every angle of the object to make a table leg “shift+click right”
like picture 5.

Picture 5
7. Pull those parts that have been selected by pressing the letter “e” and acclimationing the
height to our liking, like picture 6.

Picture 6

8. Back to “mode object” by pressing “tab”.

Picture 7

9. Click “world” overlay the screen to overcolor the object and background, like picture 8.

Picture 8

10. Press “numpad 0” to change the camera’s point of view, click right on break line to turn
yellow “shift+f”.

11. We render the object look like a 3D (click render – render image or type F12).

12. Finally, ctrl+s to keep.

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