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8. In line 1, “ambition” is nearest in meaning to . . .

a) Aspiration
b) Indolence
c) Indifference
d) Apathy

Passage 8
In 1920, after some thirty- nine years of problems with disease high costs, and
politics, the Panama Chanal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and
Pasicific Ocean by allowing ships to pass through the fifty- mile chanal zone instead
of traveling some seven thousands miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship
upproximately eight hours to complete the trip through the chanal and costs an
average of fifteen thousands dollars, one teenth of what it would cost an avarage
ship to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousands ships pass through its locks
each years.

The French initiated the project but should their right to the United States, which
actually began the construction of the project. The latter will control it until the end of
the twentienth century Panama teks over its duties.

9. The word “ locked” in line 10 can be best replaced by . . .

a) Securities
b) Latches
c) Lakes
d) Chanal gates

Passage 9
Hot boning is an energy- suving technique for the meat processing indusrty. It has
received significant attention in recent years when increased pressure for energy
concervation has accentuated the need for more efficient methods of processing the
bovine carcass. Cooling an entire carcass liquires a considerable amount of
refrigerated space, since bone and trimmable fath ar cooled along with the muscle.
It is also necessary to space the carcasses adequately in the refrigerated room for
better air movement and prefention of microbial contamination, thus adding to the
volume riquirements for carcass chillers.

Conventional handling of meat involves holding the beef sides in the cooler for 24 to
36 hours before boning. Chilling in the traditional fashion is also associated with
aloss of charcass weight ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent due to evaporation of
moisture from the meat tissue.

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