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Denise Aguilera

ECE 251


1. School​: Watson Elementary Telephone​: 702-799-7040

2. Teacher​: Mrs. Glaze Age/Grade​: 5-6 yrs/Kindergarten

3. The number of children enrolled​: 20

4. Centers​: The teacher has 5 centers with 4 children in each center. She changes

each center throughout the year to keep it with the lessons that are being taught.

The students also rotate centers every 10 minutes.

a. Center 1​: Addition with RekNRek’s and with cards. The students use the

cards or RekNRek’s to add the numbers shown on the cards.

b. Center 2​: Missing numbers cards. The students are to find the missing

numbers and fill in the blanks.

c. Center 3​: The students work with the teacher at the kidney table.

d. Center 4​: This center allows the students to be on the Ipads. They an

option of listening to online books, to better their fluency, or do online

lessons for Iready.

e. Center 5​: Alphabet dice. The students get 3 dice and roll the dice. They

are to figure out if the word they rolled is a real CVC word or a fake CVC

5. Floor plan​:


a. Arrangement of physical space​:

i. Divided areas​: The areas are not really divided, but each table

serves as a center.

ii. Clear pathways​: Between each table, the children and teacher have

plenty of space to move around and get where they need to.

iii. Centers allowing for easy supervision​: The teacher can sit at the

kidney table while working with the students and has a clear view of

the other children.

iv. Activities enjoyed by individuals or a group​: Each center has 4

students in them. The children have the option of working

individually or working together as a group or with a partner.

v. Modify areas throughout the year​: The teacher changes the centers

throughout the year to go with lessons being taught.

b. Learning materials, equipment, and furniture​:

i. Materials are appropriate for their developmental level​: During

centers, there are ipads, paper plates, and whiteboard markers

being used as materials for centers

ii. Materials children can use on their own​: Paper and pencils are

given to students to do assignments with the teacher.

iii. Materials and equipment are safe and clean​: The tables and chairs

are clean and at the students level. The floor is also kept clean. The

materials are at a level for the children and there are not things

above their heads that could fall on them.

iv. Enough indoor space​: There is enough space for the children to

move around the room without having to bump into one another or


v. Enough furniture for care, play, and learning​: Rectangular tables

and chairs are set out in the classroom for the children to sit and


c. Storage of materials and equipment​:

i. Store materials where children can reach them:​ There are separate

baskets with materials already set out on the table for the children

during whole group instruction time.

ii. Use containers that are see-through​: Baskets and ziplock bags are

used during centers to keep all the materials together.

iii. Materials consistently stored in the same place​: The materials for

everyday lessons are set out on the table for the children to have

constant access to them throughout the day. For centers time, the

teacher has the materials taken out from a shelf and sets them on

the tables.

d. Other elements of the physical environment​: There are 5 small square

windows that let natural sunlight in. The teacher has 4 blue light covers

over the ceiling lights that are in the middle of the classroom. She has 1

closet door and a connecting door to the classroom next door. She also

has 1 door that connects to the main hallway of the school. She has a sink

with a water fountain and storage space underneath.

7. ​Diversity​: The teacher has children mixed in each group. She did not place

children together due to race, behavior, or intelligence. The teacher herself is a

woman of color and did not treat children differently from one another. All the

children were treated with the same respect.

a. Classroom in action​: The children went from one center to another with

ease. They knew where their next center was and cleaned up their table

before moving to the next. During centers, the children would help their

classmates. Some children decided to team up and work together. The

children also encouraged one another while they were working.

b. Evaluation​: The teacher did a good job of working with the group of

children she had while making sure that other children were doing as

needed. There was a child who was misbehaving while other students

were letting the child know not to misbehave and the teacher was able to

clearly see what the child was doing and gave the child a warning.


a. Rating​: I would rate the teacher a 4. There is enough space around the

class for the teacher to set up a center or two on the floor and not use all

centers at the table. The teacher does a great job of listening to other

children while also working with a group and making sure that everyone is

doing their work. She also never raised her voice towards the children.

b. Strengths and weaknesses​: A strength that I noticed while observing the

class is that the children all like helping out their classmates. Many of the

children like collaborating with one another and enjoy it. Another strength

is that the teacher also does a good job of making sure that her ‘tough’

student does not take up all her time and continues in educating the rest

of the class. I did not see a weakness while observing the class.
c. Improvements​: I would like to see the teacher improve with the extra

spacing around the classroom. There are a variety of things she can do for

the children with the extra space that lets them sit, or lay, on the floor, and

not only sit on a chair or stand. There are also a variety of objects that the

teacher can use in her classroom to make the classroom more lively and

fun to be in.

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