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Week 37 Class 4 DELIMA Time 7.45 a.m – 8.45 a.m 

Day Sunday Attendance      
Date Lesson 81 Focus Listening

Theme Topic
World of Knowledge MODULE 6 : GETTING AROUND

Language/ Grammar focus Imperative statements (positive & negative)

Main Content Standard 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds

Main Learning Standard 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range of target language phonemes

Com. Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Com. Learning Standard 2.1.4 Give reasons for simple predictions

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

listen and sing the song in group

Success Criteria: Pupils can

give at least 3 reasons to follow street safety rules.
21st Century Activities & Assessment
Resources i-Think/ HOTS CCE / EE
Pair / Group Discussion Textbook, speaker, flashcards,
map Values Task

Task . Analysis . Observation

Learning Outline
Pre-lesson Teacher displays flashcards and pupils repeat after teacher.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Have ppls open their SB pg 59 and directs ppls attention to vocabulary 1. Elicits the pupils about street safety as
section. Ppls point and repeat the words. their learn in the song.
2. Refers to the pictures around the lyric/song, elicits the ppls. 2. Discuss the reasons to follow street
3. Teacher plays the song CD 2 track 3. Ppls listen and guess if the pupils in safety rules.
the pictures follow the street safety rules.
4. Play the song again and check the answer. Sing the song together.

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : click and choose reason here>>

Week  37 Class  6 DELIMA Time 10.45 A.M -11.45 A.M 

Day Sunday Attendance      
Date   Lesson Focus Grammar

Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends A Heart of Gold
Language/ Grammar focus Conjunction

5.1 use different word classes correctly and appropriately.

Content Standard
1.1 pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress,rhythm and intonation

5.1.4 Able to use conjunctions correctly and appropriately: (a) although (b) since
Learning Standard
1.1.4 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

talk about related topic with guidance.

Success Criteria :Pupils can

Identify 5 out of 8 and know to use conjunction.

21st Century Activities & Skills Resources   CCE / EE Assessment

Gallery Walk Textbook Bubble Map Questions
Multiple Intelligences
  Communication Flashcards . Observation
Contextual Learning

Learning Outline
1.Teacher displays a set of words and asks pupils to rearrange for correct
sentence.(refer sample sentence).
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher introduces the lesson and elicits from the pupils. 1.Pupils complete the sentences in the tb page 48. Class
2.Teacher explains the use of conjunction although and
since, elicits from the pupils. 2.Teacher drills and asks pupils to read the sentences
3.Teacher asks quiz/questions based on interactive ppt.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

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