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Chemical Papers (2018) 72:1535–1542


External magnetic field influence on magnetite and cobalt‑ferrite

nano‑particles in ferrofluid
Milorad M. Kuraica1 · Predrag Iskrenović1 · Marko Perić2   · Ivan Krstić1 · Aleksandar S. Nikolić3

Received: 21 September 2017 / Accepted: 30 December 2017 / Published online: 30 January 2018
© Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2018

Using simple optical measurements, the selective spectral behavior of suspended nano-particles of magnetite ­(Fe3O4) and
cobalt-ferrite ­(CoFe2O4) coated with starch, was observed through switching on/off of external magnetic field. The field
strength was varied in the interval 30–300 mT. In these transient regimes, the unexpected and unusually large changes of
transmitted light occur. An explanation is suggested, within the model based on ordering of magnetic moments of nano-
particles along the lines of magnetic field into magnetic chains and organization of magnetic chains into spatial structure—a
quasi-lattice. This fact indicates the possibility of more efficient local heating of nano-particles in the fast changing magnetic
field; for instance when taking magnetic nano-particles for therapeutic purposes.

Keywords  Cobalt-ferrite nano-particles · White light transmittance · Laser irradiation

Introduction access different bio-molecules with little spatial obstacles.

Nanometer-sized biocompatible MNPs exhibiting enhanced
Nanometer-scale magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have retention by vascularized tumors are ideal for selective tumor
attracted widespread attention due to the rapidly increasing accumulation. MNPs can interact with an external magnetic
number and variety of their applications such as catalysis field gradient. The change of orientation of magnetic field
including nanomaterial-based catalysts (Rossi et al. 2014), leads to rapid change of orientation of magnetic domains of
biomedicine and tissue specific targeting (Mody et al. 2014), ferrofluid nanoparticles. In this way, the nanoparticles can
magnetically tunable colloidal photonic crystals (Ge and Yin be heated up, leading to various medical applications such
2008; Pu and Liu 2009; Pu et al. 2011, 2014), microfluidic as hyperthermia, induced self-heating after the application
(Gijs et al. 2010), magnetic resonance imaging (Shokrollahi of an alternating magnetic field and simultaneous triggered
et al. 2014), magnetic particle imaging (Yu et al. 2017), data drug delivery to the targeted region of the body (Sharifi et al.
storage (Terris and Thomson 2005), environmental reme- 2012; Kim et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2007; Wahajuddin 2012;
diation (Orbell et al. 2007), nanofluids (Yu and Xie 2012), Chourpa et al. 2005).
and sensors (Altintas et al. 2012). As a result of their spe- The most frequently investigated nano-particles are cer-
cial physico-chemical properties MNPs are specially used tainly iron oxide nano-particles such as magnetite ­(Fe3O4)
in the biomedical sciences (Ghazanfari et al. 2016). They and hematite ­(Fe2O3), due to their biocompatibility, non-
have controllable sizes, smaller than or comparable to cell, toxicity and non-immunogenicity in organism. Beside that
virus, protein or gene dimension, that enable MNPs to easily cobalt-ferrite ­(CoFe2O4) MNPs also showed remarkable
magnetic properties (López-Ortega et al. 2015). However,
* Marko Perić key of the successful application of MNPs in medicine is surface functionalization which contributes to increase the
colloidal stability (Jadhav et al. 2017). Due to their large
Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Studentski Trg surface area to volume ratio, MNPs have an inherent ten-
12, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia
dency to agglomerate. When injected intravascularly, these
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, agglomerated particles are rapidly cleared away by mac-
Mike Petrovića Alasa 12‑14, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia
rophages of the mononuclear phagocyte system before they
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Studentski Trg can reach the target cell of interest. To prevent aggregation
12‑16, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia


1536 Chemical Papers (2018) 72:1535–1542

of the particles and ensure nontoxicity under physiological Synthesis of coated magnetic particles
conditions, magnetic nanomaterials require sophisticated
coatings, which ideally should have a high affinity for the Starch (6 g) was dissolved in 40 ml of doubly purified
iron oxide core, be nonimmunogenic and nonantigenic, and water at 100 °C. Magnetic-particles obtained as previously
prevent opsonization by plasma proteins (Das et al. 2009). described were poured into the starch solution. The mix-
Common biocompatible coatings include hydrophilic poly- ture was heated at 100 °C for 1 h and after that reaction
mers such as dextran (Hong et al. 2008), polyethylene glycol mixture was additionally ultrasonically treated for 30 min.
(Lin et al. 2006) and polyethylene oxide (Aqil et al. 2008). The obtained ferrofluid was dialyzed 24 h prior to usage.
Although polymeric coatings on MNPs reduce aggregation
and improve biocompatibility, their large overall size may
significantly limit the tissue distribution, penetration, intra- Experimental setting and measurement procedure
venous delivery, metabolic clearance, and magnetic targeting
ability of nanoparticles in vivo (Das et al. 2009). Another The X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) investigation was
way of performing this is coating the surface with bifunc- conducted on Rigaku Smartlab X-ray θ–θ diffractometer
tional molecules that are hydrophilic at one end and can bind (with the sample in horizontal position) in parafocus-
to the nanocrystal surface with the other end. sing Bragg–Brentano geometry using D/teX Ultra 250
In the present study, F ­ e3O4 and C­ oFe2O4 nanoparticles strip detector in 1D XRF suppression mode with CuKα
coated with starch have been successfully synthesized radiation source (U = 40 kV and I = 30 mA). Record-
using co-precipitation method. The synthetic procedure was ing speed was 5°/min. The low background single crystal
slightly modified in comparison to literature data (Jiang et al. silicon sample holder was used suitable for holding liquid
2009). The influence of the magnetic field on the behav- samples.
ior of MNPs was tracked by measuring a transparence of For scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis JEOL
ferrofluid suspension irradiated with white-light and laser JSM-6610LV was used.
beam as explained in the literature (Li et al. 2006; Bai et al. The key components in the experiment, the electromag-
2011; Laskar et al. 2009; Rablau et al. 2008; Huang et al. net with a power source and feedback for maintaining a
2015). Spectral range of 650–670 nm have been used. In given value of magnetic field strength B, with uncertainty
this spectral region, there is number of semiconductor lasers of 0.1%, were laboratory made. For control and data acqui-
which are being applied for the therapeutic purposes. The sition special PC software was developed. The cuvette
observed effect can be crucial for further laser treatment of with the sample of the examined ferrofluid was placed in
patients who have been exposed to ferrite-based contrast the homogeneous magnetic field MF (strength was varied
during MRI scans. Hence, the explanation of behavioral dif- in the interval of 30–300 mT) between the poles of the
ferences between starch coated ­Fe3O4 and ­CoFe2O4 is of the electromagnet, see Fig. 1. In the central part of the elec-
utmost importance. tromagnet core, 2 mm × 2 mm aperture was made through
which the light from the source is directed on the cuvette
and further on to the detector. As source of white light,
Experimental NBS Modified Type FEL-000 at effective temperature of
6500 K was used. In the second part of the experiment
Synthesis of magnetic particles Sanyo laser diode DL5147-040 in the single mode regime
at wavelength λ = 655 nm was used. For detection and
The mixture containing ­Fe3+ ions (0.8 M, 25 cm3) and ­M2+ measurement of spectral distribution of the white light
­(Fe2+, ­Co2+) (0.4 M, 25 cm3) was heated up to the boiling. passed through the ferrofluid, the Ocean optics USB4000
After that NaOH solution (2.0 M) was added until the pH 9 spectrometer was used, while for the measurement of
and the reaction mixture was kept under kept vigorous stir- transmitted laser light a photodiode was used.
ring for 1 h. The obtained particles were filtered on Büchner The measurements started by closing the optical path
funnel and washed up with doubly purified water till pH 7. of the light to the photo detector, using the optical switch
Particles were dried at 100 °C and grinded in agate mor- OS. The so-called dark current was measured without the
tar. Dried and milled particles were calcinated at 400 °C. MF. After this, the optical path was opened (still without
After calcination particles were grinded in agate mortar once the MF) and in the next 30 s the intensity of the transmit-
more. ted light was measured through the non-perturbed sam-
ple. Then MF was switched on and during the period of
300 s was kept on the set point, while the signal from the
photo detector (proportional to the intensity of transmitted

Chemical Papers (2018) 72:1535–1542 1537

Fig. 1  The scheme of the

experimental setup. LS light
source, DCP DC power supply,
OS optical switch, USB4000
Ocean optics spectrometer, PC
personal computer for control
and data acquisition

light) was continuously recorded and data stored by the

PC. After that period the MF was turned off and in the next
100 s change of intensity induced by the relaxation of the
ferrofluid was recorded.


All chemicals (Iron (III)-chlor ide hexahydrate

­( FeCl 3·6H 2O,  >  99%), Iron (II)-sulphate heptahydrate
(FeSO4·7H2O, > 99%) Cobalt (II)-chloride hexahydrate
­(CoCl2·6H2O, > 99%), Sodium hydroxide (NaOH, > 96%),
Hydrochloric acid (HCl > 36%) and Starch (> 99%)) were
obtained by Sigma-Aldrich (p.a. quality), and used without
additional purification.

Results and discussion

In this study, ­Fe3O4 and C

­ oFe2O4 were synthesized accord-
ing to the traditional coprecipitation method and functional-
ized with starch. The precipitated fine particles and coated
­Fe3O4 and ­CoFe2O4 were characterized by the X-ray dif-
fraction technique, to determine crystal phases and estimate
the crystallite size. All reflections in the obtained diffrac-
tion patterns (Fig. 2) were indexed in the expected space
group Fd3m and are of spinel structure type. The morphol-
ogy of obtained precipitate was studied by SEM analysis.
The results obtained through SEM analysis are depicted in
(Fig. 3).
As can be seen from the SEM images shown in Fig. 3
the particles sizes are of nanometer-scale. The coated par-
ticles (Fig. 3b, d) are significantly larger in comparison to
uncoated ones.
Ferrofluid sample reduces the intensity of the incident
radiation uniformly throughout the spectrum and behaves Fig. 2  X-ray diffraction patterns of a ­Fe3O4 and ­Fe3O4-coated, and b
as a neutral density filter. However, after switching on the ­CoFe2O4 and ­CoFe2O4-coated


1538 Chemical Papers (2018) 72:1535–1542

Fig. 3  SEM images of a ­Fe3O4, b ­Fe3O4-coated, c ­CoFe2O4 and d ­CoFe2O4-coated

external magnetic field, ferrofluid sample begins to act as field. Also the valley minimum was affected by type of fer-
a spectrally selective filter, i.e., some wavelengths were rofluid sample, i.e. the effect is much larger in the case of
attenuated more than others. The measured time depend- ­CoFe2O4. To explain differences in magnetic behavior of
ence of transmitted light trough the ferrofluid in the wave- ­CoFe2O4-starch and ­Fe3O4-starch, we analyzed magnetic
length interval of 300–900 nm forms a surface I(λ, t) which, interactions at purely molecular level. As a useful model
after normalization on the initial distribution (through the for such investigation we took into account C ­ o2+ and F­ e2+
unperturbed ferrofluid), has a shape given in Fig. 4a, c. Dur- ions surrounded with six O ­ ions. The splitting of d-metal
ing this study, special attention was focused on the spectral orbitals is presented in Fig. 6.
region 650–670 nm in which the most prominent changes The important thing is that both systems have degenerate
of intensity of transmitted light occurs. For that purpose, the ground state. In orbitally nondegenerate systems, the mag-
graphic of transmitted light intensity over time (Fig. 4b, d) netic anisotropy of the ground state exists only due to the
at the wavelength of 655 nm was set aside. out-of-state SOC with the excited states and is measured
Figure 5 presents time dependence of intensity of trans- by ZFS parameters (Gruden-Pavlovic et al. 2014). When
mitted light through the ferrofluid, under the influence of the lowest term is orbitally degenerate, the magnetic anisot-
external magnetic field in the range of 30–300 mT when a ropy exists mostly due to the in-state SOC and the angular
laser diode on the same wavelength (λ = 655 nm) was used momentum is unquenched. The in-state spin–orbit coupling
instead of white light source. can give rise to very large magnetic anisotropy in compari-
Immediately after switching on the MF (Fig. 5), a rapid son to out-of-state spin–orbit coupling. However, this fact
decrease of intensity of transmitted light occurred. Some still does not explain the differences in magnetic behavior.
mechanism after switching on the MF leads to blurring of In addition ­Co2+ ion has much larger spin–orbit coupling
solution which reduces transparency and decreases intensity constant (533 cm−1) than ­Fe2+ (410 cm−1) and thus, stronger
of transmitted light. In other words, in the region of the val- interaction with external magnetic field, due to larger mag-
ley (Fig. 5), the precipitate of ferrofluid samples was formed. netic anisotropy. This is the reason why ­CoFe2O4 shows
The width of the valley depends on the applied magnetic larger magnetic response in comparison to the ­Fe3O4.

Chemical Papers (2018) 72:1535–1542 1539

Fig. 4  a Normalized intensity of transmitted white light through of transmitted white light through ferrofluid sample for ­CoFe2O4, d
ferrofluid sample for F ­e3O4, b intensity of transmitted light at intensity of transmitted light at λ = 655 nm in a function of time for
­ e3O4, c normalized intensity
λ  =  655  nm in a function of time for F ­CoFe2O4

After some time (app. 100 s), according to the MF used, small chains, which changes the caterers size as explained
the solution becomes more transparent and the intensity of in the literature (Laskar et al. 2008; Philip and Laskar 2012;
transmitted light increases (see Fig. 5a, b). Brojabasi et al. 2014, 2015). At a certain time interval,
This increase of the intensity is in accordance with the some sizes of the scatterers satisfy the resonances in the
model proposed (Li et al. 2006) and can be explained by scattering anisotropy factor and extinction efficiency factor.
the dominant orientation effect of the magnetic domains of At the minimum transmitted intensity, the size distribution
nanoparticles induced by MF. is such that the number of caterers that satisfy the resonance
External MF directs nanoparticles along the field lines, becomes maximum. Therefore, the resonances both in the
similarly as small magnetic needles. Magnetic domains scattering anisotropy factor and extinction efficiency fac-
ordered in such a way are mutually attracted and form mag- tor, which physically correspond to resonant excitation of
netic chains. Further on, the magnetic chains are organized a particular electric or magnetic dipole within the scatterer,
in space thereby forming a quasi-lattice of parallel posi- could be one of the plausible explanations for the observed
tioned magnetic threads. This aggregation process depends extinction of light.
on the external magnetic field and exposure time. Figure 7 At the time when MF was switched off, ferrofluid solution
shows the schematic of the aggregation process, and the becomes more transparent and the intensity of transmitted
transmitted light pattern. In the absence of an external mag- light grows rapidly. The induced MF in the magnetic mate-
netic field, the magnetic nanoparticles are in random motion rial appears with the same direction as the external field (in
where the transmitted light shows a circular spot with the accordance with the Faraday’s law of induction and Lenz’s
entire light intensity distributed within the spot (Fig. 7a). rule).and tends to increase its own magnetic moment J. This
Further on, the magnetic nanoparticles form single chain- effect results from additional attachment of free nano-parti-
like structure along the direction of the external field, where cles from the solution and their implantation into magnetic
some intensity of the transmitted light is distributed in the chains. It makes the solution more transparent and conse-
straight line like pattern (Fig. 7b). At the end, nanochains quently, the intensity of transmitted light increases sharply.
are zippered due to lateral attraction where the intensity dis- If this assumption is accepted, then the behavior of
tribution along the line was significantly larger compared to ferrofluid after switching on MF is quite logic and in
the earlier two cases (Fig. 7c). accordance with the same rule; ferrofluid sample opposes
As the time is increased, the sizes of scatterers will increasing magnetic flux by decreasing J, trough mulch-
increase due to the formation of doublets, triplets or very ing of spontaneously organized magnetic domains formed


1540 Chemical Papers (2018) 72:1535–1542

Fig. 5  Time dependence of
transmitted diode laser light
(λ = 655 nm) for different
magnetic field strength (a), for
­Fe3O4 coated with starch and b
­CoFe2O4 coated with starch

solution becomes more blurred and less transparent. Thus,

the intensity of the transmitted light rapidly decreases.
From Fig. 4, it is clear that the ferrofluid solution in these
transient regimes (switching on/off of the external MF) rela-
tively slowly relaxes to the initial state. In the experiments
with stronger fields (300 mT) (Fig. 5), the ferrofluid returns
to initial state much faster. Further on in time, the strong
field leads to increase of transmitted light intensity. With
stronger external magnetizing field the ferrofluid starts to
behave as a hard magnetic, so the changes in transmitted
light intensity are smaller.

Fig. 6  Schematic representation of d-metal orbital splitting in the Biomedical applications of ferrites acquire their magnetic
­ e2+ and ­Co2+ ions
octahedral surrounding for F
behavior with relatively higher value of saturation magneti-
zation, exact particle size, as well as biocompatible coat-
ing. Within this paper, we have presented measurements
earlier in the solution. In this way, the number of free of spectral distribution of light transmitted through the fer-
and chaotically distributed nano-particles in the solution rofluid suspensions of ­Fe3O4 and ­CoFe2O4 exposed to the
increases, the scattering cross section increases and the external magnetic field. The observed effect can be crucial

Chemical Papers (2018) 72:1535–1542 1541

Fig. 7  Transmitted light pattern for the aggregation process of magnetic nano-particles. a Random motion of particles, b formation of chain-like
structures, c zippering of nano-chains

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