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Running Head: Portfolio Artifact #2

Portfolio Artifact #2

Taylor Dickson

College of Southern Nevada

Portfolio Artifact #2
Taylor Dickson

EDU 210

12 February 2020

Portfolio Artifact #2

The principal, Freddie Watts, and the assistant principal, Jimmy brothers, two African

American administrators were both assigned to a majority populated African American

populated high school. During a conversation between the two administrators and a tenured

white teacher, Ann Griffin, she had said that she “hated all black folks.” When the word had got

out about what she had said, there was a negative reaction amongst both black and white

colleagues. After that the principal had recommended that there be a dismissal based on the

concerns regarding Ann Griffin’s ability to treat the students at the school fairly, her judgement

and also her competency as a teacher all together.

In Brown v. Board of Education there were five different cases that were all consolidated

into one the one case. “Although he raised a variety of legal issues on appeal, the most common

one was that separate school systems for blacks and whites were inherently unequal, and thus

violate the "equal protection clause" of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” In

this statement it clearly states that the segregation amongst schools was unfair, unjust and

violated the equal protection clause. (United States Courts, para 13). This case is on the schools’

side and was for the schools not being segregated any longer, which was a hard concept to come

around in that time period of desegregation. At the end the case they came to a ruling of ‘On

May 14, 1954, he delivered the opinion of the Court, stating that "We conclude that in the field

of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place. Separate educational
Portfolio Artifact #2
facilities are inherently unequal. . ."’ (United States Courts, para 14). This case had given the

schools some hope on desegregation, they also thought that they were going to have an

opposition on the ruling because of it being in the southern states in which segregation was not a

thing that was supported.

In Keyes v. School District No. 1 “Nevertheless, where plaintiffs prove that the school

authorities have carried out, a systematic program of segregation affecting a substantial portion

of the students, schools, teachers, and facilities within the school system, it is only common

sense to conclude that there exists a predicate for a finding of the existence of a dual school

system. Several considerations support this conclusion.”. (Cornell Law, para 20) The decision

made upon this case supports the school district and their views on segregation and the way that

it can affect the substantial portion of their students, schools, teacher and facilities throughout the

schools system and it overall would help the school system by allowing desegregation amongst

the schools. The school districts would have had an easier time by agreeing to desegregate

schools earlier on and it would have posed no threat to those of the African American descent.

These two cases support the school districts view overall and they both prove that there would be

an improvement amongst schools, teachers, students and any staff by desegregating the schools.

In Anderson & United States v. Madison County School District there was a decision

made “The Section also alleged that the school district had failed to comply with existing

desegregation orders in the areas of faculty and staff hiring, assignment and compensation;

transportation; facilities; and curriculum.” (United States Department of Justice, para 7). In this

decision the school district had made it clear that they wanted to reduce the travel time for black

students, and they had put a hold on the school districts construction plans to build these five

new schools. Overall this case does not support the school districts want for five new schools
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because of the fact that they would be still segregating the students unfairly and their travel times

would not decrease from the two and a half hour ride that they are already having to make to

school when the white students are able to only have a forty five minute drive to and from


In Banks & United States v. St. James Parish School board “the District Court for the

Eastern District of Louisiana approved a consent order that addresses the remaining issues in the

desegregation case and when fully implemented will lead to its closing… The consent order

declares that the District has already met its desegregation obligations in the area of

transportation. The court will retain jurisdiction over the consent order during its

implementation, and the Justice Department will monitor the district’s compliance.” (United

States Department of Justice, para 17). This case does not support the school districts decision of

desegregation and would weaken the case of Watts and Griffin.

In conclusion, the case against Griffin would be pro Watts and Brothers because of the

fact that they are the ones who are being racially discriminated in the workplace by a tenured

white teacher, Ana Griffin, where they all work at a predominately African American school.

The statement that Ana Griffin had said about hating all black folks would have a huge impact

upon whether or not she wins or loses this case. All schools now are desegregated, and it has a

huge impact amongst the students. The way that the case is going would not be good for Griffin

due to the fact that all schools are becoming segregated in their own way.
Portfolio Artifact #2

Brown v. Board of Education [2019] (US Supreme Court).

Anderson & United States v. Madison County School District [2019].

Willie Banks, et al v. St. James Parish School Boa, No. 16-31052 (5th Cir. 2018)

Anderson & United States v. Madison County School District [2019]

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