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Lesson 3.1
Language Focus: Question word as subjects
Topic: Languages
Objectives: To practice with poems and discuss about world English
Prior Knowledge: Vocabulary, cultural background.
1. Projector
2.Grammar sheets

Step Time Task (Teacher) Task (Pupils) Interaction Purpose
1 10 Warm up. “Can you name Students discuss questions Pairs To have students
six countries in which about facts of English notice cultural facts
English is spoken?”

2 10 Gives ss extra time to go SS. will interact with their Pairs. To introduce a
through the questions on the partners context to cover
map. grammar points
through it.

3 15 Presents images of the words Have ss classify according Small groups Ss. Will be
to the origin of the words. introduced to new
SS. think of loan words vocabulary

5 10 T. gives vocabulary practice with SS. work collaboratively on Small groups SS. will consolidate
the WB. Pg.__ vocabulary vocabulary.

6 20 T. presents the grammar topic. SS. copy examples from the Individual To present the grammar
T. monitors when needed. board. SS are given controlled point.

7 20 T. gives away some poems for SS. discuss the ideas on 3 Small groups ss. have some contact
students to read. Teacher has Ss different poems. . with literary styles.
match the works to the authors-

8 10 T. plays a poem in the player. T SS. contextualize the poems and individual
instructs on shadow reading then do some shadow reading Pronunciation practice
Lesson 3.2
Language Focus: Tag questions
Topic: small talk
Objectives: to practice pronunciation

1. Projector, tracks online
2.Grammar sheets
3.visuals on .ppt

Step Time Task (Teacher) Task (Pupils) Interaction Purpose

1 10 t. shows two clips with ss. will tell the difference Small groups Ss will be introduced
people having different and will try to name the to new language.
transactional conversations kind of talk

2 20 T. prepares the class for Ss. Will listen to a Pairs ss. will check for
listening activities conversation and will understanding of the
respond pragmatically to the Small groups topic, and will spot
T. will have ss fill in the q´s intonation patterns.
3 15 T. presents the grammar Ss. Go through the grammar Tag questions
point presentation process by are used to To practice tag
answering the questions on confirm or ask questions. (recycled
page 29. for new from 3 and 4)

5 20 T. shows a diagram and provides SS. follow the instructions and Pairs To consolidate
ss with more practice from EPiU fill in the blanks in the handout meanings.

Small groups
6 20 T. works on the wb Ss work on vocabulary for the
unit from the WB pairs To practice
7 end t. sets a discussion Ss work on Pragmatics.- competencies in real
situation given: café. Talking to life.
a friend. Make your friend speak
Lesson 3.3
Language Focus: indirect questions through reading
Topic: student exchange
Objectives: To read two letters from two pen pals and to write a letter
Prior Knowledge: Question words
1. Projector
2.Grammar sheets
Step Time Task (Teacher) Task (Pupils) Interaction Purpose
1 30 Warm up. T. sets the context SS. read the letters and ask Individual To warm up the
with an agency. Why do each other the questions on class and give some
people travel? page 30. input+
What is the relationship SS. ask each other:
between the writers? “Which questions does Juan Small groups
2 10 Why is Brandon writing to answer? To have students
Juan? What answers does he give? critically think about
Does Juan answer all Which questions does he the texts they read.
Brandon´s questions? not answer?
How would you answer
these questions?
T lets ss work through ss. look at the questions pairs To make sure they
3 15 exercise 2.a and then check from Brandon´s letter. SS know the meaning of
their answer in open class. compare them with the the words and the
direct question forms. use of if and intro
T. elicits questions from the group SS. will work on the vocabulary Small groups To introduce the
4 10 and asks basic functions changed exercise and they should grammar topic.
to this modality. pronounce the words properly. T work on vocabulary

5 10 TECHNOLOGICAL SS. will register for the wikis Autonomous SS shall deploy
ACTIVITY! WRITING!!!!! and will share their writings work technological skills and
T. will set up a wiki to have ss witht the worldwide web. will merge their writing
write letters and replies. skills in the production
of a piece of wrting.
Looking for
responsibility and
diligence in works
T. will set an activity for ss to SS. will follow the prompts and
7 20 develop their speaking skills. T. will share their thoughts in open wg To develop speaking
will set the following question: class skills.
Have you ever been an exchange
student? What about someone
8 10 else you know?
Talk about the experience.
Would you like to to be an
exchange student? Where would
you go? What would you study?
What do you think are the
difficulties of being an exchange
student? What about the
Lesson 3.4
Language Focus: Question word as subjects
Topic: Languages
Objectives: To practice with poems and discuss about world English
Prior Knowledge: Vocabulary, cultural background.
1. Projector
2.Grammar sheets

Step Time Task (Teacher) Task (Pupils) Interaction Purpose

1 10 Warm up SS. will answer orally the Small groups To introduce the
Ask students to look at following questions: topics.
exercise two. Which What is your first language?
languages are spoken in Is it a popular language for
America? What languages foreigners to learn? Why?
are spoken in Europe? Do you think this will
change in the future? Why?
2 10 WRITING. T. has ss
highlight important facts SS. will prepare a summary Individual To practice writing
they found in their with their opinions. skills
SS will circulate these
3 15 works and will read as To practice reading
many as they can. WG and synthesizing
T. leads a discussion as to skills.
what relevant aspects were
agreed on.
T. will have ss compare their SS will answer the questions and PAIRS To have students apply a
5 10 pieces of writing with the one will find the part of the bottom up review of the
displayed on the book. paragraph in which the topic and arrive at their
information is contained. conclusions.

6 20 Vocabulary activity. SS. will practice vocabulary

T. explains the meaning of a practicing alternatively with the IND To practice vocabulary
couple of words in the list and SB and the WB.
asks ss to produce their WB SS will fill in the blanks for less
controlled practice and

EX Follow up if time allows. Discuss SS. will practice question To recap on the topics
TR the following questions: building in the indirect mode in a PAIRS that were seen
A How much do you remember survey fashion.
from the article??

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