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BEN RAY LUJAN meDerer Newt ancy ao Comance Coma ‘Suncom on Her ‘Susccamers on Dera Commence “ConsiuerPnonecren Congress of the United States ‘House of Representatives ‘Buashington, BC 20515 5 Re 2 me ae A December 26,2018 Re D v 73 23 0 ‘The Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives =f Legislative Resource Center a & Room B-106, Cannon House Office Building bce Washington, DC 20515-6612 Re: Amendment to Calendar Year 2008 Financial Disclosure Statement Form A. Dear Clerk: 1am writing to file an amendment to my calendar year 2008 Financial Disclosure Statement Form A, dated May 15, 2009. Schedule D of this report should be amended to read as follows: Creditor Date ‘Amount of _] Comment Liability Liability Incurred MO/YR ‘Century Bank of New Mexico Dec/2007 Campaign —_| $15,001- Paid in full in Loan $50,000 2008 Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have further questions. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, AulhZe Member of Congress GNVH

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