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An academy Akad wants to award Badge to students who had attended their
Data Visualization certification course based on three parameters.
1. Written Test
2. Practical Test
3. Attendance


Wilks Lambda = 0.34, which is closer to 0, this indicates that the model is good
and valid. The significance of the model is 0.000. This indicates that there is
significant discrimination between the two groups and that the F-test would be
significant at a confidence level of 100%.
Y = -7.085+ PracticalTest*0.055 +WrittenTest*0.026+Attendence*0.024

From this table we can classify the groups based on average value
Give Badge 1.689
Mean 0.325
Don’t give Badge -1.039

For a student with 50 marks in Written test, 70 in Practical test and 70 %

Based on our model, Y = -0.255, closer to “No” side
Hence, the academy wouldn’t give a badge to this student

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