Telstra SWOT Analysis

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Telstra SWOT analysis


Telstra is a leading Australian telecommunication company that has established a strong brand

name in the industry. In order to compete in the dynamic and highly competitive environment the

company continuously invest in the world leading networks that helps to deliver best services to

the customers and also increase the customers base in both national and international

market[ CITATION Tel17 \l 1033 ].


Telstra has limited liquidity position. In year 2017, current assets of the company decreased by

15.8% to $$7,862 million due to reduction in cash and cash equivalents. Moreover increasing

competition results in decrease in market share of the company[ CITATION Tel17 \l 1033 ].


The company has an opportunity to continuously grow its core business with this highly

competitive environment by focusing on network quality. This will help the company to enhance

its productivity. The company also has an opportunity to expand its business operations in new

markets with new products. Due to increasing cyber risks, the company has an opportunity in

cyber security. The company can offer services to protect the government and enterprises in

order to protect their data. Another important opportunity for the company is in health sector.

The company can provide software and solutions to the health sector that will enable the

healthcare providers to better connect with their patients[ CITATION Tel17 \l 1033 ].

Rapid changes in telecommunications technology has been lowering barriers to entry into the

market that results in and increased competition in the telecommunications industry in Australia.

Especially mobile and broadband segments are highly competitive. The increasing competition

results in decline in sales and revenues of Telstra. Regulatory changes also directly impact the

business strategy and model as well as increase cost of doing business[ CITATION Tel17 \l 1033 ].

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