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1. Jesus offer Himself in the form of ___________________.

2. We say ________________ when the priest say’s “The Body of Christ” as we receive the


3. Jesus gathered the Apostles in His last meal known as _________________________.

4. ______________________ is the part of the Mass where the bread and wine become the

body and blood of Jesus.

5. The __________________ is a sacred place where the Eucharist is celebrated.

6. The act of receiving Jesus in the form of bread and wine is called ________________.

7. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is the ___________ part of the mass.

8. _________________ is the part of the mass where the priest explains the gospel.

9. The Liturgy of the ___________ is the part of the Mass which we listen to the Bible


10. The Eucharist is a celebration of ___________________.

11. It is a special time to prepare before Christmas in which we are waiting for the arrival of


12. It is a symbol used during Advent where people light candle each week before the

Christmas Day.

13. These candles represents sorrow for our sins,

14. The shape of the advent wreath symbolizes the never ending love of God for us.

15. He is the greatest gift we can ever receive that God sent to the world during Christmas.

16. The angel who appeared to Mary telling her that she will have a Son

17. It means God with us.

18. The color of the advent wreath represents Jesus who lives forever.

19. It symbolizes Jesus as the light of the world.

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