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LESSON PLAN (Inclusive Education project)

Contextual Statement: Subject: English

John is a year three student who has been diagnosed with dyslexia. He Year Level: 3
shows the wiliness to try however struggles with reading and sometimes
comprehending texts. He is very analytical and a great problem solver,
however, is sometimes quite shy to ask for help. The school has been
given funding to allow for assistive technologies such as “audacity” and
“natural readers”

Australian Curriculum and/or EYLF Links:

Strand – Literacy
Sub-strand – Creating Texts
Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control
over text structures and language features and selecting print, and multimodal elements appropriate to
the audience and purpose. –(ACELY1682)

Achievement standard/s and/or EYLF outcomes:

Students understand how language features are used to link and sequence ideas. They understand how
language can be used to express feelings and opinions on topics. Their texts include writing and images to
express and develop, in some detail, experiences, events, information, ideas and characters.

Prior to this lesson:

- Students have learnt the difference between ‘opinion’ and ‘fact’
- What is persuasive text – watched a video
- Looked at examples/features
- Key terms

Introduction (15 mins) - Student will have already expected

English as daily plan was outlined
Reflect on previous lesson of the on the board. -Workbooks
difference between ‘fact’ and ‘opinion’ - Writing key terms on the board to -Key terms sheet
and what is persuasive writing and texts the child can clearly relate the -iPad
key features. Teacher to allow for talk terms to what they have been -Whiteboard
time and then eventually question learning to future learning.
students and write key terms on the - Teacher to repeat instructions
board. explicitly.
- During talk time teacher to hand
Teacher writes on the board in mind map out key terms sheet for student to
form “should homework be banned?” easily refer too throughout the
Students to copy this into the centre of topic, the whole class will receive
their book. With the person next to them this.
they are to brainstorm reasons to why it - Teacher to keep checking in on
should be banned. John.
- Teacher will take photo of the
After 5 minutes of talk time, the class to white board and hand out copy to
come back together and share their ideas students that wish for it or
as a class. Teacher will write these on the struggled to get down the
white board and students to copy down. information.
- Using the class iPad teacher could
take photo of the white board and
allow the child to use that as a
guide for the rest of the lesson.
Body of Lesson (25 mins) - Teacher to write and repeat -Scaffolding sheet
instructions explicitly. -Natural reader
Teacher will then hand out persuasive - Highlighted version of the key -Computer/laptop
text example and students will be given points from the success criteria will
time to read it and mark it against the be given to the student.
success criteria. - Student will have access to their
natural reader (text to speech), so
Teacher will then hand out scaffolding they can listen to the text rather
sheet so students can start planning and than read.
writing their persuasive piece. Teacher - Teacher can ask student quietly to
will have instructions and expectations repeat what they think text is
on smart board. about.
- Key points from the instructions
After scaffolding sheet, students to write will be highlighted and underlined
draft which will eventually be typed up. and in a dyslexia friendly font such
as Arial or Helvetica.
This will be carried into the next lesson. - Teacher to cut the scaffolding
sheet into smaller sections.
Therefore, the student is only
working one part at a time and
won’t get too overwhelmed.
- Teacher to continually check on the
student and even allow them to
talk through their ideas with the
teacher as the teacher writes down
- If student needs they could use a
laptop and the application
“Audacity” and speak text out/
record ideas.
Conclusion/reflection (5 mins) -Class notes/lesson
-Reflection of class and expectations for - Teacher to provide lesson
next lesson. plan/overview for student.

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