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Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.

443 Mabini Street Atimonan, Quezon
(Recognized by the Government)
No.010 s. 1986

NAME: Austria, Diana Mae M. YEAR AND SEC.: BCAED2 – A

DATE: September 21, 2020 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Sherwin S. Alva

1. “Like people, like government”. What does this mean?

“Like people, like government”, It means that the people have the power. It means that the
people have rights to do as we please, our rights are protected by the constitution and the
government is restricted by the constitution from interfering with those rights. It means, people
should be educated to govern themselves intelligently and responsibly and should be based upon
a contract between the people and the government.

Like John Locke, he created the philosophy that there was no legitimate government under
the “Divine Right of Kings Theory”, which emphasized that God chose some people to rule on
earth in his will. Therefore, the monarch’s actions were the will of God and to criticize the ruler
meant you were challenging God. However, Locke did not believe in this theory and wrote his
own to challenge it. They implemented his idea that the power to govern was obtained from the
permission of the people. He believed the purpose of government was to protect the natural
rights of its citizens. He stated that natural rights were life, liberty, and property, and that all
people automatically earned these simply by being born.

2. Why Spencer’s Educational Theory is called “Social Darwinian”?

For me, Spencer’s Educational Theory is called “Social Darwinian”, because Herbert
Spencer based on the theory of Charles Darwin, from the term of “survival of the fittest, who is
the fittest survive or “matira matibay”. It is based on our challenges in our life and based on the
evolutionary process like the theory of Charles Darwin that is where the people started and how
they change their appearance or how they survive as a human and progress. Herbert Spencer
believed that the only way to gain knowledge was through a scientific approach.
3. According to John Dewey “Schools are for the people and by the people”, Explain

According to John Dewey, “Schools are for the people and by the people”. Based on my
understanding, education is a social process and so school is intimately related to the society that
it serves and by which the immature members of the group, especially the children are brought to
participate in the society. They can learn through experience, this means that students must
interact with their environment in order to adapt and learn. It is essentially a view of education
that emphasizes the need to learn by doing.

Also, schools are for the people, because we have rights to go to school, to learn, maybe
some people have problems like mental problems on other children, we should not based on her
personality that’s why we should encourage them to learn and to adapt with the environments.
Schools should be used by all, it being a democratic institution.

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