Literature Study of Multitasking in Computer Architecture

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Literature Study of Multitasking in Computer Architecture

Group 3:
1. Agresia Rettha 1 (192406065)
2. Elvaaro Julianto Harefa 1 (192406085)
3. April Fransiskus Sitio 1 (192406096)
4. Lestari Setiawan 1 (192406055)
5. Dahlan Sitompul 2 (Penulis ke 2/ Pembimbing)

Computer architecture has connected all the hardware components in a computer to one
another, thus producing a computer device that works its way. Of the many functions held by
computers, namely, multitasking enables some programs to use small slices of processor
time, one at a time, and the operating system's ability to run several applications
simultaneously. Therefore, it is closely linked with the OS's ability (operating system) to
manage common resources and mediate conflicts that result from excessive resources.
Therefore, multitasking is a natural, single or multiprocessor (computer system that has two
or more processing units (several processors) that each share a primary and peripheral
memory, to process programs simultaneously).

Literature; Study; Multitasking; Computer; Architecture; Processor; Programs; Operating

1. Introduction
Computer architecture is a science or a set of rules stating how computer software and
hardware are joined together and interact to make a computer work. It not only determines
how the computer works but also of which technologies the computer is capable. Computers
continue to be a major part of our lives, and computer architects continue to develop new and
better programs and technologies. Computer architecture is a specification describing how
hardware and software technologies interact to create a computer platform or system. When
we think of the word architecture, we think of building a house or a building. Keeping that
same principle in mind, computer architecture involves building a computer and all that goes
into a computer system. Computer architecture consists of three main categories. System
design – This includes all the hardware parts, such as CPU, data processors, multiprocessors,
memory controllers and direct memory access. This part is the actual computer system.
Instruction set architecture – The includes the CPU’s functions and capabilities, the CPU’s
programming language, data formats, processor register types and instructions used by
computer programmers. This part is the software that makes it run, such as Windows or
Photoshop or similar programs. Microarchitecture – This defines the data processing and
storage element or data paths and how they should be implemented into the instruction set
architecture. These might include DVD storage devices or similar devices.

2. Related work
Multitasking has been traditionally viewed as a positive characteristic. A main characteristic
of multitasking is the capacity of dealing with two tasks at the same time. Another
characteristic of multitasking is that it can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of
managing and doing human daily activities, particularly when multitasking in simple
repetitive tasks. In contrast, it is known that distributing attention can affect the performance
of tasks, such as the detrimental effect of using mobile while driving a car. Multitasking has
been treated with different views:
1. Computer multitasking is based on interaction with multi-media devices, such as surfing
websites, emailing, instant messaging, watching videos, etc.
2. Communication multitasking, such as instant messaging and voice communication
Multitasking related to safety deals with pedestrians multitasking when talking on the phone
at the same time of crossing the street.
3. Social network multitasking like using Facebook while studying;
4. Academic multitasking like using laptops in lecture halls.
There are three core behaviors according to computer session logs of students undertaking
self-directed study within an open-access computer laboratory where multitasking was much
more common than focused or sequential behaviors. A survey of multitasking showed state of
art in healthcare systems. Conclusion indicated that there are some factors affected the
performance of healthcare systems that present chances for further studies to improve it. The
number and kinds of interruptions in the emergency department (ED) were studied.
Multitasking of communication was investigated in three cases: Instant messaging (IM)
conversation with one partner, two IM conversations simultaneously and IM and phone
conversation simultaneously. The results proposed that tasks required shorter exchanges
preferred multitask with IM and tasks required more discussion preferred the voice.
Multitasking in computer communication was explained by the theory of uses and
gratifications and the theory of situated action. Gratifications had more powerful influence
compared to situational factors. However, there were obvious variations that identified kinds
of computer multitasking along the situational dimension. The impacts of pain in a multi-task
circumference were examined. Results indicated that the performance of a simultaneous or
subsequent task interfered with pain, regardless of its intensity. However, these effects were
weaker with low intensity pain than with high intensity pain. Switching to another task
caused large interference of pain on a subsequent task than repeating the same task. A
multitask study was performed in healthcare simulation of 3D virtual environment to take
care of patient while recording data in a 2D graphical user interface (GUI). [1]
User performance and preference both indicated that the classical interaction metaphor was
more applicable than the hybrid interaction metaphor, although simulation goals
accomplished sufficiently by each interaction technique. A range of multitasking situations
literature was reviewed which classified into either task switching or concurrent multitasking.
A growing minority calls attention to the benefits of multitasking in spite of a huge number
on the negative impacts of it. In addition, with some evidence, multitasking behavior of some
tasks could be improved with practice. A multitasking software such as the Partners Clinical
Application Suite (CAS) was used to facilitate the deployment, development and using of
advance clinical information management applications. The number of interruptions was
investigated to characterize the performed EDs’ tasks and it was compared with those in
primary care offices. Results showed that there was significant difference in the number of
interruption sand multitasking between the two different health care practice environments
and suggested that there were important ergonomic differences between these two work
environments that might necessitate some training approaches, design priorities, and coping
strategies. [2]
3. Proposed system
Multitasking works by time slicing that is allowing multiple programs to use tiny slices of the
processor's time, one after the other. PC operating systems use two basic types of
multitasking: cooperative and preemptive. Cooperative multitasking was used by Windows
3.x and earlier, running on top of MS-DOS, as well as Macintosh operating systems prior to
OS X. In this type of multitasking environment, each program must be written so that its
processes (tasks or executing programs) use the processor for a short amount of time and then
give up control of the processor to other processes. As long as the programs are written to
cooperate, this system works. However, poorly written programs can take over the processor
and refuse to relinquish control. When this happens, the system can freeze or crash.
Preemptive multitasking is more efficient. This method puts the operating system itself in
charge of the processor. This way, a badly written program can't hog control of the processor;
if it tries to do so, the operating system preempts its use of the processor and gives it to
another process. A component in the operating system's kernel called the scheduler is
responsible for allotting use of the processor to each process in turn. Some operating systems
allow you to assign priorities to certain processes so that they come first when they need to
use the processor. Preemptive processing is used by Windows 9x and later, UNIX, and
Macintosh OS X. Multitasking is the capability of the operating system of running several
applications at the same time. It is therefore deeply related to the OS capability for managing
shared resources, and in particular for arbitrating conflicts resulting from resource over-
commitment. In a multitasking environment, the totality of the computer’s resources
(memory, files, CPU time) are allocated to different applications, and they are managed in
such a way that each one of them gets a share according to specific priority policies. When
CPU resources are over-committed, the operating system schedules the different active
processes by performing a process switch at regular time intervals, distributing the available
CPU cycles according to a well-defined priority policy. Multitasking is therefore the natural
execution model of single or multiprocessor systems. It is the way several applications share
the resources of a computing platform. Processes are, in fact, highly autonomous and
protected independent execution streams. If a resource—CPU time, I/O device—is available
to one of them, it may not available to the others. The operating system provides inter-
process communication mechanisms, like pipes or signals. They are meant to enable
communication across applications. Switching among different processes naturally induces
an execution overhead. Whenever a process switch occurs, all the process resources must be
saved. If, for example, there are several open files, the file handles that identify each file, as
well as the file pointers that identify the current positions inside each file, must be saved. The
operating system is also forced to save all other information related to the state of the process
(instruction pointer, stack pointer, processor registers, etc.) needed to reconstruct its state at a
later time slice. [3]

Figure 1. Multitasking System. [3]

4. Simulation
Multitasking, in an operating system, is allowing a user to perform more than one computer
task (such as the operation of an application program) at a time. The operating system is able
to keep track of where you are in these tasks and go from one to the other without losing
information. Microsoft Windows 2000, IBM's OS/390, and Linux are examples of operating
systems that can do multitasking (almost all of today's operating systems can). When you
open your Web browser and then open Word at the same time, you are causing the operating
system to do multitasking. Being able to do multitasking doesn't mean that an unlimited
number of tasks can be juggled at the same time. Each task consumes system storage and
other resources. As more tasks are started, the system may slow down or begin to run out of
shared storage. It is easy to confuse multitasking with Multithreading, a somewhat different
idea. [4]
5. Conclusion
Multitasking is a mechanism of computer work. The computer CPU can handle several
processes at the same time accurately. The process that is done depends on the instructions
given by the computer software. Therefore, to make full use of CPU capabilities, the software
used must also have multitasking capabilities. At present, various operating system software
already has multitasking capabilities. That is why, now you can browse SmitDev web pages,
chat, while listening to music simultaneously. Multitasking solves this problem by scheduling
which jobs can run at one time, and when other jobs waiting to be processed can be done. The
condition of allocating the CPU from one job to another is called a context switch. When
context switches occur very quickly this condition is enough to give the illusion of parallel
processing. Even in computers that have more than one CPU (called multi-processor),
multitasking allows more work to be done than the number of CPUs available. [5]

6. Closing
This article is expected to contribute to science, especially in the field of computers and
digital technology. With multitasking an order can be carried out thoroughly until it ends with
the highest priority. Able to process more than one command at the same time. This can
occur because of the ability to share available resources. If a command arrives that requires
media resources save to complete the command / work that has been determined, if another
command comes that requires memory resources for example, the command can be directly
carried out without waiting for the previous command to finish. The disadvantage of this
system is that if there are many commands, a long queue of commands will occur. The user
must wait for the command to be completed to enter the next command. The benefits of this
method will be felt when there are many commands that use different resources, so that the
sequence of commands can be completed more quickly. The author also hopes that this will
be useful for technology media users, especially those who are always busy with a lot of
work and doing different things at the same time. Finally, hopefully this can help us do a lot
of work but can be completed in a shorter time. [6]
[1] Khalid M bamatraf, Saber Darmoul : Multitasking Trends and Impact on Education a
Literature Review
[2] Littlejohn Shinder, Michael Cross, in Scene of the Cybercrime (Second Edition), 2008
: Understanding the Technology
[3] Dhinesh Thakur : Definition of Multitasking Operating System
[4] Imawidiyati : Multitasking in Computer Science
[5] Juni 19, 2012 by computersystemku : Multitasking in Computer System
[6] Margaret Rouse,September 2006 : Multitasking

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