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APPRENTICES apprenticeship program in accordance with existing

rules and regulations.

Statement of Objectives
Requisites for Employment of Apprentices
1. To help meet the demand of the economy
for trained manpower; a. The employer should be engaged in a
2. To establish a national apprenticeship business that is considered a highly
program; technical industry. An HTI is any activity
3. To establish apprenticeship standards. which utilizes the application of advanced
Apprenticeship means practical training on the job
b. The job which the apprentice will work on
supplemented by related theoretical instruction
should be an apprenticeable occupation.
Apprentice is a worker who is covered by a written
How long is the period of apprenticeship?
apprenticeship agreement with an individual
employer or any recognized entity. The period of apprenticeship shall not exceed 6
months. (Art. 61)
Apprenticeable Occupation means any trade, form
of employment or occupation which requires more How much can an apprentice earn during
than 3 months of practical training. apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship agreement is an employment An apprentice shall earn not below 75% of the
contract wherein the employer binds himself to applicable minimum age.
train the apprentice and the apprentice in turn
What is the ratio of theoretical to practical
accepts the terms of training.
training in an apprenticeship?
Qualifications of an Apprentice
100 hours of theoretical instruction for every 2000
1. At least 15 years of age (RA 7610 prohibits hours of practical training.
employment of children below 15);
May a minor sign an apprenticeship agreement?
2. Possesses vocational aptitude and capacity
for appropriate tests; and No. Art. 62 provides that an apprenticeship
3. The ability to comprehend and follow agreement with a minor shall be signed in his
oral/written instructions. behalf by his parent or guardian, or if unavailable,
by the representative of the DOLE.
Who may employ apprentices?
Where shall the apprenticeship program take
Only employers in the highly technical industries
may employe apprentices and only in
apprenticeable occupations approved by the DOLE. The employer may choose from any venue:
(Art. 60)
a. Within the sponsoring firm, establishment
Which body oversees the apprenticeship or entity;
program? b. Within the DOLE training center or other
public training institutions; or
Sec. 18 of the TESDA Act expressly empowers
c. Initial training in trade fundamentals in a
TESDA to implement and administer the
training center or other institutions with
subsequent actual work participation within (Art. 70(a)), but the President of the Philippines
the sponsoring firm or entity during the may require compulsory training of apprentices in
final stage of training. certain trades where shortage of trained
manpower is deemed critical as determined by the
Secretary of Labor, when national security or
Where should a person file for breach of an particular requirements of economic development
apprenticeship agreement, or enforcement of the so demand (Art. 70(b)); or the private companies
same? are required, where services of foreign technicians
are utilized by private companies in apprenticeable
The appropriate agency of the DOLE shall trades (Art. 70(c)).
investigate any violation of an apprenticeship
agreement, and may be appealed to the Secretary Are the training costs of an apprentice deductible
of Labor within 5 days from the receipt of the on the taxable income of an employer?
decision which shall be final and executory. (Art.
Yes. An additional deduction from taxable income
65, 66)
of ½ of the value of labor training expenses
Does the exhaustion of administrative remedies incurred shall be granted to the employer;
apply in settling apprenticeship agreement cases? provided

Yes. Art. 67 provides that no person shall institute 1. Such program is duly recognized by the
any action for the enforcement of any DOLE;
apprenticeship agreement or damages for breach 2. Such deduction shall not exceed 10% of
of any such agreement, unless he has exhausted all direct labor wage; and
available administrative remedies. 3. The employer or enterprise who wishes to
avail of this incentive should pay his
Who administers the aptitude testing of apprentices the minimum wage. (Art. 71)
What are the instances where apprentices may be
Employers or entities with duly recognized admitted without compensation?
apprenticeship programs shall have primary
responsibility for providing aptitude tests. If in case The secretary of Labor may authorize the hiring of
they do not have adequate facilities for the apprentices without compensation where:
purpose, the DOLE shall perform the same which
1. It is required by the school or training
shall be free of charge. (Art. 68)
program curriculum; or
Who is responsible for the theoretical instruction 2. As a requisite for graduation or board
of apprentices? examination. (Art. 72)

By the employer, in cases where the program is Is there an employer-employee relationship

undertaken in the plant. If the employer is not between a working scholar and the school?
prepared to assume responsibility, the same may
None. The IRR provides that there is no employer-
be delegated to an appropriate government
employee relationship where there is written
agency. (Art. 69)
agreement between them under which:
The organization of apprenticeship programs shall
be primarily a voluntary undertaking of employers
1. The student agrees to work for the school in if the training is terminated before its
exchange for the privilege to study free of expiry, without fault of the learner. (Art. 75)
How are learners in piecework paid?
2. Provided the student is given real
opportunities, including such facilities as Learners employed in piece or incentive-rate jobs
may be reasonable and necessary to finish during the training period shall be paid in full for
their chosen courses under such the work done. (Art. 76)
Compare and contrast learnership vs.
What if a student, during the course of his training apprenticeship.
injures a third party? Does the school become
liable? Similarities:

Yes. The school shall be civilly liable provided that it 1. They both mean training periods for
was done during the service for the same. (Filamer jobs requiring skills that can be acquired
vs. IAC) through actual work experience;
2. A learner and an apprentice may be
LEARNERS paid wages 25% lower than the
minimum legal wage.
Persons hired as trainees in semi-skilled and other
industrial occupations which are non- Differences:
apprenticeable and which may be learned through
practical training on the job in a relatively short 1. A learner trains in a semi-skilled job,
period of time which shall not exceed 3 months. while an apprentice in a highly skilled
(Art. 73) job;
2. The training period is lower in learners;
When may Learners be hired? 3. A learner is not considered an
apprentice while an apprentice is
When there are no experienced workers available,
conceptually a learner as well;
provided the employment does not create unfair
4. The employer is committed to hire the
competition in terms of labor costs or impair or
learner-trainee as a regular employee,
lower working standards. (Art. 74)
while no such commitment exists in
What is included in a Learnership Agreement? apprenticeship; and
5. Apprenticeable occupations is legally
1. The names and addresses of the learners;
allowed only in highly technical
2. The duration of the period, which shall not
industries, while learnership is allowed
exceed 3 months;
even for non-technical jobs.
3. The salary rates of the learners which shall
not be less than 75% of the applicable HANDICAPPED WORKERS
minimum wage; and
Those whose earning capacity is impaired by
4. A commitment to employ the learners as
age/physical/mental deficiency or injury. (Art. 78)
regular employees upon completion.
learners who have worked during the first 2 When may handicapped workers be employed?
months shall be deemed regular employees
1. When their employment is necessary to facilities, projects or schemes to give them
prevent curtailment of employment opportunity to earn a living.
opportunities; and
What constitutes acts of discrimination?
2. When it does not create unfair competition
in labor costs or impair or lower working a. Limiting, segregating or classifying a
standards. (Art. 79) disabled job applicant;
b. Using qualification standards, tests or
What is included in an employment agreement of
criteria that tend to screen out a disabled
handicapped workers?
1. The names and addresses of the c. Utilizing standards, methods or criteria of
handicapped workers; administration that:
2. The rate to be paid which shall not be less 1. Has the effect of discrimination based
than 75% of the minimum legal wage; on disability; or
3. The duration of the employment; and 2. Perpetuate discrimination of others.
4. The work to be performed by such workers. d. Providing less compensation by reason of
(Art. 80) disability;
e. Favoring a non-disabled employee over a
What is the eligibility for apprenticeship of
qualified disabled employee;
handicapped workers?
f. Re-assigning or transferring a disabled
Such workers may be hired as apprentices or employee to a job or position by reason of
learners if their handicap is not such as to disability;
effectively impede the performance of job g. Dismissing or terminating a disabled
operations in the particular occupations for which employee by reason of disability, unless the
they are hired. (Art. 81) employer can prove that he impairs the
performance of the work provided that the
Note: The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons employer first sought to provide reasonable
ensures equal opportunities for disabled persons accomodation;
and prohibits discrimination against them. h. Failing to select or administer in tests which
accurately reflect the aptitude of the
What is a Qualified Individual with a Disability?
disabled applicant or employee that such
It is an individual with a disability who, with or test purports to measure rather than the
without reasonable accommodation, can perform skills of such applicant or employee; and
the essential functions of the employment position i. Excluding the disabled persons from
that such individual holds or desires, with membership in labor unions.
consideration given to the employer’s judgment as
to what functions of a job are essential, and if an
employer has prepared a written description To what employees shall the provisions on hours
before advertising the job. of work apply?
What is Sheltered Employment? It shall apply to all employees in all establishments
and undertakings whether for profit or not, but not
It refers to the provision of productive work for
disabled persons through workshops providing
1. Government employees; tests of employment, an employer-employee
2. Managerial employees; relationship may exist regardless of the nature of
3. Field personnel; activities involved.
4. Members of the family of the employer
Who is an employer?
who are dependent on him for support;
5. Domestic helpers; Any person, natural or juridical, domestic or
6. Persons in the personal service of another; foreign, who carries on in the Philippines any trade,
and business, industry, undertaking or activity of any
7. Workers who are paid by results as kind and uses the services of another person who is
determined by the SOL. (Art. 82) under his order as regards the employment. (Social
Security Law)
Who are considered managerial employees?
Who is an employee?
Refers to those whose primary duty consists of the
management of the establishment in which they Any person who performs services for an employer
are employed. in which either mental or physical efforts are used
and who receives compensation for such services.
Who are considered Field Personnel?
Refers to non-agricultural employees who regularly
What are the tests in determining the existence of
perform their duties away from the principal place
employment relationship?
of business or branch office of the employer and
whose actual hours of work cannot be determined 1. Four-fold test
with reasonable certainty. (Art. 82) a. The selection and engagement of the
When may an employer-employee relationship
b. The payment of wages;
become a question of law?
c. The power of dismissal; and
If the facts show an employer-employee d. The employer’s power to control the
relationship, this conclusion shall stand even if the employee with respect to the means
contract states otherwise. The recognition of the and methods by which the work is to be
existence of such relationship is not dependent accomplished, also known as the control
upon the agreement of the parties. The test.
characterization by law prevails over that in the
Note: Employment is determined by the right-of-
control test and certain economic parameters.
When may an employer-employee relationship Titles are weak indicators. (Sevilla vs. CA)
become a question of fact?
2. Economic Dependence Test
In case an employer-employee relationship may be A two-tiered test involving:
present, but in another case, with different facts, it a. The putative employer’s power to
may be absent. control the employee; and
b. The underlying economic realities of the
Note: employer-employee relationship may cover
activity or relationship.
core or non-core activities of the employer’s
business. Depending on the applicability of the What are the circumstances of economic activity?
1. Extent to which the services are performed basis of the employee’s compensation. The
are an integral part of the employer’s existence of employment relationship is
business; determined by law; and cannot be negated by
2. The extent of the worker’s investment in simply repudiating it in the employment contract.
equipment and facilities;
What are the two kinds of employment
3. The nature and degree of control by the
4. The worker’s opportunity for profit and 1. Statutory (provided for by law); and
loss; 2. Voluntary (initiated by the employer
5. The amount of initiative, skill, judgment or unilaterally or by contractual stipulation).
foresight required for the success of the
claimed independent enterprise; Note: The stipulations must not be contrary to law,
6. The permanency and duration of the morals, good customs, public order or public policy.
relationship between worker and employer;
Why are Government Employees excluded from
coverage by the provisions on Art. 82-96?
7. The degree of dependency of the worker
upon the employer for his continued They are governed by the Civil Service rules and
employment in that line of business. regulations, not by the Labor Code.
(Francisco vs. NLRC)
In the case of Managerial employees and staff?
Note: the proper standard of economic
They are governed by the Implementing Rules of
dependence is whether the worker is dependent
Book III of the Labor Code.
on the alleged employer for his continued
employment in that line of business. (Francisco vs. How about Field personnel?
Because their actual hours of work in the field
What is the economic realities test? cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.

When a worker possesses one attribute of an Employer’s family members? Why excluded?
employee and others of an independent
contractor, which make him fall within an They are outside the coverage of this title on
intermediate area, he may be classified under the working conditions and rest periods.
category of an employee when the economic facts Persons rendering personal service?
of the relation make it nearly one of employment
than one of independent business enterprise with Because these persons are for the maintenance of
respect to the ends sought to be accomplished. the employer’s home, or minister to the personal
(Sunripe vs. CIR) comfort, convenience or safety of the employer.

What are considered evidences of employment? As to workers paid by result?

In a business establishment, and ID, cash vouchers, They are paid by results and not on the basis of
SSS Registration, and memorandums. time spend in working.

Note: The presence or absence of employer- What is the purpose of the 8-hour labor law?
employee relationship is note determined by the
To safeguard the health and welfare of the laborer Do working hours count if the employee is
or employee, and also to minimize unemployment. working while eating?

GR: Normal hours of work of any employee shall Generally, the employee must be completely
not exceed 8 hours a day. relieved from duty for the purpose of eating
regular meals. But if the employee is not relieved
XPN: In cases where the exigencies of the service
from such while eating, it is compensable.
require, 48 hours which they shall be entitled to an
additional compensation of at least 30% of their Can a worker sleeping be working?
regular wage for work on the sixth day. (For
It is dependent upon the express or implied
medical personnel)
agreement of the parties. In the absence of such
Who are health personnel? agreement, it will depend upon the nature of the
service and its relation to the working time.
It shall include resident physicians, nurses,
nutritionists, dieticians, pharmacists, social Note: When a worker is “on call”, the time when
workers, lab techs, paramedics, psychologists, the laborer can leave his work and rest completely
midwives, attendants and all other hospital or clinic shall not be counted in the computation. However,
personnel. if they are required to be in their place of work
before or after the regular working hours and
Note: Medical secretaries are also considered clinic
within the call of their employers, the time they
stay in the place of work should not be discounted
May an employee be allowed to work for 12 from their working hours.
Is the travel time to and from the place of work
Yes. A 12-hour workshift is validated by consent counted in the working hours?
and its four-hour overtime work with OT pay
It depends. If an employee who travels from home
becomes a contractual commitment. (Interphil
before his regular workday and returns to his home
Union vs. Interphil Labs)
at the end of the workday, such is not counted as it
What does hours worked include? is a normal incident of employment. But if
travelling is essentially a part of an employee’s
a. All time during which an employee is functions to his work, then it is counted.
required to be on duty or to be at a
prescribed workplace; and Are lectures, meetings and training programs
b. All time during which an employee is counted as working time?
suffered or permitted to work. (Art. 84)
It need not be counted as working time if the
Note: Rest periods of short duration during following criteria are met:
working hours shall be counted as hours worked.
1. Attendance is outside of the employee’s
Note: Waiting time spent by an employee shall be regular working hours;
considered as working time if waiting is considered 2. Attendance is voluntary; and
an integral part of his work or if the employee is 3. The employee does not perform any
required or engaged by an employer to wait. productive work during such attendance.
Note: In cases of seamen, the rule is that a laborer 3. The work does not involve strenuous
need not leave the premises of the factory, shop or physical exertion;
boat in order that his period of rest shall not be 4. The value of benefits is equal or
counted, it being enough that he “ceases to work”. commensurate with the compensation due
What is the evidence required in cases of hours
5. The overtime pay of employees will become
due and demandable beyond 4:30 pm; and
Substantial evidences such as employment 6. The effectivity shall be of temporary
contract, payroll, notice of assignment or posting, duration as determined by the SOLE.
cash voucher or any other convincing evidence
What is the rate of night shift differential provided
which may attest to the actual hours of work of the
in the Code?
employee. (Prangan vs. NLRC)
Every employee shall be paid a night shift
What is the prescribed meal period for
differential of not less than 10% of his regular wage
for each hour of work performed between 10 and 6
It shall be the duty of every employer to give his in the morning. (Art. 86)
employees not less than 60 minutes of time-off for
Rationale: It cannot be regarded as desirable. It is
their regular meals. (Art. 85)
uneconomical unless overhead costs are unusually
However, meal break may be shortened with full heavy.
pay in cases where:
May night shift differential be waived?
a. The work is non-manual or does not involve
No. Additional compensation for nighttime work is
serious physical exertion;
founded on public policy, hence the same cannot
b. The establishment regularly operates not
be waived. (Mercury Drug vs. Dayao)
less than 16 hours a day;
c. There is actual or impending emergencies Who has the burden of proving a claim for night
or there is urgent work to be performed; shift differential pay?
The burden of proving that payment of such
d. The work is necessary to prevent serious
benefit has been made rests upon the party who
loss of perishable goods.
will suffer if no evidence at all is presented by
May the employees request their meal period be either party.
What is Overtime compensation?
Yes. The DOLE may allow under the following
It is an additional pay for service or work rendered
or performed in excess of 8 hours a day.
1. The employees voluntarily agree in writing
Rationale: The employee is made to work longer
to a shortened meal period and willing to
than what is commensurate with his agreed
waive the OT pay for such;
compensation for the statutorily fixed or
2. There will be no dimunition whatsoever in
voluntarily agreed hours of labor he is supposed to
the salary and other fringe benefits of the
What is the rate of overtime work? 4. An employer, who cannot expressly
renounce the right to extra compensation,
It must be equivalent to his regular wage plus at
may be compelled to accomplish the same
least 25% thereof. Work performed beyond 8
thing by mere silence or lapse of time,
hours on a holiday or rest day shall be paid an
thereby frustrating the purpose of the law
additional compensation equivalent to the rate of
by indirection.
the first 8 hours + 30% thereof. (Art. 87)
May an employee waive his overtime pay?
Can overtime pay rate be higher than what is
prescribed? General Rule: No. The right is intended for the
benefit of the laborers.
Yes. Through Collective Bargaining Agreement.
(PNB vs. PEMA) Exception: When the alleged waiver of overtime
pay is in consideration of benefits and privileges
How is “Work Day” counted?
which may be more than what will accrue to them
The Eight-hour Labor Law is understood to be the in overtime pay.
24-hour period which commences from the time
May the employer and employee stipulate that
the employee regularly starts to work.
the latter’s salary already includes overtime pay?
Who is responsible for substantiation of overtime
This is called all-inclusive salary, which is not per se
illegal. The arrangement is not unusual for
Rendition of work must be proved by substantial executives who, in the first place are not entitled to
evidence by the claimant. On the other hand, the overtime pay.
employer who avers payment must prove it.
For non-executive employees, there should have
Are the principles of estoppel and laches been express agreement to that effect.
applicable in action for recovery of compensation
What are the requisites of base pay with
for past overtime work?
integrated overtime pay?
1. A clear written agreement knowingly and
1. It would be contrary to the spirit of the freely entered into by the employee; and
Eight-hour labor law, under which the 2. The mathematical result shows that the
laborers cannot waive their right to extra agreed legal wage rate and overtime pay,
compensation; computed separately, are equal or higher
2. The law principally obligates the employer than the separate amounts legally due.
to observe it, so much so that it punishes
Can there be a built-in overtime pay in
the employer for its violation and leaves the
Government-approved contracts?
employee free and blameless;
3. The employee is in such a disadvantageous Yes, provided that the said overtime pay was
position as to be naturally reluctant or even already provided in the written contract with a
apprehensive in asserting a claim which built-in overtime pay.
may cause the employer to devise a way for
What is compressed workweek?
exercising his right to terminate the
employment; and
The number of work days is reduced but the What is included in an FWA?
number of work hours in a day is increased to more
1. Reduction of workdays;
than eight, but no overtime pay may be claimed.
2. Rotation of workers;
(DOLE Advisory No. 02-04)
3. Forced leaves;
What are the conditions laid down in CWW? 4. Broken-time schedule; and
5. Flexi-holiday schedule.
1. The scheme is expressly and voluntarily
supported by the majority of the employees Can undertime be offset by overtime?
No. Undertime work on any particular day shall not
2. A certification from an accredited safety
be offset by overtime work on any other day. (Art.
organization that work beyond eight hours
is within the limits or levels of exposure set
by DOLE’s occupational safety and health Rationale: The unfairness would be evident from
standards (in case of firms operating in the fact that undertime hours represent only the
conditions that are hazardous to health); employee’s hourly rate while overtime hours
and reflect both of the employee’s hourly rate of pay
3. The DOLE regional office is duly notified. and appropriate overtime premium.
(DOLE Advisory No. 02-04)
What are the instances when an employee may
What are the effects of such CWW? be required to render overtime work?
1. Work beyond eight hours will not be 1. When the country is at war or any other
compensable by overtime premium, unless national or local emergency has been
there is a more favorable practice; edeclared;
2. Employees are entitled to meal periods of 2. When it is necessary to prevent loss of life,
not less than 60 minutes and their leaves property or emergency in the locality
and rest day pays shall not be impaired; and caused by serious calamities;
3. Adoption of CWW shall in no case result in 3. When there is urgent work to be performed
dimunition of existing benefits. to avoid serious loss or damage to the
Can a waiver of the right to OT pay under a CWW
4. When the work is necessary to prevent loss
program be waived?
or damage to perishable goods; and
Yes. Where it is shown that the person making the 5. Where the completion of work started
waiver did so voluntarily, with full understanding of before the eighth hour is necessary to
what he was doing, and the consideration for the prevent serious obstruction or prejudice to
quit claim is credible and reasonable, the the business or operations of the employer.
transaction must be recognized as a valid and (Art. 89)
binding understanding.

What is a Flexible Work Arrangement?

FWA refers to alternative arrangements or
1. It shall be the duty of every employer to
schedules other than the traditional standard work
provide each of his employees a rest period
hours, days or week.
of not less than 24 hours after every 6 It is a reference to a day set apart for worship,
consecutive normal work days. reverence to the memory of a great leader, to
2. The employer shall determine the schedule rejoice over some national or historical event, or
and weekly rest day subject to CBA, as rekindle the flames of an ideal. It means a
regulated by the SOL. However, the consecrated day, religious festival or day on which
employer shall respect the preference of ordinary occupations are suspended, a day of
employees when such is based on religious exception, that is, a cessation from work, or day of
grounds. (Art. 91) festivity, recreation and amusement. (SOJ Opinion
No. 100, Series of 1954)
What are the instances when an employer may
require work on a rest day? What is a special non-working day?

1. In case of calamities, to prevent loss of life Presently, 3 such holidays exist (Ninoy Aquino Day,
and property; All Saints Day and Last Day of the Year). In these
2. In cases of urgent work to be performed on instances, if a daily-paid employee does not work,
machinery to avoid serious loss; he gets no pay; if he works he gets his daily basic
3. In the event of abnormal pressure of work rate + 30%.
due to special circumstances;
What are regular holidays?
4. To prevent loss or damage to perishable
goods; A daily-paid or mothly-paid employee, even if he
5. Where the nature of work requires does not work on a regular holiday, gets 100% of
continuous operations; and his usual pay; if he does work on that day he gets
6. Other circumstances as determined by the 200%.
SOL. (Art. 92)
What are special working days?
What is the compensation for rest day, Sunday or
holiday work? An employee is entitled only to his daily wage rate.
No premium is required since worked performed is
1. During scheduled rest days, an additional an ordinary workday, but there are no classes in
30% of his regular wage; schools.
2. If there are no regular workdays and rest
days, an additional of 30% of his regular HOLIDAYS, SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVES AND
3. On any special holidays, an additional 30%
of the regular wage Provided: if the same
falls on his regular rest day, an additional 1. Every worker is entitled to regular daily
50% of his regular wage; and wage during regular holidays, except in
4. Where the CBA or any other applicable retail/service establishments with less than
employment contract stipulates the 10 workers;
payment of a higher premium than that 2. The employer may require an employee to
prescribed, the employer shall pay such work but such employee shall be paid twice
higher rate. (Art. 93) his regular rate. (Art. 94)

What is a Holiday? Note: the listing of 10 holidays in paragraph (c) is

already obsolete.
How much is an employee entitled where the 5.2. Customarily exercise discretion and
holiday falls on the scheduled rest day of the independent judgment;
employee? 5.3. Regularly assist a managerial
employee in the management of the
260%. (Holiday rate of 200% + Additional 30%)
establishment or executed work
What is the purpose of a holiday pay? requiring special training and special
assignments; and
To prevent dimunition of the monthly income of 5.4. Does not devote more than 20% of
the workers on account of work interruptions their hours worked in a workweek to
declared by the State. (JRC vs. NLRC and NATOW) activities which are not directly related
to the work described in the preceding
What are the Twelve Regular Holidays?
paragraphs; and
1. New year; 6. Field personnel whose time and
2. Maundy Thursday; performance is unsupervised by the
3. Good Friday; employer.
4. Araw ng Kagitingan;
Formulas to compute wages on Holidays
5. Labor Day;
6. Independence Day; 1) For regular holidays as provided for under EO
7. National Heroes’ Day; 203 (incorporated in EO 292) as amended by R.A.
8. Eidl Fitr; No. 9177. [See list of twelve legal holidays, above.]
9. Aidl Adha; a) If it is an employee’s regular workday
10. Bonifacio Day; If unworked — 100%
11. Christmas Day; and If worked:
12. Rizal Day (EO 292) 1st 8 hrs. — 200%
Excess of 8 hours — plus 30% of hourly rate
Who are entitled to Holiday Pay?
on said day
ALL employees, except: b) If it is an employee’s rest day
If unworked — 100%
1. Government employees;
If worked:
2. Retail and service establishments of less
1st 8 hrs. — plus 30% of 200%
than 10 workers;
Excess of 8 hrs — plus 30% of hourly
3. House helpers and persons;
rate on said day
4. Managerial employees, PROVIDED:
2) For declared special days such as Special Non-
4.1. Their primary duty is to manage the
Working Day, Special Public Holiday, Special
National Holiday, in addition to the three
4.2. They customarily direct the work of
nationwide special [nonworking] days (listed in the
2 or more employees; and
comments to Article 93), the following rules shall
4.3. They have authority to hire or fire
employees of lower rank.
a) If unworked —
5. Managerial staff, if they perform:
No pay, unless there is a favorable company
5.1. Work directly related to
policy, practice or collective bargaining agreement
management policies;
(CBA) granting payment of wages, on special days If worked – At least 390% of his basic wage.
even if unworked. (Explanatory Bulletin on Workers’ Entitlement to
b) If worked — Holiday Pay, April 9, 1993)
1st 8 hrs. — plus 30% of the daily rate of
100% Note: The bulletin does not cover cases where
Excess of 8 hrs. — plus 30% of hourly rate there are existing agreements or employer policy
on said day or practice providing for more liberal benefits than
c) Falling on the employee’s rest day and if worked those that would result with the application of said
— 1st 8 hrs. — plus 50% of the daily rate of 100% issuance. (Explanatory Bulletin on Workers’
Excess of 8 hrs. — plus 30% of hourly rate Entitlement to Holiday Pay, April 9, 1993)
on said day
What is the double holiday rule for monthly-paid
3) For those declared as special working holidays,
the following rules shall apply:
For work performed, an employee is If unworked – no additional payment (EO 203)
entitled only to his basic rate. No premium pay is
required since work performed on said days is If worked – An additional 100% of the regular
considered work on ordinary working days.” salary shall be paid to employees, without
prejudice to any agreement, company policy or
Is Emergency Cost-of-Living (ECOLA) allowance practice which grants better benefits to employees
part of the holiday pay? on said days.

Yes. All private sector workers and employees in RIGHT TO SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVE
the NCR receiving daily wage rates of 250-290 shall
receive an ECOLA in the amount of 30 pesos per Every employee who has rendered at least 1 year
day (Wage Order No. NCR-09). of service is entitled to 5 days of SIL (Art. 95)

Note: if the applicable wage order does not require Except:

ECOLA as part of the minimum wage, or if the
employee’s wage is equal or higher, any ECOLA 1. those enjoying VL with pay of at least 5
that exceeds and is not part of such rate need not days;
be paid as part of a holiday pay. 2. those employed in establishments
employing less than 10 employees; or
What if the Holiday falls on a Sunday? 3. in establishments exempted by the SOL.
(Art. 95)
When a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the
following Monday shall not be a holiday, unless a Note: the grant of benefit in excess of that
proclamation is issued declaring it a special public provided shall not be a subject of arbitration or any
holiday. (LOI No. 1087, Nov. 1980) administrative action.

What if there are 2 Holidays on the same day? What is the meaning of One year of service?

If unworked – At least 200% of their basic wage; It means service within 12 months, reckoned from
and the date the employee started working.

Are part-time workers entitled to SIL?

Yes. Part-time workers are entitled to the full Note: Tips are handled similarly as service charges.
benefit of 5 days SIL with pay. (Bureau of Working (DOLE Handbook on Worker’s Statutory Monetary
Conditions, Advisory Opinion) Benefits)

Rationale: Art. 95 speaks of number of months in a

year for entitlement to said benefit.

May an SIL be commuted?

Yes. The SIL shall be commutable to its money

equivalent if not used or exhausted at the end of
the year. (Labor Code IRR)

What is the basis of computation of SIL


The basis of conversion shall be the salary rate at

the date of commutation. The use and
commutation of the SIL may be on a pro-rata basis.
(DOLE Handbook on Workers’ Statutory Monetary

Note: SIL of kasambahay are not commutable. (RA


What is the rationale for accumulation and

conversion of leaves?

The Court noted that cash equivalent is aimed

primarily at encouraging workers to work
continuously and with dedication for the company.
(PNB-Republic Bank vs. NLRC)

Note: While SIL is mandatory, VL/SL benefits are

voluntary, hence must be proved.

What is the rate of distribution of service charges?

All service charges collected by hotels, restaurants

and similar establishments shall be distributed at
the rate of 85% for employees and 15% for
management equally. (Art. 96)

Note: In case the service charge is abolished, the

share of the employees shall be considered
integrated in their wages. (Art. 96)

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