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1. When the nurse puts the patient's ID bracelet?

a. When a patient arrives in hospital
b. When the patient goes home

2. Bahasa Inggrisnya “Dahi” …

a. Toes
b. Forehead

3. Bahasa Inggris “Pergelangan Kaki”

a. Ankle
b. Chest

4. What is “Shoulder” in Indonesian?

a. Bahu
b. Hidung

5. What does the nurse do when the patient comes in?

a. Tell the patient to sleep
b. Welcoming a patient on admission

Kunci Jawaban:

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris II Keperawatan Jadwal Kuliah : 07 Sept 2020
Nama Mahasiswa : Budi Setiawan Nama Dosen : Dr. Masrul, M.Pd

Dr. Masrul, M.Pd

the conclusion is, the development of nursing that we know today cannot be separated and strongly
influeced by the development of structure and progress of human civilization. The belief in
animism, the spread of the great religions, the world and the socio-economic conditions of society,
the occurrence of war, renaissance and the reform movement participated in coloring the
development of nursing.
Ana (Pemateri 1)
Nursing as an integral part of health services is a form of professional service based on nursing
science. In the development of nursing science always follow the development of other science,
given the science of nursing is an applied science that always changes with the times.
Ani (Pemateri 2)
Treatment has been carried out since the existence of humans and the target is human from birth
until the arrival of death. In Indonesia nurse work is done base on the instinct of motherly feeling
to care for her children (Mother Instinct). The history of nursing development in Indonesia has
been influenced by the invaders such as Japan, the Netherlands and the UK.
Udin (Pemateri 3)
The importance of effective communication as a fundamental element of nursing has been
emphasized and is regarded as integral to the provision of quality patient care. For people residing
in complex continuing care (similar to long-term care facilities), opportunities for socialization
occur primarily during interactions or communication with staff.
Salma (Pemateri 4)
The growing focus on quality improvement in health care, concerns about the quality care, and the
move towards patient involvement and consultation. Of particular interest is the way in which
changes in nurse staffing, skill mix and autonomy may affect the delvery of quality patient care.
Salwa (Pemateri 5)
Nursing home residents primarily rely on staff for communication and interpersonal relationship.
Challenged by staffing shortages and increasingly complex care, staff who provide the most
communication with resident lack awereness and skills to effectively communicate.
Siska (Pemateri 6)
Positive nurse-patient communication in chronic care is crucial to the quality of life and well-being
of patients. Despite this, patients are dissatisfied with these interactions and nursing staff.

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