4th QTR Exam Final

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Divine Mercy Learning Centre of QC

54 B. V. Luzon Ext. Project 8, QC

4th Quarter Exam in CLE 3

Name: Score:
Grade 3 – Topaz Teacher Paulo

I. Identify the parts of the mass where it belongs. Write W for word and E for eucharist.

1. Responsorial psalm 6. Epiclesis

2. Concluding prayer 7. Anamnesis
3. Dismissal 8. Gospel
4. Homily 9. First reading
5. Offertory 10. Doxology

II. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Part of the mass that deeply means we have a mission to proclaim the Word of God.
a. entrance procession b. homily c. dismissal
2. According to the Holy Bible, Jesus after being crucified will resurrect after how many days?
a. 2 days b. 3 days c. 4 days
3. He betrayed Jesus in exchange for 30 silver coins
a. Judas Iscariot b. Peter c. Virgin Mary
4. The woman whom Jesus offered Himself as the living water needed by our souls.
a. Jewish b. Samaritan c. Israelites
5. Which of the following best explains about the ash being put in our forehead during Ash
a. it tells us that we need to remember Jesus always.
b. it tells us that we are sinners and we need forgiveness from God.
c. it tells us that we need to be silent for the whole season.
6. The essential part of the Communion Rite which represents the solemn act of Jesus Christ in
the Last Supper.
a. Holy Communion b. Offertory c. Doxology
7. It marks the start of the Lenten season.
a. Palm Sunday b. Easter Sunday c. Ash Wednesday
8. After His resurrection, what was Jesus’ order to His apostles?
a. Go to all the ends of the world and proclaim the Word of God.
b. Go back to your hometown and baptize everyone.
c. Go everywhere you want and be good.
9. The event where Jesus ate his last meal together with the apostles.
a. last supper b. last meal c. final meal
10. The following are fruits of receiving the Holy Communion EXCEPT…
a. union with Christ b. new life c. reconciliation

III. Rearrange the following sequence in receiving the Holy Communion

If you are receiving by tongue, open and extend your tongue and close it once given to
Respect Holy Communion with reverence and respect.
After receiving Holy Communion, return to your seat and talk to Jesus in silence.
When priest says, “The Body of Christ”, respond with “Amen”
If you are receiving by hand, it should be free from any stain, put your left hand to your
right hand and receive it with care.

IV. Match the following important events of Lent to Jesus’ life.

1. Good Friday a. Jesus was risen from the death.

2. Ash Wednesday b. Jesus entered Jerusalem
3. Black Saturday c. Jesus was crucified and died
4. Easter Sunday d. Jesus’ ate his last supper
5. Palm Sunday e. Jesus was buried
6. Maundy Thursday f. Jesus was tempted by the devil

V. Write T if the statement is correct, if not, change the underlined word and choose the
correct inside the box.

1. Jesus is the true living water.

2. When we receive the host during the mass, we are freed from sin.
3. In order to proclaim the Word of God we should know the Q’ran first
4. The Concluding Rite starts with offertory.
5. We are invited to receive the Holy Communion every time we celebrate the
Holy Mass.

VI. Identify what is being described in each statement. Write your answer on the line

1. The faithful forms a single line towards the altar and the priest give the
host to them.
2. The priest extends his hands and gives his final blessing.
3. The food that were eaten by the Israelites in the desert.
4. The food that became the body and blood of Christ.
5. It is the summary of our Catholic Faith.
6. The time when the priest speaks his point of view about the Gospel.
7. The prayer that Jesus has taught us.

VII. Complete the prayer by encircling the correct word inside the parenthesis.

God the (Powerful, Father), we ask for the grace of

(perseverance, faith) to resist and avoid (sin, you) so

that we can always be (worthy, faithful) to receive Jesus Christ in

Holy (Mass, Communion)

As we (give, receive) the Holy Communion may we share its

(fruits, gifts) to others. Amen.

Divine Mercy Learning Centre of QC
54 B. V. Luzon Ext. Project 8, QC

4th Quarter Exam in CLE 2

Name: Score:
Grade 2 – Ruby Teacher Paulo

I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. She first noticed that the tomb of Christ was empty.

a. Martha b. Mary Magdalene c. Virgin Mary
2. He helped Jesus in carrying the cross up to the mountain.
a. Simon Peter b. Simon of Cyrene c. Zacchaeus
3. The following happened when Jesus died on the cross EXCEPT…
a. The curtain of the temple was torn into two.
b. The sky get dark and the wind became strong.
c. The people fainted and fell asleep
4. After Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane, He was brought before the religious
leaders called…
a. Golgotha b. Sanhedrin c. Temple
5. The season in the Catholic Church where we commemorate the passion, death
and resurrection of Jesus.
a. Advent b. Easter c. Lent
6. The act of Jesus passing from death to a new life.
a. Crucifixion b. Resurrection c. Ascension
8. It marks the start of the Lenten season.
a. Easter Sunday b. Palm Sunday c. Ash Wednesday
9. When Mary Magdalene saw Jesus, he said “Rabbouni” which means…
a. savior b. teacher c. helper
10. What was posted at the top of Jesus’ head when He was on the cross?
11. It is a symbol of suffering and love, of forgiveness and openness to others.
a. bread and wine b. cross c. tomb
12. It made the people including the Roman soldier, say, “Truly Jesus is the Son of
a. resurrection b. crucifixion c. agony
13. Which statement shows the reason why Jesus was sentenced to death.
a. because He had shown that He was the Messiah
b. because He told a lie to the religious leaders.
c. because He contradicted the law of Moses.
14. The place where Jesus was crucified.
a. Gethsemane b. Sanhedrin c. Golgotha
15. He is the first apostle who see and believe that Jesus was risen.
a. Peter b. Andrew c. Matthew

II. Identify the last events of Jesus’ life using the following description. Choose
your answer inside the box.

a. Palm Sunday b. Ash Wednesday c. Easter Sunday

d. Good Friday e. Maundy Thursday f. Black Saturday

1. He ate His last meal with the apostles.

2. He was beaten, scourged and was crucified

3. He was tempted by the devil.

4. He passed death to a new life.

5. He entered Jerusalem.

6. He was buried in a tomb.

III. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect. Write your

answer on the line provided.

1. Jesus Christ rose from the death and died eventually.

2. The passion of Christ tells us that by what He did we are freed from sin.

3. We believe that when we die believing in Jesus, we will also resurrect

with Jesus.

4. Jesus as Messiah, carries His cross and dies on the cross.

5. The Virgin Mary jumped for joy when they buried Jesus.

6. Peter scolded the rest of the apostles because they are not following Jesus.

7. Jesus was crucified because He wanted to be famous to all.

8. The apostles hid during Jesus’ passion because they were afraid of the
punishment that would given to them.

9. Mary Magdalene saw two angels sitting on Jesus’ tomb.

10. Peter and Mary were happy when they saw that Jesus was not in the

IV. Which of the following tells about the season of lent? Put a check on the
line provided, if not, leave it blank.

1. It is the season of fasting, praying and almsgiving.

2. We are encourage to repent from our sins.

3. A season where we celebrate Jesus’ second coming.

4. It shows how Jesus redeemed us from our sins.

5. Lent is a season where people eat everything that they want.

V. Write the names of some biblical characters who said the following lines

a. Mary Magdalene b. Jesus c. Beloved apostle d. Centurion / soldier

1. “Rabbouni, my teacher!”

2. “I see and believe”

3. “Stop holding on to Me, I have to go first to My Father…”

4. “Truly, this is the Son of God.”

5. “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are

6. “I have seen the Lord! He is risen!”

7. “Mary Magdalene, what is it?”

VI. Put a check if the following situation happens during Resurrection, and X
if it happens on the Crucifixion of Christ.

1. Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to check the body of Christ.

2. Two angels appeared and told them that Christ was risen.

3. The people mocked Him to come down from the cross.

4. The curtain of the temple wastorn into two.

5. A certain Simon helped Jesus in carrying the cross.

6. The apostles were glad that Jesus rises from the death.

7. The soldiers cast lots who would take the garments of Jesus.

Divine Mercy Learning Centre of QC

54 B. V. Luzon Ext. Project 8, QC

4th Quarter Exam in CLE 1

Name: Score:
Grade 1 – Garnet Teacher Paulo

I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The event of Jesus when the Virgin Mary gave birth to him.
a. Nativity b. Crucifixion c. Agony
2. Which of the following situation shows that we love God.
a. chatting while praying in the Church
b. joining the choir in singing the mass songs
c. sleeping while at mass
3. She asked Jesus to help the couple in the wedding ceremony to solve their
a. Virgin Mary b. Peter c. Joseph
4. It helps us in every way that we do.
a. Holy Spirit b. God the Father c. Angels
5. What is the first miracle of Jesus?
a. He made the stones a bread
b. He turned the water into wine
c. He made the blind see
6. What did the apostle say to Jesus when they saw the people hungry?
a. “We don’t have money to buy food”
b. “We have enough food here”
c. “We don’t have enough food for them”
7. How many loaves of bread did Jesus multiply to feed the people?
a. five loaves b. six loaves c. seven loaves
8. What happened to the water inside the jar after Jesus blesses it?
a. it became a wine b. it became a vinegar c. still water
9. The season when we commemorate Jesus’ passion.
a. Christmas b. Lenten c. New Year
10. Where is the wedding that Mary and Jesus attended?
a. Cana, Galilee b. Bethlehem c. Nazareth

II. Match the name of Jesus’ life events based on the keyword given in each

1. Jesus was presented in the temple. A. baptism

2. Jesus was crucified. B. resurrection
3. Jesus was born. C. presentation
4. Jesus ate His last meal. D. burial
5. Jesus was baptized. E. entrance
6. Jesus was raised from the dead. F. crucifixion
7. Jesus was betrayed, denied and arrested. G. last supper
8. Jesus ascended into heaven. H. agony
9. Jesus entered Jerusalem. I. nativity
10. Jesus was buried. J. ascension

III. Put a check if the situation is correct, if not leave it blank.

1. Jesus was scolded by Mary because He did not follow her request.
2. Jesus died on the cross because He is a criminal.
3. We should show our love not only to our parents but also for everyone.
4. When we do well to others we will have a treasure in heaven.
5. Jesus multiplied the food so that everyone could eat.
6. When we attend a Mass, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
7. The wine that came from Jesus tastes better than the other wine.
8. The Holy Spirit helps us to do only good things to others.
9. To follow the way of love is living the dignity of the children of God.
10. Virgin Mary is also our mother

IV. Identify the title of the story based on the dialogue given below.

a. The Water Changed into Wine b. Feeding the Multitude

1. “We are in the deserted place and it is already late.”
2. “Do whatever He tells you”
3. “There is no need for them to go away, give them some food yourselves”
4. “Now draw some out and take them to the server.”
5. “They have no wine”
6. “Thank you we had eaten enough”
7. “Fill the jars with water”
8. “There is a boy who has five loaves of bread and two fish”
9. “Does it matter to you and me?”
10. “This is the best wine!”

V. Encircle the number that shows the things done during Lent.

1. Station of the Cross

2. Visita Iglesia
3. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Kumpisal)
4. Veneration of the Cross
5. Pabasa (Pasyong Mahal)

VI. The following situation shows about love and care for other, cross out the
number that does not belong.

1. Praying for the safety of your dear ones

2. Helping each other by correcting each other’s mistake.
3. Being humble in every situation
4. Having more patience for those who need time to finish their task.
5. Ignoring the feelings of the other.

Divine Mercy Learning Centre of QC

54 B. V. Luzon Ext. Project 8, QC

4th Quarter Exam in CLE 4

Name: Score:
Grade 4 – Aquamarine Teacher Paulo

I. Determine what kind of Liturgical season does each event express. Choose your answer
inside the box.

Ash Wedneday Christmas Advent Last Supper Easter

1. Mary gave birthChrist
Crucifixion to his the
son King
Jesus. Pentecost Ascension Palm Sunday

2. Jesus entered Jerusalem with people waving their palms.

3. The Holy Spirit came down to the apostles and Mary.

4. Jesus went to the right hand of the Father after he resurrected.

5. The priest put ashes to the Catholic’s forehead.

6. Jesus resurrected after three days.

7. We give honor to Jesus our King.

8. Jesus ate his last meal together with His apostles.

9. A preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ.

10. Jesus was crucified together with two criminals.

II. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Ash Wednesday falls under what Liturgical season?

a. Advent b. Lent c. Easter
2. Who taught us that God the Father is the God of mercy?
a. Mary b. Peter c. Jesus
3. Which of the following is prohibited during Lenten season?
a. sweet foods b. meat c. time to rest
4. These are the works of mercy that pertain to our bodily nourishment.
a. spiritual b. corporal c. mental
5. He is the Third person of the Divine Trinity.
a. God the Father b. Jesus c. Holy Spirit
6. The event where the Virgin Mary and the apostles received the Holy Spirit.
a. Ascension b. Pentecost c. Easter
7. Works of mercy that will help our spiritual needs.
a. spiritual b. corporal c. mental
8. Which of the following BEST explains about Lenten season?
a. it commemorates Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection
b. it shows how powerful God is
c. it is the time to celebrate Christ’s reign.
9. The following activities can be done during Lenten season EXCEPT…
a. almsgiving b. praying c. celebrating
10. These are the sins that can lead us to a deadly punishments.
a. 7 sacraments
b. 7 Spiritual works of mercy
c. 7 deadly sins

III. Arrange the correct sequence in the story “Jesus Comforts His Disciples”

“You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Jesus is saying goodbye to His disciples.
I will come back and take you with me that you may also may be where I am.
My Father’s house has many rooms.
If I go and prepare a place for you…
IV. Read each statement below, and identify the works of mercy that it tells.

1. Always be willing to forgive someone.

2. Kindly and privately talk to the person about the problem.

3. Encourage your priest to visit someone in prison

4. Help someone fix up their house that needs it.

5. Encourage someone to talk to an expert, like a priest, teacher,


6. Give food to a homeless person

7. If you are good at something, be willing to teach that skill to


8. Attend funerals & visitations

9. Make your own things to donate- hats, scarves, etc.

10. If you are good at something, be willing to teach that skill to


V. Match the following days of the Lent to Jesus’ life events.

1. Ash Wednesday a. Jesus rose from the death.

2. Palm Sunday b. Jesus was buried
3. Maundy Thursday c. Jesus was scourged and died on the cross.
4. Good Friday d. Jesus had his last meal together with the apostles.
5. Black Saturday e. Jesus entered Jerusalem.
6. Easter Sunday f. Jesus was tempted by the devil.

VI. Complete the Prayer of the Holy Spirit. Choose the word that will complete the prayer
inside the parenthesis.
Come Holy (Spirit, Lord)… give me love, (faith, joy)

and peace in all that I say.

Come Holy Spirit… so that I will show (kindness, blessedness)

and goodness to (family, people) around me in all I will do.

Come Holy Spirit… shower us with your (blessing, presence)

for my family and friends

Send us your gifts of (fear, courage), wisdom, understanding, knowledge,

counsel, piety and (fear of the Lord, love of the Lord) that I might know and

love you more. Amen.

Divine Mercy Learning Centre of QC

54 B. V. Luzon Ext. Project 8, QC

4th Quarter Exam in CLE 5

Name: Score:
Grade 5 – Crystal Teacher Paulo

I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The age wherein they are bound to practice abstinence.
a. 15 years old b. 14 years old c. 16 years old
2. These are our socially conditioned images, knowledge, or generalizations of one social group
as seen by others.
a. prejudice b. stereotype c. discrimination
3. The Book of the Bible which it show us how magnificently God has created us.
a. Isaiah b. Sirach c. Exodus
4. All Fridays of the lent are considered as…
a. penitential day b. celebration day c. Lord’s day
5. It is a behavioural pattern in which the victim is deprived of proper treatment due to his or her
social grouping.
a. discrimination b. stereotype c. prejudice
6. These are created as manifestations of God’s goodness and love for men.
a. sacrament b. laws c. beatitudes
7. If the person is practicing abstinence during Lent, what he/she shouldn’t eat?
a. rice b. meat c. bread
8. These are negative feelings, attitudes and beliefs of one social group toward another.
a. discrimination b. stereotype c. prejudice
9. He is the young saint from Mexico who joined the Christeros to fight for their faith.
a. St. Rose of Lima b. St. Juan Diego c. St. Jose Sanchez del Rio
10. It marks the start of the Lenten season in the Catholic Church.
a. Easter Sunday b. Ash Wednesday c. Palm Sunday

II. Identify the name of the saint being described in each statement. Write your answer on
the space provided.

1. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him in the mountains.

2. A nun who consecrated her life for the Lord and fought for the
human rights in her country.
3. He is the patron saint of the illutionists.
4. He is known as the people’s pope because of his many travels around
the world just to visit all the Catholic people.
5. A Salvadoran Roman Catholic archbishop who was vocal critic of the
violent activities of government armed forces.
6. Young boy who fights for his faith by joining a group of Catholics in
7. A pope who started the World Youth Day.
8. He denounced the regime of the dictator Gen. Carlos Humberto Romero
9. A Roman Catholic priest, who is also a writer and educator, who helped
the children in having a good education in spite of poverty.
10. He told the Bishop to put a Church in honor of the Blessed Virgin

III. Determine if the following actions are forms of discrimination, stereotypes or


1. Black Americans are treated with apathy, fear or suspicion because of

the color of their skin.
2. Filipinos are hospitable, industrious and having close family ties.
3. A luggage of a Middle Eastern passenger would be more thoroughly
searched because he is suspected to be a terrorist.
4. A notion that the Philippines is a nation of domestic workers.
5. An old person was not allowed to eat inside the restaurant because his
clothes and things are dirty.
6. The overseas Filipino workers are perceived as those who have the
mañana habit
7. A Filipino shopping in Hong Kong might not be allowed to touch
expensive jewelries because they gained a reputation for stealing.
8. Americans will blame their neighbor Filipinos for the lost of their dog
because they think that Filipinos are dog-eater.
9. Americans are frank, straightforward and usually have white skin and
pointed nose.
10. Chinese are people who have chinky eyes, yellowish skin and are
astute business people.
IV. Arrange the following words to reveal its message from God.
1. Me Am shall I Lord other the not

your Gods you God have but

2. You vain shall God Lord not name

take the your of the in

3. Sabbath Holy keep Day the

V. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.

1. The commandment “You shall not steal” focuses only on the materials things.
2. When God created the world, He created first the human before all creatures.
3. Lent is the time for prayer, almsgiving and fasting and abstinence.
4. Fasting and Abstinence is for those who undergo dietary planning.
5. Jesus redeemed our sins when He was crucified on the cross.
6. We should treat one another like how we treat ourselves.
7. Keeping the person out of place is a form of discrimination.
8. It is good to avoid the people from Middle east for your safety purposes.
9. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, He knows already his last days are near.
10. By His resurrection, we believe that we will also rise from the dead and will
come to God the Father

VI. Choose 3 topics inside the box and define each. Please write clearly and state each topic
in a brief description.

10 Commandments The Beatitudes Works of Mercy

Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit Lenten Season

Divine Mercy Learning Centre of QC

54 B. V. Luzon Ext. Project 8, QC

4th Quarter Exam in CLE 6

Name: Score:
Grade 6 – Alexandrite Teacher Paulo

I. Write the corresponding event of Jesus Christ to the days of Lent.

1. Ash Wednesday -

2. Palm Sunday -
3. Maundy Thursday -

4. Good Friday -

5. Black Saturday -

6. Easter Sunday -

II. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What did Jesus do when the Pharisees made a plan to destroy him?
a. He confronted them b. He went away c. He shout at them
2. He betrayed Jesus in exchange for 30 silver coins.
a. Judas Iscariot b. Simon Peter c. Virgin Mary
3. It is the biggest Catholic country in Asia whom Pope Francis visited last 2015
a. Vietnam b. Japan c. Philippines
4. The Lenten season lasts for how many days?
a. 30 days b. 60 days c. 40 days
5. Who did Jesus heal during the Sabbath day?
a. leper b. paralyzed man c. mute and deaf
6. Which of the following action is the BEST thing to do during lent?
a. help those who are in need.
b. repent and ask forgives to God
c. read the Holy Bible
7. It drives us to make sure justice is served to those in need.
a. compassion b. justice c. truth
8. If a person is not yet obliged to do fasting and abstinence, how will he/she commemorate lent?
a. by attending the Sunday Mass
b. by sacrificing things that make you happy
c. by doing the same things
9. He heals the sick, he forgives those who ask forgiveness.
a. Peter b. Jesus c. Andrew
10. He describes how Jesus is empowered to establish God’s justice here on earth.
a. Moses b. Isaiah c. Peter

III. Who are the biblical characters that are being described in each statement? Write your
answer on the line.

1. He denied Jesus Christ three times when he was arrested.

2. Known as the "Sons of Thunder;" a nickname given to them by
Jesus Himself

3. He came as Messiah to fulfill all the prophecies spoken of Him

through the Jewish Scriptures.
4. He was the Roman governor over Israel in the time of Christ. He
had the power to decide whether to release Jesus or sentence him to death.
5. He was ordered to carry the cross of Jesus for him
6. He was chosen by God to bring forth the Christ into the world.
While betrothed to Joseph
7. He is most famous for betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
After realizing what he had done under Satan’s influence, he hung himself and his body fell
headlong and burst open
8. Jesus cast seven demons out of her and she was one of His most
loyal followers
9. This wealthy Israelite was a member of the Sanhedrin (the
Jewish governing body) and a secret follower of Jesus.
10. They were Jewish High priests in the time of Christ.
IV. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.

1. Jesus was stubborn that he did not obey the law about the Sabbath.
2. The Virgin Mary is present during the passion of Jesus.
3. The apostles hid after Jesus was arrested and scourged.
4. When we stand for the truth, we think of our personal benefit first.
5. Following the 10 commandments will have an assurance that we will merit eternal life.
6. Judas Iscariot ordered the soldier that Jesus should be crucified
7. We commemorate Jesus’ last days every lent.
8. The last supper of Jesus Christ happened on Maundy Thursday
9. The resurrection of Jesus tells us that we will rise from the dead after three days.
10. A criminal was exchanged in favour of Christ’s crucifixion.

V. Which of the following tells about standing for the truth? Put a check on the line.

1. Choosing your classmates who are closer to your during group activity.
2. Becoming a witness to an incident.
3. Attending rallies or other propaganda.
4. Speaking on behalf of your classmate who can’t express him/herself.
5. Doing the things that you only want not the things for the common good.

VI. Choose from the two topics below and write your insights about it.
Law about the Sabbath Day Jesus speaks no nonsense

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