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A Predestined Love

First years of being together were the happiest,

Travels, parties, monthly celebrations, anniversaries; everything was so at ease.

The feeling of us being so in love and together through day and night,

Has kept the both of us euphoric and alive.

In the later years, conflicts and problems have arisen,

We argue, we shout at each other; we almost thought we have fallen.

We came to the point where we questioned the love we have for each other,

We started to doubt if love was really enough for us to stay together.

During those times of misery and sorrow, days where God tested our faith,

Moments where vengeance, anger, and regrets served as our escape.

Little did we know, God has been guiding and protecting us,

And has led us to forgive, renew, and devote again to our love that is meant to last.

A Christ-centered marriage indeed involves mutual devotion to Jesus Christ,

Christ being the sun around which the husband and wife orbit.

And a marriage lived in sacrificial love through Christ,

Is a marriage fulfilled by God who has predestined it.

After all those years of being married, through the success and failures,

We have discovered something worth more than the parties and travels,

It’s the unconditional love, trust, communication, loyalty, faith,

And most importantly, God being our core, that made us conquer everything with His grace.

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