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How I met myself speaks about a man, John Taylor and the strange adventure he
John Taylor was 34 years old, almost two meters tall with light brown hair and eyes
and had a mustache. He lived in Bristol with his wife Andrea and daughter Kati.
He worked as a computer programmer for a company that had various locations
around the world. John was offered a job for the Budapest office in Hungary.
John and the family moved and it was here that everything happened.
On a cold winter evening in Budapest, John Taylor was returning home from the
office when he collided with a man.
The man turned to apologize and it was precisely here that John discovered that the
stranger was his doppelganger. John followed him but unfortunately the stranger did
not leave footprints in the snow.
John decided to investigate what happened, also involving his wife who initially gave
him rope but then began not to believe it anymore.
A year later, after several researches John finally understood that his meeting with his
double was not accidental, on the contrary he discovered that Janos Szabo (the
double) had a very important message to give him.

If you are curious about what this important message is, I suggest you read the book!

I loved it as a book and I didn't find it particularly difficult to read and understand. It
is perhaps a bit complicated to explain the story. I recommend this book to anyone
who likes the yellow and fantasy genre.

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