Choose and Tick The Most Appropriate Answer

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End Semester Examination [C] Marks scored:

Level : B.E./B.Sc./ B.Pharm./B.Tech. Course : PHYS 102
Year : I Semester: II
Exam. Roll No.: Time : 30 mins. F.M. : 10

Registration No.: Date :

[15 Q.×1=15 marks]

Choose and tick the most appropriate answer.

    
1. ˆ ˆ ˆ B = 2i-k
If A = 3i-2j+k,  
ˆ ˆ then A×B .A is equal to

[a] ˆi+j+k
ˆ ˆ [b] ˆi+kˆ [c] 2 [d] 0

2. The vector potential in a region is given as A  x,y,z  = -yi+2xj
ˆ ˆ . The associated

magnetic induction B is equal to
[a] ˆj+kˆ [b] 3kˆ ˆ ˆ
[c] -i+2j ˆ ˆ ˆ
[d] -i+j+k

3. The electric potential V at any point x, y, z (all in meters) in space is given by V=4x 2
Volt. The electric field at any point (1m, 0, 2m) in Volt meter is
[a] 8 along positive x-axis. [b] 8 along negative x-axis.
[c] 16 along positive x-axis. [d] 16 along negative x-axis.

4. Two point charge +q and –q are held fixed at (-d, 0) and (+d, 0) respectively on
Cartesian coordinate system. Then the dipole moment is
[a] qd along positive x-axis. [b] q(2d) along positive x-axis.
[c] qd along negative x-axis. [d] q(2d) along negative x-axis.

5. At the interface between two linear dielectric (with dielectric constant ε1 and ε 2 ). The
electric field lines bend as shown in figure. Assume that there are no free charges at the
interface. The ratio 1 is
sinθ1 cosθ1 tanθ1 cotθ1
sinθ 2
cosθ 2
tanθ 2
cotθ 2 θ1


6. A circular loop of radius R carrying current I in counter clockwise direction is placed

in a magnetic field B pointing outwards to the plane of conductor. The force on point
P due to small length dl of the coil will be
[a] radially outwards. [b] radially inwards.

[c] tangential at P [d] parallel to B .
7. How long does it take for 60% of a sample of radon to decay? Half life of radon is 3.8
[a] 2.05days [b] 4.05days [c] 5.02days [d] 10.02days

8. For steady current the condition is

  ρ   
[a] .J = 0 [b] .J = - [c]  J = 0 [d] .J = ρt
 
9. .B=0 signifies that
[a] current on the wire is zero. [b] magnetic field is zero.
[c] magnetic monopole cannot exist. [d] magnetic dipole cannot exist.

10. The displacement current is given by

   
E E B B
[a] 0 0 [b]  0 [c]  0 [d] 0 0
t t t t

11. A current of 5A produces a flux of 2 103 wb through a coil of 500 turns. The energy
stored in the magnetic field is
[a]0.5J [b] 1.5J [c] 2.5J [d] 3.5J

12. The flux (in weber) in a closed circuit of resistance 10 varies with time t ( in
seconds) according to equation Φ=6t 2 -5t+1 . What is the magnitude of induced
current at t=0.25s?
[a] 1.2A [b] 0.8A [c] 0.6A [d] 0.2A

13. The variation of magnetic susceptibility χ of a diamagnetic material with absolute

temperature T is given by
[a] χ  T0 [b] χ  T [c] χ  T 1 [d] χ  T 2

14. Fission fragments are generally radioactive as

[a] they have excess of neutrons.
[b] they have excess of protons.
[c] they are products of radioactive nuclides.
[d] their total kinetic energy is of the order of 200MeV.

15. If the number of electrons striking the target be increased then the
[a] frequency of X-rays will decrease. [b] wavelength of X-rays will decrease.
[c] intensity of X-rays will decrease. [d] intensity of X-rays will increase.
End Semester Examination [C]
Level : B.E./B.Sc./B.Pharm./B.Tech. Course : PHYS 102
Year : I Semester: II
Time : 2 hrs. 30 mins. F.M. : 40
[5 Q.×3=15 marks]

1. Derive an expression for the divergence of a vector field in Cartesian co-ordinate.

   
Let F1  x 2kˆ and F2  xiˆ  yjˆ  zkˆ . Calculate the divergence and curl of F1 and F2 .
Which one can be written as gradient of scalar and curl of a vector?

2. Use Gauss’s law to find to find the electric field inside and outside a spherical shell of
radius R which carries a uniform surface charge density  .

3. Prove that the divergence of a curl is always zero. Check it for the
 ˆ ˆ ˆ.
function v = xyi+2yzj+3zxk

4. A cavity sphere is made inside a uniformly polarized medium of polarization P . Show

the electric field at the center of the sphere due to the polarization is .
3 òo
A steady current I flows down a long cylindrical wire of radius
R. Find the magnetic field inside and outside the wire, if the

current is distributed in such a way that J is proportional to r, the
distance from the axis.

5. Prove the reciprocity theorem and obtain Neumann formula.

[5 Q.×5=25 marks]

6. Define the term magnetic vector potential. Show that the vector potential is related with

 0 J   1  
4 v r
the current density as A = dv . If B is uniform, show that A = - (r×B) , where
 2
r is a vector from the origin to that point.

7. Give Langevin’s theory of diamagnetism and show that the susceptibility of

diamagnetic substances is independent of temperature.

8. Find the electric field a distance z above the center of a uniformly charged circular loop
of radius r. Use the result to find the electric field a distance z above the of a uniformly
charged circular disc of radius R and charge density  .

Find the magnetic vector potential of a finite segment of a finite segment of straight
wire carrying a current I. Check that your answer is consistent with
 I
equation B = 0 [sin 1  sin  2 ] .

9. Define Q-value of nuclear reaction. Derive an expression for the Q-value of nuclear
reaction. Also define threshold energy and derive an expression for the threshold energy
of an endoergic reaction.

10. State and prove Poyinting’s theorem and hence define Poynting vector.
  
Derive the equation  B = 0 J . Explain how Maxwell modified the above relation
using the concept of displacement current. Show that the displacement current is given

 E
by Jdis   0 .
Correct answers to objective questions: PHYS 102

1. [d] 0

2. [b] 3kˆ

3. [b] 8 along negative x-axis.

4. [b] q(2d) along positive x-axis.

5. [c]
tanθ 2

6. [a] radially outwards.

7. [c] 5.02days
8. [a] .J = 0

9. [c] magnetic monopole cannot exist.

10. [b]  0

11. [c] 2.5J

12. [d] 0.2A

13. [a] χ  T0

14. [d] their total kinetic energy is of the order of 200MeV.

15. [d] intensity of X-rays will increase.

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