Teddy's Story

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NAME: Richelyn C.


“Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives
of their students.”

Miss. Thomson is a loving and kind teacher that every students will inspired not only
academically but also in their lives.. A teacher that will give all her kindness and
compassion that made each individual student feel special and students were always
motivated and challenged to do their best.

Teacher thompson inspires student both positively and negatively and continues to be
an inspirational role model for her students that she hopes will positively affect the way
students learn.

 The 3 teachers in the story who was the one who wrote the letter who amazed by
mrs.thompson and realized that the boy has a problem. The teachers who wrote
an excellent student. And explain that teddy is withdrawn and doesnt show much
interest in school because his mother death has been hard on him.
 A Loveable, caring and a teacher who are very proud of teddys performance.

 The story thought me that no matter what child looks like or acts like, you should
always give them the same help and opportunities to thrive. I also feel being
alone and sad but i will gave advice to him that being alone is not the answer of
not being with others,or not playing to classmates. i will comfort and encourage
him and show how important education in our life.

 Because Miss.Thompson help teddy to show much interest in school and love
him like her son. We should always realize that everything has a reason and that
reason will motivate us even in a hard time ,we should accept the fact that
through thick and thin we continue the flow of our life in order for us to survive.
And thats the realization of teddy, he survive and got a highest degree.
We should always remember that God is always there and God created as one.

As educators, we have a very important responsibility when it comes to teaching

and we are responsible for our students learning.
 The story is about Teddy Stallard and Miss Thompson, Teddy was a kind
of kid who strained the mercy of ant teacher. His messiness and
unpleasantness quickly worked their dark magic of Miss Thompson. In
time she give teddy a bad grades on his consistently homework. After
checking of teddy’s records, she discovered he had been a fine student
until his mother died of years earlier. Miss thompson shame over her
misjudgement. At christmas time, teddy gave her some perfume that had
belonged to his mother and told her that she smelled just like his mother
used to. At that moment the teachers heart was forever changed toward
teddy. Miss thompson invested counless hours to teddy, helping him
improve in his schoolwork and clean up his personal life. Her devotion
paid off as teddy began to turn his life around.

Years later Miss thompson received a reward to teddy for her effort, a
letter full of meaning how successful his life is.
“Theodore F. Stallard, M.D.”In all his notes, Teddy credited Miss
Thompson with changing his life by believing in him.

The Moral: You never can tell what type of impact you may make on
another’s life by your action. Consider this fact in your venture through life.


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