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1 Corinthians - Chapter 12:1-3 (Week 17) – Leader Guide

Last week: We looked at the Holy Spirit as an Agent of Empowerment and Agent of Spiritual Salvation
and Sanctification. Also, how the ministry of the Holy Spirit unfolded upon Christ’s arrival and departure.
And we looked briefly at the difference between spirit in the believer, a baptized believer in the Spirit
and one filled with the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit lives in the believer as a point of salvation to do a saving, sanctifying and fruit growing
work. – You must confess by faith

The Jesus Baptizes believers with the Holy Spirit to empower them for ministry and encourage them.
Jude 20, 1 Cor 14:4. – you must ask by faith

The Believer must seek to continually be filled with the spirit Eph 5:18. It is part of the “lifestyle”
experience vs 15-20 et al. – you must seek in faith

What is the purpose of the Gifts?

 To enable the engine of the church to function – Building up the body of Christ
o Each of the three portions of Scripture talking about the gifts, start with the purpose,
which is unity (Eph 4:3-7; Romans 12:3-6; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 12-31).
o Each of the three portions of Scripture talk about love (Eph 4:2 3, 4-6, 15-32; Romans
12:9-21; 1 Corinthians 13)
o The church is made up of many parts, but it is one church.
o The purpose is not to “find a church with your gifts, but use your gifts in your church”
 Minister Christ to the world

What are the gifts?

Gifts of Christ
 Ephesians 4:11 – (Calling/Positional/office Gifts) purpose, “to equip his people for works of
service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” vs 12
o Apostle (88x)– One of two foundation offices (Eph 2:20), also first among the office gifts
(1 Cor 12:28)
 The Twelve (Mark 3:13-14) – a.k.a “Chief Apostles (2 Cor 11:5) – requirement to
have been with Jesus (Acts 1:21-22), which is Why Paul is not one.
 Those that go to new areas and chart new territory for the church – Examples:
Paul, Barnabas (Acts 14:14; James, Jesus’ brother (Gal 1:19), Andronicus and
Junia (Romans 16:7) They are also apostles over some, but not others (1 Cor 9:2)
 Church leaders over several congregations used to bring unity of teaching, spirit,
direction and purpose (Acts 15:22-30)
 Apostles are marked with signs, wonders and miracles. (2 Cor 12:12)
 Paul was appointed an apostle, preacher and teacher (2 Tim 1:10)
o Prophet (149x, 1x women (Anna – Luke 2:36)– Second of two foundation offices (Eph
2:20; 3:5). Where Apostles bring forth the word of God, the prophet brings for the
vision for the church. Can be a woman – Philip’s 4 daughters prophesied (Acts 21:9),
Example Agabus (Acts 21:10-11) – one key misunderstanding, you don’t see many NT
prophets proclaiming new doctrine (c.f. 2 Pet 1:20-21) (apostles, yes)
 NT prophets encouraged and strengthened believers (Acts 21:10)
 Prophets weigh the words of prophets (1 Cor 14:29)
 Prophets control what comes out of their mouth (1 Cor 14:32)
 They confirm the word, never contradict (1 Cor 14:37)
o Evangelist – lit “Good messengers” (the word ‘angel’ is in there. They preach the raw
good message of Christ (Acts 8), Miracles can accompany them as testimony. Examples:
Philip (Acts 8, c.f. 21:8) and Timothy (2 Tim 4:5)
 In the verb form, it is one of 11 ways to say “Preach” and is associated with the
gospel, thus is represents bringing the good news. It is a title given to those not
an apostle.
o Pastor – Titus and Timothy (General job, lead you with knowledge and understanding –
Jer 3:15 – a shepherd
 Episkopos (Overseer a.k.a Bishop) – One who operates as a manager, overseer
and guardian/ruler (Christ was referred to as one – 1 Pet 2:25) – Today
Lead/Admin pastor – Rules laid out in 1 Tim 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9 (Note: a Church
modeled after the Episcopal model of leadership, tends to be hierarchical in
 Presbuteros (Presbyter) – appointed, sought after for wisdom and counsel, they
shepherded the flock exercising oversight (1 Pet 5:1-2; Acts 20) from the word
for “elderly” though that is not a requirement. Today they are dedicated
pastors over a particular area (Note: a Church modeled after the Presbyter
model, tends to be Elder driven – more of a “flat top with many heads”
 Poimem (shepherd/pastor) – one who tends the flock (today we’d call these the
pastors that counsel) – except in Eph 4:11, pastor is never used in a noun form
in the New Testament. It is more of a job function than title. Christ is the
archipoimem – chief shepherd 1 Pet 5:4
o Teacher (Purpose: Perfecting of the Saints)- 1 Tim 2:7
 Kerych – (herald / preacher) Acts 28:31
 Teachers will be held to a higher standard
o Deacon – Deakanos (Deacons) Acts 6:2 – Table waiters/servants. Only one of two offices
to all for women. Specific qualities/qualifications listed in 1 Tim 3:8-13 (Note: a church
modeled with congregational authority tends to be community led) This office was set
up out of necessity by the apostles
o Since then we have created all sorts of other church offices from missionaries to
worship pastors
Gifts of Grace
 Romans 12 – Gifts of Grace (lit. gifts from above through grace)-Serving Gifts (by no means
o Prophecy – lit. up alongside the word of faith (includes foretelling, forth telling,
revealing truth, encouraging and building up) – do it according to your faith (talk more
about this gift later)
o Serving – (diakonia) Martha served out of guilt - Luke 10:40, Joseph served out of faith
o Teaching,
o Encouraging, paraklesis Barnabas was known for this Acts 4:36
o Giving, - to impart (see Luke 3:11) lit. to share with. The way to do it is “liberally”, or as
one who is free from pretence and dissimulation
o Leading, lit preside over, guard and protect. Do it with (lit.) haste, earnestness. Stay on
the ball.
o Mercy (c.f. 1 Corinthians 12) compassion, pity, gracious toward. Do it with cheer. (lit.
hilarotas – “hilarity”
o Helps (1 cor 12:28) a category of gives of ministry directed toward the assistance of
o Guidance – (1 Cor 12:28) governance (a category of leadership)
 Gifts not listed…C. Peter Wagner in Your Spiritual Gifts suggests seven others: celibacy
o the ability to enjoy being single and maintain sexual self-control; 1 Cor. 7:7-9);
o voluntary poverty (the ability to renounce material comfort and adopt a life-style of
relative poverty; 1 Cor. 13:3);
o martyrdom (the ability to display an attitude of joy while suffering or even dying for the
faith; 1 Cor. 13:3);
o hospitality (the ability to welcome and provide for those in need of food and
lodging; Rom. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9);
o missionary (the ability to minister effectively in a second culture); intercession (the
ability to pray for a long period of time on a regular basis for the ministries and needs of
o and exorcism (the ability to discern and cast out demons with authority).
o Other gifts (e.g., music, craftsmanship) are also given to members of the body of Christ
for mutual edification. music and art, roles (e.g. deacon, elder, bishop, shepherd,),

 Example of Gift test

 Administration: This person could organize the details, scheduling and staffing of local outreach
efforts or organize trips groups within the church will take to other cities or countries to distribute
blankets, food, or personal items or perhaps to help rebuild homes destroyed by natural
 Discernment: This person could help the church beware of pitfalls into such a ministry. For
example, this person would see that handing money to a homeless person could very well go
toward drugs or alcohol rather than food or clothing. This person would tend to differentiate
between those who are first time in their homelessness due to a recent crisis and those who are
more repeat or long-term due to choices, addictions, etc. Unless accompanied by other gifting,
this person might not know the best way to solve these problems but should be consulted about
potential issues that could be faced.
 Exhortation: This person could come alongside of people who are homeless to help empower
them by counseling or discipling them in financial management and life skills, GED preparation,
employment assistance, etc.
 Evangelism: This person could be in the forefront of efforts to take the gospel to homeless
people where they are -- street meetings, distributing tracts and Bibles, not just food and other
 Faith: This person could hold up hope that where there is God, change is possible. This person
could persevere in prayer for healing and breakthroughs in individuals' lives.
 Giving: This person might set aside a portion of his/her own non-essential spending to donate
food, clothes, personal items, or blankets to be distributed to those who don't have the essentials.
Or, perhaps the giving would be financially to a rescue mission or other organization reaching out
to homeless people. This person might also encourage the church to examine their ministry
budget for where funds could be reallocated.
 Helps: This person could come alongside administrators or leaders to make phone calls, type up
schedules or promotional pieces, order materials needed, or anything else that would free up the
leaders to keep planning and dealing with the bigger picture.
 Hospitality: This person might open their home to those on the verge of homelessness until they
are able to get back on their feet ... thus preventing homelessness.
 Knowledge: This person could pull together Scripture on homelessness and poverty to be used
by others to promote an awareness of our God-given responsibilities. This person could research
and develop referral lists of public benefits, legal assistance, and other community programs and
 Leadership: This person could help the church look beyond their own backyard to the homeless
situation in other communities and around the world by developing goals and ideas to partner
with others in working toward bigger picture solutions.
 Mercy: This person would want to go on outreach efforts to rub shoulders with the homeless, to
show the love of Christ to them, by distributing coats, blankets, shoes, food, and personal items
they might need.
 Pastor: This person might become a chaplain to the homeless or at least have regular, on-going
contact with the same people so as to disciple or mentor them ... perhaps setting up a regular
coffee or breakfast (or any meal) meeting at a restaurant or other public setting with the same
homeless person to invest into the person's life.
 Prophecy: This person might tend to remind us of the reasons for homelessness and the need to
address the deeper issues, to look at the big picture.
 Service: This person could help behind the scenes in any way needed, like stocking food
shelves, preparing meals, sorting clothes, etc. This could be through the person's own church's
outreach efforts or at a rescue mission.
 Teaching: This person could be the one to bring an educational awareness of homelessness to
the church, helping people understand the causes of homelessness and solutions for it,
particularly in light of principles from God's Word.
 Wisdom: This person could be the one to offer practical solutions to the pitfalls the person with
the gift of discernment sees. For example, this person might suggest giving gift certificates in lieu
of money, taking the person to a restaurant or store and paying the bill, wearing a coat you would
be willing to give away, carrying some food items with you to give, etc.

Gift of the Spirit

 1 Corinthians 12-14 –- Spirituals (of the Spirit) – Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Gifts of Healing,
Working of Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning Spirits, Tongues, Interpretation of tongues (Vs. 28
adds helps and governments)

Additional Links:
1 Corinthians - Chapter 12:1-3 (Week 17) – Handout

What is the purpose of the Gifts?

Eph 4:3-7; Romans 12:3-6; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 12-31 Purpose:

Eph 4:2 3, 4-6, 15-32; Romans 12:9-21; 1 Corinthians 13 Basis:

What are the gifts?

Gifts of Christ – Ephesians 4:11
 Apostle (Eph 2:20, 1 Cor 12:28
o Mark 3:13-14, 2 Cor 11:5

o Acts 14:14, Gal 1:19, Rom 16:7, 1 Cor 9:2

o Acts 15:22-30

 Prophet Eph 2:20; 3:5, Acts 21:9, Acts 21:10-11

o Acts 21:10

o 1 Cor 14:29

o 1 Cor 14:32

o 1 Cor 14:37

 Evangelist Acts 8, 21:8, 2 Tim 4:5

 Pastor – Jer 3:15

o Episkopos – 1 Pet 2:25, 1 Tim 3:1-7, Tit 1:6-9

o Presbuteros – 1 Pet 5:1-2; Acts 20

o Poimem Eph 4:11, 1 Pet 5:4

 Kerych - 1 Tim 2:7, Acts 28:31

 Deakanos – Acts 6:2, 1 Tim 3:8-13

Gifts of Grace - Rom 12

Gifts not listed

 1 Cor 7:7-9

 1 Cor 13:3

 1 Cor 13:3

 Rom 12:13, 1 Pet 4:9

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