Observation of Students: APST Standard 1

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APST Standard 1: Know students and how they learn

Focus area 1.1: Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may affect learning
Focus area 1.3: Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and
socioeconomic backgrounds

Placement context: year 5/6 Pre-service teacher name & date: Claudia Huppatz

(first name only) CULTURAL
DONIVAN Petite – wont grow suicidal spectrum Donivan is an extremely difficult student to manage.
anymore His main behavioural issue is work refusal. However
depressive behaviours ADHD
he is able to confidently engage in conversations. It is
Neonatal Abstinence
energetic, loud, evident he knows the content but is just lazy. He
outspoken responds well to those who offer him copious
amounts of praise and whom he has a strong
relationship with. Don has an OT, speech pathologist,
phycologist and has regularly visits to his GP.
SCHAE’LEE deaf Well liked Low ability Academic ability can go unnoticed due to social
confidence. ensure to provide support. often copies
and relies on friends for answers so seek explanation
Dysfunctional home life of answers to gain insight into content knowledge.
JARRED Depressive behaviours Spectrum Jarred is extremely sensitive to touch and sound. He
is witty and excels in English/ grammar. He struggles
energetic, loud, Excels in English
to regulate his emotions and is easily triggered
causing outburst of anger. It is best to be lenient
with Jarreds smaller outburst, as he doesn’t respond
well to an oppressive form of behaviour
Jarred has regular visits with the OT and a
EMILY epilepsy Quiet Enthusiastic and Emily is an extremely motivated and enthusiastic
motivated whose strengths lay in English in particularly her
sight impaired Dysfunctional home life
creative writing. She often asks questions, seeks
accident prone feedback and actively works towards improving her
work. However in various subjects she easily goes
under the radar.
OLIVIA impaired coordination struggles to understand spectrum Olivia has an ILP and therefore completes a heavily
behaviours and modified curriculum with the assistance of an SSO.
emotions. Her Intellectual Disability means she functions at a
intellectual disability year one level.
Often has a distorted
idea of what is Olivia struggles to regulate her emotions and often
happening around her – has large outbursts of anger/ crying. She experiences
paranoid extreme paranoia especially in social situation which
will leave her with a distorted idea of what actually
happened. Her behaviour is often volatile. Olivia
requires explicit and detailed instructions. Her
positive behaviour and decisions should always be
praised. It is essential to reiterate that when she is
angry, she voices her issues.
MUSTAFA easily distracted born in Afghanistan Mustafa is a fun loving student who is easily
influenced by others. He has the ability to apply
fun loving Muslim
himself, however is often easily distracted. He is
doesn’t filter his EALD often the highest achiever in the class. His English is
thoughts fluent and he is well written.
CHARLII petite dysfunctional home life Charlii has an extremely dysfunctional homelife and
masks this very well. However she does have some
extreme emotional highs and lows. She is extremely
caring and loving and is a wonderful friend to all.
LOZAN gymnast Quiet born in Syria Lozan lacks confidence. She often resigns to the fact
she doesn’t understand a concept and never will. She
Typically happy EALD
responds well to positive feedback and praise and
Easily gets involved in needs to learn to trust her initial thoughts.
SHARNI Caring/ outgoing Sharni is extremely confident in her abilities however
often misinterprets concepts. She has a short
Lack of filter
attention span and will often say what she is
thinking. She is also easily distracted and over thinks
a lot. It is essential to monitor her work, as although
it appears complete, it is often incorrect.
ZAINAB quite African Zainab often goes unnoticed in class. She is
extremely quiet and timid and would prefer to sit
self critical Born in Tanzania
and struggle than ask for help. She is another
student who needs to build self confidence. She is
often has friendship EALD extremely critical of her abilities to the point she has
issues been left in tears several times.
BRIDGET Bad attitude Bridget often finds herself at the centre of drama.
She has an extremely bad attitude towards her
Easily distracted
peers, teachers and learning. She is often rude to
Often bullies other kids teachers, and struggles to understand that there are
always consequences for your actions.
ASH Anger management Ash recently moved to the school. At his previous
issues school he had a behaviour management coach to
assist with his anger management issues. He is easily
Dysfunctional family
triggered, but only during times when he is away
Gentle demeanour until from his teacher. He requires constant supervision
triggered during recess and lunch. Majority of the time he is
gentle in nature.
ZANE sight impaired Suicidal Dyslexic (undiagnosed) Zane often acts out and craves attention and
reassurance. He requires extra support and
Depressive attitude
encouragement. Zane responds well to jocularity and
Good sense of humour to one on one support. He needs to be constantly
remined to get on task. Zane responds well to setting
Loves sports
small goals, this gives him a sense of achievement
and success.
AMELIA sight impaired very confident, popular Amelia recently moved from a school in the west
where she struggled and was well below the
average. She is now considered to be one of the top
tries hard in class of the class due to the class completing year 2
standard work. She experiences a false sense of
success. She is. Fun loving student who works hard in
class and is well liked by her peers.
KATELYN Dysfunctional home life Dutch heritage Katelyn is a quiet achiever. She is always on task and
works hard. She is well liked by her peers and
Liked by peers EALD
confident in engaging with teachers/ adults. Katelyn
Tries hard has an extremely dysfunctional home life which she
doesn’t talk about, and therefore often requires a bit
Kind/ confident
of lenience and extra emotional support.
DAENAHLEN Quiet Samoan Daenahlen is extremely quiet and will often slip
under the radar. She excels in anything that allows
struggles to express EALD
her to express her creativity. She often struggles to
express her feelings, but once she has opens up and
cheeky attitude becomes more confident she can be extremely
MEKA Quiet Meka is a low achieving student. She is easily
distracted and often doesn’t complete her work. She
Easily distracted
requires constant reminders to get on with her work.
No resilience She has little to no resilience when It comes to being
told off.
ISAAC Sight impaired Flamboyant ADHD Isaac struggles to sit still and not talk. He needs to be
constantly moving and the centre of attention. He is
loud and outspoken
a well mannered kid who loves to joke and have fun.
Anger management He has been known to have various anger issues
issues however he has been given various coping
mechanisms to control this.
CHARLIE Gentle in nature Charlie constantly seeks approval and lacks
confidence. He is borderline illiterate. Only able to
No resilience
produce work to a year standard.
JADE appears confident EALD
HAYDAR quiet Muslim
Lives in Turkey over
LEIA Spectrum (undiagnosed)

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