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The Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance: Did MSU community adapt it?

The Philippines plays an important role in the global plastic crisis. Its
markets are awash with consumer products, most of which are packaged in
single use disposable plastics, ranging from sachets to shopping bags. Faced
with this problem, the Philippine Government demanded to stop using one-
use plastic bags which contribute a great deal to the garbage crisis
worldwide. So what does this single-use of plastic include? Single-use
plastics can include any disposable plastic item which is designed to be
used only once e.g. plastic bags, disposable utensils, beverage containers,
coffee capsules, wet wipes, razor blades, plastic drinks bottles, food
wrappers, bottle tops, straws, stirrers and plastic lids.
As the result of the use of those items masses of plastic trash swirling
in waterways, garbage clogging drainage canals and huge stinking dump
sites are among the most visible manifestations of the waste crisis in Marawi
City. This problems are not only visible in the City but also in MSU Main
Campus, despite the order and the law passed to avoid the use of single use
of plastic bags. The stores, food chains and other establishments in the
Campus are still continuing to use plastics in the course of their business.
There are very few stores who adapts the same, all other stores are not.
They think that it is very inconvenient for them to apply the same because
for them, plastic cellophanes are very efficient in storing the foods they sell
and those plastic cellophanes are very affordable. Along with the stores are
the food establishments which uses more plastics in covering their plates, for
take-out orders and some are using disposable utensils.
Despite the prohibition the residents and the students are still using
the same. The law is not strictly implemented in the campus which makes
the garbage the main reason of the clogged drainage in the Campus and
during rainy seasons the plastics are very visible on the roads which is an
implication that the people inside the campus are still very fond of using the
single use plastics.
Everyone should be reminded to the roles we individually should make,
the discipline always start within us, so in line with the prohibition let us be
under the responsibility of helping in the cleanliness in our environment. Let
us all take a small step to help improve our community.

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