Evaluate Rubric

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Year 6

Volcanoes – Rubric
Lesson 5

Excellent Good Satisfactory Below Average

LO 1 Create a poster/PowerPoint/movie which provides their peers with relevant information about volcanoes.

How a volcano Describes in detail Describes how a Describes how a Mentions how a
is created. how a volcano is volcano is created volcano is created volcano is created
created and the and the process of a OR the process of a OR the process of a
process of a volcanic eruption. volcanic eruption. volcanic eruption.
volcanic eruption.
Impacts on the Lists in detail at Lists in detail at Lists at least 2 Lists 1 way a
environment least 4 different least 3 different different ways a volcanic eruption
ways a volcanic ways a volcanic volcanic eruption can impact on
eruption can impact eruption can impact can impact on nature, people,
on nature, people, on nature, people, nature, people, animals and cities.
animals and cities. animals and cities. animals and cities.
Advantages Outlines at least 3 Outlines at least 2 Outlines at least 1 Outlines 1
and advantages and 3 advantages and 2 advantage and 1 advantage or 1
Disadvantages disadvantages of disadvantages of disadvantage of disadvantage of
living near a living near a living near a living near a
volcano. volcano. volcano. volcano.
Location Provides a detailed Provides a detailed Provides a map of Outlines some
and labeled map of and labeled map of the location of active locations of active
the location of active the location of active volcanoes. volcanoes with no
volcanoes and volcanoes. visual
outlines the ring of representation.
Signs of a Outlines at least 4 Outlines at least 3 Outlines at least 2 Outlines 1 sign
volcanic signs scientists use signs scientists use signs scientists use scientists use to
eruption to predict when a to predict when a to predict when a predict when a
volcano will erupt. volcano will erupt. volcano will erupt. volcano will erupt.

LO 2 Use technical vocabulary from the class word wall correctly, when creating their poster.

Demonstrates the Demonstrates the Demonstrates the Demonstrates at

use of at least 6 use of at least 5 use of at least 3 least 2 technical
technical words from technical words from technical words from words from the
the class word wall. the class word wall the class word wall class word wall in
in their display. in their display. their display.
LO 3 Use visual representations to demonstrate important information about volcanoes in their poster.

Uses a large range Uses a range of Uses at least 2 Uses at least one
of visual visual visual visual
representations representations representations such representation to
such as images, such as images, as images or videos present the
maps, videos and maps, videos to to present the information.
diagrams to present present the information.
the information. information.

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