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Act 1: Concepts and Historical Developments of STS: An Introduction

Val Christian Ricaborda

BA Political Science III-B
Course: Science, Technology, and Society (STS)


Instruction: Define the following terms (in 1-2 sentences only) according to your
own understanding. Do not use the internet, dictionary or any sources in writing your
answer. Your own words will be the best in answering these questions.

1. Interaction – is an action of two matters that are mutually corresponding or have

an effect to one another.

2. Science – is an exploration of knowledge beyond our ignorance and understanding.

It is a revolutionary state of knowing which define the concept of unknown to be
generally recognized that help in the advancement of technology.

3. Technology – is the application of scientific knowledge that has a practical use in

health, agriculture, education, economy, and society.

4. Society – group of individuals live in a definable community where they interact

and share with a common purpose, culture, beliefs, and values.

5. Environment – is a place where organisms operate their specified function


6. Innovation – is a process of introducing and creating new ideas that is more

enhanced in quality and service.

7. Science Education – is a field of education which its content is focused on sciences.

8. Cultural Values – are principles present in a community that shape the lives of the
people living together within it which is guided by the virtue of understanding and
valuing the concept of harmonious relationship to one another.

9. Culture – is a distinguishing trait of a particular group of people that manifest the

mainstream of their embodiment in a community.

10. Science forum – is a discussion in which it tackles about strengthening science and
the like. Forum on promoting science and discussing the opportunity and relevance
of what it has to offer in the lives of the people living in a community.

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