Project 1 - School - Architecture Design - Handout

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Course Instructor/s Course Information:

Ar. Alina Haider Title: Architecture Design-III Code: ARAD-301
Ar. Sulman Khalid Credit Hours: 08 Contact Hours: 16


Project Title: School Design (Pre-School & Primary school)

(The context of the personal space will be defined by the student
according to their requirements and design)
Project Duration: 7 weeks

Project Introduction:
Education is the process of bringing desirable change into the behavior of human beings. It can
also be defined as the “Process of imparting or acquiring knowledge or habits through
instruction or study”. The behavioral changes must be directed towards a desirable end. They
should be acceptable socially, culturally and morally and result in a change in knowledge, skill,
attitude and understanding.
Education is supposed to provide a common understanding among its citizens which in turns
help to build a basis for the development and reinforcement of the cultural identity, moreover,
most importantly we must learn to communicate and implement out new found knowledge
Therefore, the aims of the proposed university are as follows:-
 To provide best learning environment as a mean for progress
 Personality development as an aim of education
 Interaction and social environment
A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or pupils) under the direction
of teachers. School plays a vital role in polishing and reshaping of student. It help one to make
their own identity through interactions with different professional and students and teachers to
make themselves more determinant towards their destiny and goals. If a school environment is
well-designed, with the educational, social and emotional needs of its students properly
considered, it has a head start in becoming an outstanding place of learning. The spaces created
on campus will have a profound impact on effective teaching and enjoyable learning – getting
this right contributes so much to the positive and supportive atmosphere that visitors will sense
as soon as they step through the school gate.
Students are expected to combines cutting-edge design with educational theory. You are
required to understand history and theory of educational architecture. You should be well
versed in the contemporary theory on school environments. Your design should attempt to
harness cutting-edge architectural design for the purposes of education. Focus should be on
developing a child-centered environment, a space that youngsters could explore and make their

Project Agenda:
Students are required to design a school campus that includes a pre-school/Montessori section and a
Primary school section. Students should work on two main domains; the architectural characteristics of
the building itself and the use given to the building by teachers and students to achieve the educational
objectives of the school.

The School should be modeled after international standards and should strives to develop knowledge,
skills, values and cultural understanding. Contemporary modern methods of teaching continue to
reinvent its educational approach to meet the needs of the future and instill attitudes that can enable
students to achieve their fullest potential. Enhanced Learning Environment (ELE) should be designed so
that latest and state of the art methods must be used. Design should possess a sensible blend of
curricular and co-curricular activities through which students can be encouraged to become lifelong
learners who can solve problems, think creatively and critically, communicate effectively and act
ethically. It should inspire students to be passionate, creative, and inquisitive with the aim of becoming
independent thinkers and enlightened learners of tomorrow with future-ready skills. Education ensures
that children are equipped with the ability to make mature and well-informed judgments based on a
clear understanding of essential principles, concepts and moral values.

The initial education years are crucial in shaping future pathways and links between school, further
study and the world of work. Furthermore, the design should be inclusive of students who have learning
disabilities or are differentially abled. For the holistic development of students, your design should
promote and support healthy and sustainable life styles, to ensure physical, emotional and psychological
wellbeing of students. Various physical and creative activities both inside and outside the school would
help achieve this goal. So, a balanced coalition is expected between curricular and extra/co-curricular

With the world and the needs of the community changing at an ever-increasing rate, schools need to
endeavor to be open to change, to adapt, innovate and keep pace with the goals the society expects.
Hence your design should keep in mind the aspect of ethical use of digital technology to enhance
teaching and learning. As in current distant online learning format, teachers and students are expected
to create a safe digital environment where they may share, communicate and disseminate digital
knowledge and information ethically, conscientiously and responsibly.

The students will then draw sketches (interior + exterior), draft detailed plans and layouts to express
their ideas and showcase their final developed product.



In the Early Years, children enjoy a caring environment that fosters positive feelings of self-worth and
respect. Personal, social, emotional, physical and intellectual development take place through
opportunities to engage in free and carefully structured play. Relationships, sense of community, valuing
of ideas by adults and peers, freedom of expression and the development of multiple literacies are at
the heart of the learning experience. The various areas of learning and development that should be kept
in mind at minimum are:

1. Communication, Language and Literacy

2. Mathematical Development
3. Knowledge and Understanding of the World
4. Personal, Social, Health Education
5. Physical Development
6. Creative Development

Aims and objectives:

1. Basic understanding of characteristics of architectural form and space.
2. Learning how to develop concepts and use them to solve architectural problems effectively.
3. How to express a non-tangible abstract concept in the built form.
4. Conduction user analysis and its significance in the design process.
5. Learning to convert a place into an effectively functional space.
6. To develop understanding of volumes in architectural design expressing its dynamics.
7. Following the architectural standards in the desired spaces.
8. Understanding of planning through standard sizes, sections and elevations.

Focal Points
The type of spatial layout of a school depends on specific characteristics of a school, the level of
education, the number of pupils, the school's philosophy, climatic conditions, and its location in the
region (urban, suburban, or rural).


It is important to realize that a school has a complex set of spaces apart from the basic class
rooms. Activities range from teaching and extra-curricular to administrative end. Defining all
these spaces and treating them all accordingly is very important.
While designing Classroom windows sun direction and prientation are important factors that
should be kept in mind.


Safety should be a key priority in a school design. Control of access is necessary, along with
clear defined boundaries and well designed visual connections. Emergency situation should be
also kept in mind.

While designing a balance should be maintained between the outdoor and indoor environment
as well as the surroundings, so that students can communicate and feel ease while studying.

Acoustical control involves containment, absorption, and reflection or reinforcement of sound.
According to the circumstances of the listener, sound should be prevented from leaving a space
when it will disturb people in adjacent rooms. Certain amounts of acoustically absorbent
material must be used to "soak up" noise in such areas as corridors, toilets, and cafeterias.

The importance of the physical appearance of a school should not be minimized. A school
building should be attractive and responding and should be consistent with the design and
context of the neighborhood, builds a sense of pride and ownership among students, teachers,
and the community. The exterior should complement the neighborhood and reflect the
community's values. Building entrances are frequently the meeting places and gathering places
for those using buildings, and should be designed to encourage interaction.
The interior should enhance the learning process. Provide an interior environment that is
visually comfortable and stimulating by integrating natural and artificial lighting, eliminating
glare, and incorporating colors that stimulate or soothe, depending on the space function.

One size fits all is an obsolete design concept. Every class room has its own requirements and so
does every grade and thus they should be designed as such. Moreover, complex connections
between spaces should be well designed and problem free.


Day lighting is the controlled admission of natural light into a space. Glare and hot spots can
undermine the learning process. Utilize maximum daylight while designing the school because
of electricity crisis. These can be obtained by the use of:
o Atriums
o Lattice
o Skylights
Use natural ventilation when possible. (This and day lighting also provides a connection to the
outdoors. Ensure thermal comfort and indoor air quality by using appropriate ventilation

Color is a psychological aid to learning. Tastefully used, it can enhance environment,
engendering a cheerful, receptive mood. Bright, warm colors stimulate excitement and action;
soft, cool colors create a quiet atmosphere.

The physical shapes of our surroundings also have psychological effects which can favorably
influence learning. Large rooms, such as the library, cafeteria, or auditorium require higher
ceilings, for a sense of airy freedom, than do small offices and conference rooms; corridors
should be offset, widened occasionally, and given a view in order to avoid the feeling of
interminable constricting length.


Designing sustainable, high performance green schools is the need of hour. Use of energy,
water, and other resources efficiently is key. Integration of renewable energy strategies,
including passive solar design and, sustainable techniques is important.

Area and Site Dimension – Drawing is attached with the brief

Teaching Methodology:
The course requires students to attend weekly three lectures, to participate actively in weekly discussion
group, to prepare responses in advance of weekly discussion group and to complete the tasks allocated
to them.

a) Design Studio (online)

b) Table Discussions

c) Presentations

d) Documentaries

e) Lectures/Design Talks

f) Case studies

 Research
 Case studies & precedent studies
 Building program
 Site Analysis
 Concept (free hand sketches)
 Master plan
 Parking (staff & buses)
 Floor Plans
 Sections
 Elevations
 3D (exterior + interior)
 Model

Project Schedule:
Week-01  Anthropometric studies
 Dimensional analysis
 Research on School system
 Research on Teaching Methodologies
 Conducting user analysis
 Developing priority charts

Week-02  Case Studies & Precedent Studies

 Developing an architectural program based on user analysis
Week-03  Site Analysis
 Concept Development
 Zoning
Week-04  Layout sketches (Plans)
Week-05  Floor Plans
Week-06  Floor plans
Week-07  Elevations
 Sections
 3D


 Students will present their work infront of Studio Instructors and their classmates, explaing their
concept, idea and final design form.

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