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In this section, you can summarize the section ‘Background of company’ and ‘Current Situation’
mentioned in CA1. The purpose is to help the audience recall your last presentation about the client’s

1. Customers
In this section, you want to talk about the profile of the customers who buy products /services from
this company. What are the characteristics of the market? What is their age or gender, their
profession, their geographical location or lifestyle etc. What is their biggest problem, need or desire?
What do you think is the main reason they buy products from this company? What kind of social
media do they use? How often do they use social media? Why do they need to use social media?

Buyer Personas. Who wants your product or service? Is it just one “type” of customer or are there
definable buyer personas?

Buyer Persona #1 Name:

Any relevant traits/characteristics of the customers:

This buyer is interested in content on:

This Buyer has a

 Pain points of: ___________________________________________
 “how to” interest of: ______________________________________
 other interests of: _________________________________________

Buyer Persona #2 Name:

Any relevant traits/characteristics of the customers:

This buyer is interested in content on:

This Buyer has a

 Pain points of: ___________________________________________
 “how to” interest of: ______________________________________
 other interests of: _________________________________________

Establish Goals:

Hard Goals: It’s to capture a sales lead or to directly sell something via eCommerce.
List your goals here:

ST1007 Social Media Marketing – CA1


Soft Goals: Growing brand awareness, nurturing customer conversations, encouraging reviews etc.
Inventory the goals below and measure their importance to you with -5 being not very important, 0
being neutral, and +5 being very important.

SN Soft Goals Description Ratings

1 Rank on Google How important is it to rank on relevant
keywords on Google / Bing searches?
2 eWOM Customers talk, and hopefully spread your
brand message via electronic word of mouth.
3 Customer Continuum Nurturing customers from prospect to
customer, customer to fan, and fan to
4 Reputation Management Mitigating or neutralizing negative information
about your brand online, including “customers
from hell.”
5 Trust Indicators / Customers often base their decisions on online
Reviews reviews on sites such as Amazon or Yelp. How
important are reviews?
6 One Touch To Many A single visit to your real world store or
eCommerce store online might become a life-
long relationship. Staying “top of mind”
among your customers.
7 Social Promotion Effective social media marketing can
encourage customers to become brand
ambassadors, and market your brand to their
friends, family, and colleagues. How important
is social promotion and sharing?

Any changes on the Customer’s Profile and Goals between ‘Plan’ and ‘Actual’ phase (ie.
Between CA1 and CA2)? Explain.

There are 3 sub-sections in this part of the report: Your Own Content, Other People’s Content /
Content Curation and User Generation Content

Are there any changes in ‘Your Own Content’, ‘Other People’s Content’ and ‘User Generation
Content’ between ‘Plan vs Actual’ (ie CA1 and CA2). Explain and elaborate here. Provide
screenshot where appropriate.

Are there any changes in your ‘Producation Schedule’ between ‘Plan and Actual’ (ie CA1 and CA2).
Explain and elaborate here. Provide screenshot where appropriate.
ST1007 Social Media Marketing – CA1


In this section, provide evaluation of the strategies executed.

2. Strategies Overview
Our group plans to execute a total of _________ strategies.

(a) Strategy 1: Title of Strategy 1

(b) Strategy 2: Title of Strategy 2
(c) Strategy 3: Title of Strategy 3

3. Strategy 1 Details
1. Action plan (Details of what was done)
2. Approximate period in which we would carry out the plan
3. Our Key Performance Indicator (How do we determine whether we succeed or not)
4. Learning Point
5. What we think it can be improved by.
4. Strategy 2 Details
In this sub-section, provide details of Strategy 2

5. Strategy 3 Details
In this sub-section, provide details of Strategy 3


6. Editorial Calendar
1. Revisit the editorial calendar and highlight those changes made from the
previous editorial calendar submitted in CA1.

2. Evaluate and Comment on the post submitted in term of the users’ engagement
of the post.

My Client’s Facebook page URL: ____________________________________

My Client’s Twitter page URL: ____________________________________

ST1007 Social Media Marketing – CA1

My Client’s Instagram page URL: ____________________________________

My Client’s YouTube page URL: ____________________________________

Week Date Of Post or Evaluate and Comment on the Post

12 01-Jan-2018 (Mon)    
12 02-Jan-2018 (Tue)    
12 03-Jan-2018 (Wed)    
12 04-Jan-2018 (Thu)    
12 05-Jan-2018 (Fri)    
12 06-Jan-2018 (Sat)    
12 07-Jan-2018 (Sun)    
13 08-Jan-2018 (Mon)    
13 09-Jan-2018 (Tue)    
13 10-Jan-2018 (Wed)    
13 11-Jan-2018 (Thu)    
13 12-Jan-2018 (Fri)    
13 13-Jan-2018 (Sat)    
13 14-Jan-2018 (Sun)
14 15-Jan-2018 (Mon)    
14 16-Jan-2018 (Tue)    
14 17-Jan-2018 (Wed)    
14 18-Jan-2018 (Thu)    
14 19-Jan-2018 (Fri)    
14 20-Jan-2018 (Sat)    
14 21-Jan-2018 (Sun)    
15 22-Jan-2018 (Mon)    
15 23-Jan-2018 (Tue)    
15 24-Jan-2018 (Wed)    
15 25-Jan-2018 (Thu)    
15 26-Jan-2018 (Fri)    
15 27-Jan-2018 (Sat)    
15 28-Jan-2018 (Sun)    
16 29-Jan-2018 (Mon)    
16 30-Jan-2018 (Tue)    
16 31-Jan-2018 (Wed)    
16 01-Feb-2018 (Thu)    
16 02-Feb-2018 (Fri)    
16 03-Feb-2018 (Sat)    
16 04-Feb-2018 (Sun)    
17 05-Feb-2018 (Mon)    
17 06-Feb-2018 (Tue)    
ST1007 Social Media Marketing – CA1

17 07-Feb-2018 (Wed)    
17 08-Feb-2018 (Thu)    
17 09-Feb-2018 (Fri)    
17 10-Feb-2018 (Sat)    
17 11-Feb-2018 (Sun)    

7. Client’s Feedback and Reflection

Client’s name and designation:

Paste the screenshot of the email that shows the details of the feedback that the client has given your

Write your reflection (thoughts and learning points) about the feedback given by the client


The purpose of this section is to assess the team’s ability to have hands-on experience using Social
Media Analytic Tools such as Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics to interprete the social media
insights and make appropriate recommendations.

No. Task
a)  Based on your team’s choice of social media platform, select an appropriate Social
Media Analytics tool that will allow you to measure and analyze social media data
related to the company you have chosen

b)  Use the Social Media Analytics tool that you have selected and generate at least two
different reports for the period of minimum of 1 month before your team ran the
campaign to the current date

c)  Capture screenshots of these reports and analyse what you can learn from these reports

d)  Record your analysis and make recommendations on areas where your team can make
improvements where applicable
ST1007 Social Media Marketing – CA1


a) What is your strategy for dealing with Social Media Crisis?

b) Describe the process of handing over the project to the client.

State the portion of the report contributed by each member. There should be no more than 2 names
per section. You may add additional sections on top of what is already provided, where appropriate.

No Roles Done by
1. Overview of the Company
2. Customers Profile
3. Content Creation
4. Strategies Executed to promote Social
Media Channels
5. Editorial Calendar
6. Social Media Insights
7. Handing Over The Project
8. Team roles, references and submission

Provide any relevant references in this section or credit the sources you have taken photos /
information from.

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