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© Singapore Polytechnic

LCXX54 Communicating for Personal and Team Effectiveness

Name: ______________________________________ Admin No.: ______________ Class: _________________ AY/Sem: __________ S/N: ______

CA1 Template
(Use 150-200 words for your response to each question)

1. What are your strengths and weaknesses according to your DISC personality profile? [25m]
Your answer should:
 state your DISC personality profile,
 highlight at least 1 strength based on that profile and how the strength is useful to your
team/project and
 highlight at least 1 weakness based on that profile and how you intend to manage the weaknesses.

NOTE: This question tests your ability to (i) identify your personal strengths and weaknesses, (ii) list strategies to overcome
weakness and (iii) describe how your personal strength can contribute towards the achievement of team goals.

2. What is a possible personal issue that would affect your team/project? [25m]
Your answer should:
 state your role in your team and list at least 2 tasks that come with this role,
 state at least 1 personal issue (work, CCA, relationship, etc.) that could create stress for you and
 explain how the personal issue(s) could affect your team/project.

NOTE: This question tests your ability to (i) identify your own roles and responsibilities and their contributions towards the
achievement of team goals, (ii) recognise symptoms of and deal with stress to maintain work effectiveness and (iii) identify issues
related to personal and family responsibility and their impact on work.

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3. What are some factors that may prevent your team from achieving the team goal? [25m]
Your answer should:
 state your own SMART goal and the motivating factor for this goal,
 state the SMART goal your project team is working towards,
 indicate whether your personal goal is in line with the team goal and
 state and explain at least two factors that could prevent the team from achieving the goal.

NOTE: This question tests your ability to (i) set up personal goals and align them to team goals based on objectives set, (ii)
understand the types of motivational factors affecting personal goal-setting and achievement and (iii) understand the factors that
may affect the achievement of team goals.

4. What do you need to accomplish to meet the team goal? [25m]

Your answer should:
 identify barriers to effective time management and at least 1 method or tool that you can use to
manage your time,
 list at least 2 tasks you need to accomplish to meet the team’s goal and the deadlines to do so and
 state at least one benefit you will experience by meeting the team’s goal.

NOTE: This question tests your ability to (i) understand various barriers to effective time management and their characteristics, (ii)
understand various types of paraphernalia, technology and methods to manage time and work priorities and their features, (iii)
understand strategies to link one’s roles and responsibilities for individual and team success, (iv) plan and complete personal tasks
to meet team goals according to timelines set and (v) understand the benefits of prioritising tasks according to team goals.

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